
Advance to the Next Level

There are 32 PAs to perform. When you make one happen, it gets recorded in the fourth page of your library to remind you how to make one, and possibly give other combinations you weren't aware of the first time. Advances are the most powerful techniques you can use, although they're not easy to access. You have to line up cetain chips in a certain order and the chips neccessary aren't always useful on their own. Setting up a folder to accomodate Advances requires some luck that all the chips will show up ready to be seleted. If you end up with two pieces and the third and final piece is #30 in the random chip selection, well, then pieces 1 and 2 are just getting in your way. Besides that, most of these are pretty obscure. There's a reason why the star ID for complete PA library is usually the last of the seven anyone gets.

First column is an illustration of the technique's effect. Second is the Advance's name. Third is the attack power if applicable. Fourth is the key to setting up the combo. And then the fifth column is the description of the effect.

There are generally two kinds of arrangements for a P.A. Zeta-type arrangements involve selecting 3 of the same chip, but with codes in alphabetical order. The first 12 Advances are all Zeta-Combos and there are a few other Advances that use the same principle. They have to have code-letters next to each-other in the aplphabet too, so CannonABC works, but not Cannon ABE. The other kind of combo is the Beta type, in which you select 3 chips from the same family with the same code. Some Advances can use both types of combos, like Bubble Spread can be formed by either a Zeta combo of Bubbler chips, or a Beta combo of the Bubbler family.

For Zeta combos, I write a single chip followed by a series of code letters, and you just select 3 of them. Example- Cannon ABCDE means you can advance with Cannon A, Cannon B, and Cannon C lined up, or BCD, or CDE. For Beta Combos, I write 3 chips followed by the codes that they share. I usually won't give the codes for Beta Combos that involve Mega/Giga chips, since they only have one code, and hence the other chips have to be of that code.

Asterisk codes are useful for PAs, just remember that an Asterisk only counts as one additional code in Zeta Combos, so Cannon AB* will get you an Advance, but Cannon A** will not.

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PicturePA Library Combination Desription of Technique
1. Z-Canon1
2. Z-Canon2
3. Z-Canon3
4. Z-Punch
5. Z-Strght
6. Z-Impact
7. Z-Varibl
8. Z-Yoyo1
9. Z-Yoyo2
-Cannon ABCDE
-HiCannon HIJKL
-M-Cannon OPQRS
-GutPunch BCDEF
-GutStrgt OPQRS
-GutImpct GHIJK
-VarSwrd BCDEF
-StepSwrd LMNOP
-StepCros PQRST
The Zeta Advances are pretty much the same as in previous games. Line up 3 chips with codes in alphabetical order and you get an Advance that when used gives you five seconds of invincibilty and unlimited use of the chip that made the technique. Zeta-Cannons are more than just five seconds of cannons, they can release double bursts as you tap the button. About every second shot deals double-damage. A lot of the Zetas in this game are for the chips like GutsPunch that require special codes to power up, so Advancing them can be a good way to get enough chances to get the combination right. Then there's the Yo-Yos. Most Zeta Advanes aren't useful against navis since the first hit just turns them invincible for a couple seconds. By the time they're vulnerable again, your five seconds are up. But Yo-Yos can allow you to trap a navi opponent in flinching mode, so you can just pile on the hits. Zetas are good for going trigger-happy, and can be arranged easily. The problem is sometimes three separate chips will be more useful. Like five seconds of VarSword can let you get off two 4-elem-slash combos, while you could have gotten 3 if you kept them separate. Since the pieces all have different codes, they can't be powered up either, they can also hinder your folder if you're going for as few codes as possible. And what happened to the Omegas in this game? Well, now you can only have four of the same chip in your folder instead of five, so no more Omega-Combos. Too bad.
PicturePA LibraryPower Combination Desription of Technique
-Bubbler CDE
-Bub-V DEF
-BubSide EFG
-or all 3 with E code.
Megaman shoots the first thing in his path Bubbler-style, and the target and everything adjacent to it is drowned in bubbles. This is basically the same Bubble-Spread from the previous games, only now it's an advance that does 300 elemental damage. This Advance can be set up different ways, but no matter what you'll have to keep the overall worthless chips of the bubbler family in your folder. At least with the Beta-combo you can power it up with enhancement chips and keep a few-coded folder.
-HeatShot HIJ
-Heat-V IJK
-HeatSide JKL
-or all 3 with J code.
The heat version of the above Advance. This one can be twice as powerful when combined with grass panels. Very handy.
-Spreader MNOPQ
This Zeta-Spreader combo allows you to shoot the first thing in your path with a wide-spread multi-hit technique. The target panel gets hit five times. The damaged area alternates between an X pattern and a + pattern (X+X+X), so diagonally adjacent panels get 3 hits and horizontally/vertically adjacent panels get 2 hits. Oddly enough, the target panel remains constant even if the terget itself moved out of the way after the initial hit.
-Sword, WideSwrd,
and LongSwrd.
All with the
E, L, or Y code.
Okay, the picture is a little misleading, get used to it, I was feeling creative for this section. The LifeSword is a huge sword slash that's basically like a widesword with another widesword in front of it, or the combined dimensions of a widesword and longsword. It's also pretty damn strong for a single attack.
-Fire, Aqua,
Elec, and BambSwrd.
N or P code.
Megaman performs FireSword, AquaSword, ElecSword, and BambooSword in rapid succession. With 150 damage per sword, it's pretty much as powerful as the four swords separately, only now you can use them all at once without the enemy getting away or turning invulnerable. Still not the most useful combo though.
-StepSwrd, HeroSwrd,
P code, naturally.
This thing wins the award for sword with the widest range. When activated, Megaman teleports two panels ahead as if about to use a stepsword, then uses the 3 techniques of the chips that made the advance. A WideSword slash, a HeroSword slash, and then a cross-slash, delivering 4 hits to the target right in front of Megaman, and one hit to every panel adjacent to it plus the third panel ahead. That's nine panels of sword and 4 hits to the center. This is a fun technique for fans of StepSwords and swords in general.
-Ratton1, 2, and 3
A, C, or F code.
A Beta-combo of Rattons gets you a very powerful Ratton attack that shakes the screen on impact. If you've ever seen Ratty Omega fight, this is the same thing he uses (except it's stronger, natch).
-TimeBomb JKLMN
A Zeta-arrangement of TimeBombs gets you this very strong TimeBomb. Besides doing more damage, it also takes a lot more damage to destroy it. It can really make your opponent sweat.
-MetaGel1 BCD
-MetaGel2 EFG
-MetaGel3 STU
Time stops and Gels fall on the enemy panels, just like with MetaGel chips, only now 6 gels drop. But wait, 6 gels is the equivalent of two MetaGel chips, but you use three for the advance? What's the point? Well, you can deliver multiple hits depending on where the enemy is standing. The first few Gels try to steal the first enemy column, and if they succeed the rest move on to the second column. If a panel in the first column is occupied, then it can't be stolen and the rest of the gels all fall on it because it's the only place they can fall. An optimal situation is when there's already just one panel in the first enemy column. Create this situation by using areagrab right on top of the opponent followed by GelRain for 6 strong aqua-elemental hits right on the enemy's head. This is just the sort of thing to use on Flameman.
-CrsShld1, 2, 3
C or L code.
This Advance is activated like a Curse Shield, so make sure you have good enough timing to intercept the enemy attack or that's one very good advance down the drain. If the Shield takes the hit, then one-after-another 15 Dominerds appear on top of the enemy and attempt to bite him. Human opponents can avoid this the way Dominerds can be avoided normally, but dumb computer opponents can be eliminated rather easily if this thing is successful.
-RockCube, RockCube,
*/S code
When this Advance is used, the ground begins to shake and 20 boulders fall on random enemy panels while time remains active. If anything, this technique is fun to watch as the next ten seconds of the battle are apocalypse on the enemy's side of the field. The boulders can be avoided easily enough, but they can act as a distraction for your own attacks.
-PoisMask, PoisFace,
A code
A dark statue of Pharaohman appears on the panel in front of Megaman and everything on the enemy's side of the field is poisoned at a rate of about 50 HP per second. This thing stays for the entire battle and is pretty tough to destroy. It's the best way to poison, truly the Pharaoh's curse.
-AntiDmg, AntiNavi,
M code
When this rare Advance is activated, 18 shurikens fly one-after-another at the enemy while time is running. This is the ultimate Navi destroying Advance. Since Shurikens have the flinching effect, an enemy Navi can just get trapped in flinching mode after the first hit and end up taking 1800 damage or more. Human opponents that are accustomed to fighting Shadowman will be able to dodge the Shurikens easily enough, but in-game opponents are just sitting ducks wating to be made into ninja pin-cushions. Too bad the components don't become available until you're nearly through with the game.
-Barrier, Barr100,
E or R code
For three Barrier chips with a collective HP of 310, a 500HP barrier is not a bad bargain. Defensively, you'd probably be more satisfied with auras though.
-HolyPanl, Recov300,
One thing that's great with Navi advances is that any version of the navi works, so you can keep carrying the Advance with you even after upgrading to the next version. Summon this beefed up Roll and she'll attack the enemy three times as much as she normally does and heal you by 300 to boot. Use some enhancement chips on her and she'll be pretty much the best offensive/defensive combo you can come up with.
-Guard, Dash,
Gutsman throws Megaman down the row. It's the same Guts Shoot as always, still as easy to build even early in the game, still does good damage to the first enemy in your path. In the first game this did 500 damage, in the second game it was 400, and now it's 300. I guess the designers are starting to realize how easy it is to make this Advance as soon as you can get the Gutsman chip and can't make it as powerful. Oh well, it's still a strong and amusing attack.
-CustSwrd, VarSwrd,
Megaman and Protoman charge up and unleash their fury on the enemy area. Every enemy gets hit 7 times for a total of 490 damage without enhancements.
CustSwrd, VarSwrd,
Here's the real McCoy. Add one extra chip to the DeuxHero combo and you can pull off Double Hero. 10 whole hits for a total of 700. Add an Attack+30 to turn that into 1000 damage. Aside from lasting longer, the gun and sword attacks appear in every colour of the rainbow, making it a pretty attack as well....What! That's as good a reason as any!
-Team*, Team2*,
Of all the Advances, this is the last one that becomes available. The first two pieces of the puzzle, Team1* and Team2* are easy enough to find if you pay attention to sidequests, but the last one you need is a V5 navi chip. For that you need at least five star IDs under your belt. If you ever do get to pull this off, it can do some great damage. Bowlman appears first and shoots two Mistmen down each row (yes, it's as weird as it sounds) then Kingman takes his place and does his signature Checkmate attack, which means you'd better make sure the third panel ahead is unoccupied if you want the last 4-way hit to work.
One of the most impressive attacks to watch. Megaman starts by spreading out 8 attacks to every enemy, teleporting in front or behind them with a random style and doing a punch, kick, or sword attack. When that's done he finishes off by releasing a huge burst of energy that damages all enemies on the field. Total of 9 hits to a single opponent. The main problem with this combo is it requires a style-exclusive chip for every element, putting 3 chips in your folder that are completely useless on ther own, and taking up most of your Mega-Chips space. Still, it's the sort of attack you have to see at least once.

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