
A Rather Disastrous Break

Carlos H. Lupin's Policy
I: If you don't bother me, I won't bother you.
II: I don't kill anyone, even on request, unless there's either a solid reason, or doing so is neccesary.
III: I inflict bodily harm only when heavily provoked, bodily harn is inflicted on myself, or someone threatens me or a client/friend/family member.
IV: I honor my bloodline, my status, my alliance, and my friendship.
V: I steal from people and groups who have commited more serious crimes than thievery.

His Many Names
-The Bulldog- This came about when I stole the money of a corrupted Texas businessman, and accidentally left behind a bulldog statue I stolen from a Mack truck. Apparently, the people thought this was a sign that a thief named 'The Bulldog' struck, and ultimately the name stuck.
-Carlos I, Carlos the 1st- Originated from the fact that his cousin was Arsene Lupin III, I simply chose a similar tack.

(Carlos' HP, YamatoMan and Naomi are resting, with Naomi in a golden kimono, and YamatoMan in a similar attire, with his helmet and armor in a stand behind them)

Naomi: YamatoMan, this is enjoyable.

Yamatoman: Indeed. We deserve a rest after the constant fighting we've been having.

Carlos: (relaxing alongside them, as a hologram) ...How's the Yamato Gundan?

Yamatoman: (sees a number of viruses walk by him and turns his head to Carlos) Stronger than ever.

Carlos: Good, we need the support.

(DarkLady walks up)

Darklady: Gah-! Carlos, is that you?

Carlos: ...Yup, I'm dead, and my soul is transferred to the computer.

Darklady: (is frozen) ...

Carlos: Gotcha, I'm still around! (laughs)

Darklady: (gets angry) Nnnnggg... Not funny! (ignites Carlos ablaze)

Naomi: Oniichan! Fountain! (douses Carlos and DarkLady in water)

Darklady: (spews a stream of water out of her mouth) Anyway, Adrienne thanks you for your work!

Carlos: Exellent! I'll give her my regards. (dissapears)

Darklady: Just how exactly did he do that?

Naomi: Just a holographic projection of Carlos in his room thanks to a camera he made. He has a holographic projector in his room too that displays images of Yamatoman and I. It's just a way for us to get closer when hangin around the homepage.

Darklady: Oh.

Yamatoman: (gets up) Now, if you excuse me, I must train some new viruses for the Yamato Gundan. (dons armor and walks off)

(At Adrienne's room)

Carlos: Adrienne! Where were ya?

Adrienne: My dad needed me for a while. He's been giving me problems at that time.

Carlos: Well I'm glad you're back! So, was that all?

Adrienne: Yep.

Carlos: OK, I'm gonna get me something to eat.

(Later, at an unkown location in the Undernet)

Woman: Hmmm... (sips a glass of wine) The ghost of PharoahMan, resurrected by yours truly... Let's see what you can do...

Navi: ... (strangles a mass of viruses with wrappings)

Woman: Incredible!

Gekkoman: (walks out of the shadows) Indeed. He'd be a valuable member of the Getsumen Corps. ScarabMan! I now assign you your first task! Delete YamatoMan!

Scarabman: If you're correct, he'll be nothing more than a mere obstacle.


Official: Sir, what is your name and operator?

Cuffman: Name-CuffMan.EXE! Operator-Inspector Kouichi Zenigata!

Official: OK, you're clear.

Zenigata: Now we can stop YamatoMan and Naomi thanks to you.

Cuffman: Yes, Inspector! Justice is on our side!

(Sukebe Bento, Carlos is wolfing down a mass of beef, rice, and sauce)

Carlos: (puts a hearty spoonful into his mouth) Mmmm!!!

(the other customers stare)

Carlos: (swallows) Yeah?

(the other customers resume eating)

Carlos: ...(wolfs down another heapin' spoonful of teriyaki beef)

(Later, Carlos' HP)

Naomi: Oniichan, how was that Teriyaki?

Carlos: Great!

Naomi: (smiles) That's good.

Yamatoman: ...I sense something... At SecretArea 2!

Carlos: Let's go see!

(SecretArea 2)

Scarabman: ...GekkoMan! I thought he'd be here!

Gekkoman: What? This is impossible!

Scarabman: You damn liar! (punches through a panel and wrappings appear around GekkoMan)

Gekkoman: ...I did not lie. (tears apart the wrappings with his claw) YamatoMan simply is not here. Don't you dare attempt that stunt again, or your data will be spread all over the Undernet!

Scarabman: ...

(both turn around to see a pop-up image of an angry, peanut-esqe smily face with stick-like arms ending in hands flipping the bird, and above it was a sign that said in japanese "Fuck Off!")

Gekkoman: What the-?

Scarabman: Let's get out of here! (both navis warp out before an army of bluish, gold highlited viruses appear)

Yamatoman: (warps in) ...

Naomi: (warps in) Well that tricked worked... almost.

Carlos: Naomi, X-Scanner!

Naomi: Right, Oniichan! X-Scanner! (scans the area where GekkoMan and ScarabMan once were) YamatoMan! They retreated towards Undernet6!

Carlos: Then we ambush them there.

Yamatoman: Alright, Master Carlos. (both navis warp to Undernet 6)

(Undernet 6)

Gekkoman: Damn you YamatoMan. The bastard tricked us!

Cuffman: Alright YamatoMan, you're under arrest!

Zenigata: It's time to close this case!

Gekkoman: It seems the inspector's got a navi of his own.

Cuffman: Cut it out, YamatoMan! I'm gonna take you down and put you to-

Gekkoman: -Listen up! I don't care who you and your operator are, but I am not YamatoMan.

Cuffman: Then who are you any- ack!

Gekkoman: (stabs CuffMan with his spear) GekkoMan. (removes the spear and slams the bottom end onto the ground with CuffMan exploding in deletion)

Carlos: Ahh, GekkoMan. Just the person we were looking for.

Gekkoman: That voice...

Carlos: Indeed. Look behind you.

Gekkoman: (snaps his head around) !

Yamatoman: Why hello, GekkoMan! Missed us?

Gekkoman: Miss you guys like a heart attack!

Scarabman: (pushes GekkoMan aside) You're going down!

Naomi: (slowly puts her index finger up, smirking, then points at ScarabMan) Now that's just stock dialogue!

Scarabman: That does not matter! I shall delete you both here and now!

Gekkoman: Get out of my way! (throws ScarabMan aside)

Yamatoman: If you want to delete eachother, then go ahead. However, If you want to fight us, then do it!

Gekkoman: Very well, then! ScarabMan! Beat these two to deletion!

Scarabman: My pleasure! (punches a hole through the ground and wrappings try to go at YamatoMan and Naomi)

Yamatoman: (kneels down and stabs the panel he's on) Spear Harken! (launches himself back before the wrappings can strangle)

Carlos: Naomi! Insert: Poltergeist!

Naomi: Poltergeist! (wrappings bundle up and knock ScarabMan away)

Scarabman: Hmph. (the wrappings removed, ScarabMan's arm disintigrates and blows away in the wind)

Yamatoman: Seemingly powerful on the outside, but utterly pathetic within.

Scarabman: Just think that.

Yamatoman: Tooohhh!!! (stabs ScarabMan in the chest and tears out the energy core)

Scarabman: Wonder why I didn't put up much of a fight? It's because I'm a copy of the real ScarabMan, nowhere near as powerful. At any rate, you'll fall before his power! Ha, ha, ha, ha, haaa!!! (falls down, and raising his head, smiles while his face crumbles along with the rest of his body, ending with the remains blowing away in the wind)

All: ...

Gekkoman: ...You win this time, but it shall never be the last! (warps away)

(Carlos' HP)

Naomi: Once again we had to fight. I need a vacation myself. (lies down)

Yamatoman: (walks off) GekkoMan... You shall fall, in the name of justice, peace, and-

Carlos: No one can stop Mr. Domino!

Yamatoman: ! (falls down)

Carlos: ...Sorry.

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