Epilogue, Megaman Mysteries

Another EPilogue update? By Topman!? Wow, it’s nostalgia month on the ‘Maniacs. Read Issue #16 – Much Ado About Twincest!. It’s …. eww. Hah.

Megaman Mysteries sees a nicely sized update. Various tidbits for many, many games.

MM1 has some info added on the first Wily stage.

MM3 has a bit about an “unused” sound effect, and a lost rush “sprite”.

MM6 has a couple oddities listed.

Wily Wars has an unused sprite added.

MM PF has a bit of info about an unused sound track

X2 has some unused sprites.

X3 has some info on it.

And, finally, Everyone’s favorite X games – X6 and 7 – now have beta screen shots up and notes on them.

‘Maniacs Moments Contest, Cell Phone Games

First off …. Happy Canada day to all the Canucks out there!

Secondly, the first winner of our ‘Maniacs Moments contest is Ace Spark of Sprites INC! Congrats on his really amazing custom sprites! Keep on submitting your own entries – this contest is ongoing! There’s no limit on how many times you can submit to the contest!

Also, more screens from the Megaman Cell Phone games have been added. Including one from a Christmas version of Kobun Flies. The mystery of the bigger NES screenshots has also been solved – it’s just a better version of the game O_o. No lie. There’s a 100K version and a 256K version.

Quint, of Sprites INC also informs me that the “Megaman Mania” screens with boarders use something called “GP Player”, so that bit of info has been added to the Misc. Classic Mysteries article.

Megaman Mysteries

This time I focus on the game that only almost happened – Megaman Mania! A ton of screenshots from the prototype can be found in the Misc. Classic series section, at the very bottom.

Megaman Mysteries

More Megaman Mysteries. And this is a doozy of an update!

A new blurb about what lays behind the boss doors of MM2 is now part of the Classic Megaman Mysteries article. There is some surprising stuff to be found!

Moreover, I’ve more fully researched how the creation order is determined in the NES MM games. I was mistaken when I said it was all due to the order levels appear in at the end of the game – this is only true for MM3, MM4, and MM5.

So go and check it out!

Also, it looks like someone created a Wikipedia article on the Mechanical Maniacs, in one VERY ironic twist of fate. Now, I am under no delusions of grandeur. I don’t think for a second that this article won’t be deleted within a week if I’m lucky. So, that affords me some fun. I call upon whoever reads this to add like crazy to the Mechanical Maniacs article on Wikipedia!Add whatever factual information you like, but feel free to also add outright lies! In fact …. outright lies are preferred! The article (and this article alone mind) is likely to be deleted very soon, so I see this as an opportunity for fun. I call upon any who read this to add to the article on me and make it as “good” as possible. Let’s see what you people can come up with!

Megaman 3 Mysteries

The game won’t stay solved, people!

Okay, there’s a couple of new tidbits of info added to the game in the unused graphic data section. This new information means a few parts of the article had to be rewritten. I was tempted to sit on this longer and get some less interesting things out of the way first, but ….. what the Hell?


Image Gallery, Sprite Gallery

The Gauntlet Gallery sees an update with three new sketches added to the mix! Not Megaman stuff, but Cheetara of Thundercats fame!

The Gauntlet Sprite Gallery features some old sprites that are used ALOT …. but are nonetheless were not in the gallery until now.

Megaman Mysteries sees an organizational upgrade. Also, the Guestbook sees an upgrade using inline frames to make the book integrated with the rest of the site!

MM Mysteries!

Happy New year, all!

A bit more has been added to Megaman Mysteries courtesy of NESBoy. Namely stuff concerning the MM1 Dr. Light sprites, Megaman 1 (Gameboy), a a bit more for Wily Wars; all worth checking out.

More things have been added to the Secret page (for those who have puzzled it out).

A glitch which turned the “‘” into “?” has been sorted out. Thanks to Shadowstrike for pointing out that glitch.

And that’s it for this week and this year! See you all next year!

MM Mysteries!

Merry Christmas, all!

And this holiday season sees a monster update! With help from Ace Spark I’ve created Megaman Mysteries – the long-awaited follow-up to MM3 Mysteries! All about the developmental aspect of Megaman – from every series! Although, mostly X and the original series for now.

Thanks, Ace! Couldn’t have done it without ya!

MM3 Mysteries also sees another update! Another beta screen found, more on the Skull Castle theme, and I rewrote the bit on the “wily intro” scene since I wa sunder a misconception before.

More MM3 Mysteries, MM manga scans

Alright, a double update feature!

The update to MM3 Mysteries isn’t really big. I just merged my ancient article on the Megaman 3 Prototype rom into the section (as I probably should have done in the first place). There’s no new information given. Of course if you haven’t read the article, then you may find a few things interesting. I also added chapter links to the beginning of the article, it’s gotten quite long.

The Megaman manga scans have been updated for the first time in YEARS! They now feature some old scans once seen on Ariga’s own site and a sew section – Character Profiles. The bulk of that was on Ariga’s site once, but give me a bit of time and I’ll scan all the profiles found in the mangas for that section.