Crystal "CrystalGirl" Ackerman

Technical Info
Robot Master: CrystalGirl

Number: DWN 040


Crystal Eye - An explosive ball of synthetic crystal, which can vary in size, shape, and durability. Bounces around for either a set amount of time, or until Crystal tells it to, then explodes in crystal shards.

Titanium Pipe - Your average 'lead pipe', only made of titanium. Made from scraps, she finds it easy to use in a pinch, and it's been indestructible thus far.


Synthetic Crystal Production - Using a variety of technologies that even she herself can't explain, CrystalGirl is capable of creating large quantities of synthetic crystal, which can be used for things ranging from making false diamonds to weapons to creating windows for the house.

Hi-Jump Module – A device she made herself, the Hi-Jump Module allows CrystalGirl to jump up to three times as high as normal, at the cost of the Module’s battery. It’s useful, as she specializes more in maneuverability and strike-and-run techniques, rather than strength.


Personal Info
Name: Crystal Ackerman

Nickname(s): Crys, Ceeg/Seige

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Bounty Hunter/Mercenary, Immoral Scientist, fortune teller

Physical Description:
5' 4", 130 lbs., shoulder length hair, white on top with multicolored ends, slightly pale, fair skin, average build, slightly larger hips, lavender eyes.

Amor: A navy blue body suit, with pale blue chest plate (decorated with crystals), wrist-high gloves, shin guards (also with crystal decorations) and metallic boots with pale blue pleather covering, deep blue shoulder and knee pads, as well as lower arm, all with gold trimming.

Normal attire: A pale orange bubble vest, baggy khaki cargo pants (16 pockets in total and crystal decorations), gold ornate 'belt' with sapphire and ruby spheres, all over her armor.


Character Info
Personality: Crys has become a fairly reserved individual, preferring the company of herself and perhaps Stryker over anything else. She has self-confidence issues, and those, along with depression, has made her into a fairly unsocial person, although she does make some effort to be likable enough to the team so that they don’t hate her.

Biography: Crys grew up to parents who worked in biomechanical engineering. She had a friend in Tommy Lee, who grew up as a mechanic and a sort of pseudo-brother. Unfortunately, the government took an interest in the Ackerman family, and after a strike on the home, Crys and Tommy were both forced to flee. A year or two later, the duo founded the Ascendant Androids. As the team broke off, she went off with Stryker, where they went about attempting to live a semi-normal life. When the War hit, she and Stryker went into hiding at Dr. Light’s place, waiting out the storm. After the War was declared over, she took off for a bit to return to her home town, only to find her mother buried under the rubble that was once her childhood home. She took up drinking at some point, and is currently teetering dangerously close to alcoholism.

Likes: White Russian, music, tinkering, helping Walter make new and interesting guns, being left to her own devices, her job(s).

Dislikes: Socializing, beer, the SA, reminiscing, lacking control.

Goals: Defeat the SA


Fun Facts
Crys’ hair is dyed, however she hasn’t had to re-dye it for at least a year, thusly making it permanent.

She misses the old Androids, but has no issues with the new ones, either.

She actually believes in her clairvoyance, after having accurately predicted things to come enough times to convince her.


“. . . Yes?”