Captain Napalmman

Technical Info

Napalm Bomb: a potent, drum shaped-bomb that spews fiery napalm in every direction when it blows. Not only is napalm piping hot, it burns for good long while, (up to days), and can’t easily be extinguished with water. His two hand cannons can nail targets 300 yards (three football fields) away, while his six shoulder cannons can roast targets 20 feet away, making them his brutal answer for close-range, melee fighters.

Napalm Nuke: What’s more fun than a bomb loaded with napalm? How about a sub-atomic missile loaded with napalm? Fired from the howitzer on Napalmman’s back, napalm nukes can easily wipe a city block off the face of the Earth, and blanket surrounding blocks with napalm fallout. Napalmman is quick to break this baby out if things don’t go his way, isn’t worried about collateral damage, and/or sees trouble coming miles away.


Scorchproof: You’ll be hard-pressed to find someone with tougher armor than Captain Napalmman. His armor’s TOUGH, tough enough to withstand the blast of his bombs, and the napalm fallout, making him literally invulnerable against most conventional weapons.


Personal Info
Nickname(s): Captain Asshat, Metal Gear, Black Death

Gender: Guess, Shit Pile!

Age: 1

Occupation(s): Captain of the Scissor Army forces, General of the Napalm Army, leader of the Patriot Bombers

Physical Description: Captain Napalmman stands at roughly nine feet, weighing 3 tons. Painted in lusterless black armor, Napalmman appears almost headless, a short-wide dome mounted where his head should be, his face consisting of metal grating with inky darkness behind it. Napalmman’s armed three cannons mounted on each shoulder, and carries two massive hand cannons that completely conceal his hands. He also has massive Howitzer mounted on his back that’s almost as large as he is. His knees are reverse-kneed, like a dog’s, and instead of toes and heels, sports toe-like tank treads that allow him to roll over rugged terrain.


Character Info
Personality: Calm. Compassionate. Level-headed. These words and “Napalmman” have yet to appear in the same sentence. As the Patriot Bomber’s commander, Napalmman’s an extremely volatile, sadistic, foul-mouthed, impatient (if not petulant) ball of hate. He looks down on everyone, and everything, including his own troops. Even in the heat of battle, he’s quick to berate to his own troops with little, if any provocation, giving them his own derogatory names in his best of moods, and torturing them in his worst. The only thing he likes about them is that they share his dream for a human-free world, not that it’d save them from a vicious torture session should they fail. However, as much as he enjoys dragging his troops through the mud (and he does), he feels that his hard-nosed, brutally abusive leadership is for their own good. Napalmman feels that the other Bombers’ hatred of him drives them into being more ferocious warriors that know no fear or despair. “I’m their superior officer, not their playmate!”

The only other thing Napalmman despises more than his troops are humans. Ever since General Cutman brought him online, he considers humans to be gross, stupid, cowardly, hypocritical insects that’d use robots for slave labor sooner than look at them. In his eyes, humans have stagnated their entire existence, squandering their lives away and repeating mistakes that their ancestors made, and yet claiming to have “evolved” all the while. As long as Napalmman functions, he will keep waging his war for Elysium, and he expects no less from his troops.

Biography: Captain Napalmman was originally the armor the last Napalmman, Matt donned before throwing in the towel and letting Vulcan seal it away, along with the rest of the team’s armor. However, General Cutman got his hands on Matt’s (and the rest of the Ascendant Androids’) armor, modified it into the killing machine Napalmman is today, and put him in charge of a new Ascendant Androids (or “Shit Piles” as he insisted on calling them). At first, Napalmman was dedicated to Cutman’s cause to a fault, believing Cutman would bring about the utopia Napalmman desired. In fact, he believed Cutman to be robotkind’s savior and God. However, as the war continued, and Napalmman began losing more and more of his soldiers, he began to suspect Cutman wasn’t the savior he initially thought he was. Especially as he began to indulge in the very things Napalmman abhorred. However, he kept obeying Cutman, only because they fought for a common goal, but once Elysium had fallen along with the rest of the troops, Napalmman turned his back on Cutman, taking what was left of the Scissor Army with him. Though he and the new “Napalm Forces” fought determinedly and bitterly to usher in Elysium, it was all to no avail as Artilleryman ripped out his internals, and Cutman shut down what was left of his Army. Once the War was over, Wily held onto Napalmman’s remains, intending to use the belligerent war machine for his own machinations.

Likes: Slaughter, freedom, “ambushing” his subordinates, berating his troops

Dislikes: Humans, oppression, General Cutman, failure, incompetence

Goals: Wiping out all of humanity, thus creating a new world that robots can create in their own image


Fun Facts
-Is a mean poker player


“Unity through destruction!”