Rob sighs. "Well...I think it comforts the rest of the team that the family cat is digesting in your stomach."
~ A Log from some X-Force Epilouge.


A purple glow stands out in a darkened outer space world. Flying at incredible speed, the Purple Flame speeds through space debris, destroying whatever comes to close. It seems to not stop or brake for anyone has it flies in a strange uncharted course. Until it is stopped by an exact duplicate of itself. A blue flame...seemingly just as powerful as the purple flame, making a collision with its clone. The two flames clash and an enormous after math shook the galaxy as the mighty Titians continue their battle.

The Purple Flame igniting its might in purple-hellish energy sends a blast straight at the blue titan. Preparing for such an attack the Blue Flame dodges and counters with its own devilish blaze. At first neither fiery opponent seemed to have an advantage over the other. Exchanging blows after blows. Neither had the upper hand. The battle between the two seemed endless until finally the Blue Swarm pummeled the Purple foe with incredible speed and accuracy, knocking the purple blaze off course and out of its way. The Blue swarm's face emerged. White-Face with an enormous fist. Soon a body took shape. A large robot-like humanoid with orange and white features. Blue outlined most of its armor. A face of purity and serine. It seems peace and kindness was this creatures place in the universe.

As for the other...the purple flame...who was banished far away from the battle…. It lurked with evil energy. A hideous beast lurking inside was knocked off course and was hurling through space at warp speed. The Purple warrior knew that this battle was only the beginning. He must seek more life to consume to become stronger. To spread its disease and evil throughout the galaxy. But where will he start? What will his first destination be? Only time will tell....


Megalopolis streets lit up with bright and blinding lights, as hordes of cops continue their chase after a lone man. Robotic and Organic teams of law enforcers attempted to ambush the man. The man however wasn't to be underestimated. With amazing agility, and stealth, the man leaped over a 10 foot wall with little resistance. Both Organic and Robotic police workers couldn't jump as high as their prey. The man, with his face hidden continued to try to outrun his pursuers. And with his superhuman abilities, he found he had little trouble doing so.

The man stopped to rest near a deserted and wrecked building. Pulling his razor sharp staff aside, he grinned nastily.

"Finally...I have found it. The Crime Wave will shift in their graves when they see that the mighty City Garage has finally done what no other has." City Garage lifted a blue crystal from his bag. It glowed and reflected its incredible and warm blue light of his face. "Now, this stupid and condemned city will bow down to my awesome power!"

It was then City Garage heard a car approach. He immediately knew it was the cops and he quickly rose to his feet. "Time to try out my new weapon..." He smirked vilely. The man, who had a pale and ugly face with black, muddy hair, wore mostly white. He looked like a janitor from the first appearance...but something about him was evil...and twisted. Something that any person would fear just by glancing at him. City Garage quickly inserted the blue gem stone to his staff. The blade at the top quickly started glowing with blue energy.

City Garage then heard footsteps approaching. Only strong footsteps. "Ahhh..." He murmured to himself. "They sent in the robot police. Smart they are. Only this jewel will still hurt them." He smiled with a grin. Just as the foot beats picked up, they stopped. Leaving the janitor alone in the darkness. City Garage panicked quickly. "What's....goin' on!?" He spoke aloud. City Garage stepped cautiously in the dark area, observing his surroundings. Expecting anything to come out from the pitch blackness that had cornered him from all sides.

A sound came from the distance. The sound of something approaching fast. It sounded like metal flying through the air. A familiar sound. Something Garage had heard before. But he only had seconds to remember when a large bunny-eared like blade came slashing by City Garage's face. It had missed him by mere inches. The Blade had seeped and sliced its way into the wall behind Garage, leaving an ugly mark in its wake. City Garage's heart must have jumped straight into his throat. Turning to the blade he had recognized immediately. As the sound that came seconds before impact.

"Cutman! Where are you?" He spoke with his fists clutched. Nobody said anything. The silence remained. City Garage was getting frustrated. "COME OUT AND PLAY DAMNIT!" He said slicing his weapon into nothing but thin air.

A figure flew by at lightning speed. City Garage didn't make it out. As soon as he tried to picture it, another figure flew by. It left nothing by haze behind. A blur. Another appeared. And then another. Sweat rolled down City Garage's face. "What is that!?...." He spoke aloud. City Garage then accessed the blue orb which sat atop his staff. Its magic surrounded City Garage in a blue electric haze.

At that moment action took place as four figures rose from their hiding spot and emerged to face City Garage.

"You're rain of terror ends now City Garage!" The largest of the group spoke in high tone. City Garage grinned a nasty stretch of a smile. Recognizing his enemies as the Crime Fighters....The Sinister Six. "We'll see....but now I have ultimate power! I will strike fear into your very souls!"

The four figures stood back ready for battle. The largest of the group. Gutsman was smart and leaded his team with responsibility and honor. The smallest of the group. Cutman. Enjoyed battle as any. His razor sharp blades proved that. A heavy set character, Bombman. Though lacking in brains, he makes up with enormous power. The forth member looked the most threatening. With fire blazing atop his stove-like head. Fireman was his name. It seems the four warriors had claimed victory in the battle with the janitor City Garage. And they knew the assistance of the remaining two members wasn't needed.

Or so they thought...

City Garage held his blue orb in front of him. Letting its warm glow surround his body. The four members of Team Sinister Six were forced to cover their eyes in the blue light which now engulfed the entire area. The Policemen which had finally caught up to the thief were forced to abandon the sight, unless they wanted to suffer temporary blindness. It was then, The Sinister Six finally caught view of their adversary.

Standing at least 14 feet. Was City Garage. A hideous and enormous beast. The blue orb somehow mutated him to this awful thing which now stood before the startled four.

"Shit!" Fireman said aloud. City Garage without hesitation started his battle assault by smashing his enormous claw into the ground, causing a minor tremor. The Four quickly dodged the attack, but the tremor hindered their speed.

Gutsman attempted to try a frontal attack but was swiped out of City Garage's way. City Garage approached Cutman and he quickly started to retreat. City Garage continued swiping at Cutman, damaging buildings, destroying cars and just about anything his claws sliced into. Aimlessly missing his prime target. Cutman.

Though still on the run, Cutman was chased by the giant, it was only a ploy as Fireman let loose a wall of flame. Engulfing the big brute in shear ignited horror. Noticing it was doing little damage Gutsman snuck up behind Garage and picked his enormous body right over his head, then hurled him onto the city street ahead. Nothing seemed to damage this beast.

Before Garage could get up onto his feet, Cutman had plowed several of his Rolling Cutters into the animal's skin. Though they pierced through the scales, the creature took little notice to them as he continued to rise to his feet. Could nothing stop this beast!

Bombman attempted to plant landmines on the field, but the creature didn't seem to notice them as he walked over them, slashing at any S6 member in the vicinity.

"The Orb!" Gutsman spoke loudly. "Aim for the Orb!" He shouted again. The blue orb. Which shined brightly on City Garage's forehead seemed to be the source of his power. So all attacks were now based on that orb.

Whether of extremely sharp hearing, or shear coincidence, City Garage immediately started protecting his weak spot. However it wasn't enough. Fireman blazed him again with fire, which made Super Chaos raise his hands in pain. Cutman and his amazing aim shot a Rolling Cutter straight for the orb which lay upon City Garage's head. It took immediate effect as the blade shot and sliced its way into the core of the crystal. The orb shattered and blue electricity turned and attacked the first thing the orb was attached to. City Garage. The tables turned and City Garage was electrocuted by his very own weapon of mass destruction.

After an entertaining light show City Garage's orb was destroyed and he transformed back to the Janitor he once was. The local authorities took over from there.

"I got to admit, he almost had us this time." Cutman said as he watched the police restrain City Garage and place him in a squad car.

"I know...but he never learns." Fireman spoke shortly after. "I guess since the threat is gone, we should detransform."

"Yes IRA. Before the press shows up." The four figures quickly run to an abandoned alley. And sure enough...the press pulled up in their vans and came out with video cameras.

Seeing shadows in the alley and then a bright flash, four young adults emerged from the alley. One clad in a red shirt and shades. Wearing blue pants. Tim was his name. Scott, a slightly overweight kid, in a yellow shirt and baggy jeans. Long Brown hair and blue eyes made up Jason. And finally a Hispanic kid with black hair. IRA. They were the four armored members of The Sinister Six moments before. But now they remain secret citizens.

Tim lead the other three away from the action paced area where they had fought just moments before. But it was too late.

"Hi, this is Pamela Drake of KVLA News; can you tell us what happened here?" A news reporter being the sneaky witch that she was had caught them the moment they left the alley. She sprung instantly like a wolf attacking its meal.

"Well...we saw this big fight. And we wanted to video tape it...but it was too destructive." Scott said to the camera. Tim put his head to his hands...but what did they have to lose? The news reporters had no idea that they were the ones who put an end to the danger.

"Yeah, it was pretty neat. Watching The Sinister Six in action. They are my heroes!" Tim smirked with a corny smile. Jason found himself laughing to himself after hearing Tim's statement.

Whether lack of interest to the reporters part or Tim signaling to her that they had to go, the interview ended quickly. The four figures laughed to themselves as the press tried to get a statement from City Garage who still was upset with his loss.

That moment a beep went off. Tim pulled out a little device from his pocket and activated it. An image fizzled in and out near the center of the device. Tim smacked it against his knee to get it focused.

"A call from HQ" Jason said stating the obvious.

"Hello....hello." Tim spoke hoping the receiving end would relay his message. Finally a figure appeared on the device. A head shot of a black haired kid in glasses came into focus. Looking a little like a nerd, the clad adjusted his glasses so he could see Tim and the others.

"Glad to see you guys survived yet another battle." He said to Tim.

"Sorry you couldn't make it Gary, but you and Andon offered to do the morning chores." Tim spoke. "By the way, were we on the news?"

"You bet, Crashman of Wily's Warriors called and said nice job." Gary replied.

"Glad to hear we have so much support, we are on our way back now." Tim was ready to close connection when Gary spoke again.

"There's something else...." Gary sounded nervous.

"What is it?" Tim said with the others leaning over his shoulder at Gary's fizzled image.

"After watching your story, there was a sighting of a meteor which crash landed near the outskirts of Megalopolis." Gary reported.

Tim and the others raised in eyebrow. It was then a spiky red-haired youth got on the line next to Gary. He was dressed as a gutter punk. But being a pacifist he never really liked violence. "Here's Andon." Gary spoke.

"We really need to check this out." Andon reported. "It could be dangerous if it has radiation particles." He finished.

"No, let the authorities take care of it. We are supposed to stop crime, not investigate space debris. Await our arrival at HQ. Gutsman out!" Tim closed connection. The four figures quickly ran into the darkness vanishing without a trace.