Remember that series where there was no real plan?

Series 5

(Once the Maniacs settle into their new base with their slightly tweaked Transmetal Armor ...)

Snakeman: Most of our enemies are dead and we're tops. What a time to be Snakeman!

Shadowman: Let's have a housewarming party to break in our new base - the Ark!

Starscream's Ghost: Boo! I'm a ghost!

Stoneman: Go get 'im, Ghostbusters!

New threats start to appear such as the megalomaniacal but ineffectual Quarter Knights ...)

Belselk: We have come to conquer your planet and there is nothing you can do to stop us!

Needlegal: I look like a girl now and therefore you lose!

Belselk: Noooo!

(Old standbys fail the team ...)

Shadowman: Relax! Our finances are fine with my... (whips out device) counterfeit money machine!

Cashier: Alright, then.....

Shadowman: Hm......... Wonder what that machine does.

(The cashier swiped the money through the machine and instantly a small alarm goes off!)

Shadowman: RUN!

(The supercomputer Crorq reforms the Sinister Six, who make the Maniacs' live more miserable than ever with their pestering.)


Hardman: No fair! Dead people can't come back to life, it's against the rules!

Oilman: We've all returned to pester you once more by spray painting graffiti on your base, Mechs!

Sharkman: Yeah, take THAT, Mechs!

Snakeman: Sharkman? Didn't you reform and become Shakman.EXE on Viral Infection? Remember Viral Infection? Wasn't it an awesome team? I miss it.

Sparkman: And I thought you were all tired of bothering us. What gives?

Crorq: I "gives"! Meet the the new pain in your asses, Mechs! With my power to control all robots, I could RULE THE WORLD! And to that end I've rebuilt Torchman and "convinced" the PC3 robot masters to do my bidding!

Blademan: To do his bidding and love it!

(The 'Maniacs easily escape Crorq's brilliant plan of "drop a net on them".)

Crorq: Oh ... uh ... retreat, slaves!

Torchman: But our enemies! Conquest!...*sigh* As you command, master...

Magnetman: I guess they're still ineffective.

(The Quarter Knights continue to attack.)

Bizarro Shadowman: Me win! With all powers me not have it am totally possible!

Boomerang: Shadowman? Some ninja. Have at thee, Mechs!

Zed: Wait, I was really Bizarro!

Boomerang: What? Why?

Shadowman: Hah hah, silly people. You'll never win when I always cheat,

(Low on funds and on mooching potential, the Maniacs are forced to seek out degrading money-making schemes such as bootlegging themselves ...)

Gutsman: These things SUCK!

Xelloss: I'm afraid there is a slight defect with my Mechs Merchandise.

Shadowman: NO REFUNDS!

Crorq: I can control every pirate you've ever made! Attack!

Hard copy: I'm where the thing preparation which goes is possible! Waiting…I feel, strange…

*The copies fall apart at the seams*


Waveman: Getting beaten all the time is starting to depress me.

(... selling alcohol to minors ...)

Topman: LEMONAID! Get yer ice cool lemonade!

Snakeman: This is a stupid idea.

Sparkman: With a positive attitude anything is possible!

Xelloss: I have a suggestion! Add alcohol! Everyone loves alcohol, right?

Hardman: AWSOME! I love this plan.

Lan: Can I have some lemonade for me and my friends?

Snakeman: You got any parents near here, kid?

(... softcore porn ...)

Geminiman: Come on, you're making it sound much more sleazy than it really was.

Geminiman: It was just with myself, -

Topman: Just stop right there!

(... robbing banks ...)

Snakeman: So we're not evil after all? Well, shoot.

Shadowman: That's okay, we'll just blame it on Hexlazer.

(... and Saturday Morning television.)

Lila: Now with him out of the way I should introduce myself. My name is Lila Haruka. And I'm interested in turning you lot into a TV show.

Shadowman: You want to put us on TV?

Lila: Exactly! The performance you displayed just now was wonderful. I reckon you could all become the next best thing.

Geminiman: So you wish to display our rather unsightly behavior as some sort of sitcom?

Lila: No I think you would be better suited as heroes of a Saturday morning show.

Lady Harken: Actually it was me all along! New we can finally kill the mechs! How do we do that again?

Alhazad: They'll die of embarrassment!
Lady Harken: ... Screw it. I quit.

Alhazad: Aw.

(Even more Battle Network games come out ...)

Sparkman: Navi forms are no longer evil! There are also more of them now! Let's all go online and try to make money from that somehow.

Hardman: Sounds fun.

Sparkman EXE: Sorry pal, official designs only.

Geminiman: Can't we just have hastily cobbled-together frankensteins like those guys?

Artilleryman EXE: We're villains. We're expected to cheat.

Wily: With this "Navi Form" technology my Evil Eight can destroy Teletraan-1!

Omniman EXE: Sure now we can kick some ass!

Geminiman: Not if we kick ass first! With a Pulse transmitter system we can all have Navi forms! And not just Shadow and Top (as they were on that ages-old team Viral infection.)

Snakeman: Viral infection was awesome!

Spinman EXE: Topman becomes Gutsman.EXE!?

Gutsman EXE: Viral infection stuff!

Spinman EXE: God damn it! (Spinman decapitates Gutsman).

Geminiman: Don't worry, I saved him by jacking him out. Now, everyone run towards their Navi forms!

Shadowman EXE: Wait, how did you get everyone Navi forms?

Geminiman: I bought them online!

Sparkman: BRILLIANT!

Clawman EXE: Then how did we get Navi Forms?

Wily: I, uh, ... I also bought them online.

Warman EXE: LAME!

Geminiman: Now everyone has to run towards their Navi forms! We're in an EXE game!

Chimeraman EXE: You can't get to them if we stop you.

(They can't stop them.)

Topman EXE: Aw, I'm an old man Navi? I'd rather be Gutsman!

(They fight, Zed also jumps in, and the Mechs won.)

Shadowman EXE: And I stole a BUNCH of money from someone's bank account! Money problems solved! (Until we squander it all again.)

Wily: Nooo! My life savings!

Shadowman: Hey, Xelloss has a bounty on him! He's always hanging around here ... let's catch him!

Xelloss: Didn't you all just solve your money problems? Like, last epilogue?

Cleaveman: To solve Wily's money problems we're gonna rob a bank.

Artilleryman: And we'll also capture Xellos for his bounty!

Xelloss: I'm super power full you know.

Odin: The Mechs died in Series 3, which makes you imposters!

Geminiman: No we didn't!

Odin: Oh I see. Care to become my lifelong rival?

Geminiman: Bishonen with a sword? How could I resist! Surely, there'll be no community drama that'll drive away your author character just after this epilogue has been made, so there's nothing to stop us from becoming lifelong rivals!

Xelloss: Oh my, placing a bounty on myself led to all sorts of interesting shenanigans.

Odin: Damn you, Xellos! I also wanted that bounty!

(Belselk Challenges the Mechs for one final time before Boomerang kills him.)

Belselk: AgH!

Boomerang: You've failed too much. Die now. And gimme your energy!

Snakeman: Uh ... thanks?

(Classi Cal becomes the new Spark Chan just as the Maniacs embark on the exciting realm of prose storytelling.)

Shadowman: Say, has anyone seen Razz lately?

Geminiman: Actually I haven't seen him in a while.

Hardman: I dunno, but he left his armor behind. I guess he ran off naked, then.

Needlegal: I wonder what happened to him?

Shadowman: (shouts out to the world) DOES ANYONE WANNA BECOME SPARK!?

Classi Cal: I do!

Shadowman: Ah, longtime friend Classi who has never appeared in a Mechs epilogue (but has appeared in the Sinister Six epilogues). Let's see. According to what's established you were the flimsy prototype of Forte who didn't like what Wily was up to so you ran away. You live in a Mango tree that varies in location. You were briefly Web Spider on the X-Force until that broke up. Hh, it seems you'll be another electric type robot!

Classi Cal: Works out well, doesn't it

Shadowman: Welcome aboard!

Spark Chan: Goodie!

Needlegal: But ... what happened to Razz?

Spark Chan: Oh, I know! It involved a pink Gemini, a lady Ice, and our good pal Odin!

Needlegal: Oh, so it involved longtime pal Odin who for sure will not be involved in a huge spat with everyone, and definitely will not be kicked out of the Sinister Six and will definitely never be dragged through the mud in their epilogues?

Spark Chan: The very same!

Magnetman: Then we'll for sure know the full story of how you joined the team!

(We never do.)

Shadowman: On with my masterpiece!

Torchman: I hate Megaman. And I hate the Mechs. And, in my own mind, I am AWSOME!

Gutsman; Awesomely insane y'mean.

(The Evil Eight lay a trap for the Mechs posing as a show called Hero idol. But it backfires and the Evil Eight are all captured.)

Omniman: And we woulda gotten away with it too if it weren't for those pesky robots!

Wily: How did you all become so useless!?

(The heroes reconvene at the ark).

Xelloss: Hey, guys! I'm still around!

Topman; Why?

Bizarro Shadowman: Me am not random attack later!

Needlegal: GO AWAY!

Bizarro Shadowman: !? Er .... em ... no.

(Bizarro goes away.)

Needlegal: So who sent Bizarro?

Magnetman: Who cares? We've beaten everyone. Man, this team is boring now.

Needlegal: Let's split up to investigate!

(Shadowman goes to investigate the Sinister Six PC along with Topman, and Snakeman.)

Torchman: Screw you guys for not liking my plan! I'm leaving.

Blademan: good riddance.

Crorq: Hey, what's that?

(Most of the Sinister Six is captured. Later the Mechs arrive.)

Topman: Aww, man! The Sinister Six actually live in a junkyard!?

Shadowman: I'm gonna pack a small surprise in their fridge.

Torchman: You people!? What are you doing in my house? And where my team!? I hate you all!

Snakeman; Well he clearly didn't send Bizarro after us.

(Spark chan leads the way to Wily's hideout with Hardman, Magnetman, and Needlegal taking point.)

Spark Chan: Actually I don't know my way there, he's moved.

Needlegal: Then the first stop is Monsteropolis prison to grill the Evil Eight. In robot prison only the robot's heads are kept in storage. Surely they pose no threat that way.

Artilleryman: SCRW YOU! And screw Wily for abandoning us! (Artilleryman shoots a virus laden dart at Magnetman, rendering him unconscious. He only has one so we will never see it again.)

Spark Chan: Maggie!

Magnetman: Aw, I suck in this story. (Falls down.)

Artilleryman: I'm not staying a head forever! I'm not! And it's good for me that I planned for just such an eventuality!

Clawman: What about us?

Artilleryman: Sorry, but there's not enough room in this fan fic for all of us. Later!

Clawman: Screw you, Artillery!

(Artilleryman stages a dramatic escape.)

Needlegal: Comeon, guys! We gotta make it to Wily!

Hardman: What about Maggie?

Needlegal: (Frustrated at failing and at Artillery) Magnet #2? Forget him, we can recruit another.

Hardman: What!? Forget you!

Spark Chan: Yeah! Heartless!

(The Mechs argue with the result being Hard and Spark taking Magnet to the hospital and Needle going off to find Wily.)

(Geminiman stays to guard the base ...)

Wily: Most of the mechs are looking for me, but I came right to their base while they're gone ... ain't I a stinker? With only Gemini here, crushing the Mechs base will be easy!

Geminiman: CRAP!

Xelloss: Say, Gemini ... do you miss being evil and powerful? Being your own man? Guess what? I've actually been sent here to offer you a place in the monster army!

Geminiman: Hm ... I do like being evil ...

Xelloss: First thing we can do is get back at Wily for ruining your birthday party.

Geminiman: Deal!

(An amped up Geminiman easily defeats Wily.)

Geminiman: Yer goin' to jail and then I do ... anything I want.

Wily: I should never have made you into an awesome swordsman cyborg!

(Needlegal spots an unfamiliar robot in the abandoned warehouse district.)

Needlegal: Stupid team! Who needs 'em!? *sob* I can handle this mysterious green robot all by myself!

Barrageman: Unit Barrageman disagrees with unit Needlegal!

Expressman: We're the Wily Rescue Force. And you just wandered into our neck of the woods.

Multiman: Too bad you stuck yer nose in here alone!

Needlegal: Well it looks like I learned something today ...

Doc Robot: You Mechs will pay for what you did to Master!

Needlegal: Whu, what happened!?

Expressman: We Wilybots are better informed than you heroic morons, so unlike you, we know what happened last chapter immediately but you people will have to wait a while to catch up.

(Shadow and his team returned to the Ark.)

Shadowman: It looks like something happened while we were gone. Crap!

Geminiman: (On the phone) I'm Evil Lennon now and I hate you!

Shadowman: What, again?

Geminiman: (On the phone) Yes again! (hangs up.)

Shadowman: Crap!

Hardman: (On the phone) Magnetman's in the hospital too.

Shadowman: Crap!

(Hard and Spark were at the hospital with a dying Magnet.)

Hardman: Let's reminisce about old times, Sparks!

Spark Chan: I just joined, hun. Remember?

Torchman: SURPRISE ATTACK! You all suck!

Hardman: Beaten by Torchman!? No way!

(They're rescued by ... )

Spark Chan: Maggie!?

Xelloss: Actually it's a trick. And I sent Torchie here. But I also brought along some of his pals.

The Sinister Six PC: *stares blankly*

Spark Chan: Aw, crap!

Torchman: See ya.

(The 'Maniacs are captured as Torchman escapes.)

(Wily is rotting in prison for all of five minutes before ...)

Doc Robot: Heya, Master! I reprogrammed needlegal to help rescue you!

Needlegal: It really hasn't been my day...

Wily: Thanks, Doc Robot!

Doc Robot: Actually it was Artilleryman's idea.

Artilleryman: (Still only a head) Yep. Time for revenge, assholes!

Doc Robot: B-b-b-betrayed!?

Wily: Crap!

Artilleryman: I'd kill you, but my employer has plans for ya. (kidnaps Wily)

(Shadowman,Topman, and Snakeman all try to go to the hospital, but Bizarro got there first and made it so their teleporters bumped the Mechs to the Technodrome!)

Topman: The Technodrome!? But we blew it up back in Series 2!

C.J.: Hey, if it ain't our old buddy Gauntlet.

Jacob: Hey, Gaunts.

Shadowman: The original Mechanical Maniacs!?

Hardman: nnnnnnhhhhhhh...

C.J.: It's time for the original Mechs to get back together. Whaddyasay?

Shadowman: Uh, thanks but no thanks.

C.J.: Figures. Luckily we already have a Shadowman.

Bizarro Shadowman: Goodbye!

C.J.: By the way, it was him that helped us rebuild the technodrome using everyone's memories and his technology. Way to go, Bizarro!

(Despite the shock and awe strategy Shadow, Snake, and Top all escape.)

Geminiman: (shivering and in total pain on the floor) You know, maybe adding magical monster to being a cyborg was a bad idea.

Xelloss: Guess so. Mercy killing?

Geminiman: (freaks out and mutates).

Xelloss: It was only a suggestion!

(Gemini goes to the Ark and attacks his teammates in a delusional rage.)

Topman: Uh, we're pals, remember?

Geminiman: Oh yeah. And all this evil every is really giving me heartburn. (Geminiman splits into two, one half being his regular self and the other being the mutant Gemini Thing.)

Gemini Thing: ??? (Disappears).

Expressman: I think it's time to pool our resources.

Shadowman: Good idea!

Torchman: Just so we know where we stand: I hate you all.

(Gamma Units arrive and kick everyone's ass. The fight shows they're their captures friends and enemies all placed within powerful armor.)

Artilleryman: And me too! It was part of my plan all along!

(The Gemini Thing comes in and does nothing)

(Everyone is captured and turned into Gamma Units.)

C.J.: Looks like we win.

Artilleryman: Time to use these guys to take over the world.

Wily: But first we betray you and turn you into a mindless gamma Unit as well.

Artilleryman: Crap!

C.J.: We're the tricky team for a reason you know.

(Somehow the Mechs mind's are all linked to a network. That saved Magnetman from death and he goes on to free everyone's minds.)

Magnetman: FINALLY I get to kick ass!

Needlegal: I was a little trickier to free thanks to Doc Robot's reprogramming, but I'm eventually freed too. Yay!

(Everyone is back in control of their bodies.)

Doc Robot: Uh ... alls well that ends well, right?

Gemini Thing: Yo. I finally got a hold of my faculties. The mix of human, robot, and evil clone made a bad mess of things, but I'm good now. I totally helped you all behind the scenes and rescued all your bodies from C.J. and the other evil former Mechs. Now I'll merge back with Gemini as a stable red crystal he can access at a later point.

Gizmo: Good for you. Didn't do you any good though.

Shadowman: Isn't it time you stop this charade ... Bizarro?

All: *GASP*

Needlegal: Yeah, linking us all up to a system, that takes us over? On the inside we could see the truth. It was Borg technology. The same Borg technology that Bizarro has had for years. You "evil" former teammates of ours have all just been controlled by Bizarro all this time.

Geminiman: And now to unleash the unstable might of the Gemini Thing on your entire system!

(Gemini does so and it destroys the system and frees all their friends and enemies. It turns out Bizarro Shadowman's intelligence never truly dissipated and the entire ruse was to bring everyone, and eventually the entire world, under his control.)

Bizarro Shadowman: Damn. I really was much happier being a moron. Tried being that way right up until the very end. Now I can see how sad and alone I really am. Suppose it will always be this way. I guess .... it's just over.

(Bizarro shuts himself down. Artillery is deactivated and brought to Robot Prison. Wily is jailed again. Torchman and the Sinister Six escape only to be blown up by a bomb Shadowman placed earlier. The Wily Rescue Force also escape to plague the Maniacs forevermore.)

Torchman: I'll get you, Mechs!

To be continued ...


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