And remember how Hardman wrote that one story? Wasn't it good?

Series 5

(Things get a little back to normal as the team faces down unnecessary retcons ...)

Shadowman: Who in Sodom and Gamorra are you?

Oilman Chibi: What you don't remember? I'm Oilman. Remember all those team ups we had in the past?

Timeman: Indeed, I recall Spikegal, Magnetman and myself teaming up when Super Chaos stole the twelve Sol Emeralds and become Hyper Chaos two days, five hours and twelve minutes ago.

( ... incomprehensible conspiracies ...)

Bitman: Where's Crorq?

Oilman: Who cares!?

Blade: The Vampires run the world!

Trinity: This "world" is an illusion known as the Matrix. Neo is the one.

Blade: NEO!

Neo: Daywalker!

Blade: So we meet again.

Cancer Man: Did you tell them about the spoon, Trinity? About how it doesn't exist?

Trinity: It doesn't exist!

Cancer Man: Does that sound ..... sane to you?

Kay: Just forget you every saw this epilogue.

(... and energy beings possessing all of their powers.)

Zed: With the powers of all Gemini's fangirls we've created you're doom!

Geminiman: (Snaps and kills Zed).

Zed: Oh ... drat.

Fangirls: *GASP*

Alhazad: Hey, Gemini betray the Mechs and join with us! Whatdya say?

Geminiman: (Snaps and kills Alhazad).

Zeikfried: Time for the main event - Mecha Energy! This "all-Mech-powers-villain" is made using energy collected throughout the series! Isn't it wonderful?

Mecha-Energy *makes more shrieking sounds* (Mecha Energy kills Zeikfried.)

Zeikfried: I died?! Nooooo~

Boomerang: That makes me the last Quarter Knight left. Hah, bet you never had to deal with anything like Mecha Energy before!

(Mecha Energy gets trapped inside of a specially made Pokeball.)

Geminiman: We actually tend to do pretty well against all-powerful enemies that possess all of our powers, don't we?

Shadowman: Just as long as their name isn't Megaman.

Megaman: Evil robots! Prepare to face justice at the hands of the one true Megaman Team!

Megamen: For everlasting peace!

Hardman: Crap. Well they're obviously all fakes anyway. We can beat 'em.

(They barely survive. The Wily Rescue Force capture them.)

Multiman: It turns out that Doc Robot created those evil duplicates after he captured Megaman, Protoman, and all the support units.

Doc Robot: Don't forget, we're actually competent villains! Now face more of those knockoffs Shadowman created!

KO Shadow: Beat you we will!

KO Snake: Prepare to esplode!

Hardman: If Top were here it woulda evened things out. Where is that lazy-ass anyway?

Nightmare Top: Here I am. I was busy becoming evil and omnipotent.

Spark Chan: What!?

Nightmare Top: I am an evil being from the Nightmare Dimension who's bent on taking over the world ... and it's high time I get to it!

Needlegal: Oh no! Does that mean you're evil now?

Nightmare Top: Precisely! Now feel my wrath!

(Nightmare Topman disposes of the Wily Rescue Force and frees the Mechanical Maniacs.)

Nightmare Top: And that's just the beginning! Mwa-hah-hah-haaa! (Leaves).

Topman: Hey guys, I accidentally cloned a crazy, all-powerful version of myself. My bad.

Shadowman: It happens to the best of us.

Topman: And it turns out that I was never from the Nightmare Dimension at all. I was just a satellite program that went a little crazy before I became Gemini Red. Hope that doesn't unnerve anyone.

Geminiman: Oh, we all go a little crazy every now and then.

Hardman: 'Ey guys, we could all use a break from th' wild world-shatterin' adventures. C'mon over to my bar and see what it's like t' have a reg'lar job.

Shadowman: ... why are you talking like that? And since when did you have a bar?

Hardman: I al'ays had a bar! And I al'ays talked like 'dis!

Roll: We're on such good terms after you rescued Megaman that I work there too. And as a robot, I am totally not underaged.

Megaman: And I also work here!

Gag: And of course you all remember me. The Running Gag! I'm Hardman's son that he created when he was drunk.

Cassandra: And I've also always been here in the background all this time.

Gag: Come on, man, you've gotta remember all of us.


Shadowman: If you say so.

(The team checks out Hardman's Bar. Which had always existed previous to this. Just in the background.)

Torchman: Indeed, I also frequent Hardman's bar. Only this time I was kicked out of the Sinister Six. Again! Right after the robbery ...

(There's a wild drunken party, then the bar gets burned down as part of a string of arsons in the city.)

Torchman: The flame villain who frequents the place is totally not to blame for this one! Seriously.


Geminiman: Who coulda stole the money? A 1.5 ton steel plate makes for easy security.

(Hardman desperately searches for the arsonist and many megaman Teams are also on the case.)

Hardman: Taxing bars and diners is big business in Monsteropolis, apparently. And why isn't anyone else following the money? Hmmmm...

Geminiman: Coulda been Torch.

Hardman: New, he wuz too bummed out after that botched robbery.

Topman: What robbery?

Hardman: ... You didn't hear 'bout it? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm

Snakeman: And they were all inside jobs too, judging by the evidence.

Hardman: That's bogus. Someone's trying t' frame Needle and th' rest. Y'know, she and Mags just might turn up missin' while investigatn' th' pier! Let's go, team!

(They go and find the some of the Evil Eight harassing Needle and Magnet.)

Magnetman: I thought you guys were in Robot Prison!

Warman: Wily rescued us!

Spinman: Yeah, I guess Arty had that freak out for nothing.

Hardman: It's a battle o' th' brutes, Golemman VS Hardman!

Golemman: GOLEM SMASH! (Translation: Remember how we suck now? Well forget it! Time for an epic battle!)

(Hard and Golem have an epic fight which Hard wins, but the E8 escape.)

Needlegal: It looks like Wily's involved. Wasn't he in prison?

Hardman: Guess the Wily Rescue Force rescued him. Or som'm. Yeah. But it's not 'im. Call it "author's intuition." By th' way, all th' plac's that were burnt and robbed had you in comm'n, Needle! Yer bein' framed. It's to breed dis'rust in th' team. But we're still cluel'ss.

Gyroman: Hey, guys. The mayor told me there'd be trouble here.

Hardman: So soon!? He musta be a part of this myst'ry.

(Later that night ...)

Shadowman: Team meeting! I've been gone this who time. Where have I been? Now THAT is a SECRET! But I know the mayor's just a pawn and the the real mastermind is one of our rogues. How do I know? The power of mysteriousness! Hard, your epic fight has drained you, go to Dr. Light and get repaired.

Spinman: How about an epic fight with Golem and me before you do?

Magnetman: How about not?

(They easily kick Spin and Golem's ass somehow despite Hardman being severely injured. They make their way to Light's Lab.)

Hardman: Som'm's wrong.

Megaman: This guy called "Mesmerman" has gotten control of Dr. Light! I've been running into his victims the last few days, but I haven't actually seen HIM yet. I think he tried something against me that didn't work. Must be immune to his attack.

Magnetman: (controlled by Mesmer) Actually I have control of Magnet and Roll too!

Hardman: Crap!

Megaman: (Hits Magnet)

Magnetman: Ow. Hey, I'm not possessed anymore. That was easy.

Protoman: Come with me if you want to live. I know someplace we can hang outside of Mesmerman's sphere of influence.

Megaman: How convenient! Okay.

Hardman: (thought) I don't trust that shifty sucker.

(Protoman's secret spot is an old Arcade.)

Protoman: The lead in the ceiling blocks out Mersmer's attacks (that and the wave jammers). And Superman's X-ray vision.

Hardman: And should Mesmer ev'r wage war on th' entire world I'm sure we'll remember this Achilles' heel o' his.

Protoman: I built this as a trap for him. If we lure him into here he'll lose contact with everyone he's connected to. So here's the scoop on Mesmer. Remember how Duo became infected with Evil Energy and built his generals Artilleryman and Golemman?

Hardman: No, those were Robotic Raider's eps an' they're not on the net anymore.

Protoman: Be that as it may, Duo created two more generals, one of which is Mesmer. And Mesmer is soaked in Evil Energy. I dunno much about the other general except it's a girl.

Hardman: How could ya know any o' this?

Protoman: Mysterious!

Hardman: My writer's intuition tells me Mesmer must be why th' Mayor's been actin' sketchy. An' the force behind those arsons an' thefts. But why try to frame Needle?

Protoman: Mesmerman can wipe out the memories of people he's controlled. So it really was Needle who did all those arsons under Mesmer's influence. Now you guys stay here while I contact the other Megaman Teams. (Leaves)

Hardman: So Mesmerman is behind all those thefts. An' he's leadin' the Teams into a huge trap using the mayor. Since they're all goin' t' th' mayor to confront 'im, they're exposin' themselves to 'is power! But what's 'is connection t' Wily? There was no telltale smoky gray light that'll always show up now an' forever when Mesmer influences people. An' does Mesmer's reliance on Evil Energy explain why Megaman was immune t' 'im? Hmmmmmmmmmmm...

(All of a sudden the Mechs are amnesiatic and human.)

Hadrian: What's goin' on? 'm I drunk? Mus' be talkin' like this.

Jonathan: Hey, strangers.

Raijin: Howdy.

Classi: Hey, fans o' mine!

Psycho Magnet: We're all just randomly meeting for the first time.

Hadrian: ... I have a sneaking suspicion somet'in's wrong.

(The car randomly hits some kid wearing a shirt with "SD" on it and everyone is shocked by their lack of death.)

Hadrian: ... did I just kill Topman!?

Gauntlet: Hey, all, about time you made it. Good show! Now come with me if you want to live. Everything you know is a lie! But it's an incomplete lie. There are eight places special to you. If you to to them you'll remember who you are.

SD: How do you know all of this?

Gauntlet: The power of mysteriousness. The more mysterious you are, the more you get to know.

(Hadrian's place of power was the bar. But he's attacked!)

Hardman: Welcome to th’ bar.

Hadrian: Wait a minute ... you're not th' real Hardman! I'm Hardman!

(Hardman beats Hardman with a Heard Knuckle!)

Hardman: Hey, I remember who i am. An' I know who you are ... Golemman!

Golemman: Yeah, sometimes I can be articulate. I'm not all "Golem SMASH" you know.

(There's another epic fight and Hardman wins. Everyone regroups and now has their memories back. But they're still in the world of illusions. They regroup at the theater.)

Hardman: So I guess Protoman's bunker wuz a trap. Jerk.

(There's a fight in the theater. The Maniacs win and Hardman finds someone behind a curtain.)

Hardman: Oz? Wait, no ... Needlegal!?

Shadowman: We'll get her better. Looks like we all fought members of the Evil Eight to get our memories back. Let's just keep kicking ass and everything should be fine.

Topman: Why's Needle taking this so much harder than everyone else?

(Just then reality warps and tears and a giant Mesmerman says hello.)

Mesmerman: Hello, Mechs!

Topman: Heya, Mesmer!

Shadowman: Why do all this now, ya jerk? Why not during the Unnamed when we were at each other's throats?

Mesmerman: Duo left me unfinished and I'm just now ready to act. Now, once I destroy you I'll use your robotic shells to betray the other Megaman teams and FEAST on their bitter feelings! That's how Evil Energy gains it's power.

Shadowman: Okay, talking time over. Maniacs GO!

(They fight and Shadowman lands the blow that beats Mesmer. Almost.)

Shadowman: Don't mess with my sister! OW! Needlegal, what gives!?

Needlegal: (Is mesmerized.)

Mesmerman: Not my idea, but a goodie anyway!

(There's an epic battle and gauntlet manages to bring Needlegal back.)

Needlegal: Between Doc Robot and Mesmerman I am SICK of being the brainwashed victim!

Shadowman: The best plan here is mindless violence. We must find Mesmerman and pummel him. That will definitely allow us to escape his world of illusions. Let's go to City Hall. Hardman, check the mayor's office.

(Hardman does.)

Mesmerman: Looks like you found me!I took back control of the other's minds. It was easy. I could take yours as well, but I haven't. It's because of your carefully controlled rage let loose after I forced Needlegal to destroy your bar.

Hardman: And t' steal all th' money. Why'd you need that anyway?

Mesmerman: ... Time for fighting! Hey, what this? OW!

Geminiman: Didn't know I had up to six forms, eh?

Shadowman: Maniacs! Attack!

(The world shatters.)

Hardman: Ow ... wut??

Mesmerman: (the real one) Ow. I guess I died. (dies)

Protoman: Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey.

Hardman: Shut up, Protoman.

Protoman: Guess what? You were bait for my trap. And the trap worked. Wanna thank me?

Hardman: No.

Protoman: Typical. (Protoman leaves.)

Geminiman: It looks like Mesmerman dragged us all into here with his tentacles. The gang's all here.

Hardman: My writer's intuition tells me that Mesmerman plugged us into a dark world, like a server. An' when Gemini killed 'im there he lost control and fried out. Protoman mustae been monitorin' it and only came in after Mesmer died.

Spark Chan: What a jerk.

Topman: But Mesmer said he wasn't the mastermind, so our wacky adventure isn't over yet.

Geminiman: Let's go get fixed up by Dr. Light. He should be free of Mesmerman's control now too.

Snakeman: My writer's intuition tells me that Mesmerman is related to the Alien Wily hologram, who was weak to Bubble Lead, so that's what Mesmer is weak to lead.

Shadowman: Actually it's pronounced "leed" as in Bubble Leading.

Snakeman: Well, then, I have no freakin' clue!

Hardman: Finally we get to rest.

(But someone sets the Ark on fire.)

Hardman: Aw, dammit!

Shadowman: How did they set a gigantic metal base on fire!?

Hardman: I dunno. Maybe it's just on fire a little bit. Well, it's on fire enough that we can't stay there.

Topman: Uh, guys? I do believe we have ourselves a problem.

Hardman: There’s nothing that can really prepare you for the thing I’m going to call Cityman.

He was 800 feet tall, making him 80 stories high. He was, in fact, six buildings that seemed to be mashed together. His head was a snarling, gaping mouthed Radio Shackt. His right leg was a Temp-Co office building.. His left was a high-rise apartment complex know as Frostmoore. His body was the cylindrical City Records building, upside down and joined to the legs by thick, powerful cables. Connected by thinner cables (probably as big around as a two lane road) were The Range, which was a small strip mall that served as his left arm, and the TechMode Industries building for the right, famous for the massive radio antenna on top that was now drawing back to strike at us like a spear.

Geminiman: CRAP!

(The Mechs and the various Megaman Teams all attack Cityman.)

Cityman: Boooooaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!

Hardman: My writer's intuition tells me this is th' other general Duo made that Proto mentioned.

Spark Chan: So ... this is a girl robot!? Protoman said the other general was a girl.

Hardman: Yeah, I guess. (Damn I forgot about that.) Hey, wait! What's this!? Heatman or Fireman's starting a fire in Cityman!

Spark Chan: You mean City girl.

Hardman: Whatev'r, Cityman's cables are fusin' an' retractin'! He's beaten!

Citymangirl: Arrrrrooooooooooo~! (dies)

Mesmerman: Mwa hah hah! I'm back!

Hardman: Dammit, we just beat you, like, three hours ago!

Mesmerman: Not good enough. I've been ordered to fight you, so here I am!

Bubbleman: Eat Bubble Lead!

Mesmerman: Lead! My one weakness! No fair! It was supposed to be the Mech's fight!

Shadowman: Yeah, but we always cheat.

(Mesmerman forced Hardman to crush his head.)

Magnetman: And that's the last we'll ever see of Mesmerman. Ever. For sure.

(With several teams on the job, Monsteropolis was rebuilt super fast.)

Hardman: You know, if there wuz ever a world war in which society was nearly crushed, it's conceivable we'd actu'lly be able to bounce back. Just ... puttin' that out there. An' hey! My bar's been rebuilt too! Awesome!

Needlegal: Still not the end of our adventure yet, though.

Gag; Hey, guys! I'm back in the story! let's have a party!

Spark Chan: But the other member of your new supporting cast, Cassandra, is gone!

Hardman: Crap! (runs to Cassandra's apartment and finds Dr. Wily there.)

Wily: Vat is zis vun’s connekshun to zese desturbances?

Shadowman: Wait, why are you talking like that? You never talked like this before!

Wily: Aye ave alvays taked ike ziz.

Shadowman: Oh, whatever. Until this crisis is solved we're gonna be in a non aggression pact with all your teams and all the good guy teams.

Wily: Ya, ya, zure. Vatever.

Hardman: So what's in this non aggression pact for you?

Wily: Myzteriuz! Shademan iz ze key to all ziz. Vone key. Az a vampire he iz much more zuzzeptible to ze Evil Energy, ja? Our mutual enemy muzt be filled wiz ze stuff sicne he vuz Mezmerman's boss and Mezmer was very much filled with ze Evil Energy. Zo everyone iz after ze Shaeman. And it turnz out your friend Cazzandra vuz supplying zen viz zer Evil Energy!

Protoman: (Over the phone) Hey, Hardman, meet me at the charred remains of your base.

Hardman: (goes to the base) Okay, what's your damage.

Protoman: You're all just trouble making robots and Megaman shoulda killed you all off a long time ago.

(There was an epic fight ending in Protoman's arm being torn off.)

Hardman: Screw you, Doc Robot!

Doc Robot Docman: Yikes! How'd ya know it was me!? I was supposed to be dead!

Hardman: Writer's intuition! I just knew Wily rebuilt you and gave you holographic powers t' better disguise yerself.

Wily: Zat's enough!


(Hardman tosses Docman into Wily killing him.)

Hardman: Oops. Good thing it was just a robot double.

Wily: Zank you fer dealing vitz ze traitor in my ranks. But it dez not zolve ze overall problem. I took everyone in yer team hoztage und zere iz no truce. Howz zem applez? Und I vill deal with whoever ze new big bad iz. (Wily robot shuts down.)

Hardman: Exposit th' plot or yer dead.

Docman: There's a guy called Hakushaku. He's the new big bad. he got ahold of Evil Duo's leftovers and needed a jumpstart, so I got Torch kicked out of the Sinister Six. I kinda like that. His misery helped to energize Mesmerman. It even afforded him another life after you guys destroyed him. I've also been playing the part of Protoman this whole time too. And that stuff about Shademan's a lie too. Ain't I a stinker?

Hardman: Jerk.

Docman: Wily's also captured only Spark, Gemini, and Snake. Oh and the Evil Eight in the Dark Dimension was Mesmer trying to frame Wily.

Hardman: Let's go ta Light's now.

Docman: (cries).

Protoman: I'm in the story for real this time! And I'm not a jerk.

Topman: Time to go kick a little ass.

(The remaining Mechs go to Skull Castle.)

Magnetman: Damn it's empty in here. Echo!

Spinman: Time to fight!

Magnetman: Spoke too soon. (The Mechs beat the crap out of Spinman.)

Wily: Time for ze teleporterz! Zere is zone programmed juzt for each of you for a very zpecial battle. Exzept for Shadowman.

Needlegal: Guess he knew that Shadowman is the absentee member in this story. Let's walk into the obvious trap, shall we?

(They do so. Hardman sees the remains of Golemman and also Gemini, Snake, and Spark.)

Hardman: Hey, Golemman's already beaten! Aw, I was looking forward to another epic battle with the guy.

Geminiman: Thanks for setting us free, big guy. Pretty convenient that Wily put us all into the room he knew you'd go to instead of killing us.

Hardman: Author's prerogative. So who beat Golemman?

Seigema'am: I did. I'm one of Hakushaku's soldiers. My orders are to destroy Hardman specifically. My Siege Spear is coated with a special acid designed to slowly eat away at the Titanium compounds your armor is made from, and will also work on any of your allies. As you’ve already determined, my Siege Vulcans are magnetically accelerated and affected to specifically damage you even more. I also have a Siege Buster which is more than capable of leveling a building, let alone you. Now that I've explained all that: Time for fighting!

Geminiman: Aw, he's not gonna make it.

Spark Chan: Yer a real jerk in this story, ya know that? Not at all like in your own stories. Go, Hardman! Woo Hoo! You can do it!

Hardman: Super secret weapon CHEST BUSTER!

Seigema'am: My head has been destroyed, but my inner core is still active. Surrender!

Hardman: Wait a sec ... you've been holdin' back. You don't wanna kill me! Inner core ... doesn't wanna kill me ... girl robot ... Cassandra!?

Seigema'am: Sorry, Hardman. I just wanted to be like you. But I'm not Cassandra anymore. I am Seigema'am!

Hardman: Nooooooooooooo~! Horizontal Hard Press ATTACK!

(Hardman slams into Seigema'am, freeing the now-horribly mutilated Cassandra.

Cassandra: Sorry, Hard. Mesmerman was manipulating me. He's back, by the way. Kill me!

Hardman: *sob* I can't.

Topman: Whiner.

Spark Chan: Tops! Everyone! How'd ya get through those bot-specific teleporters?

Shadowman: Mysteriousness. Hey Cassandra's still alive. She needs medical attention.

Topman: Doctor Wily can help us!

Shadowman: Wily, who has a doctorate in robotics?

Hardman: Woks fer me. Do it, Wily!

Wily: Mein Gott! Vat a mess. All better now. I reversed ze process. Now kill zat Hakushaku! He crossed a line even I do not touch. I'm zo offended zat I vill repair you!

Megaman: Time to go to jail, Wily.

Wily: Shoot.

Shadowman: Time to fight the main villain. I know something that might lead to his base.

(They travel to the opposite end of town and find a summoning circle.)

Hardman: How did you know about this?

Shadowman: Mysteriousness.

Geminiman: Now it's my time to shine! I can rig this to go right to Hakushaku's hideout!

Shadowman: How can you do that?

Geminiman: Magic. I can do magic stuff.

(It takes them to a satellite.)

Mesmerman: Hi again!

Shadowman: Mesmerman just can't die. As long as he provokes hate and malice his Evil Energy will revive him even if he's dead.

Mesmerman: Your mysteriousness serves you well! Wait a second ...

(Mesmerman dies again.)

Snakeman: Found Mesmerman's real body and killed it. Next!

Siegema’am: I'm back!

The Maniacs: GO AWAY!

(They beat her easily.)

Hakushaku: Hello, Maniacs.

Snakeman: Boss fight?

Hakushaku: Not yet.

Snakeman: Aw, come on! It's chapter 41!

(The glass room around them explodes and forms into two figures.)

Hakushaku: Mechanical Maniacs, please meet my two watch dogs, Eden and Hades. Cue organ music!

Eden: <I wish I could talk. I'd be a ... cut ... above the rest!!>

Hades: <I'm glad neither of us can. Who wants to be subjected to you?>

Eden: <But I'd crack 'em up!>

Hades: <Just ... stop.>

(They fight and both glass creatures are able to reform. The Mechs continue to smash it to pieces all at once, making it more and more difficult for it to reform. Eventually both die.)

Xelloss: Nice epic battle. Did the tip I gave Shadowman on that magic circle help?

Shadowman: Helped a bunch! (so much for mysteriousness)

Xelloss: And I also told Gemini how to hack into it. Remember, you all owe me one. Bye bye. (Disappears.)

Hakushaku: And now to reveal my true identity!

(Hakushaku steps out from behind his question mark.)

Megaman Juno: Hello, Mechs! It's been a very long time.

Half of The Maniacs: Juno!?

Other Half of The Maniacs: Who!?

Needlegal: Geez, you could teach Shadowman a thing or two about holding a grudge! It's been forever! And half the team has been replaced since then.

Megaman Juno: Details, details! I managed to secure a portion of unicron's spark, which allowed me to live and become super powerful! And after I get my REVENGE I shall wipe the globe clean of Carbons and start the world anew as I was meant to! Cue the organ music!

(Organ music plays and giant versions of Eden and Hades reform.)

Snakeman: That organ must be what's controlling Eden and Hades!

(They smash the organ during an epic battle and Eden and Hades die.)

Megaman Juno: Dammit, I liked that organ! It's not like I can afford an iPod you know. Maybe I shoulda hidden it somewhere out of view. Oh, but I'm a sucker for giving people a sporting chance. TIME FOR EVEN MORE POWER!

(Juno slams Unicron's spark fragment into his chest. He becomes gigantic and even more menacing looking.)


Shadowman: I'll bet crushing that spark will destroy Junocron. Let's go team!

Magnetman: Time fer a fastball special, which is possible in a weightless environment. Go, Hardman! (Magnetman shoots Hardman at Junocron's chest.)

Hardman: Go chestbustin' mace attack! I'll tear that evil spark outta ya!

Junocron: Crap! (Junocron explodes and Hardman crushed the tiny fragment of Unicron's spark.)

(The Mechs hacked into Juno's teleportation system just before he exploded. The Megaman Teams save Hardman as he reenters the atmosphere. Hardman starts managing his bar again.)

Torchman: Drinks for the guys! I'm back on the Sinister Six!

(Megaman Juno walks in.)

Megaman Juno: Yeah, I'm okay too. Vodka, please.

Hardman: Asshole.

(In short, Hardman desperately investigates the destruction of his second home, the Maniacs come across frightening new Evil Energy-powered robots including the psychic Mesmerman and gargantuan Cityman. Then they go to space to confront the mastermind Hakushaku who turns out to be Megaman Juno, who was being manipulated by the reborn Unicron. The team manage to destroy the planet-eating monster once again.)

Hardman: ...'Kay, things got a little carried away there, huh?

(Sadly, the founder of the entire Megaman Team Scene, Gary "Iceman" Martin, died in an accident at this point making the Series 5 finale a tribute to him. The ep was about a surprise birthday party for him.)

Shadowman: Here's to you, Ice!

Magnetman: I can't go on. I quit.

Snakeman: Damn, I really thought this was the roster that would stick.

To be continued ...


Musashiden Razz,
Classi Cal as .....

Spark Chan
Raijin as .....
Psycho Magnet as .....
Hadrian Howell as .....
    Nightmare as .....
Lennon as .....
Jonathan S. as .....
Gauntlet as .....


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