The Chunky Ice Ball
Background music: Diamond Dust Zone from Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis)

Real Name: Alon
Height: 11' 10
Weight 35 tonnes
Likes: Skull Man,Dragonbreath,
Hip-Hop,PC,  Sports, Ice and Console Games 
Dislikes: Extreme Heat, Pop Music
Goal:  Use his powers to get rid of X/Zero 
Quote: "Im'a freeze ya' quick asshole" 
Favorite MM Game: Mega Man X4
Favorite non-MM Game: Pulse Man (Mega Drive)
Darkest Secret: see that machine in the back of the room you fight me in MMX4? it stores a certain black robot from MM's past.
History: Comes from Israel. Has allies on the team  "Cossak's Creations" and is a member there.  He likes surfing with his friends skull man  (A.K.A. Metal Man, Kirk Sorenson, Warp Station)  and thinks he might like Magma Dragoon once 
he gets to know him. He's very suspicious thug.

Powers: Capable to produce large and razor sharp icicles. His ultra-dense armour makes him slow in combat but he can lift small houses and hurl them miles away.

Frost Walrus was born in israel. Ironically,it's very hot there...

Frost Walrus likes the Pokemon Gameboy game but hates everything else about Pokemon.

Frost Walrus is also a member of Cossak's Creations.Unlike what Magma Dragoon thinks,he trusts him and thinks they can do good work togheter.