
"I think I need some customization."

Navi: Normal Navi
Operator: Anybody
Navi Element: Any Element
Abilities: none
Weapons: Normal Buster, various others through customization
Signature Attack: Buster Shot
Bio: The most common type of navi is the normal, mass-produced version. These navis have simple A.I. with no distinct personalities and they have little potential in NetBattling. Normal navis are made with all the neccessities for an artificial being in the CyberWorld, but are left with a lot of open space on their memory maps for customization. These navis are like templates, and many fully customized unique navis begin like this.

"Smash the weak ones first! That's the law of the Undernet!"

Navi: Heel Navi
Operator: Anybody
Navi Element: Any Element
Abilities: none
Weapons: Heel Sword, various others through customization
Signature Attack: Sword Slash
Bio: For years the SciLab produced Normal Navis were the only form of uncustomized navi on the market. The Undernet changed that and certain anonymous black market programmers developed the Heel navi. Every bit as customizable as a Normal Navi, but with higher, non-regulation power levels, no ethical restraints, and a much meaner attitude. Heels are mostly distributed on the black market and in the Undernet, but these days can be found bootlegged in certain PET shops as well. SciLab and the Officials do not condone the use of Heel navis and are constantly attempting to put a stop to it, but so far have been ineffectual. This navi design was originally released simply as an "Unofficial Normal Navi", but its crass, seedy, despiccable default behavioural patterns quickly earned it the title of "Heel".

"As long as Lan is operating me, I have no limits!!"

Operator: Lan Hikari
Navi Element: none
Abilities: Style Change, Soul Unison, Bio-Synchro, Chaos Unison
Weapons: Mega Buster
Signature Attacks: Charged Shot, Master Style
Bio: Quite possibly the ultimate NetNavi. Megaman was made under very unique conditions that gave him the mind and soul of a real human being. Navis are virtual constructs, but are still modeled after humans, and Megaman not only has the DNA and mind of a human, but a twin in the real world as an operator making potential for perfect synchronization. Megaman is not very strong physically, his MegaBuster is one of the weakest weapons in the cyberworld, but his reaction level and customization potential make him an even match for even the strongest opponent. Megaman's personality is that of a boy slightly older than he looks. He's about 12 years old, but being a fighter in the cyberworld developed a sense of responsibility in him. He has a strong sense of justice and yearns to protect his family. He acts as an older brother to his twin operator, but can act childish himself at times.

"I'll heal you before you go!"

Navi: Roll.EXE
Operator: Mayl Sakurai
Navi Attribute: Healing
Abilities: flight, auto-regenerate, short-range teleport, lovability
Weapons: Recovery Hearts, Flash Crest, RollArrow
Signature Attacks: Roll Flash, LifeSaver, BigHeart
Bio: Roll is a sweet and kind navi that prefers to avoid fighting, but has an effective fighting style that makes her a difficult opponent. Most navi battle systems focus on offence or defense, but Roll's focuses on healing. Even if she's weak on her own, she is a valuable ally to her friends who she can protect. She also has the uncanny ability to make it impossible for anyone, even viruses, to resent her. She often befriends viruses rather than delete them. Roll is Megaman's best friend, and always wants to help him. Roll is also like a sister to her operator, who she follows through anything.


Navi: Gutsman.EXE
Operator: Dex Oyama
Navi Attribute: Ground
Abilities: Super Arm, Super Armor, Quake Shoes
Weapons: GutsHammer, Guts MachineGun, GutsPunch, Rocket GutsPunch
Signature Attacks: Mega HammerWave, GaiaGuts Hammer, Guts Shoot
Bio: A tough and pushy navi that fears nothing. Gutsman is all about physical strength, and has little interest in strategy or defense, he usually just fights directly with all his strength, which is often his downfall. Gutsman may not be bright, but is very competitive and determined. When faced with a challenge, he'll do anything to overcome it, even if that means attemting to learn strategy or defense. Gutsman has the personality and voice of a rowdy cowboy.

"I have some pressing chores to do..."

Navi: Glyde.EXE
Operator: Yai Ayano-Koji
Navi Element: none
Abilities: Flight
Weapons: DashWings
Signature Attack: Glyde Dash
Bio: Glyde isn't much of a fighter, he's more of a servant for his operator. Glyde is a sophisticated navi with plenty of abilities, but they're geared more towards running errands rather than deleting viruses. Glyde is very polite and soft-spoken, he is endlessly loyal to his operator, and is a good friend to the navis of Yai's classmates. Glyde is well-organized and often fits the leader role among his clique.

"Analyzing program... Passcode: 9630. Entering passcode..."

Navi: Numberman.EXE
Operator: Yamitaro Higsby
Navi Attribute: Plus/Minus
Abilities: Calculate, Decode, NumberCheck
Weapons: NumberBalls, DiceBombs, Right Angles, NumberTrap
Signature Attack: Lucky DiceBomb
Bio: Numberman's exceptionally large head gives him capacity for much more knowledge than the average navi, but rather than store complex battle tactics or enlightened scientific wisdom, he specializes in math. His head is filled with all sorts of numeric data and mathematical algorithms. Naturally Numbers are this navi's passion. His strength in battle is fairly low, and he's best suited helping his operator manage the chip shop and its gambling machines. Numberman also shares his operator's fondness for battlechips, but he's not nearly as passionate about them as he is with numbers.

"This wishy-washy stuff about your friends will get you deleted."

Navi: Protoman.EXE
Operator: Eugene Chaud
Navi Attribute: Sword
Abilities: Fumikomi, Fighter Reflex
Weapons: ProtoSword, BreakShield
Signature Attacks: Sonic Boom, ProtoStepSword, Delta Ray Edge
Bio: Protoman is a serious, no-nonsense soldier. Like his operator, he strives to accomplish his duty, and very little more. Aside from his responsibility, Protoman has hidden ambiton to be the best at everything. Like his operator, he always tries to act cool and aloof and will always claim everything he does is part of his Official duty or part of Lord Chaud's orders, but he secretly enjoys fighting his rivals and proving his skill. Protoman is humble and respectful to his operator, but to almost everyone else, he's a stuck-up jerk.

"Battle is my forte!"

Navi: Bass.EXE
Operator: none
Navi Element: none
Abilities: Get Ability, others gained and modified through Get Ability
Weapons: ForteBuster, others gained and modified through Get Ability constantly
Signature Attacks: AirBurst Explosion, EarthBreaker, VanishingWorld, FireGospel, RollingHell, DarknessOverload, Chaos Nightmare
Bio: Bass is one of the oldest navis, nearly 30 years old, and full of negative experiences. Bass is one navi that soaks up hatred and sorrow like a sponge. Somewhere deep down he has a soft side, but it's always overshadowed by his yearning for revenge against the humans that tried to delete him. More recently, he merged with the soul of the bugs to help heal his wounds. The Bug soul known as Gospel originated from Bass in a way; an experiment to make a Bass clone from bugs resulted in a gigantic wolf-like monster, and oddly enough, that wolf had always been a part of Bass. Bugs represent the chaotic and feral side of the cyberworld, so merging with Gospel was like surrendering himself to his own dark and destructive side. When under the influence of his bug infection, Bass' memories are completely clouded by his rage and destructive urges. At this point he only sinks further and further into insanity and away from his only chance at redemption and regained happiness. What Bass does have going for himself is power. With his Get Ability program, there is no limit to his strength or skill. He began barely stronger than a normal navi, armed with nothing but a buster, but like all autonavis, he had above average resilience, power, and capacity. Since his near deletion, he has gained attributes from nearly every virus and navi he has defeated, including flight, teleportation, speed, auras, barriers, bombs, regeneration, etc. Many similar abilities combined to bolster each-other, making him the strongest, most diverse navi online. Despite his unbelievable power, he is not undefeated. He constantly loses to Megaman, his only rival in unlimited potential. It seems all he is missing is the right state of mind.


Blyka's Door
E-Can Factory
MM BN Chrono X
MM PC Website
Protodude's RM Corner
Reploid Research Lavatory
RM AMV Station
RM EXE Online
RM:Perfect Memories
Sprites INC