

Operator: none
Navi Element: Dark
Appearances: MMBN4, EXE4.5, MMBN5
Abilities: Shade Defense, Soul Leech, Bat Transformation
Weapons: claws, Crash Noise, Bat Swarm, Dark Hand
Signature Attacks: Noise Crush, BigNoise
Bio: A rather unique undead navi with nearly invulberable defenses. Shademan is one of the darkest of the Dark Dwellers, he makes full use of his element. He can avoid any damage by letting the darkness absorb it. He's not entirely invincible though, his power comes from darkness so it can be countered with darkness, but even greater is a stronger opposite assault of light. Shademan is evil and pitiless, he sees all other navis as potential nourishment. He's mostly a sinister vampire, but his bat side has influence on his personality as well. He's a little crazy and often decorates his speech with a long, high-pitched, bat-like shriek. Shademan is an important dealer in the Dark Chip trade, he's one of the few navis that's fully aware of their nature and uses them to subtly manipulate the net. Even navis with the strongest resolves and brightest souls have been coerced by Shademan's motives with time. And Shademan certainly has time, as an undead navi he can be revived from any deletion with full data restoration. Most navis spread data randomly across the internet upon deletion and ghost navis are the result, but Shademan's broken data is instantly absorbed by the darkness which allows his soul to remain in tact, even without an operator. He is immortal.

"Aw...why me? *bloosh*"

Operator: Shuko Kido
Navi Element: Aqua
Appearances: MMBN4, EXE4.5, MMBN6, LoN
Abilities: Water Generator, Aqua Vacuum, Aqua Charge
Weapons: Water Cannons, Bubble Bombs, Water Balloons, Aqua Upper
Signature Attacks: Cannon Spout, Aqua Hose, Bubble Bomb, Aqua Shower
Bio: Aquaman is a small, cute, timid navi. He may not look powerful, but he's one of few navis that acts as a medium for his element. Aqua energy flows freely from his body, almost beyond his control. He is easily capable of flooding entire sectors of the internet and just as capable of re-absorbing the water in an instant. Aquaman is emotionally sensitive, and navi to a misfortunate family, and subsequently prone to crying, which is bad news for the internet.


Navi: Topman.EXE
Operator: Tensuke Takami
Navi Attribute: Breaking
Appearances: MMBN4, EXE4.5
Abilities: Gyroscopic Balance, Instant Centrifugal Acceleration
Weapons: Top Blades, Top Mode
Signature Attack: Top Spin - Quintopple Combo
Bio: One of few navis that was made from scratch rather than customized from a template. Tensuke used years worth of programming information to piece Topman together, and it's a miracle he ended up relatively stable. Tensuke was a craftsman his whole life, so even without programming knowledge he was able to at least pick up on the intricacies of navi design, yet Topman still ended up with an endless amount of glitches and a brittle, useless body and mind akin to a very senile old man. Tensuke eventually accepted help from more experienced programmers to fix Topman's faults and give him some useful battle moves. Topman is now one of the best fully custom navis in battle, with a finely crafted body and a unique attack pattern that puts more expensive models to shame. He's still a little cantankerous and forgetful, but his soul is infused with decades of experience and the proud spirit of his elderly designers.

"You all sicken me. You don't even know what power really means."

Navi: Sparkman.EXE
Operator: Terry Jomon
Navi Element: Elec
Appearances: MMBN4, EXE4.5
Abilities: Super-Conductivity, Spark Visibility, Shadow Animator
Weapons: Spark Shock, Satellite Bombs
Signature Attack: Blinding Spark Wave
Bio: This massive, super-charged spark plug boasts of being the strongest electrical navi ever, and has quite a bit backing his claim. Sparkman is constantly flashing with energy flowing through his body, the light he emits goes so high in the spectrum he can attain almost constant invisibility that not even Searchman can detect. Only when Sparkman channels his energy to attack does he appear momentarily, and his widespread attacks leave little opening to counter anyway. Sparkman's manipulation of light reaches unfathomable levels, he can even bring shadows to life for brief moments. Aside from his powerful control of light and electricity, Sparkman also has great physical power and can take on an opponent in any situation. He does have weaknesses though. Besides the obvious elemental yield, he's overconfident and careless, and cooperates poorly with his operator. He is too proud of his strength to accept help.

"In the name of he who rules the great winds!"

Navi: Windman.EXE
Operator: Lilly Igarashi
Navi Attribute: Wind
Appearances: MMBN4, EXE4.5
Abilities: NorthWind, Wind Shoes, WindFan, GodStorm
Weapons: Propeller Bomb, Eagle Flock, Wind Storm, AirShot, Fuujin Racket
Signature Attack: Round Storm
Bio: Windman is another navi that acts as a medium for his element. Though wind does not fit into the basic four elements that compose the cyberworld, it is one of the most significant attributes besides them. Windman is known as the god of wind in the cyberworld, and his control of atmospheric forces is worthy of the title. Like other such navis, he has more power than he can even control, and can cause widespread destruction, fortunately, his operator ritualistically keeps his abilities in check. Windman is proud and dignified, but has a humble side as well. He has great honour and takes his reputation seriously.

"Arrrgghh!!! It's an explosion of burning frustration!"

Navi: Burnerman.EXE
Operator: Atsuki Homura
Navi Element: Fire
Appearances: MMBN4, EXE4.5
Abilities: Speed Burner
Weapons: Burning Cannisters, Wave Burner
Signature Attack: Strike Burner Crossfire
Bio: Burnerman is an intense, ferocious fire navi. He has incredibly violent tendencies and a passionate temper, like many fire elementals. His destructive nature is not kept under control very well either, since his operator is his kindred spirit. Burnerman has a heated rivalry with the navis of Mr.Match, and is pretty evenly matched with them individually. Heatman's a little wilder, Flameman's a little stronger, and Fireman's a little more skilled, Burnerman has a well rounded supply of all those attributes, and constantly pushes to improve all of them and truly be the strongest fire navi and the hottest soul.

"Lights, Camera, Action! Hm, a bit cliché, but you can't show too much originality in this business."

Navi: Videoman.EXE
Operator: Hidenosuke Yamashita AKA: "Viddy Narcy"
Navi Element: none
Appearances: MMBN4, EXE4.5
Abilities: Rewind, Fast Forward, BackTrack, Record, Playback, Pause, Eject, Hover
Weapons: Film Reel, Camera Light, Tape Barrier
Signature Attack: Cassette Winder
Bio: Videoman was originally designed as a multi-purpose video editing navi. His body could handle several abilities since he wasn't designed for battle. He and his operator eventually saw the possibilities of modifying his existing abilities only slightly to have combat use. Now Videoman is an extremely difficult fight since he has the ability to control opponents with his editing techniques and has no hesitation about cheating. He has a narcisstic and condescending personality, he's will do anything in his own self-interest. While he's a lot like his operator, they're both self-centered enough to disagree and fight at times. Videoman's manipulative skills are nearly god-like, but he still yearns for a higher upgrade to the digital stream.

"Target acquired."

Navi: Searchman.EXE
Operator: Laika
Navi Attributes: Invisibility, Targeting
Appearances: MMBN4, EXE4.5, MMBN5, LoN
Abilities: PET Search, PanelSearch, Infra-Red Vision, Sniper Aim, Mole Defense, Camouflage
Weapons: Scope Rifle, Satellite Ray, Search Grenade
Signature Attack: Homing Sniper
Bio: One of the most serious and hardcore battle navis ever designed. Searchman was made specifically for cyberworld related military campaigns. His abilities are geared highly towards covert ops with the main focus being seeing everything and not being seen. While his combat systems are very advanced for the time, it's his personality that suffers. His cold, emotionless, analytical mind is a throwback to when navis were no more than tools. When it comes to keeping his cool in battle and concentrating for his flawless sniping skills, his lack of personality gives him an advantage. Though his personality seems limited, it is advanced enough to develop on its own, though as long as his operator only needs a weapon extending to the cyberworld, there is no reason for it to do so.

"You don't understand kiddo. Nobody could understand what it's like to be me."

Navi: Junkman.EXE
Operator: none
Navi Attribute: Object
Appearances: MMBN4, EXE4.5
Abilities: Recycle, Telekinesis, Soul/Body Assembly
Weapons: NailGun, GarbageData, Junk Shield, Panel Shooter
Signature Attack: Poltergeist
Bio: Inexplicably spawned from the junk data gathered in the Asinan network, Junkman might very well have been classified a virus or bug, but somehow came in possession of a navi-like soul. Junkman has unusually strong powers stemming from the telekenesis he uses to bind his mismatched body parts together. Junkman's personality is a sad and lonely one which he masks behind a hard shell of anger and petulance. Junkman's life is an unusual and fragile one and after his deletion at the Blue Moon World Netbattling Tournament, it is likely he's gone for good. However it is rumoured his soul has survived as a weapon for the navi that defeated him in the arena. What became of that soul after that is a mystery.


Navi: Coldman.EXE
Operator: Ivan Chillsky
Navi Element: Aqua
Appearances: MMBN4, EXE4.5
Abilities: Refrigerate, Solidify
Weapons: Ice Cubes, White Breath, Cold Armor
Signature Attack: Ice Wall
Bio: Coldman doesn't cause the widespread freezing other ice navis do, he's much stronger at close range. All his cold is focused within his body, mostly for defensive purposes. When he opens the doors on his chest and head, he can release extremely cold air that can permanently freeze anything as long as it's close enough. Coldman is proud that very few opponents can get near him, and pushes his weight around obnoxiously. He is always as cold as he needs to be, but his operator always needs to be colder, so relies on his ice navi's talents. Coldman himself is always nice and relaxed at -40°C, he often makes a satisfied sigh that from him sounds and feels like a deep, whistling cold wind.


Navi: Kendoman.EXE
Operator: Mr.Famous
Navi Element: none
Appearances: MMBN4, EXE4.5
Abilities: Tamashi, Zan-Shin, Okuriashi-Fumikomi, Kakarigeiko
Weapons: Meijin-Shinai
Signature Attack: Triple Datotsu
Bio: Famous' navis all have a little superiority complex, but Kendoman is more arrogant than them all. Famous dedicates his life to pushing other NetBattlers to improve their skills, and what better navi for that purpose than a hardass coach for the swordsmanship training art known as Kendo. Kendoman declares himself the sensei of all undisciplined navis, and strictly guides anyone through his training program. In battle he teaches the most by not holding back and showing what pure concentration, speed, and spirit can do to push the limits of fighting skill.

"I can see the darkness within the light."

Navi: Laserman.EXE
Operator: Dr.Regal
Navi Element: Dark
Appearances: MMBN4, EXE4.5
Abilities: Darkness Inversion, Light Bender, Dark Teleport
Weapons: Eye Laser, Beam Cannons, Custom Ray, Dark Laser
Signature Attack: Override Laser
Bio: It may seem odd for a navi with light-based attacks to have one of the darkest affiliations. Laserman is actually a scientific navi that quickly submitted himself to the dark side for experimental purposes. His soul was strong enough to keep most of his mind in his transformation, and his mind was strong enough to figure out how to avoid the negative effects of the dark chip curse. His strength is in his sight, his vision has many levels, from the widest ends of the light spectrum to the ability to see through time and space to the ability to see through the souls of others. Laserman draws great power from the darkness, but is still relatively weak for a dark dweller. His curious, analytical personality makes him a stronger leader than a fighter.


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RM AMV Station
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RM:Perfect Memories
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