
*As we pick up, a group of 14 kids are walking down an alley*

Jeremy: Dude, did you see that documentary on all the Robot masters yesterday? Those guys are so cool.

David: Yeah, I wish I was a RM. It would be so cool!

Jonathan: We could like, Help people... and get chicks!

Moe: Who's your favorite? I like that Snakeman guy. He's the coolest Robot Master Ever!

Jonathan: No way! Magnetman is soooo much better. What other Robot master can fire missles like that?

Stuart: Who needs missles when you can create barriers like woodman can?

Shadowblade: No way, I'm the coolest! *aims his bubble lead gun at the others* Anyone beg to differ?

Jeremy: I don't really have a favorite, I just sorta wish I could be one.

*everyone looks over as Stuart, Jonathan, and Moe start argueing over which RM would win in a fight*

Matt: *sighs* Some people get wayyy to into stuff like this. I always thought it would cool if I could, but I guess I never thought about it too much. What are the chances something would just magically appear in front of us and turn us into Superhuman Robots.

Vidal: Wait... what's that over there?

*everyone walks over to a mysterious gym bag on the street. Jake picks off a letter taped to it*

Jake: It says here that these gloves will give us the ability to turn into Superhuman robots.

Matt: *hitting his forehead* I don't believe this...

Nijubu: Whoah! I want this one!

*Nijubu picks up a white glove with a slight rainbow sheen. He puts it on, and suddenly wires run out of the end and insert themselves into his arm*

Nijubu: Whoah... this is freaky... I'm not so sure I like it anymore.. What gives? It won't come off.

*Everyone digs through the box and finds one that they like*

Jeremy: *holding a black leather glove with studs on the knuckles* Man, I could do some serious damage with this thing!

Moe: Dude, look at this! This is perfect! *he picks up an orange and black glove with a metal gear-shaped ring on the wrist*

*Everyone puts on their gloves, and tries them out*

David: I wonder how you use this... They did say it could turn us into Superhuman robots, didn't it?

Jeremy: I wonder... By the power of Greyskull! *Sticking his glove-arm into the air* I HAVE THE POWER!!!!!!!!!

Vidal: Super. Super! SUPER! SUPERHUMAN ROBOTS, HOOO!!!!!!!!!!

*Carlos Flips off David*

Carlos: Oh, sorry, I figured that would trigger something. I guess it didn't.

Cyros: You know, as much fun as this is, I gotta go...uhh... talk to the grocery store...

*Suddenly, in a bright flash, Cyros dissappears and in his place is Metalman.EXE*

Metalman: Whoah, this is sweet! I better write that down!

Johnny: Hmmm... what was that again? Oh, I remember! I gotta go uh talk to jack in the grocery store.

*The same thing as before happens to Johnny, only this time, Flameman.EXE appears in his place*

Flameman: Dude, this is sweet!

Moe: Slowly now! TALK!.... TO!....... JACK!........IN!...*transforms into Drillman.EXE*...Hey, whattaya know, all we have to say is "Talk to Jack in"!

Stuart: Maybe we can just say "in"

Sam: IN!

Stuart: ...

Sam: Nope, nothing.

Vidal: Well, we might as well all transform by the phrase we know works.

Everyone: *In unison* Talk to Jack In!

Punk: Okay, Roll call everyone! Who's who? I'm Jeremy.

Serenade: David!

Kingman: Sam!

Darkman: Vidal!

Drillman: Moe!

Metalman: Cyros!

Yamatoman: Carlos!

Bowlman: Jonathan!

Desertman: Nijubu!

Flashman: Matt!

Flameman: Johnny!

Beastman: Jake!

Plantman: Stuart!

Bubbleman: Shadowblade!

Punk and Serenade: And Together we are...

Punk: The Acid Hackers!

Serenade: No, we're the Net Guardians!

Punk: Why would we want to defend stuff? They've never helped us!

Serenade: Why would we want to be hackers? Hackers destroy stuff!

Punk: That's the point!

Serenade: Okay, let's do democratically. Whoever wants to morally decay themselves and ruin their lives *shudders*, go stand by Punk. Whoever wants to be loyal defenders of justice, stand over here!

*King, Dark, Drill, Metal, bowl, and Yamato stand by Serenade. Desert, Flash, Flame, Plant, and Bubble go stand by Punk*

Punk: It's even! I guess not everyone is a overbearing righteous moron like you after-all.

Serenade: On the same note, not everyone wants to be a chaotic Felon scum like you, either!

Punk: How about we split up... we'll show you who's scum!

Serenade: Deal!

Punk: Ummm... does anyone know how to go back to our regular bodies?

Serenade: Ummm... Talk to Jack In?

Drillman: Talk to Jack Off?

Punk: You know, by now the grocery store's closed. You'd assume Jack's out that place by now. *Punk Transforms back into Jeremy*

Drillman: Hmmm... I'm noticing a trend. I bet the phrase is "Jack's Out" *transforms into Moe* I guess it is...

Everyone Else: Jack's out!

Jeremy: Let's split, we still need to find a shelter. *Sneering* Hope our paths cross later.

David: Don't worry... they will.

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Blyka's Door
E-Can Factory
MM BN Chrono X
MM PC Website
Protodude's RM Corner
Reploid Research Lavatory
RM AMV Station
RM EXE Online
RM:Perfect Memories
Sprites INC