
12:51 am, at the Net Gaurdian's place...

A lone figure with a scarf walks in. His 315 lb, 6-something size make him one not to mess with, but he's pretty calm at the moment. suddenly the light, which was off when he entered, turned on.

David: "Carlos! What the hell are you doing up this time?"

Carlos: "David, you should stop asking questions... now if you excuse me, 'the Johnny Wang show' is on..."

David:"the Johnny Wang show, that obscene show with some stupid guy?"


David:"Uhhh, I'll go back to bed.."

Carlos:"...stupid cowboy bishy-lookalike..."

Announcer:the Johnny Wang show is now being taken over, in it's place are reruns of 'She's the Sheriff...'

Carlos:What the-? nnnnngggggGAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOO!(wakes up everybody in the house)

David:Dammit, did you have intentions of waking the nei-

Carlos:Shut up before I tear your lungs out! Now if you excuse me, I have some work to do...

Yamato:Next time, don't scream so loud...


David: Ugh, Why is he here?

Moe: Because we need a better leader?

David: Shut up.


Carlos(riding motorcycle): Damn censors, taking the fun out of EVERYTHING!

Yamato: So, this may not have anyhing to do with the Acid Hackers, huh?

Carlos: Maybe, maybe not.One thing's for sure, I'm gonna get to the bottom of this crap, no matter how I do it!

Yamato: Hopefully, I can attain the new skills you taught me.

Carlos: Like the Daisharin(Giant swing) Knuckle?

Yamato: Exactly.


Carlos:(Plays some 2 Live Crew on the radio) Super Sweet...

Yamato: Yoooooosh!

(meanwhile, a sniper is at the rooftop, aiming for Carlos, when someone speeds over him and ends up getting shot)

Carlos: WHAT THE?!

Yamato: NANDA?!

Carlos: Someone targeted that guy...

Yamato: It may have been you...

Carlos:...Whatever, man. We're already at the studio anyways, so why bother?

Guard: Hey! What are you doing?

Carlos: (kicks guard in groin)Nothing much, just the usual!(knocks guard down, sits on him) Yeah! (punches guard in the face until guard passes out)Fu, Bakayarou(heh, stupid idiot)... At least he didn't fall on his keys...(steals guard's keys, enters door)

(Agents notice)

Agent 1: Iii!

Agent 2: Iii, iii!

Carlos:What is this, Kamen Rider?

Agent 2: Iiii?

Carlos: Tooh!(kicks Agent 2 in the stomach, unleashes uppercut)

Agent 1: Iiii!(hits Carlos from behind w/ stick)

Carlos: Oooo, someone's handing their ass on a platter!

Agent 1: Iii?(retreats)

Carlos: Oh yeah?(runs toward retreating Agent 1)Tooooohhhhh!(dashes w/left fist spins at a high speed)Daisharin Knuckle!(Agent 1 knocks cold, both agents become foamy substance, dissolve into thin air)

(Carlos bursts into control room)

Carlos: It's a bunch of computers! If so...(pulls out plug, quotes dolemite)I've got a big fat d---, it's good for lickin', It'll make an a-- out of Kentucky Fried Chicken!(plugs in)

Yamato: Ready!

Carlos: Sweet...

Yamato: What the, viruses!

Carlos: Super Sweet...

Yamato: TOOOOOOOH!(runs toward viruses)Daishariiiiin Naaaakuruuuuuu!(fist rotates really fast, deleting all but the last viruses, Yamato uppercuts, deleting the last virus)... That was too easy...

Mysterious voice: Indeed, liberal...


Navi: I am RightWinger.EXE, And I am here to cleanse the world of evil and spread good values!

Carlos, Yamato: Values? you can't see values even if it's doing you up the butt!

RightWinger: Oh yeah?

Carlos, Yamato: Duh, we're in the NetGaurdians, for crying out loud!

RightWinger:So, that's the game you want to play, eh?

Viruses, Attack!

(viruses appear out of nowhere)

Carlos: Que Music!

(Theme Music plays!)

Yamato: (charges toward viruses)TOOOOOOOOOHHHHH!

(runs toward viruses)Daishariiiiin Naaaakuruuuuuu!(deletes 2/8 viruses)...Rocket Spear!(deletes 1/6 viruses)

Carlos: Behind you!

Yamato: Toh!(back kicks virus)W-Pillar Kick!(deletes same virus, spear turns into sword)Yaamaatoo Sword!(deletes other viruses, spear returns to normal)Now, RightWinger, you're mine!

RightWinger: (chanting) War is good! We run the world! War is good! We run the world! War is good! We run the world!

Carlos: Oh yeah? Insert 'NO Beam 3!'

Yamato: NO Beam 3!(does damage to RightWinger)

RightWinger: Ban the teaching of Evolution! Ban Abortion! Ban the teaching of Evolution! Ban Abortion!

Yamato: Buooo!

Carlos: ...Insert 'Roll3!'(Roll, attacks RightWinger, heals Yamato)

Yamato: Ahh, I feel better! BTW Carlos, where'd you get a Roll3?

Carlos: One of my many rescources, Yamato. One of my many rescources...

RightWinger: You think that's all I got?! God's on MY side! God's on MY side! God's on MY side!

Yamato: Buuuriyaaaaaaaa!!!!!

Carlos: Oh, you've done it now! Insert 'Muramasa Blade!'

Yamato: (spear transforms into sword)Muramasa Blaaaaade!

(big flash, YamatoMan's silloute is seen standing)

Yamato: ...Yooosh!

Carlos: Aww Yeah! (does the Godzilla dance)


(6 a.m.)

Moe: What happened? did something get deleted?

Carlos: Well YEAH!(laughs) I thought you'd know by now.

David: ...That you're a big lard-ass?

Carlos: ... (kicks David in the groin) That you're barren.(smiles)

David: (on the ground) Ohhhhh, mommy!

Carlos: (boots David aside) ha, ha, No One Can stop Mr. Domino!

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