
Union of Two Spears

[Data: Spear of Destiny]
[An important religious and historical artifact, this is the spear that pierced the side of Christ during his crucification. Throughout history, many kingdoms proudly possessed it, for it is said to make one's empire invincible. By the end of World War I, Germany's defeat, even with the spear in its possession, made the whole thing a myth. It was transferred to a museum in Belgium after the war, only to have it returned to Germany in World War II. Currently, the Spear of Destiny still resides in the same Belgium museum, where many people come to see it.]


[Top Secret Data: Password Required]
[Password: *****]
[Password Accepted.]
[Data: Alloy Knight]
[Alloy Knight is a current military project involving advanced robotics utilized in a mechanical soldier. This said soldier, is constructed of Super Alloy ß(an alloy composed of pure Titanium and artificial diamond), is fueled by advanced fuel cells, and is controlled by a military navi in the brain. Currently, a prototype has been constructed, with produtcion beginning in a few months.]

*An underground base outside San Fransisco*

Figure: The spear is mine...

Carlos: (sarcastically)...Oh yeah, the spear. I'm just some stupid fat guy who'd let the villain have his way.

Figure: Well then, just give me the spear, you pathetic bastard.

Carlos: Himitsuken! (slashes figure in half) Fu, who's the pathetic bastard now? (runs out)Okay, I've got the spear, I took out the guards, now all I have to do, is blow up the base. (pulls out detonater, presses button while running away from the exploding base) Yooosh!

Naomi: Nice job, Oniichan!

Carlos: (hops into '73 Oldsmobile) Thanks. Now let's get the hell out of here! (drives off)

*The next night, at the Net Guardians' house*

Carlos: ...(turns around) David!

David: Wait, isn't that the-

Carlos: Spear of Destiny? Yes.

David: What are you doing with that?

Carlos: The SJR stole it. I took it because it may be the key to thier destruction.

David: Do you know what this is?

Carlos: The spear that pierced the side of Christ. Scince it's no longer in tthe SJR's possesion, Mr. Shwartz could self-destruct.

David: Okay, tell me what the hell is going on.

Solar Navi YamatoMan EXE: Union of Two Spears

Act 1: Historical Value

*Two weeks earlier, at a Belgian museum*

Guide: This here is the Spear of Destiny, the spear that-

(explosions of smoke appear around the spear as cloaked figures walk towards it)

Figure 1: Alright, let's get it!

Figure 2: Right! Let's get this thing over with!

(smoke clears)

Carlos (amidst the crowd) : Hey, it's the SJR! (chases after cloaked figures)

Zenigata: Huh? Come back here, ya bastard! (runs out the main exit)

Carlos: (in '73 Oldsmobile Delta) I know about the Spear, but what do intend on using it? That's what I want to know...! (looks at the side mirror) Dammit, Oyaji's back!

Zenigata: (in standard police car) I don't care if he stole anything from that museum or not, I just want that man behind bars, then I'll go back to catching his cousin.

Carlos: *thinking* Ignore Oyaji for now. I gotta concentrate on the SJR. (dodges nearby cars, aims MB-1 at the black car) Wait a minute! The spear is in there! (puts MB-1 away) Dammit, now how can I get the spear? Jack In! YamatoMan.EXE, Naomi.EXE, Execute!


Yamatoman: Master Carlos, what do you plan to do?

Carlos: Are you guys able to control the car?

Naomi: Can do, Oniichan!

Carlos: OK, attain control of the car. I've gotta get to the front. (smashes open wind shield with the Himitsuken) Woah! Gotta be careful on this one. (crawls to the front of the car, which is at the back of the van) ...Himitsuken! (slashes apart the lock on the back) Yooosh! (opens doors, jumps in) Alright, now to nab the spear, and blow up this damn thing. (grabs the Spear, jumps back in car)

Naomi: Oniichan, do you need control of the car again?

Carlos: Not yet, first, slow down a bit.

Yamatoman: What?

Carlos: I just need to light some fireworks. (pulls out MB-1, aims at van's gas tank) 3, 2, 1... (fires MB-1, van explodes) Now that this is cleared, let's take this damn thing to the body shop.

(later, at Carlos' hotel room)

Carlos: ...! (the phone rings) Yes?

Caller: So, I heard you've got the Spear of Destiny.

Carlos: Who is this?

Caller: My name is Joseph McDamme, Interpol.

Carlos: !

Joseph: Don't worry, Mr. Zenigata's basically got a few loose screws. Anyway, I'm here to help you out with this whole thing.

Carlos: Go ahead.

Joseph: You know the Spear you took from the SJR van?

Carlos: Yes?

Joseph: It's a fake.

Carlos: What?!

Joseph: Take the Spear, and look at the bottom.

Carlos: (follows instructions) Looks normal to me. I don't see any-

Joseph: There's a secret compartment in the bottom. Place your palm on the bottom, and turn counter-clockwise 90 degrees.

Carlos: (follows instructions) Okay... (the bottom, with a small scroll attached to it, falls to the floor) ... I see... (picks up the scroll and begins to read it)

[The SJR would like to thank you for falling for our trap. Like you suspected, this is only a replica. The real deal is in the city of San Fransisco.]

Carlos: ...But exactly where?

(The next day, at a Belgian police station)

Carlos: Wondering where this is?

Officer 1: What are you doing with that?!

Officer 2: Didn't those guys in the van have it?

Carlos: Taken care of. Anyway, I'm an officially licensed vigilante. You can see here. (hands over PET)

Officer 1: Well, you've done a good job retrieving this. Thank you for helping us out.

Carlos: Ummm, no trouble... (Hope ya like replicas...)

(The next day, in downtown San Fransisco)

Naomi: Oniichan, this place is wonderful!

Carlos: Indeed.

(ground begins to shake)

Yamatoman: Nanda?

Carlos: (looks down) Hey... (pulls out a large, lighted spike) I heard about this thing.

Naomi: Oniichan, what is it?

Carlos: Some new toy I've heard about, the Seismic Bomb.

[Seismic Bomb]
[The Seismic Bomb is an spike-shaped device that, when activated, emits large seismic waves up to a 20-mile radius. When in groups sharing this range, the givin force can decimate groups of buildings via an artifical earthquake.]

Yamatoman: Master Carlos, mail!

[Subject: San Fransisco]
[Well by now, you've reached San Fransisco. If you didn't know, San Fransisco is a city built on the San Andreas Fault, and if these Seismic Bombs are activated in masses, then an earthquake twice the power of the 1906 disaster will occur.

Carlos: That makes my past capers look like littering!

[Anyway, you're about 3 blocks from the base.]

Carlos: Huh?

[I tracked the locations of those seismic bombs, and the one you have is about 5 blocks from an SJR base located in the area.]

Carlos: (thinking) How does he know this?

[Finally, according to our sources, the Spear is located within the base.]

Carlos: That's all I need to know! (runs to base)

[The present night]

Carlos: And that's how I got into this mess.

David: What about the bombs?

Carlos: The what?

David: The seismic bombs. You only found one in your story. You took care of the rest, didn't you?

Carlos: Oh. Yeah. Sure.

David: When?

Carlos: After I blew up the base. Did you think I would forget? Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to bed.

Act 3
Act 4
Act 5

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