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Within her dimly lit home lab, Alia hunkered over her computer screen searching for answers among the decompiled code of every cohesive and uncorrupted segment she could access of the Darkloid that had found its way into her possession. She could feel her eyes crusting over from the constant, unblinking skimming of black text in white windows. She felt like she needed to stop, to rest, but her insatiable curiosity just wouldn't let her.
Dark. Darklady. These were two separate navis the last she had seen them, but during the time she lost contact the two had evidently merged together. The entity that returned to her PET proved to have the unaltered appearance and physical properties of the mysterious female Darkloid, yet appeared to have none of her memories or personality. Those areas were occupied by data from her own navi. Many of the nodes she examined were a mixture of familiar and unfamiliar functions, it was practically impossible to tell the extent of the fusion and the proportions of code overwritten or supplanted.
Identifying and isolating the new code would be a key step in achieving Alia's goal to understand and document the full extent of the taboo Cyberworld phenomenon known as "Dark Power". Having a specimen of Darklady's calibre in her possession seemed too good to be true, and that was proving to be the case. The remnants of her throwaway navi were impurities she would like to purge, but with no clue how to restore the parts of Darklady those impurities were replacing, she was stuck.
She had to look at the bright side though. She had cooperation. If it wasn't for her navi's mind being in control of that body, she wouldn't even be performing this vivisection. If she ever did restore Darklady's memories and personality, she would also need to ensure she could keep her under control without damaging her further. For now at least, it seemed to be wise to take advantage of the composite navi's obedience.
Finally deciding she'd learned all she could from this incredibly boring chore, she closed all the files and recompiled Darklady's program. The violet-clad, black-horned figure materialized on her PET screen, shivering and rubbing her arms anxiously. Her bright green eyes stared ahead blankly.
Alia regarded the navi's expression with annoyance. "Oh get it together. It's not like I rewrote anything while I was in there. You didn't even feel anything."
Darklady shut her eyes, shook her head, and tried to ignore the unsettling feeling she was left with. She was barely back from her adventure five minutes before her operator shut her down and began prodding through her code. Even though nothing was rewritten, all the intrusive access still made her feel somehow violated.
Alia paid no heed to the navi's feelings and proceeded to outline her next plans. "Alright, whatever happened to you might have something to do with where it happened, so I'm sending you back to the Undernet to retrace your steps. How much do you remember about the trip?"
Darklady blinked and gradually regained her focus. "Uhh...hmm...Well I remember everything up to losing contact with you and then finding the big Darkloid fighting the little navi. Darklady fought the big guy and lost. Then while we were getting away, Darklady did something to me...and the next thing I knew I was returning to the PET and I looked like this. I'm afraid I don't remember where I was between losing contact with you and returning to the PET."
"Well then you'll go back to the point you lost contact and maybe it'll come back to you. And I don't want to hear any whining about the possibility of encountering that big scary Darkloid again, because that's what we want to happen."
The navi nodded with a serious expression. "Yeah, no problem. I'm actually looking forward to showing that oversized pile of scrap what I can do."
Alia was slightly taken aback. "YOU are looking forward to that?"
"Uh, yeah?" Darklady affirmed, tilting her head. "I mean, I have all these new customized powers now, I should be able to take it head on."
"...I see." Not that Alia was complaining, but this was the first she heard her navi express any kind of enthusiasm for being placed in harm's way. Was it just the confidence boost that came with her new body's capabilities, or was there something to be salvaged from that body's old mind after all?
"Well, no sense waiting then. Jack in, Darklady, get to work!"
* * *
The moment passed in slow motion for Moe as he rushed his opponent. As his name suggested, Blackbelt was well trained and so the Official could not afford to go easy on him. Moe focused on the fugitive's eyes in attempt to anticipate how he would counter, but rather than the calculating confidence he expected, he was met with a puzzled and perturbed expression. Calling the bluff, Moe aimed his left fist at Blackbelt's jaw while readying his right arm to block. Once the punch connected he was already following up with a kick to the midsection and was about to continue with another series of punches when his brain finished analyzing the situation and sent a message to the body to stop. His formidable opponent was already on the ground bleeding from his lip and clutching his stomach.
"Okay...that was waaay too easy." Moe finally said, his rage replaced by cautious suspicion.
As Tricia and the other Officials in the lobby began to gather around the suspect, he struggled back to his feet with a groan and held his arms up in the air. "Urgh, I guess someone should have warned this guy first...I'm NOT Blackbelt." The man stated with as indignant a tone he could muster with his lungs attempting to breathe in spite of the pain.
"You honestly expect us to fall for that just because you changed your outfit?" Tricia scoffed.
With an irritated sigh, he slowly reached into his long black coat, prompting the Officials to tense up and prepare to put him down for good. However instead of a weapon, all he pulled out was a purple Advance Model PET with his identification displayed on the screen, which he made sure everyone got a chance to see.
"My name is Samuel Darklight. I came here from Yumland to work on the 'Blackbelt' case. The Officials hired me due to my previous experience with the man you just mistook me for. I am in no way connected to him." Darklight explained bitterly.
Moe finally backed off, looking somewhat embarrassed. "...Darklight? I remember now, you're part of Bernhard's mercenary organization.
"It's not just his organization, but yes. In fact I believe your navi has already encountered my navi Shademan on aprevious occasion."
"Greetings." A voice with a deep Romanian accent spoke from Darklight's PET.
"Yeah, I remember something like that." Drillman pointed out.
Tricia shook her head. "I'm still not buying this. This guy claims to have previous experience with Blackbelt, but is NOT connected to him, yet looks just like him?"
Wiping the blood from his mouth, Darklight was getting more and more irritated. He felt he shouldn't have to take this from a bunch of Officials, but surrounded by them he was hardly in a position to fight back. "I have had about enough. We don't even look that much alike. His brow ridge and skin tone clearly indicate his west-Netopian heritage whereas mine are obvious traits of the Creamish settlers of Nation Z. Furthermore, I am at least four centimetres taller than Samuel Jeffries."
Tricia continued to stare at him dubiously. "...and the fact you both have the same first name?"
Darklight rolled his eyes. "Are you remotely aware of how many people in the world share the name 'Samuel'"?
"Alright, alright. Sorry for the misunderstanding." Moe apologized and gestured for the other Officials to move along. "Uh, are you okay?"
"Just fine." Darklight said curtly and felt around his jaw. "All my teeth are accounted for at least."
"So what's your business here exactly?" Tricia asked with a shrug.
"A while back I had a publicized NetBattle with Blackbelt as part of a tournament in Yumland. In a short time I became well acquainted with his strategic methods."
"Oh yeah." Moe exclaimed. "I remember hearing about Sam...Blackbelt's encounter with his 'evil twin'. We all missed the TV broadcast though. I thought he was exaggerating."
Darklight glared at Moe for a second and continued. "Anyway, when he went rogue a few months ago the Officials hired me to be on call for when it came time to apprehend him. After this much time and no further information, I decided to come here and look for the main Official involved in the search. That would be you."
"Why the initiative?" Moe questioned.
"Do you think I want that face showing up on wanted posters? Maybe I have personal reasons for capturing this guy as soon as possible. It seems I can't quite leave it up to you if you can't even properly identify him."
Moe knew he deserved that, but couldn't help feeling a little irritated by this character. The idea of having to work with him didn't sit well either. "...Well then...I guess we can discuss it later. Today I have another mission to attend to. Sorry."
Darklight chuckled. "Perhaps we can discuss it along the way then. I will be accompanying you on this mission."
Moe was perplexed. "I don't think you understand. This mission has nothing to do with Blackbelt."
"I will be going along anyway. You can check your inbox for clarification."
"Uh, Moe?" Drillman chimed in. "You got mail from the chief."
With a bad feeling, Moe read the message. Evidently, just before meeting him there, Darklight had contacted Moe's and Tricia's boss about revising his DLM contract, and was now unofficially committed to any mission they took on until the Blackbelt case was closed.
"I'm on your team now. You should be grateful." Darklight said dryly. "I'm free to come and go as I please, but I get paid more for each additional mission. Don't confuse me for some lazy contractor though. I'm only pursuing this route to ensure there are no more distractions keeping us from finishing the Blackbelt case."
"You've gotta be kidding." Tricia exclaimed, then turned to Moe. "Tell me he's kidding."
Moe re-read the e-mail and shook his head nervously. "He's not kidding."
"I'm no more pleased about this than you, so let's get this over with." Darklight stated as he led the way outside. Moe could sense that the business with the Undernet was going to start to seem like the least of his problems.
* * *
"Yyyeah. This is definitely the spot alright."
IceChan and four other Official navis stood at the edge of a shattered walkway in the Undernet, near the same entrance she had wandered through days earlier. The entire bridge was gone after Metalman's missile had struck it from below.
"So the Darkloid was found directly below this spot, IceChan?" Asked one of the Official navis, the standard issue blue-grey and orange variety.
"I-I guess so." IceChan stammered. "Sorry, I'm not sure how to get down there though...y'know, without falling."
"I will recquisition a hover-lift to lower us down." stated one of the others, a newer model orange and blue type.
"The ping readings indicate no signal disruption below." A light-blue uniformed humanoid navi explained while examining the pit.
IceChan looked at her bland, humorless companions curiously. " there some kind of rule that Official navis have to talk in fifteen-syllable statements?"
The fourth, a red and black Normal Navi only shook his head while continuing to focus on his analysis of the residual energy signatures. "No, you are imagining it, there is no such ordinance."
"...But you just...nevermind." IceChan sighed and tried to stay out of the way. The other Officials seemed to know what they were doing.
Swiftly, efficiently, the navis completed their analysis of the surroundings and within minutes the five were descending into the pit on a small elevator-like platform, just large enough for them all to cram onto. The downwards trip was certainly more enjoyable to IceChan than her previous one, even uncomfortably sandwiched between four other taller navis. The vulnerability of the position became apparent halfway down the abyss, as unseen viruses gathered around them from the shadows across the gap. The Official navis could hear hungry growls and feel the eyes of predators following their movements. With trained resolve, the officers stood back-to-back with their weapons ready to repel any threat that made a move for their exposed position.
"Operators, viral activity detected, chips please." The red navi stated succinctly.
Within the operation room of the ONB facility where Hoshiko and the other operators worked, frantic tapping of keys marked the folder preparation their navis requested. A bad feeling of déjà vu made the younger member especially wary. " it possible to get more backup if things get bad?"
"If things 'get bad', we'll have to just jack out." One of the older operators explained.
Another officer nodded. "Yes, Officials are unwelcome in the Undernet as it is, we can't bring too many of us in lest it attract unwanted attention. If the UnderDwellers thought we were invading their turf, they would gang up and put the entire operation in jeopardy."
"They can get away with that?" Hoshiko asked, puzzled. "I mean, we're the law, they're the criminals, right?"
The first man frowned. "Remember, in the Undernet, there is no law save 'survival of the fittest'. This region is not affiliated with any government or nation. It's out of our jurisdiction."
Hoshiko sank into her chair. "Then...then why are we even here?"
"Because if your navi's Darkloid sightings mean what they appear to mean, then we can't wait for this part of the Undernet to come to us." A third Official clarified. "We still need to be discreet about it."
"They may already be onto us. This many viruses could be from the UnderDwellers' virus bombs." The fourth Official hypothesized while tranferring battlechips to his navi.
Gunfire from a Cirkiller was raining down on the group from a nearby platform. The light-blue navi tried to block the shots with a MetGuard but was having trouble keeping up. The old model Official was firing on a HellCondor that quickly flew around their lift, but couldn't connect a hit. IceChan couldn't even move her arms enough to throw a snowball, but she could complain. "We're like sitting Canodumbs here!"
Hoshiko didn't know what to suggest. "Well...maybe you could...jump? You survived the fall last time, and this time you're closer to the bottom."
"I'd rather not!" IceChan protested. She wouldn't get to make the choice though, as first a PulseBulb appeared nearby and stunned them with an electric jolt, then the Condor dove in for the kill, slicing right through the hover-lift, deleting it and sending the five nais plummeting into the darkness.
Hoshiko's heart skipped a beat, but luckily the navis were closer to the bottom than they thought. They landed roughly and scattered, but intact. IceChan groaned as she got to her feet, rubbing her backside after falling on it. "I'm getting tired of this already."
"Navis, report!" The new-model's operator commanded.
"Damage minimal, we have reached base level, analyzing." His navi responded with no difficulty.
"Warning: energy spike detected, thermal increase, northwest." The light-blue navi announced, pointing in the direction of a faint orange light in the distance.
"Tell me it's just more viruses." Hoshiko pleaded.
IceChan stared wide-eyed at the distant glow and could feel her body stiffening from uncertain fear. "No...I don't think viruses can do that."
One of the older operators scoffed. "Stop whining. We came here to investigate the Darkloid sightings. This could be exactly what we're looking for."
"Y-you don't understand." IceChan stammered. "None of the navis I encountered could...they didn't...glow or anything like that."
"Before jumping to conclusions, we should actually go investigate whatever it is." The blue navi's op suggested. "C'mon navis, head northwest, full stealth protocols. We'll prep some Invis chips."
The four male Officials marched off in the direction of the anomaly without hesitation. IceChan stood transfixed for a moment before finally forcing herself to follow. She had a deathly ominous feeling about what was coming. She couldn't back out though, this was her mission, and she had to do her best.
Nearby, hidden eyes watched the Officials closely, well aware of the certain doom the foolish surface-dwellers were heedlessly approaching. Would they need to interfere? More importantly, whose side were they on?
* * *
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