AXE Part 7-2

Things may look hopeless for our heroes, but the power of friendship brings a ray of hope in this week’s AXE page.

I’m not kidding.

AXE Part 7-1

It’s the beginning of the home stretch. The players arrive on the final battlegrounds in the Undernet in this week’s AXE page.

AXE Art Part 4

My Valentine’s gift to all of you is an especially weird AXE art update! Spider’s design has been shrouded in mystery for the longest time, unless I posted the earlier sketch I made based on Alice’s description elsewhere and forgot. I believe the earliest Spider scenes in the story were written before I had that description, and I don’t think I’ve been any less vague about his appearance in writing since then. Well, this might help then. Continuing with operator artwork, we have Hoshiko. That’s the first piece I drew using the new tablet and editing software I got for Christmas, which was as rewarding as it was frustrating. It was a jump from Photoshop Elements 1.0 to 8.0, so there was a bit of re-learning everything involved. Finally, and I’m hesitant to introduce this one because I still don’t know what I was thinking with it, but…The Trailer Parkloids … Yep.

AXE Part 6-6

Check out the last page of Part 6, in which events converge on the final location.
Back in the earlier planning stages, I expected the story to only be six parts, but then I wrote this far and realized I’d need seven, or else have a Part 6 that was twice as long as every other. Come to think of it, there may have been a time I thought I would reach the end in five? Hard to imagine now.

AXE Part 6-5

Things couldn’t get any worse over on the other side of the story, right? Okay so Shademan doesn’t seem to be having a good day, but you can’t read too much into the teaser images. Check out today’s AXE page for good times and smiles maybe, who knows?

AXE Part 6-4

The battle for the Officials’ home base comes to a shocking conclusion in this week’s AXE page.

AXE Art Part 3

A special treat with today’s batch of AXE art: a drawing from someone other than me! Our own Flamechick was kind enough to contribute a stunning pinup of Moe. It’s quite provocative, in that he’s clearly provoking someone to fight him right there in the Officials’ locker room. Is that a scene that actually occurs in the story? Keep reading to find out! Meanwhile, I continue with operator artwork, this time featuring the wandering Nijubu and the shut-in scientist Alia.

AXE Part 6-3

Metal vs. Vengeance! Flame vs Archer! Dark vs. Dragoon! The battle royale sees adversaries face off seemingly at random! And what the heck is happening with Overdrive? That question will not be answered in this week’s installment of the Annihilation finale!

AXE Part 6-2

In the first Annihilation page of the new year, Bubbleman, Plantman, Beastman, and Burstgirl delve into the Darkloids’ hidden sanctum.

AXE Part 6-1

Closing out 2013 with the start of Part 6. The Official navis come face-to-face with the full Children of Vengeance team, and grapple with the revelation that Magister wasn’t what she appeared to be. I did mention there would be a lot of action scenes.