Shadow Hunters: Template

Back when the Maniacs Meets first began the team was addicted to the game Shadow Hunters. To that end we created our own character cards for the series with the intention of making good art for them and getting them printed. Years went by and we only played with our character cards using cheap printouts from my home printer without any art. We’re not doing the meet this year, but we did finally finish this old project. The entire team played using these cards and everyone gave input, but Raijin was the primary art contributor along with myself while Topman contributed to card creations and logistics (this wouldn’t even exist without him).

Paintchat: The Rest

A few years ago Raijin tried to get us all to do iScribble regularly. Didn’t work out, but here’s some sketches from it. These are all the rest of the sketches collaged together. It didn’t last long, but there were nice memories made.

Paintchat: Ariga’s Megaman

A few years ago Raijin tried to get us all to do iScribble regularly. Didn’t work out, but here’s some sketches from it. This is Ariga’s Megaman by Gauntlet.

Paintchat: Quintet

A few years ago Raijin tried to get us all to do iScribble regularly. Didn’t work out, but here’s some sketches from it. This is Quintet by Gauntlet.

Paintchat: Mother Sera

A few years ago Raijin tried to get us all to do iScribble regularly. Didn’t work out, but here’s some sketches from it. This is Mother Sera by Raijin.


Another month another update. Last month’s epilogue actually took a long time to finish and eventually Mags and Snake both helped give me enough juice to get to the end and finish the damned thing. So after finishing it I took a look back at some of our other unfinished tales. This one in particular always nagged at me since it was supposed to end off Series 6. But it didn’t and I wound up putting everything on hold for a long while waiting in vain for it to be finished. Ho hum. There’s no reason it couldn’t be adapted to the current series, though! So take a look at a newly finished tale of the Mechs – Virus!

Random Image Added

ANOTHER update!?  WTF?  Yeah, it appears so.  It’s another techy one; the random video on the bottom of the main page now alternates with a random image that’s plucked from the gallery.  Enjoy!

Slightly Revised Layout

You may not have noticed, but the layout has changed ever so slightly.

It has been brought to my attention that my amazing, fantastic, and all around awesome layout … is awesomely SLOW for some people to load. I figured this was because of our oftentimes slow server, but I’ve been made aware that it’s STILL slow for some. And the culprit is the logo. So I’ve revised it. It was jQuery before, but now it’s straight-up Flash, Screw you iPad users!

Anyway, the site should load up faster for people now. Hopefully.