Quint & Pirate Games

Here’s an image of Quint in his box art design. I really like this design and wish it were used more often in the fandom. Sure, he looks too much like Protoman, but it’s not like he’s used that often anyway. Quint was used to great extent in the latest epilogue series bringing the Mech on random adventures, often finishing old stories Gary once started.

Also, we have updated in the … pirates games page? From about 10 years ago!? Yeah, those epilogues really took over for ages on end, didn’t they? I totally forgot to post any of these. Uh … sorry, Radix (who sent in a few of them).

Bits and Bytes

The Epilogues may be over, but the site goes on! I’ll be posting some art for a while. This is from a series based around an unrealized story by Snakeman featuring the Ascendant Androids. It’s Gravityman with the best of his days far behind him.

Next up is a missing sprite from the dog enemy in my Megaman PC rips. Uh … oops! Submitted by Rofang.

Finally we have some images from a different version of Rockman 1 – 6 submitted by Ninjaz_1. More can be found in the article on Asian PC games. Yeah, it’s for a compilation of the original series NES games featuring art of Megaman X. VERY skeevy.

Tiger Manual Scans and Cells

Wait, an update that isn’t a fanfic? Yeah, for the first time in literal years! And I’ve actually been waiting literal years to do this. Just keep on putting it off. I’ve made scans of manuals I bought a few years ago for the Megaman Tiger games. And I’ve made scans of the "sprite sheet" at absurdly high resolution! Printing that small thing can cover over an entire sheet of paper now! And the manuals themselves have been scanned at great quality too, but nowhere near the size of the sprite sheets. Feel free to look up the article on Megaman 2 Tiger and Megaman 3 Tiger for more info.

I also updated my article on Nintendo Power art with some more info and a collage I made of a rare MM poster. Which would be kinda impressive if someone hadn’t scanned that posted at print quality!

Lastly I added some LONG overdue news about Rockman Strategy – how to defeat Capricorn and get Fan on your teamcourtesy of -MISSING-, Sorry it took literal years to put this on the site…

Arching the Androids Part 2, Articles, and Art

The Ascendant Androids’ adventures with Arch of Darkman’s Robot Warriors continues! Can Arch continue to survive the Androids? An even better question – can the Androids survive the madness Arch brings with him?


But, wait! There more! Wait, really? Yes, really! Thanks to Tyree_Cooper I’ve revised me old Asian PC article to include more information on Rockman 123 and the Rockman Collection! I have to admit I was disinterested in this when I first happened upon it, dismissing it as a knockoff collection of the NES games and nothing more. But there are some (very) minor changes.


Finally, we have some pictures Riajin made a few years ago. Above is the original idea for Cossack’s Creations, before the Comrades reformed. Rich had a notion he’d make a communist-era version of the team complete with sprites, but that never panned out. Raijin made this character sheet based off that abandoned idea. We also now present his character art of the MM6 team – World’s Strongest!

Nintendo Power’s In-House Art

What, an update that doesn’t involve fan fiction!? On a Tuesday!? Yeah, seems that way. Remember when I used to write articles on oddball Megaman trivia? Well, here’s something along those lines.

Hey, does anyone else remember that Yahoo auction featured on Protodude’s blog? the one with really rare Megaman 2 and 3 promo art? Well, I’ve takes the time to track down who made it and it’s influences. It seems to go beyond Nintendo Power! I’ve also looked into another batch of cells made by the same artist.


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AXE Part 5-6, MM Teams Wiki

A massive attack and an inevitable betrayal mark the end of Chronicle 5 of Annihilation. There’s a whole lot of action from here on out.

In other news, Gauntlet has been adding a lot of new info to the MM Teams Wiki. It’s the surprise culmination of a Mechs casefiles project we started years ago, made a bunch of art for, but then didn’t do anything with until Gauntlet found out he owned this Wiki a few weeks ago. It’s a work in progress, but there’s a lot to read up on already. Check it out.

Return of the Mobile coverage

Yes, it’s that time again. The time where I update the list of cell phone games and the screen shot gallery. And I find myself wondering why they chose to have Megaman shoot directly at Dr. Wily in Megaman: Rush Marine. I mean, just look at that. He’s shooting hot plasma directly at Dr. Wily’s head! How does that not violate the laws of robotics? He does the same in the Megaman PC games, so maybe it’s that Megaman is more violent than Rockman. Yeah, let’s stick with that theory.

But more than just the list being updated is some downloadable Megaman cell phone games. This not only includes Rockman Jump (of course), but also Rocket Christmas, Pinball, Space Rescue, and Megaman 3! Megaman 3 actually has all sizes of the game, which means even the tiny sprites used for the low resolution phones. I can’t extract the sprites to the others, but maybe someone else out there can. You can thank Duke Serkol for these downloads!


Standard epilogue ending to tie the Moments in with the standard stuff. The ‘Moments actually take place quite a while ago so that’s the Ark, in case you didn’t know. It’s nice to see such an old project get the end it deserves.

In other news, I finally got a hold of the English version of Ariga’s Megamix. For years I’ve had the Rockman Remix and the original Megamixes and I’m very glad to be able to finally read the stories in them. Well, sort of. Read the article I wrote to get my impression of the English Megamix as well as things it’s missing. Now that it’s translated it’s not quite obscure anymore, but in a few more years I’m sure it will be.

US Box Continuity, MM 10 bosses Revealed

Yes, there’s a new article on the US Box Continuity. It goes into obsessive detail on the entire story as described by the boxes and manuals of the classic series including Megaman 9.

Speaking of which …

The Megaman 10 boss roundup is:

Blademan, Strikeman, Solarman, Chillman, Commandoman , Sheepman, Nitroman , and Pumpman.

Poor Blademan. Now he’s no better than Waveman.

The Official Guide to Megaman

And we’re back! While the holidays offers a lot of downtime it’s actually a very busy time anyway. But the long wait is not without any good Christmas treats. And so I bring you an overly detailed summation of an extremely obscure Megaman book: The Official Guide to Megaman! They don’t make books like this anymore.