Back when the Maniacs Meets first began the team was addicted to the game Shadow Hunters. To that end we created our own character cards for the series with the intention of making good art for them and getting them printed. Years went by and we only played with our character cards using cheap printouts from my home printer without any art. We’re not doing the meet this year, but we did finally finish this old project. The entire team played using these cards and everyone gave input, but Raijin was the primary art contributor along with myself while Topman contributed to card creations and logistics (this wouldn’t even exist without him).
Also, please welcome our newest affiliate – Megaman PC: Dr. Cossack’s Lab! The good doctor has been around for ages partaking in many projects and his site features a wide variety of content, especially their well known Rockboard translation from a while back! Peruse their art gallery! Their Music Gallery! Their Oekaki Board and Message Board! And if you see Torchman and his like lying around there do us all a favor and drive ’em outta town.
Tags: art
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