
The last in my art series. Scorpion. The "ultimate weapon" that killed (albeit temporarily) the original Elecman – Edward. Scorpion was a big gun bad guy of the Sinister Six and was based off the Ruby Spears Snakeman.

I gotta pump out more art to post on the site. This was the last I made in my big art push a while back!

Iceman Red

The original Mary Sue doppelganger of Megaman teams – Iceman Red! Gary was really onto something with this guy. With a cool backstory that … sorta ripped off Protoman, but with a nice, evil wist, backwards flame powers and a mysterious past that turned out to be based off the … uh … Star Wars prequels …

Look. We were all young, okay?

Despite that, he was a whole thing and I really liked this guy.

In the past I just drew him my own way, but this version is based more off the sprite, which was based off Megaman as well as ice’s own description of him having a wild parka. I did want there to be a little bit of visual difference between him and Iceman.

Mr. Whiz

The arch enemy of Wily’s Warriors – Mr. Whiz! Of course he’s not exactly … "deadly". But he is annoying! And, sometimes, that’s enough. I have to admit it’s been a long time since I read their stories, but Quickman’s own Reverse Flash is still memorable, if only for his look.

Spin Woman

Spin Woman! She was really fun to write. She starts off as the opposite of Waveman and it was kind of fun to write a character that the contrarian team just loves to death for absolutely no reason. Her time as Wave Woman ended too soon; I didn’t expect to have so much material for Series 9. She became Wave Woman as part of the Evil Eight’s reforming arc. Unfortunately, when you try really hard to associate yourself with bad people bad things can happen to you.

Geminiman Red

An old fan character, this is Gemini Red! Both my original (kinda uninspired recolor) and the wackier recolor by Nightmare aka Spinning Demon! From back before the Team Scene really had any established rules.

Thunder, Thunder, THUNDER .. Thunderman! & Gifts

The art train isn’t stopping! Next up on my random grab bag is Thunderman from the Sinister Six series. This one went through a few revisions as I erroneously thought he just straight-up looked like Thunder.exe until I read his description in Ice VS Red. I thin based his looks off one of Ben’s old sketches (he was an actual S6 member, after all). I think it turned out alright all things considered.

We also have some gift sprites.

First up are some I totally forgot about, from Hansungkee. S6 DOS redesigns. From 2017. Uh … sorry I forgot to post these, dude.

Next up are a bunch of reworked mugshots from Molly of Cyborg Resistance fame! Wow, she really went to town with these! But that’s not all! We also have Patches for Megaman II and III for the Gameboy that turn it into a more Mechs-based game. More info and screens can be found in the Downloads section.


The great and powerful Nth, as he appears in the Sinister Six finale – All Good Things. I decided to shoehorn in an origin for Ben’s mysterious time-traveling stalker for a tear jerking scene. Maybe it didn’t make much sense, but hopefully it made for a memorable scene. I really wanted to do right by Gary’s memory in that ending.

Quint & Pirate Games

Here’s an image of Quint in his box art design. I really like this design and wish it were used more often in the fandom. Sure, he looks too much like Protoman, but it’s not like he’s used that often anyway. Quint was used to great extent in the latest epilogue series bringing the Mech on random adventures, often finishing old stories Gary once started.

Also, we have updated in the … pirates games page? From about 10 years ago!? Yeah, those epilogues really took over for ages on end, didn’t they? I totally forgot to post any of these. Uh … sorry, Radix (who sent in a few of them).

Dr. Wily

Next up is a colorized old picture of Dr. Wily done in a totally different style than normal. I was trying out something new and kinda liked it. Liked it enough to include it in my push to colorize a whole bunch of teams related characters anyway.

Also in rummaging in some old file I remembered some sprites based off my own work done for Megaman 8 Bit Deathmatch and an expanded set of PC sprites based on the same set. Check those out in the Miscellaneous Sprite Gallery. There’s even sprites of Multiman for 8-bit Deathmatch. All those are now … about a decade old now. More maybe? You can’t even download the add-on pack anymore! Not sure if Multiman ever made it all the way to a downloadable pack, but you can see the sprites at least.

Pyro Da Fox

Tails Who? This is Ben’s OC that he just couldn’t quit – Pyro Da Fox. When being even Magma Dragoon isn’t enough Ben shouts SHAZAM and Pyro is there to save the day! Even after being reborn as Heatman Pyro was revived! And, yes, he followed Ben into his Hardman form. Somehow, some way, Pyro survives.