Plot by Sam (Pharaoh Man), written by Anime Master (Drill Man) (Do you notice who are the writers for the team?)
At Comrade HQ:
Pharaoh: Ah another beautiful morning!
Ring: Yeah for you. We on the other hand got our asses kicked by Ballade yesterday while you were home watching Chappels Show.
Pharaoh: Hehehe.
Ding Dong. That is the sound that was heard around the Hq.
Dive: Could you at least get up and answer the door? I am trying to concentrate.
Dive is seen trying to play chess with Drill
Drill: Checkmate. You loose again.
Drill: I'm sorry. But I can master any game.
Skull: That’s true. He beats me everyday in games.
Dive: I guess. Want a rematch?
Drill: You are on!
Dust: Since we are all so distracted, why don’t I get the door?
So he goes and who should appear but the dreaded…
Mailman: Bwahhha! I am the mailman! I am here to attack you with my bills of anger!
Dust: … Uh Ring it is for you.
Ring: Yes. Who is it? Is it Brady returning the 50 dollars he took from me?
Dust: Close enough.
Ring goes and gets assaulted.
Ring: Ack! Bills! My weakness! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Have some Rings to pay off the cash payments!
The Mailman goes away.
Ring: How come we never had any good villains? Sure we have Kryptoman. But now he is powerless. And there’s Ballade. But he is an idiot. And now the Mailman. THE MAILMAN FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! I WANT A GOOD VILLIAN! WHY CANT WE HAVE SOMEONE LIKE DARTH VADER OR BIZZARO SHADOWMAN? I WANT A CHALLENGE!
Skull: Be thankful for what we got. I swear you will regret those words. Hey where is Toadman today?
Bright: I don’t know. This was on his bed though.
Bright holds a letter claiming that Toadman was taken hostage by an unknown villain.
Skull: Great job Ring. Your wish has been granted. Where is he being taken hostage?
Bright: Met City.
Skull: Alright team forward ho!
Dive: Not again! You made me loose again!
Drill: Take my advice; don’t play me again in a game.
So they travel to Met City! In the center was Met Castle, home of the vicious Met King.
Met King: Hahaha! Soon those bumbling fools will come and taste my wrath!
Met Soldier #1: So uh should we attack?
Met King: Yes, ATTACK THEM!
Will the Met King's plan work? Will Ring get a challenge? Will Toadman be okay? Will Dive beat Drill or will he suffer another defeat at his hands like what happened with Skull? Find out next time.
Cossack's Comrades |
AM as Drill Man |
Sean as Dust Man |
Christoffer as Dive Man |
Keba as Bright Babe |
Shadowyguy as Skull Man |
Rebel40000 as Ring Man |
Sergal as Pharaoh Man |
Dennis as Toad Man |