
Decommissioned Napalmman
Here's how I envision the mass-produced mech based on Napalmman in the Decommissioned era. I think the Gustav of Misadventures of Tron Bonne is what really got me into the idea of a relatively compact mecha that the pilot is just kinda stuffed into, and Napalm always had that egg shape to his torso that made me envison that situation for him. The whole idea of Decommissioned basically springs from an excuse to come up with a scenario where this happens.
Keywords: Napalm

Decommissioned Napalmman

Here's how I envision the mass-produced mech based on Napalmman in the Decommissioned era. I think the Gustav of Misadventures of Tron Bonne is what really got me into the idea of a relatively compact mecha that the pilot is just kinda stuffed into, and Napalm always had that egg shape to his torso that made me envison that situation for him. The whole idea of Decommissioned basically springs from an excuse to come up with a scenario where this happens.

Decom-Grav.jpg Decom-Gyro.jpg Decom-Napalm.jpg desc-cable.jpg desc-carnivorous.jpg


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