
Iceman Red
Okay, so stop me if you've heard this one.  Dr. Light makes a robot that gets mad at his creator and then decides to take off.  Yeah, Red doesn't have the most creative of origins.  Or looks.  But what he lacks in creativity he makes up for in mystique!  Gary kept the deal on this guy under wraps for ages.  He wrote his stories out of order so Red's own origin was only finished (by myself with a handful of others) after he was long introduced to the series itself.  So the story we know was that he stumbled into a teleporter and was lost.  The story Gary wanted was that he fell ... into the Star Wars prequel universe.  

I shoulda just made a mockery of it, but I took the assignment seriously.  

My original sketch for Red all those years ago has him sporting a limp parka that Gary later said he disliked initially, but after wearing a parka I have to admit it makes little sense.  I also realize that the original Sinister Six sprites have Iceman and his red hued counterpart sport underoos and not a belt!  So instead of giving my own take on an evil, fiery red Iceman I figured I'd base the inspiration for this version off the sprite.  But I couldn't let go of my notion that Red should have a somewhat different parka than Blue.  So I went with a wild parka instead.  Muuuuuch better.  The light sources gave me a bit of trouble as did my eternal enemy - hands.  But now Red's all done.  I guess I'm satisfied with him.
Keywords: Ice;s6_guest_art

Iceman Red

Okay, so stop me if you've heard this one. Dr. Light makes a robot that gets mad at his creator and then decides to take off. Yeah, Red doesn't have the most creative of origins. Or looks. But what he lacks in creativity he makes up for in mystique! Gary kept the deal on this guy under wraps for ages. He wrote his stories out of order so Red's own origin was only finished (by myself with a handful of others) after he was long introduced to the series itself. So the story we know was that he stumbled into a teleporter and was lost. The story Gary wanted was that he fell ... into the Star Wars prequel universe.

I shoulda just made a mockery of it, but I took the assignment seriously.

My original sketch for Red all those years ago has him sporting a limp parka that Gary later said he disliked initially, but after wearing a parka I have to admit it makes little sense. I also realize that the original Sinister Six sprites have Iceman and his red hued counterpart sport underoos and not a belt! So instead of giving my own take on an evil, fiery red Iceman I figured I'd base the inspiration for this version off the sprite. But I couldn't let go of my notion that Red should have a somewhat different parka than Blue. So I went with a wild parka instead. Muuuuuch better. The light sources gave me a bit of trouble as did my eternal enemy - hands. But now Red's all done. I guess I'm satisfied with him.

Scorpion.jpg IcemanRed.jpg MrWhiz.jpg SpinWoman.jpg GeminimanRed.jpg


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