Clownman 060
: im bored
: as am I
: mostly.
: I am also drawing stuff
: So, what's new in Clown-world?
Clownman 060
: not a damn thig!
Clownman 060
: *thing
Clownman 060
: or thig
Clownman 060
: whichever
: lol.
: I was just about to do a little write-up on the Capcom Japan incident that happened a few weeks ago.
Clownman 060
: what happened?
: U don't know???
Clownman 060
: no
: The whole mess in Wily's Warriors??
Clownman 060
: no idea
: Well, this might make a good intro for my artcle, so I'll tell yas.
: It really started a few months ago when people started to use the little black mugshots.
Clownman 060
: o those
: Well, it turns out those were taken from a Japanese web site, but no one knew that.
: And then the Japanese guy found out!
: and paid a little visit to Wily's Warriors.......
: Well, most everyone who still updates their teams took down their little black mugs (including Ice) and all seemed well........
: until......
: (and this hasn't been proven), but I think the Japanese dude contacted Agira of Rockman Megamix, and told him about how people are usin his stuff (in particular Wily's Warriors and Cody's page).
: And, as it turns out, that is a no-no.
: In fact.......
: it is not only a no-no to use Megamix pictures, but also ANY OFFICIAL CAPCOM ART AT ALL!
Clownman 060
: k
: Naturally, as you might expect, this caused quite the ruckus in the forum.
: Frankly I am surprised u missed it.
: And the whole thing went to a commitee in Capcom Japan.
: And they decided it was still a no-no, but by then the Wily's Warrior's forum was shut down.
: Agira sent a letter to Cody which basically said "I didn't see you'r page"
: And now, Agira's page has a nice english disclaimer as a resuly of the clash.
: Comprende?
: I will ta ke you'r silence as a "yes"
Well, that's how I explained the situation to Clownman. This is the exact thing posted on Ariga's page:
I got an answer from CAPCOM JAPAN to your questions. Before review the answer, I would like to refer to some points. We would like you all to understand that images or graphics of other people's website are not yours, but copyright owner's property. However, many people are inclined to be under the impression that they can use these images freely, as it is easy to duplicate and utilize them. To duplicate and upload these images of ROCKMAN and MEGAMAN on your website without copyright owner's permission is, I am afraid to say, illegal. CAPCOM JAPAN grants a license to use images of ROCKMAN and MEGAMAN to KODANSHA, and KODANSHA entrusts creation of cartoon to me. In other words, CAPCOM JAPAN is exclusive owner of ROCKMAN and MEGAMAN. Therefore, I do not have th e authority to grant a license to use these images nor sell the right to anyone. The following answer is from CAPCOM JAPAN.
As a matter of our company's policy, placing the images of which copyrights belong to CAPCOM JAPAN (including ROCKMAN and MEGAMAN) on the individual website is not permitted without appropriate legal relationship. CAPCO M JAPAN only permits you to use your graphic created by yourself (do not use Capcomfs data) on your website. The reason why we have such a strict policy is because we should prevent ill usage of our intellectual property. People use other person's property with no holds barred. Under such circumstances, we are obliged to take measures in above-mentioned way. If such situation is changed in the future, we are willing to provide images for all thinking person.
I am sorry to say you should not use ROCKMAN and MEGAMAN images at the present. However, I believe that CAPCOM JAPAN considers all of you. Please understand a hard decision with mixed feelings of CAPCOM JAPAN. They have no choice but to forbid to use images under the existing Internet situation.
Mr. Ariga has been nothing but cool about this whole thing. On his page, he says he, himself, doesn't mind if you use his art, but the companies he works for has a problem, so don't go bother him (like one other guy did). Well, far be it for me to argue with almighty Capcom. But I decided to write a letter to Capcom USA regarding this topic.
From: Gauntlet []
To: BBS Administrator
Subject: Quick Question
Well, I'm not really sure where to send this question to, but since it says to send all general questions to you, I hope I got the right guy. A lot, and I mean every, Megaman site on the net uses images found in manuals, capcom Japan and game sprites on their site, and I was just wondering what the official word on that was. Well, I hope you can shed some light on this. Thanks.
Thank you for contacting Capcom. We always welcome comments and questions and are glad you took the time to share them with us. We always appreciate hearing from great Capcom fans like yourself.
In regards to your question about posting a website from one of our games, we have the following policy:
Capcom does not object to you posting your own website which may contain reference to Capcom games or characters, with the understanding that this is done as a personal activity and that you do not intend to receive re venue by this use of our property.Also, we will not object to the website as long as it is not offensive or slanderous towards Capcom, our products, or employees or any other third party.
This policy is in no way meant to be interpreted as creating an agreement or grant of license from Capcom to you.
So if you are a fan of Capcom games, and you have a website that you would like to post, Cap com will not object so long as you are working within the above stated criteria.
Again, thank you for choosing to be a fan of Capcom and for your continued support of our products.
Thank you,
Philip Navidad
Capcom Customer Service Representative
Now I am not sure if he actually answered my images question there. He didn't say "no, images are forbidden under copyright law", but then again he didn't say, "use our images as freely as you like". Their policy doesn't seem to refer to images in any way at all. Quite the dilemma. It seems as if Capcom Japan has a mighty big problem with fans using their images, but Capcom USA seems to be a-OK with it. I choose to so lve this problem with a bit o logic. Mandi's Megaman Homepage uses capcom official sprites that were ripped from the rooms. Her Homepage is "official" as it is endorsed by Capcom USA. Also: I am in Canada, so Capcom USA has more jurisdiction over me. Therefore, I will follow Capcom USA's guidelines of nonprofit usage as opposed to Capcom Japan's no-usage-at-all policy.
I am Gauntlet and this has been Gauntlet's guides.