Gauntlet's Guide to Stuff Gauntlet Hates

This is not as much a guide as a list of things Gauntlet hates. May be updated. Then again, it may not be.

Flying ants - They freak me out. Ants shouldn't fly, Goddamnit! Just the sight of these things is enough to make me boil with rage and disgust.

Bees - Of all insects, Gauntlet hates bees/wasps the most. These things freak Gauntlet out. When they come near, Gauntlet gets the hell away.

Treeloot - Treeloot makes banners that like to crash Gauntlet's computer. It almost never fails. It either freezes me up or just crashes IE completely. Nothing cans top it. God damn I hate Treeloot. Good thing I never see them anymore.

Incoherent Assholes - I don't mind if people don't care for my site. Fuck, there are plenty of sites I don't give a shit about. And I don't really care about what they think when I get e-mails. But the truly incoherent ones make me shake my head in disgust. Their just pathetic. It seems like all the enemies this site has can't even form real sentences.

Whiny People - Now I got nothing against complaints ..... nothing at all. But if you complain and yet do nothing to help your situation, you're gonna piss me off! Fer instance if someone say "Oh, I don't like my hair!" And yet he does nothing to fix his hair, well then he's just being a bitch. Stop complaining if you're gonna do nothing about it.

Jerks who don't stop bothering me - You know who you are.

Racism - Nothing pisses me off more than people who are intolerant of others. There's over 6 billion people on the Earth, don't think that you're so great.

I'm Gauntlet and this has been Gauntlet's guides.


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