You might be on this site and wondering, who IS Mega man??? If you are.................................. YOU SHOULDN'T BE HERE! -Nightmare Gemini

Gemini Red: Just kidding.

Gauntlet: This is kinda, sorta, a guide to Megaman (Rockman in Japan) in all his forms - compiled for your viewing pleasure by me.

Needlegal: "Pleasure" being open to interpretation!

Gauntlet: Har-de-har-har.

Gemini Red: I made the banner at the top. Like it?

Gauntlet: It looks very good.

Gemini Red: You won't find that many places!

Needlegal: Alright, let's go into the guide, already.

Part 1 - The original Megaman I'm 14 and I don't look a day older than 8!

Gauntlet: This is the original Megaman. He's appeared in 31 games, not including Rockman Complete Works, because that's just a cheap re-release of the original 6 games with no change in graphics or -

Needlegal: Now, don't start.

Gauntlet: Should I include Wily Wars in there? That's a re-release too, but it also has that Wily Towers mini game ...

Needlegal: Oh who cares! The point is he's been around!

Gemini Red: On allot of different systems too!

Gauntlet: But he has not aged a day.

Gemini Red: Since he's a robot!

Needlegal: I think he's cute. I don't want him to age!

Gauntlet: Does give him less of a chance with any girls though.

Needle: Is he even interested? He *is* about 8 years old!

Gauntlet: Well (let's get back on track here), Megaman was created by Doctor Light (or Right as some translations would have you believe) as a household robot. When Light's assistant Doctor Wily reprogramed the original 6 robots, Light -

Needlegal: Y'know Light must be a really bad judge of character.

Gauntlet: THANK you, Needlegal. Well, Rock was reprogrammed into Megaman and has been fighting the good fight ever since. He has a brother, Protoman, and a sister, Roll.

Gemini Red: You know, some people think Roll and Megaman should hook up.

Needlegal: But she's his SISTER!Quickman takes a side on whether Rock was built "equipped".

Gemini Red: Their Robots. Allot of people don't think they have relatives like that.

Needlegal: That is very disturbing.

Gauntlet: That's nothing. There's debate if Megaman was built "anatomically correct".

Needlegal: O_o

Gauntlet: Speechless ..... for once ......

Part 2 - Megaman X I'm X and I hate my life!

Gauntlet: Megaman X is Megaman in the future.

Gemini Red: Not necessarily.

Gauntlet: Oh, common! "Not necessarily" my ass!

Gemini Red: Y'know over at the Ultimate Megaman Website (or is that Homepage) they have Megaman's own real life creator in an interview (as copied from a magazine) saying that their not the same guy.

Gauntlet: Yeah, and DC comics said "Electro Supes" was gonna stay FOREVER! Those interviews mean absolutely nothing at all!

Gemini Red: But ...

Gauntlet: Shut it, Red! Don't make much sense if their different people you know! All this talk of X's memories being erased ... if they were different, X wouldn't have any memories TO erase! And -

Needlegal: Maybe we should get back to the guide here....

Gauntlet: The story just makes WAY more sense if X IS the original MM! All these stupid connections to the past would be moot if ...

Gemini Red: But the interview!

Needlegal: Ugh.

Gauntlet: Everyone knows Capcom is just making this up as they go along!

Needlegal: OKAY! Well, X has lotsa debate around him. But one thing's for sure - he cries allot!

Picture from Red Draco's site, I believe I'm always sad.......Gauntlet: In the manga he's the only robot who can cry.

Needlegal: And he sure does that ALLOT!

Gemini Red: In the TV show he's kinda berserk. I don't think he cries there.

Gauntlet: The mangna's more accepted than the TV show.

Needlegal: X was placed in a capsule by Doctor Light for an unknown (and debated) timeline. Stupid 21XX. Well it's sometimes between 20XX and 21XX. He was released by Doctor Cain who though it'd be a great idea to make copies of X for the public to use (their called Reploids - replica androids)!

Gauntlet: Naturally, robots with free will rebelled against being used as slaves. Cain was very shortsighted.

Gemini Red: Sigma's the leader of the rebels (called Mavericks, or Irregulars in the Japanese version). He was once leader of the Maverick hunters, but rebelled! And now he's a virus that can cause Reploids to go bad!

They said I might actually stay dead this time!!Needlegal: This is Zero. He was made by Doctor Wily. He was seen in the Power Battles in Bass's ending.

Gauntlet: He's dies allot. Once in X1, again in another ending in X3, and now in X5.

Needlegal: (singing) The cat came back! The very next day!

Gauntlet: Zero's arrogant. He talks down to X in the first game.

Gemini Red: He also has memory problems.

Needlegal: When I first saw Zero, I thought he was a girl!Megaman X from the Megaman TV show.

Gauntlet: In some circles, Zero is coupled with X in fan fiction.

Gemini Red: WHAT!? HE'S NOT GAY!!!!

Gauntlet: .... He's a robot (Reploid for you purists out there). He has as much gender as a mannequin. Who cares anyway.

Gemini Red: Yeah, but .... a GUY robot .......

Needlegal: You know TOO much about this stuff, Gauntlet.

Gauntlet: What's THAT crack supposed to mean?

Part 3 - Megaman Legends Sprite from Auto

Gauntlet: Megaman Legends is called Rockman Dash in Japan. Capcom was gonna call this Megaman NEO when it first came out, but changed their minds allot.

Gemini Red: The star of Megaman Legends is Megaman Volnut.

Needlegal: Megaman Volnut is not the original Megaman and has no connection to him in any way.

Gauntlet: Megaman Volnut is not a robot.

Needlegal: Megaman Volnut is not a human.

Gauntlet: That is probably the most confusing part of the series. Volnut lives in a world of endless water -

Needlegal: Like the movie Water World!

Gauntlet: He was found, as a baby, by Barrel Casket who named him after his favorite video game character, Megaman!

Gemini Red: Barrel is senile!

Needlegal: Probably made more sense in the Japanese version. Naming a baby "Rock" is MUCH more acceptable than "Megaman".

This magnificent sprite donated by Auto of the RM Robot Center!Gauntlet: Volnut was supposed to be the trigger for waking up Megaman Juno who wants to destroy all humans. His real name is Megaman Trigger. Because he "triggers" Juno.

Needlegal: We get it.

Gauntlet: Megaman Juno is not related to the original Megaman either. This is a seprate series.

Gemini Red: Juno is very polite about destroying the human race.

My real name *IS* Megaman! What?Needlegal: The Legends series is the only series that doesn't use sprites. It uses polygons.

Gauntlet: Data is Megaman's memory backup in the form of a monkey. I dunno what he really does.

Needlegal: Gauntlet hasn't played Megaman Legends.

Tally-HO!!!Gauntlet: I know that Tron has a crush on Megaman.

Gemini Red: Tron is a pirate!

Needlegal: With a stupid crotch plate.

Gauntlet: Tron has lotsa Kobuns and starred in a game of her own.

Needlegal: Which I hear sucks.

Gauntlet: Kobuns are like Lego men.

Gemini Red: Volnut has only been in 2 games and not in Tron's spin off.

Part 4 - Megaman EXE I'm Megaman EXE and everyone hated me when I first came out!

Gauntlet: Actually the game's name in English is Megaman Battle Network. Rockman EXE is it's Japanese name.

Gemini Red: EXE is executable. Like the extension .exe that your computer uses for programs.

Gauntlet: Megaman EXE is allot like Digimon, which is a strike against it right off the bat.

Gemini Red: But I like Digimon.

Needlegal: You WOULD!

Gemini Red: What's that supposed to mean!?

Needlegal: Nothing.I'm a big dork!

Gauntlet: Megaman is controlled by this kid named "Netto". Just like he's his "Digimon". I don't know much about the plot of this one since it's still in Japanese.

Needlegal: There's a Wily EXE. Betcha he's controlling all the PETs (PETs are the digital companions, like Megaman) to take over the world.

Gemini Red: Yeah, that sounds right.

Gauntlet: I was the first person to actually tell the Megaman community at large about Megaman EXE. They weren't too happy.

Needlegal: Especially Cutman aka Megaman Xtreme.

Gauntlet: He really hated EXE.


Gauntlet: Cutman gets overzealous at times, but his hearts in the right place. In Megaman EXE there are remakes of robot masters from past games. They have remakes of the guys from MM1, but not Cutman, interestingly enough.

Needlegal: Now, people don't care about EXE being the fourth Megaman. It's pretty much accepted that the original is dead as far as new games go. Cutman doesn't care anymore either.

Gauntlet: I STILL don't like the art, though.

Part 5 - Other Megamen

Ariga's Rockman

Gauntlet: In Japan, there's a Megaman manga. One has the original Megaman looking allot like Astroboy. Another is made by Ariga and has a cool looking version of Megaman.

Needlegal: This version is on the Rockman and Forte Box.

Gemini Red: Ariga is hassled when other people use his pictures on the internet.

Gauntlet: But he himself doesn't care.

Needlegal: Ariga's comics are not available in English. NO MM manga is.

Gemini Red: Megaman has starred in allot of TV shows here, though!

Gauntlet: The Megaman from Captain N was short and chubby. He also had a speech impediment.

Needlegal: Mega-yes!

Gauntlet: Roll was also called Mega girl in the show, and not Roll.

Gemini Red: How did he dodge anything!? He's so stubby. That guy couldn't fight his way out of a box!

Mega man and Mega girlGauntlet: This Megaman was part of the N team with Captain N (Kevin Keene), Lana (princess of Video Land), Simon Belmont (from Castlevania), Duke (Kevin's dog), Kid Icarus (fro the same titled NES game), and Gameboy. They fought against Mother Brain, Wily, Eggplant Wizard, and King Hippo.

Gemini Red: It's like a video game crossover.

Gauntlet: They had robot masters too, but they looked bad.

Needlegal: Megaman also looked bad.

Gauntlet: Megaman appeared in another TV show. Here he's an adult.

Needlegal: Too old for Tron Bonne though.

Gauntlet: Rush talks like Schooby Doo in this show. Protoman is also like a big bully.

Needlegal: Megaman is a mega-winp here! He talks like he's straight out of Leave it To Beaver!!

Gemini Red: He also has muscles. Lotsa people don't like the muscles.

Gauntlet: I really don't care about the stupid muscles. What I care about is his stupid dilemma about "killing

Oh NO! Muscles on a robot! Robots don't have muscles!! They have pet dogs, can teleport, and be a little blue boy who wears underwears outside his pants, but not - have - MUSCLES!!!!!!


Blyka's Door
E-Can Factory
MM BN Chrono X
MM PC Website
Protodude's RM Corner
Reploid Research Lavatory
RM AMV Station
RM EXE Online
RM:Perfect Memories
Sprites INC