A blackened world appeared and voices could be heard in the background. Jason started running as fast as he could to get to his friends. They were getting further and further away. Jason's boots started collapsing under him as he heard their voices murmuring further away. "Noo...come back! I don't wanna quit now!" He shouted out as loud as he could. Then it was over.

"Jason! You're awake!" Shouted a very happy Tim. In fact all the figures that appeared over Jason were happy. The Sinister Six were there, along with the Mechanical Maniacs. All of them! Even Needle Gal was standing over them. "What's goin' on....Where am I?" He said rubbing his metallic head. His helmet was off and was lying by his side. The rest of his armor was still on him though. And he looked to see that his wounds had been completely healed up.

"You're in the hospital bed. We shortly revived Needle Gal before you came in." Spinning Demon spoke suddenly. "This is indeed a happy hour! We all are whole again!" He said jumping up and down with glee.

"And we defeated Pulzar!" Scott shouted along with Spinning Demon. The rest of the room shouted in excitement and glee. Jason too found himself very happy. Happy to be with his friends, and to know that they took down the problem that plagued the planet!

Andon looked slightly concerned though as he turned to Gauntlet. Something bugged him that he had to get of his chest. "How'd you know about the Plant Incident?" Andon asked with curiosity after relaxing that Needle Gal was fine.

Gauntlet smirked under his mask and responded. "We sensed a large collection of weird "bad energy" emanating from the net. After we fixed Needlegal she beamed us into the main net and we followed the "trail" to the power plant. Knowing you were fighting against Pulzar we figured out your plan must have been to poison it with bad energy." He finished.

"Always can count on you to hog the glory." Gary smiled with a grin at the already laughing Ninja. "Well, where would you be without my genius now, eh Ice?" Shadowman mocked back. At least the two had finally put past aside and became friends again.

"On vacation." Tim sputtered playfully and the whole group laughed. Jason laughed along until he looked outside through the only window which was inside the hospital wing. The outside world looked the same. Dead and dying even more. Something was wrong.

"Wait...we killed Pulzar right?" Jason said suddenly causing the laughter to suddenly subside.

"Yeah...why?" IRA spoke back like he almost thought that Pulzar was going to come back from the dead. The Mechs looked towards the Sinister Six.

"There's something else I'm afraid." Tim said looking at Gary. "While you were out Gary had told me that Red had conjured up an army of Darkness, and Pulzar's death seemed to have no effect on the dying planet." Tim said looking down. "Didn't want to give you the bad news just yet. Not with the light of your and Needle Gal's revival."

"Yeah, best to take one thing at a time." Andon said looking outside the window. "Red is the cause of this mess, not Pulzar. I think Red used the beast as a decoy. To find time to conquer up his army of Neo Dragoons."

"Neo Dragoon's?" It was Gauntlet who actually asked this question. The rest of the Mechs looked to the frightfully worried Sinister Six. There was silence for a few minutes, allowing everyone to take up what was going to be said next.

"Gary said that when he was investigating Downtown Megalopolis, he discovered a cleverly hidden laboratory." Tim paused letting the information seep into the other robotic life forms in the room. "He had created thousands upon thousands of Neo Dragoon Clones to light an army of darkness that would sweep through Megalopolis and destroy any living soul." Tim said trying to make it sound less dramatic as he could. And judging by the look on the others faces, he didn't do too good a job. "There now could be more than thousands..." Tim finished in a small whisper.

"Red had stolen Ben's son before he destroyed their very time-line. Forte-Chan and I were there. We didn't know what Red wanted with Ben's son, but now we know. To create an army of Magma Dragoons." Gary said gulping along with the others. The entire room began rustling uncomfortably by the sound of the itching news. One Magma Dragoon alone, was bad news. Ben being the original proved that. Especially when he was in a bad mood.

But thousands upon thousands...? How in the world could they defeat something so lethal, so deadly, so built for the sole purpose of combat and nothing more!

"Needle Gal and Jason recovered just in time for more action..." Lennon spoke suddenly. All faces turned to him. "I've taken the liberty to contact all our closest friends in this time of need. Our most powerful warriors. We'll create an army of our own." He concluded. The others nodded in agreement. Although the odds were against them, they would go down fighting.

So the call was made. And the word spread out. They didn't have much time. Red will soon know that Pulzar was defeated and he'd soon show himself to the world he was going to consume.


There was a great something that had been disturbing him for quite some time. Ever since the night of the falling star the warrior had felt ill at ease, at the first signs of the deterioration of his beloved sky, he left his temple. The Chinese warrior was making his way to the one place that was the epicenter of this plague, and more to come he feared. He hadn't been to Megalopolis in a long time, preferring the isolation of the temple to train and learn. Now, he was needed, with the blessing of the monks he had traveled by foot and boat to Megalopolis, meditating and saving his energy for the coming battle.

Now, he stood at the city limits sign, looking in upon the death and destruction that befell the home of his friend Iceman. He looked upon the letter. The call for help. He would not fail, he would fight. Hefting his glaive and lifting slowly into the sky, the warrior sped forward planning on meeting his destiny head on. Erik as Windman was home.

Meanwhile far, far away near Xardion's pad, the black Met organized his own small line of defense for Megalopolis. Xardion lived like a hermet however. Seperated from civilization. And that's how he liked it. Grumpy and anti-social Xardion only had his small troops of Metools to keep him entertained. Even though he lacked socal activity, he did however care a lot for his home. And if anyone or anything threatned it at all, he will be there to fight in arms. With his small army of Metools by his side.

Near the center of Megaopolis lied Clownman's Circus. It was a pretty large place for only one occupant. But like Xardion, his home suited him just fine. A lot of times Clownman hung out with The Sinister Six to keep himself from getting bored. He and Iceman shared a prank bonding relationship, and loved to team up to cause all kinds of trouble. Of course their antics were harmless to the public. Nothing like what Iceman Red is doing. Clownman had just recently recieved the call to help fight for the Megaopolis armies. Unlike may other warriors, Clownman didn't like the feeling of battling as something as powerful as Iceman Red. For hours the little clown thought of retreating away, and not to fight. But he knew he had no place to run. Eventually he set off for Sinister Six Headquarters, hoping that he made the right choice.


The Base of Wily's Warriors stood on a tropical resort island, further south from the Main section of Megalopolis. Even though they were isolated from the area, their base and island was still suffering the wrath of Red's onslaught. Trees were showing signs of fatigue and illnesses, and the clean water that came from the island now seemed dirty and green like poison. The inhabitants of this gentle, peaceful burg didn't like what was going on with their home. And like all the others, they recieved a call from Sinister Six Headquarters to come to aid for their country. The Eight members of the team packed their belongings and marched their way to the meeting place. They knew what they had to do.

Not far off from the Wily's Warriors base stood Forte-Chan in her Mango Tree. She too got the call for help. Although The Sinister Six told her she didn't have to come fight, but the option was open if she felt she wanted to. Forte-Chan like Clownman was hesitant at first. But she knew that she couldn't take Red's awfullness lying down. The green haired android as well packed what she needed, and leaped down off her Mango Tree. She turned to look up at her once beautiful home and sighed sadly, hating to see her Tree so sick. She had to defend it. After a few minutes of staring, she left her Tree for Sinister Six Headquarters.

Miles and miles away a blue car was speeding through the empty streets. Trying to get to its destination as fast as it could. Inside the blue car was Groovy Kat, Drizl, and Sola. All three were very close friends. Groovy perked out the window to survay his surroundings. He ordered Drizl to take a left as they approached a fork in the road. Groovy Kat was a very hip kind of robot. Dressed in flashy blue, green and white armor. He wore sun glasses and sported thick black hair that sprouted from the top of his head. His friend Drizl, who could create small rain and thunder storms wore more simplier armor. He carried a green staff and wore greyish, green armor. Sola, who was Drizl's sister sported a Bass Armor, but was dyed red and yellow, and orange. She had the abilities of a pyro. Soon the car speed down a long stretch that would lead them close to Sinister Six Headquarters, and from there they had to travel to the Mansion on foot.


A cloud of thick blackness covered the far outskirts of Megalopolis. The dull quietness soon was seized by a loud marching, thumping sound that came off towards the east. The ground beneath shook and rumbled as distant black figured approached over the grassy horizon. They were here. All of them. Marching, continuing on. The Neo Dragoon's had been unleashed. The firm marching continued across the grass land as they came closer to their destination. The heart of the city, where our heroes lie. The marching formation was perfect as each stomped at exactly the right pace. Left foot, right foot, left foot, right.

Stomp, stomp, stomp. Their rhythmic marching was what made them nearly perfect. The Marching echoed through the Valley. The grass that fell behind from the marching was left stomped into the ground. Facing straight on, the Neo Dragoons had no fear. No Pain sensors. For they were finely skilled for one process. To kill. Destroy. Take over. No army on the planet would survive on onslaught as brutal and sickening as this. However. Things may turn around.

Back at Sinister Six Headquarters, hundreds upon hundreds of finely dressed humanoids stood outside the armory room. The area was rather large, so it was able to support all the warriors that were called upon to approach and fight the upcoming march of Neo Dragoons. Mutterings could be heard through the crowd as they were taken aback at the sight. Sinister Six and Mechanical Maniac members (now all which have new armor) looked upon the mass horde of Robots that spread out before them.

Wily's Warriors, Technical Tyrants, Robotic Raiders, all of which teams have shown up. Also many solo warriors lay across the field. Some male, some female. Forte-Chan was amongst them. Even Clownman. Britt, Erik, Ken, Jacob, Lysekoid, Dark Napalm, Fanewgie, Heatman. All of the classics arrived. It seemed the power has grown a lot. But soon everyone quieted down to hear Gauntlet speak.

"My friends. Thank you for coming. As you know we are in desperate need of help. Red's Army of Darkness is sweeping through what's left of our home. In hope to destroy all remaining life." He spoke.

"We have to confront this army head on. Destroy it, defeat it." Lennon spoke on. A loud murmur flew across the armed warriors. Fear, Worried expressions filled on all their faces. Suddenly one of them spoke. A clad in dark glasses, filled with blueish, gray armor. His name was Groovy kat.

"But not everyone showed up. Many of us have fled the country. Even if they did show....we will surely lose." He stated.

It was Lysekoid next who spoke. "We are outnumbered. Three hundred to ten-thousand. They are foes from Ben's world. Ben's future. WE are greatly overpowered...How are we supposed to win"? Everyone nodded in agreement. As if they were walking to their very own graves.

The Sinister Six and Mechanical Maniacs looked at each other gravely. They were right. An army of 10,000 Neo Dragoons were storming their way to their home. Only a small army of 300 warriors had shown to face this menace. However this army had weapons far greater then anything from the 20th century. It was a very large disadvantage for our heroes. Some of the Megaman Community members started to greatly fear their situation. Some even thought of running away. Things were turning very ill for our heroes. Was it true. Were they all about to get slaughtered beyond belief? Was this really a suicide mission. Was all hope lost?

However, soon the murmur was called to silence by Lennon.

" I can't believe what I'm seeing. You can't be the same robot masters that I've fought with time and time again. They didn't mope, they didn't moan and bitch. The robot masters I knew stood tall no matter the enemy, fought with all their heart no matter the foe. Over the years we've faced villains after villains, super-criminal after super-criminal, and monster after monster and through out it all We came out on top. Yes, there were times where we thought we would be beaten, but did we let that get us down? Did we give up? If we did, would we be here today? Today is a test, a test of your mettle and your metal. We have to stand up against this obstacle no matter what and fight him with all our power, all our energy and all our hearts and souls. If we don't... then there is no hope for anyone? Can you let down the world? All your friends and family? I can't. I'm fighting, I'm standing against this little three foot terror and giving it my all. Stand beside me and fight, fight for your world, fight for your future! We've surpassed EVERYTHING that's come before us... We. Can. Do. It. AGAIN!!!"

Groovy although touched by the speech rose to himself. "We are fighting a losing battle, for goodness sakes, this is power beyond any of our comprehension. This is nothing like what we've faced before.." He fought back.

"so?" Lennon said, turning towards Groovy and speaking calmly, "If we pool our power, we can tear our way through his drone army and to him. We are called "masters" for a reason. We are programmed with fighting skills beyond human capacity, knowledge of so many different subjects, including tactics. Most importantly, we are Masters of the elements of the very universe. Fire, Water, Ice, Earth, even bombs, metal..."

"Wind...." said a gentle voice from the back.

Groovy Kat however continued. "All that won't mean jack-all against tech from 21XX!. These guys are focused on Raw Power. Red's power enhancing them in the process." Everyone moved uncomfortably hearing Red's name mentioned. Even The Mechs. "How do we expect to prevail against that..." He motioned.

"We just do. We have no choice but to do just that." Lennon said, still calm. Granted, Groovy made a good point, they were insurmountable odds...but they had too. Otherwise, there would BE no future. "Even Raw Power has its weakness Groovy, we just have to find it."

Groovy sighed. He didn't know what to say other wise. But Lennon felt this was the time to finish his speech and give them something to remember.

Lennon looked on across the veritable sea of Robot Masters, his friends and allies. Inhaling to calm his resolve, he locked eyes with each of them as he swung his view over them, "Through good times and bad, we have stuck together, and now has to be no different. If there is to be a future, we have to make it. Here, Now. There is no other way at this point. We have to defeat Red and take back our city, no... our very existence. I'm fighting on, I won't...I can't wait here till they come and I'm forced to fight. I'm taking the fight to them, it’s not because I want to be a hero, it’s not because I'm brave. Like you, I'm scared shitless. However, I'm still fighting. Because I have to. Join me, please, I beg you. Join me and fight like so many times before, How can we call ourselves Robot Master...if we don't prove we're worthy of the title??"

The Speech was fast, to the point, heart warming. It struck everyone by surprise. From fear turned to loyalty. From fear turned determination. They had something to fight for. Something worth living for. Their home. If anything it was worth fighting for. Even if it meant dying for it. The Megaman Community felt something great this day. The feeling of defending, protecting, from any evil that shine out the light. For honor and bravery will always be a light through the darkness that shrouds them. No evil, no matter what shape and from shall be allowed to roam freely for the purpose of man slaughter. Their will be good, and it will strike the enemy hard. For we shall stand tall in the end and face them head on through thick and thin. No matter what the circumstances, there is always hope.

The army of Megalopolis cheered highly and marched out from the corridors of Sinister Six H.Q. Hopefully their new attitude will make a difference. Cause the biggest battle for the city is about to take place. Good vs. Evil. And there are times where Evil showed a massive advantage, but the incredible team work of the Megaman Community is about to even up the odds.

Through all the skirmishes. All the Excitement, all the worry, a lone warrior leaves quietly through the mist. Not out of cowardice. Not out of fear, but out of sheer courage. Not even his own team mates the Sinister Six, and his closest allies the Mechanical Maniacs were aware of his absence. For Iceman knew what he had to do. To stop this army, he had to go after the source itself. Iceman Red.