Interview with Cyclone Man

Interview taken on 06/16/99/

don't point your mouse at me! Below is a transcript of my interview with Cyclone Man over Yahoo Chat. Since I recently got AOL Instant Messager and found he doesn't have it, we agreed to set up an interview at Yahoo. Below is how the interview went on.

The_Powerful_Ice_Man: Hey Cyclone Man, thanks for coming, are you ready?
Cyclone_Man99: Yes, let's get this over with. I don't like interviews that much.
The_Powerful_Ice_Man: Okay, I love doing interviews! First question. Why do you like Mega Man, and his games?
Cyclone_Man99: There's a diffrence between doing interviews, and being interviewed (which I don't like), but answer your question. I enjoy playing Mega Man games because of the Robot Masters. I've always loved to see which new robots would appear in the NES games.
The_Powerful_Ice_Man: Intresting. A lot of Mega Man fans love those kewl Robot Master designs. Which leads me to my next question. If you had an idea for a Robot Master, what would his name be and his weapons.
Cyclone_Man99: I would make a robot called "Crater Man". His design and sprite, you can see at Glitch's Video Extreme Page. He would have space-like powers. And he'd have a long stinging tail. He would be a tough opponent.
The_Powerful_Ice_Man: Yes, I remember seeing that sprite. It's pretty good, and he looks sweet!
Cyclone_Man99: Thanks.
The_Powerful_Ice_Man: You really don't like interviews do you? I was hoping this would have a little more humor to it...much like Megamanxtreme and Fanwegie's interviews.
Cyclone_Man99: Maybe you should interview them. I mean, I'm greatful that you chose me to interview first, but I'm not really the comedy type. I know you are though. :)
The_Powerful_Ice_Man: You're no fun.
Cyclone_Man99: What?
The_Powerful_Ice_Man: question. If you could choose to be you're favorite...
Cyclone_Man99: What do you mean I'm no fun. I outta cream you!
The_Powerful_Ice_Man: I was kidding. I was just trying up spice this interview up a little. Anyways. If you could be your favorite Mega Man character for a day, who would it be and what would you do?
Cyclone_Man99: Okay...I would be Cut Man, and I would give my friend a hair cut, because his hair keeps on growing and growing. I tell you man, he could be the next Harry from Harry The Hendersons.
The_Powerful_Ice_Man: Cool. Now, Have you had any wierd Mega Man expeirences?
Cyclone_Man99: Huh?
The_Powerful_Ice_Man: I mean, have you had any Mega Man dreams, or seen something wierd in Mega Man games, or anything unusual that has happend to you, Mega Man related.
Cyclone_Man99: Yeah, I had a weird dream once.
(long pause)
The_Powerful_Ice_Man: TELL US ABOUT IT!!!
Cyclone_Man99: Oh, sorry, no need to get harsh...I dreamt once that I was Dr. Wily and I sent every single Robot Master out to destroy Mega Man. He got by each and everyone of them. Somehow I had all the robots powers, and I used most of them on Mega Man, but they'd all bounce off him. When he beat me, he revealed that he was Dr. Wily, and I was Mega Man.
The_Powerful_Ice_Man: Weird.
The_Powerful_Ice_Man: Next question. Do you think Capcom has givin up on our little blue hero? I mean we don't really see anymore Mega Man titles as much as we used to.
Cyclone_Man99: I donno. You're best question. I hope we haven't seen the last of Mega Man. And even if Capcom did "drop" him, all of Mega Man's fans have not. All of his fans will always create more games, music, and sprites, like he never really has been dropped. We will continue the Mega Man Saga that Capcom started.
The_Powerful_Ice_Man: You know what? *sniff* That was touching. *blows nose* *sniff* I loved it!
Cyclone_Man99: All right! That's enough of that!
The_Powerful_Ice_Man: You got that quote from Filburt from Rocko's Modern Life!
Cyclone_Man99: So?
The_Powerful_Ice_Man: This is a Mega Man interview, not a Rocko Interview.
Cyclone_Man99: ............
The_Powerful_Ice_Man: You, know what. I like that show too. And Filburt is my favorite character. But this is wasting up a good 1200 megs of my space so....
The_Powerful_Ice_Man: My last question for this interview. Are you ready?
Cyclone_Man99: It's about time. I don't know how much more I can take.
The_Powerful_Ice_Man: About that free membership to Orlando, I kinda tricked you into this interview. Is it ok if I pay you with this casino token instead?
The_Powerful_Ice_Man: Now Cyclone Man...wait! Put down the table. Take it easy, I didn't relize you were gullable enough to belive I had a free ticket to Orlando. *laughs*.
The_Powerful_Ice_Man: Okay...this raps up our......*dodges chair* interview for today.....*dodges another chair*...see you all next time!!

Interview gets cut off by a table smashing the camera.

Remember, next I could be interviewing you!