Sinister Six on Survivor
Day 2: Chilling Out

Welcome to Megaman Survivor

Day 2




I'll brief you on what's up to date. On day 1, The Oldies had won the first challenge, and The Newbies were forced to vote off one of their team members. Frustrated at the loss, they booted off Cloudman in angerment. Though in my personal thoughts, was stupid...cause Cloudman can make it rain, and thing's ain't going to get any cooler...espcially with the next Challenge coming up. *Evil Snicker*.


On team Oldie Andon and Gauntlet have been examining the old sneakers that they picked up at yesterday's Reward Challenge, and have discovered a mildly interesting fact. It burns.

They had good old Chibi Keba heat up the shoes so they created a fire to cook dinner which consisted of crab meat, and tree sap. Singing a jauntly tune Chibi Keba (Heat Ma'am) "Torch this, torch that, This is getting out of class. How about I torch Your fricken..." catchs a nice beat.

"Whoah, no wonder Chris (Dustman) likes her so much," says Tristan, "because I'm starting to like her too." He finds himself stareing at the Female Matchbox. Soon he finds out that his armor can burn quite as easily as paper and he finds himself running to the Pond where Shadow Blade (Bubbleman) swims so happily.

Jason ponders over the fire for a while, scratching his head. "I hate to point this out," he says, "But we don't have much more to feed this fire."

"Well then, we're f*cked," says John (Metalman).

"You idiots! Don't you know that you both have the ability to cut down branches for the fire! You both have blades that can slice through damn concrete! Cutman! You're a blasted lumberjack!" Gauntlet came into the scene like the mysterious guy that he was.

It took them a few minutes to process what Gauntlet was getting at, but soon got the hint...and a few pillows to the face.

Over at Newbies, Ben (Magma Dragoon) is yet to voice a complaint about being labled as a murderous machine. Though he was forced to admit that he is.

Egoraptor (Gyroman), to redeem himself after yesterday, finally gets a fire lit using the broken glasses from the spectacles that Erik and Ken found. Even though neither Ken (Flameman) nor Magma Dragoon could of easily made a fire. Shortcut picks up Josh's (Cloudman's) discarded book to use as kindling, first reading the title out loud: "Survival Skills for Barren Jungles, stuck with other stupid survivors".

"Well, we won't be needing this," he says and the others agree. "A big, ugly jungle, and not so much as a blow fly to swat." He throws the book on the fire.

Octobomb (Waveman) and Chris (Dustman) find Jonathan's stash of cappachinno and get roaring drunk, which pisses off Rick (Brightman) because he thinks they should be training for the upcoming challenges. Though Rick wonders how Dustman can drink even though he has no mouth...

Finally, word is received about the nature of today's Reward Challenge, and Rick pays Gary (Iceman) a visit.

"Let's make a deal," he tells The Eskimo. "I'll give you half the prize money, but we need your Ice Slasher ability for the Reward Challenge. Nobody else has Ice Powers."

Gary mumbles something incoherent. Rick tenches up. "You know, never to bribe the host do you? You know the host can't help you during Challenges." drawls Gary (Iceman), and Rick confirms it. "I ain't going to tell anyone this, not even the other members of my team," says Rick. "Keep this between you and me."

They argue for a while longer, until Jonathan (Clownman) arrives and demands to know what had happend to his Cappachinno. Rick eventually persuades him to create an Iced up floor.

"I want you to remember this moment," The Eskimo tells his light bulbed friend as he goes back to Sinister Six HQ prepairing for the next challenge. "How it could have gone – if you didn't vote me out to begin with."

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CHALLENGE #2: The Ice Capades

The stage is set for the afternoon's entertainment. Both teams have been thinking hard, and it's time for some major brain work. Iceman, the audience of one and the arbiter of the challenge, settles down to watch with his sun glasses and banana-top sundae.

Each team must select three members to help create a floor of ice. Iceman created this challenge in an attempt to see how successful they can pull this off without his help...or so the Oldies thought.

Team Oldies's had selected Shadow Blade (Bubbleman) to start with lining the floor out with water. Then selecting Super Chaos to mold the water to a solid substance with his laser, thus making it nice and slippery. But halfway through, before Jason (Cutman) came in to trim it down, Super Chaos accidently slips and falls on the robot-made ice. Crushing it. Soon their attempt must be called to a halt when the Newbies showed off their unbelivable winner.

Team Newbie's, though not doing much effort polished their Ice floor. They had created the floor so quickly, that the other team didn't even see who had created bad they'll never know.

Gary (Iceman) declares Team Newbies the winner and demands a private chat with Rick (Brightman)
Won by: Team Newbies.

Reward: The newbies win an Energy Balancer
Teams responce: Having no other use for the Energy Balancer, Shortcut plugs it into his Gameboy as a remote control unit. He can now switch the channels on the Radio with it.



Team Oldies heads off to Sinister Six HQ under the blazing jungle of their second ‘evening' on the island. It seems clear from the glances exchanged between them who will be leaving. Or maybe not...

Voted Off: John (METALMAN): Though it was a close race between Super Chaos and John, John got 1 more vote more than Super Chaos. Most people voted for the yellow blob because of his screw up at the Ice Capades Challenge. But quoted by Gauntlet, "Who needs "two" lumber jacks with saw blades on the team, when we can have a more variety of abilities." He made that point earlier, and plus Super Chaos' big size may come in handy with future challenges.

Exiting Shot: "I don't know how the other team did it, but it looked like a pure shut out. I'm dissapointed that I got voted off, but at least I don't have to hear Tristan snoring anymore."
Host Statement: This one caught me off guard by complete surprise. I thought they'd get rid of Super Chaos because of his dumb founded mistake. Oh well, that's why I love this thing. I love surprises!


Coming Soon: Day 3: At the Races

Go Back to Day 1's results