By Gemini Man (Lennon)
After the events of Gauntlet's holograms and Evil Shadow's discovery of Dr Light's Lab the Mechanical Maniacs suggested to move the lab to another location. Until...
Hardman: *runs up to the group drinking beer making hand signals*
Shadowman: What is it?
Hardman: *drinking beer making hand signals*
Needlegal: I think he's trying to say something important.
Topman: Like what?
Geminiman: Maybe he forgot to pack the beer.
Topman: Nah he would have drank it all.
Hardman: *finishes the beer* BURP! We're being attacked!
The explosion sends the heroes flying into a wall.
Magnetman: Thanks for the warning!
Hardman: Do I detect sarcasm?
Mega Girl (in the distance): What a mess!
Protoman (in the distance): Where are you little brother? Your big bro is here and he brought a present.
Megaman (in the distance): Really? What?
Dr Light (in the distance): No Megaman! It's a trap!
Protoman: You stupid fool! I didn't think that would work. *Knocks out Megaman*
Dr Light: That was a nasty trick Protoman!
Protoman: Do you think I care?
Mega Girl: Who's going to clean up this mess?
The 'Maniacs take cover in the other room to devise a plan.
Snakeman: They're destroying the lab!
Needlegal: Ya think?
Geminiman: I got to get Master Light. *Sends a clone*
Shadowman: Clone Gem! Get back here!
Sparkman: Well what do we do?
Geminiman: Well I can only detect Protoman out there. We could try and overpower him.
Snakeman: It would seem too easy that way.
Geminiman: Since when were you the smart one?
Snakeman: Aren't we all?
Geminiman: Yeah but I'm supposed to be the genius.
Snakeman: Just because you were taught by 'Master Light' doesn't mean a thing.
Geminiman: Why don't you shut up new guy. We're in a crisis.
Shadowman: Would you both shut up! I suggest we use a distraction.
Sparkman: Care to suggest any bright ideas?
Gemini and Snake: That's it!
Needlegal: Good lord! They're speaking in unison!
Gemini and Snake: This plan is very simple... Hey! Stop copying me! I suggest Sparkman create a blinding light so we can use the element of surprise against Protoman.
Shadowman: Sounds good.
Sparkman: I don't like it. It relies too much on me.
Topman: Come on. How easy can it get? Just tap you conductors on your head!
Sparkman: Really?
Shadowman: Come on! Do it!
Evil Shadow: Face it! You're too slow!
'Maniacs: Evil Shadow!
Evil Shadow: The doctor will be pleased with your death!
Shadowman: Shut up! Shadow Blade!
Evil Shadow: Is that the best you can do? *The blade passes through him and hits an object* It was an illusion.
Shadowman: Damn holograms!
Geminiman: Uh oh! Quickly! Take cover!
Shadowman: What is it?
Geminiman: My advanced EMP. I designed it to eliminate our Evil selves and only them. But if it's damaged who knows what it'll do.
Evil Shadow: You really think this lousy piece of trash can stop me?
Protoman: Shadow you idiot! Get down!
Evil Shadow: What...
The EMP explodes and the shock wave levels the lab.
Evil Shadow: What the hell happened?
Protoman: See I told you to duck.
Geminiman: Damn it! The EMP didn't work.
Evil Shadow: Of course it didn't work. Now you'll die! *Fires a plasma shot* What? Why won't my Shadow Blades work?
Shadowman: Looks like the tables have turned. *Fires a Needle* Huh?
Geminiman: Let me try. *Throws a shadow blade at Evil Shadow*
Evil Shadow: *dodges* What? When did you use the Shadow Blade so well?
Megaman: Brother! You like tricks? Here's a new one I learned *Tries to fire a charged shot* What's wrong.
Protoman: Nice try bro! *Tries to fire a shot* What have you none to me?
Mega Girl: You ruined the lab! I just finished cleaning it! *Fires charged shots everywhere*
Dr Light: Amazing! The EMP you build has fried everybody's weapons and made the enemy powerless.
Geminiman: Thank you Master Light.
Snakeman: If you hadn't noticed we're also powerless.
Geminiman: Shut up! This is my time of glory.
Magnetman: Well actually I wouldn't...
Geminiman: My time of glory.
Evil Shadow: You're smarter than I thought! We have no choice but to retreat! Protoman!
Protoman: See you soon brother!
Shadowman: Get them! Before they escape!
The 'Maniacs fire their weapons but Snake ends up using the Gemini Laser, Needlegal ends up with Search Snakes, Topman has Magnet Missile, Hardman has Spark Shot, Sparkman has Top Spin and Magnetman is left with Hard Knuckles.
All the attacks miss and the 2 teleport out.
Shadowman: Damn! They got away.
Topman: What do you expect? We're too inexperienced with these weapons.
Needlegal: The only one I can think of that has the best ability with they're weapon is Gem! *Fires a Search Snake at Geminiman*
Geminiman: Hey why'd you do that? It was luck that I got my old weapon back.
Needlegal: That was for shooting me.
Sparkman: Old weapon?
Shadowman: Long story.
Topman: So what do we do?
Hardman: We can't go around using these new weapons can we?
Dr Light: Why not use the EMP again?
Megaman: Because it got fried.
Geminiman: Can you fix it master?
Dr Light: Of course not! I'm a robotics doctor. You're on your own.
Snakeman: Why not make another one that will reverse the effect?
Geminiman: Shut up new guy! Wait! That's it! Good on you new guy!
Sparkman: Talk about mood swings. *Get nailed by a Shadow Blade*
Geminiman: You may have new weapons but your weakness is the same.
Topman: So how do we get the components for the EMP?
Dr Light: I can help with that. The junkyard on the other side of town has lots of parts that can be fixed. It's where I found the parts for Megaman and Mega Girl.
Megaman and Mega Girl: We're made out of junk?
Dr Light: Of course! Why would I pay top dollar for a home-keeping robot when I can just make one out of scraps?
Shadowman: That's pretty harsh.
Needlegal: So we have to find parts at the junkyard. I nominate Gem to go get the parts since he got us into this mess.
Geminiman: I have to go anyway. I'm the only one who knows how to build it.
Snakeman: I'll go just in case you screw up.
Geminiman: Fine.
Mega Girl: I wanna go!
Dr Light: But who will clean all the mess?
Mega Girl: Megaman. He's the useless one now.
Megaman: But I... But... But...
Dr Light: You heard the woman. Clean up.
Shadowman: I guess the rest of us will stay here and protect Dr Light.
Geminiman: Ok. Let's go. *Teleports out with Mega Girl*
Snakeman: Wait for me. *Teleports out*
Elsewhere at the doctor's hideout Protoman and Evil Shadow report back.
Doctor: You failed!
Protoman: Sir! They used an EMP that shorted out our weapons.
Doctor: EMP? Did it ruin their weapons as well?
Protoman: Yes sir. Their weapons are now swapped they don't know how to use their current weapons.
Doctor: Then they're going to want to find components to make another EMP. I can make one of my own. However they must not make another EMP!
SFX: Beep.
Evil Shadow: I see they're teleporting somewhere.
Doctor: Must be to find the components.
Evil Shadow: There are only 3 of them. May I go and dispose of them.
Doctor: No. You've failed me enough times. Plus you are too weak to fight them. Send the others. And for good measure send another to attack the lab.
At the junkyard Geminiman and Snakeman are looking for the parts.
Geminiman: This place has nothing of any use. You found anything Snake?
Snakeman: Not yet. Found anything Mega Girl?
Mega Girl: This is pointless. I can't find a thing.
Geminiman: Then what are we going to do?
Mega Girl: Well there is the robotic parts store across the road.
Geminiman: Why didn't Master Light send us there?
Snakeman: Because he's cheap.
Gemini and Mega Girl: Hey!
Snakeman: Sorry but it's the truth.
The 3 walk over to the parts store.
Geminiman: I'll go in you stay outside.
Snakeman: Fine.
Robot at counter: Welcome how may I help you?
Geminiman: I would like all the basic components for an EMP.
Robot at counter: I'm sorry we don't have those in store. But I do happen to have... *Shatters into pieces to reveal himself as Evil Gemini* Your death sentence!
Geminiman: Ok. That sounded sad and pathetic.
Evil Gemini: You're my alternate copy? My word you're hideous. *Looks at Mega Girl* You on the other hand look stunning. Why don't I take you out to dinner sometime?
Mega Girl: Get away you scum!
Evil Gemini: Hey! Just because I'm a Wily Bot doesn't mean I'm scum. Oh wait it does.
Geminiman: You heard the lady. Back off! *Pulls out a Shadow Blade*
Evil Gemini: And what are you going to do? Slash me with that thing?
Geminiman: That sounds like a good idea. *Hits Evil Gemini with the Shadow Blade leaving him stunned in disbelief*
Evil Gemini: Oh you did not just do that! It just got a new paint job!
Geminiman: Yeah well. Tell someone who gives a damn. Come on Mega Girl we gotta run. *Kicks the door down and runs out of the shop dragging Mega Girl along with him*
Mega Girl: Where's Snakeman?
Geminiman: He's over there! *Points to the roof* Don't worry he's fine. Aren't you Snake?
Snakeman (through communicator): Yeah. I managed to find the parts we need.
Geminiman: How'd you do that?
Snakeman: After the clerk turned into Evil Gemini I turned invisible and went inside and stole the parts.
Geminiman: That's great.
Snakeman: However Evil Snake was waiting for me. So I used the cloning ability to teleport me to the roof.
Suddenly Evil Gemini runs out of the building and Evil Snake jumps on the roof.
Evil Gemini (to Gemini): How dare you ruin my beautiful armor! Gemini Laser!
Evil Snake (to Snake): I must avenge Toad Man! Search Snake!
Geminiman: Hold on Mega Girl! Let's see if this works. *Turns into a log and deflects the laser*
Snakeman: Whoa! Take it easy Snake! *Fires a Gemini Laser but it misses completely*
Evil Snake: Ha! A pathetic attack, you can't defeat me. I am Snakeman! You killed Toad Man! Prepare to die!
Evil Gemini: You want to play rough? Fine I will too. *Splits into 6*
Geminiman: Hey I can do that too! *Creates 2 holograms*
Evil Gemini: I still outnumber you.
Geminiman: Maybe. But I'm a lot tougher to hit.
Evil Gemini: We'll see about that.
The Evil Gemini clones fire plasma shots at the Geminiman holograms while they throw Shadow Blades. The shots kill the holograms but Geminiman was able to dodge them. Evil Gemini however got hit by one of the blades.
Evil Gemini: *combines back* You ruined my shiny armor! I can't fight like this! I must retreat and recover! *Teleports out*
Geminiman: Hey Snake! How you going back there?
Snakeman: Just fine. He can't see me since I'm invisible.
Geminiman: You do realise that Snakes have infra red sight.
Snakeman: Of course I'm aware of... Shit.
Snakeman jumps out of the way of incoming Search Snakes and uses them to go after Evil Snake.
Evil Snake: What does he think he's doing? He knows very well that I know what he's up to.
Snakeman: Special delivery for Snakeman!
Evil Snake: I think not! Search Snake!
Snakeman: *jumps over Evil Snake and the incoming Search Snakes* Yo Gem! Catch! *Throws the components at Geminiman*
Geminiman: Thanks. Try and lead him to the lab. I got a plan.
Snakeman: Sure thing!
Mega Girl: The lab but why there.
Geminiman: I'm willing to bet that Wily sent another robot to the lab while we were gone so if Snake leads him there I can use the EMP to reverse the effects on us and screw up their weapons.
Mega Girl: But how are we going to build an EMP so quickly?
Geminiman: Let's just say I know stuff.
At the lab ruins a battle is happening.
Evil Hard: I destroy you! You defy doctor!
Needlegal: *fires a Search Snake* Is it just me? Or does he sound dumber then our Hardman.
Topman: *fires a Magnet Missile* I think he seems dumber but at least he's smarter than no personality Hardman.
Shadowman: *fires the Needle Cannon* Good thing Wily only sent one. We'd have a hard time against another Evil us.
Evil Hard: Weak attack! No hit Hardman!
Needlegal: *senses something* Hey. Isn't that Snake?
Magnetman: *fires a Hard Knuckle* Yeah it is. And it looks like Evil Snake is behind him.
Sparkman: *spins to a halt* You just had to say that didn't you?
Shadowman: Top! Quickly get rid of Evil Hard!
Topman: I would but I hardly got to know how to use my old weapon! *Fires 3 Magnet Missiles but they end up hitting the wrong Hardman*
Hardman: Rage building up!
Magnetman: He's getting angry.
Sparkman: Get Dr Light outta here!
Dr Light: What? What's happening? *Gets pulled down to the ground by Magnetman*
Hardman: I can't take it anymore! *Releases a giant Spark Shot levelling the whole city block*
Megaman: What a mess! And I have to clean it!
Evil Hard: Puny attack! Feel like bee sting!
Snakeman: Damn it! Did I miss Hardman going berserk?
Hardman: What? It didn't work?
Evil Snake: You idiot. You led me right to the lab. Now you'll meet the same fate of Pharaoh Man and Skull Man!
Shadowman: So you killed them!
Evil Snake: And it was you who killed my employer Toad Man! Now I will exact my revenge!
Geminiman: Not if I can help it!
Snakeman: About time you got here!
Evil Snake: The EMP! Search Snake!
Evil Hard: Hard Knuckle!
Geminiman: No! *Dodges the snakes and fist but loses grip of the EMP*
Evil Snake: Now you'll never get your weapons back!
Snakeman: *catches the EMP* Wrong!
Evil Snake: What?
Evil Hard: Huh?
Snakeman: *throws the EMP into the air and fires a Gemini Laser at it creating a shock wave*
Evil Snake: It doesn't matter I'll still take you down! *Fires a Hard Knuckle* What? How did they? Hardman! We must retreat! *Teleports out*
Evil Hard: *Teleports out*
Dr Light: Ingenious! You led the Wily Bots here so you could ruin their weapons with the EMP.
Shadowman: We better check if our weapons work properly.
The Maniacs plus Megaman and Mega Girl fire their weapons and they all work properly only now they can't use them well.
Needlegal: That's a relief.
Mega Girl: So who's going to clean up this mess?
Everyone looks at Mega Girl
Mega Girl: Not me again!
Megaman: Well you are the housekeeping robot.
Snakeman: Hmm. I guess everything turned out all right.
Needlegal: Yeah and we learnt something too.
Shadowman: That Megaman was a lousy housekeeping robot compared to Mega Girl.
Needlegal: No. We learned that drinking slows you down. This never would have happened if Hardman warned us before we drank his beer.
Hardman: I'll toast to that *Drinks another beer*
Topman: Well until Hardman stops drinking we are... The Mechanical Maniacs!
Cast: |
Musashiden Razz as ..... | ![]() Sparkman |
Hexlaser as ..... | ![]() Snakeman |
Psycho Magnet as ..... | ![]() Needlegal |
Hadrian Howell as ..... | ![]() Hardman |
Nightmare as ..... | ![]() Topman |
Lennon as ..... | ![]() Geminiman |
Jonathan S. as ..... | ![]() Magnetman |
Gauntlet as ..... | ![]() Shadowman |