By Gauntlet (Shadowman)
Spark Chan had finally come to a dead end.
Like she was gonna be.
Torchman advanced upon his prey like a wolf. Slow and deadly. He wanted to play this out for as long as possible.
The sprinkles were still raining water on them both, rendering Spark Chan’s powers useless. Torchman, on the other hand, felt more powerful than he had in years. Who needed those other losers on his team? Torchman did just fine all by himself.
Spark’s lip quivered in fright as Torchman leveled his long-barreled Torch Arm at her. They were in some doctor’s office. Spark had tried to lock the door shut, but that didn’t do much to stop the deadly red robot assassin.
“You know,” Torch began, “I was wondering how much sport you’d give me, little rabbit. Oh, and it has been fun playing this little game of cat and mouse. But it’s over now and it’s been sadly disappointing. Maybe in you’re next like you’ll be something faster!”
Torchman shot out a burst of fire, but it was deflected by a statue that Spark Chan had found while Torchman was ranting. Torchman didn’t care. He fired his weapon again and again. Spark was surprisingly spry, but that damage was dealt. Meanwhile Torchman found himself weakening. Water was his weakness as well and if he spent too long in this soaking place he might be done for!
His anger began to show and he began to miss. Badly. Spark Chan was able to escape the room when she bumped into someone she didn’t expect.
“Magnetman?” Breathed the orange and red robot.
It was ….. But how? Magnetman was in a coma because of Artilleryman’s Gom Jabbar …. Yet he was standing right there.
“You won’t stop me, pathetic copy!” Yelled Torchman as he fired fireballs at the two robots before him. With smooth precision he never showed before Magnet used his missiles to intercept Torch’s fireballs before they hit him. Using a small-range teleporter Magnetman teleported behind the stunned Torchman and used his powers to draw him near. Grabbing Torchman’s head Magnet used his electromagnetic powers on the robotic villain Torchman. Torch screamed in pain before Magnetman dropped the twitching mess on to the floor.
Spark Chan gasped at the sight. She had never seen Magnet so ruthless before.
“Maggie?” Said the frail robot girl. “Hunny? Sweety? …. You in there, Hun?”
Magnetman did not answer.
“Oh, I’m sure he’s in there! ….. Somewhere.”
Spark Chan whirled at the familiar voice! It was nasal and irritating. Xelloss.
“What are you doing here?” Yelped Spark Chan in surprise.
“Just checking up on this and that,” said the evil priest.
“So …. You’re behind this?” Asked Spark Chan. She was amazed! Even with all the bad stuff she heard about Xelloss, she still thought he seemed like a basically good person.
“Behind it? Oh, no …. I’m just middle management, as always. Although there was a little escapade with Mr. Gemini…”
“What did you do to him?” Demanded Spark, both scared and afraid.
“Nothing! Well, nothing he didn’t ask me to do, anyway. He’s quite the power-hungry devil, if I do say so myself.” And Xelloss chuckled he chuckled as if he said something mildly amusing!
There was a moment of silence before Classy understood what was going on. Torchman knew just where to find them. And so did Xelloss.
“You sent Torchman here.” A statement. Not a question.
The maddening trickster priest smiled.
“You told him to set off the sprinklers to make me not use my powers.” Again, not a question.
“And now …. You want something with me.” Classy concluded.
“Oh, no!” said Xelloss pleasantly. “I already got what I wanted. Sort of. I don’t want anything with you or your friends Mr. Magnet and Mr. Hard!”
Classy breathed a sigh of relief.
Her breath caught when she saw several robots teleport in as if on cue.
Blademan, Sharkman, and Crorq. All staring as blankly as her friend Magnetman.
“They’re the ones who want you!” Said Xelloss with an amused grin.
The Sinister Six. The rest of them anyway. Spark had definitely missed out something!
The room went dark and all Classy could do was wonder how it all came to this.