By Gauntlet (Shadowman)
They were in shock. Needlegal, Hardman, Spark Chan and Magnetman didn’t know what this thing was. But Shadowman, Snakeman and Topman recognized it immediately.
It was what had split from Geminiman when he was going to go mad.
Was it pure evil? It seemed to be made up of magic.
And it just stood there. Staring at its captive counterpart.
Shadowman made a move to approach it. He was feeling nervous, but as leader it seemed that it was his responsibility to do something. The Thing spoke first.
“I’m not evil you know. Don’t worry about that.”
Shadowman was taken aback.
“What …. Are you?” asked Spark Chan in shock.
“It’ll take a long time to explain….”
“We don’t have that time!” shouted the newly-liberated Snakeman, “The maniac CJ is gonna kill our bodies is we don’t move fast!”
“No. No, I’ve moved our bodies to another part of the Technodrome. I think we have time for a little talk. Time moves kinda fast here.”
The ‘Maniacs were still wary.
“Oh, common,” said the Thing, “don’t give me that look. I know I look freaky, but at least let me explain what’s going on first.”
And so the ‘Maniacs sat together for the first time since this mission began. Or at least, if this Thing was to be believed. The rest of the ‘Maniacs sat far away from the creature.
“I’m not Evil Lennon or some clone. I’m actually Geminiman. Or a copy of him anyway.”
“A copy of Geminiman?” asked Magnet with some disbelief.
Gemini Thing started form the beginning. How Xelloss had used Wily’s attack on the base and his own brand of manipulation to coax him into accepting demonic power. But, because he was already a mixture of human and robot and an evil version of himself to boot, the power became unstable. It warped his thoughts. That was when he attacked Shadow, Snake, and Top.
He hastened to add how sorry he was for the whole thing and that it was the last time an evil version of himself would ever attack the team.
Anyway, during the fight Top reminded him of their friendship and spurred him to action. He would use his power to create more of himself to create one possessing purely demonic power. Away from the incompatible robot systems his mind in this demonic body regained its sanity. But it was slow. At first he didn’t recognize his friends. Then he remembered Xelloss and thought on some instinct that he could help somehow.
Gemini-thing went there immediately, using his demonic power to teleport to where he left the wounded Xelloss. He was gone. Probably the moment when Gemini went to confront his friends.
Gemini-thing realized that his mind was separate from his main body. He could “sense” him though.
However, there wasn’t much time for thought. Xelloss had set up a trap. Several lesser demons attacked Gemini-thing. Though less powerful then he, there was so many…
By the time he had finished them he was severely wounded. He knew of the battle where Artilleryman led Gammas to destroy his friends, but he was too weak to help. He tried to get at the Nullifier he knew that could break the mind-control his friends were under, but before he could use it Artilleryman has blown it out of his hands and shot at him. He was too weak to fight him and so he teleported away. By the time he was able to help, the world was already under the renegade ‘Maniacs’ control. He decided to wait in Geminiman’s mind until the time was right to act.
“So, why didn’t you free yourself and us when you could?” asked Snakeman with some criticality.
Gemini-Thing looked shamed. “I didn’t know what would happen. The nullifier could do it, but I’d just be ripping out circuits! I was scared to death, really. What if what I did killed this body? I just couldn’t act. I just couldn’t!”
Gemini-Thing looked at his friends for understanding. Magnetman sighed.
“If I didn’t have to make a backup of my mind, I guess I’d have been as scared as you were. Otherwise I wouldn’t think that this control system would let us just leave.
The ‘Maniacs finally had time to explain their experiences. Magnet felt ashamed at having let his ego underestimate Artilleryman, but if he hadn’t had done that then it was probable that the ‘Maniacs would never had been freed.
Hardman and Spark Chan explained their fight with Needle (who interrupted them to “correct” them over the finer details); however their differences seemed to be behind them. Needlegal thanked Hard for saving her memories and they apologized for not following her instructions. Needlegal understood their desire to stick by their friend, even if they could have been more organized about it.
Needlegal explained that she followed Barrageman to Wily’s lab and had been captured. And that Wily had been taken to work with CJ and the renegade ‘Maniacs. She supposed he was being controlled as well.
Needlegal rather liked the fact that Wily and Doc Robot was now someone’s tool. Maybe next time they would have some compassion.
Snakeman explained what they had learned from their discovery of the Technodrome and how CJ was behind it all. It stung to know so many of their old friends had been turned against them by greed and ambition. They were behind everything since the destruction of the Ark. They found Artillery and he helped them to subdue Wily’s rescue forces which helped them get control of Wily himself. They were also behind the disappearance of the “Sinister Six” which they had used as cannon fodder in a fight to subdue the unprepared Mechanical Maniacs. Perhaps they were also in contact with Artillery long before, preparing him to use his Gom Jabbar to drive the ‘Maniacs apart.
They had used the team’s current lack of training against them, but it was the fractures within the team itself that helped to split it. Since their defeat of the Decepticons they had no real challenge. And without their friends the Sinister Six they had felt their time to depart was coming soon. This let them be easy picking for this highly organized plan.
Now, though, they were united. The common enemy that would have used their differences to drive them apart had only strengthened them. They were a team again.
Shadowman had a plan. They freed Geminiman from his prison. He was surprised at the Gemini-thing’s existence, but it seemed like an act. Perhaps he sensed the Thing as the Thing sensed him. Either way they merged into one being once more. This time however, the power was stored in a special red data crystal.
“It won’t be contained for long, you know,” warned the crystalline warrior, now once again whole.
“It doesn’t have to,” said Shadowman.
It was time to strike back. The team was whole once more and within the enemy’s base.
Each member of the team returned to their own bodies (they all now knew how and each had left a bookmark for easy access). It was time to wrest control from CJ and take their bodies back!
Each one accessed their systems. This was a battle they would have to do alone. And at the same time, least the system adapt to their attack.
Their physical bodies shuddered as their minds struggled to regain control.
Their mind responded to the familiar commands of each mind, but the control system was powerful. However, it wasn’t used to struggle once a body had been secured. Each ‘Maniacs used their will to sever the bonds the system had to their body. It was like an octopus with arms attached to each part of their systems, controlling their bodies, but they fought back. One by one each member severed the arms in their own way. Magnet, who was used to this internal battle fared the best while it was Shadowman who had to struggle thorough this conflict. He has been so used to finding the easy solution that he was out of practice.
In the end, though, no matter who was fighting, the out come was the same.
The control system was defeated.
Shadowman opened his eyes. His physical eyes. He saw the rest of the team had awakened before him. And they were all inside of the Technodrome’s dungeon. It looked like Geminiman had moved their bodies.
He got up. He felt heavier. Shadowman realized that he was wearing some sort of armor.
They’ve turned me into a Gamma!
They were all Gammas. But Gammas free from their enemy’s control.
“Man, I look stupid,” moaned Topman while looking at a reflection in a broken mirror that hung on the wall.
“And that giant top on your head made you look slick?” asked Snakeman quizzically. Topman gave him a nasty look but brightened immediately. Spark Chan chuckled at the joke and Topman shook his head.
But it was time to get moving.
“Alright, guys, it’s time to get moving!”
“Yes sir, boss!” shouted Hardman enthusiastically.
“And they’ll be in the control room? You sure?” asked Snakeman.
“Considering how controlling they are, I’d bet the farm,” responded Needlegal.
The control room was in the center of the Technodrome. To get there they would have to fight many minions that the renegades have put into place.
And that’s exactly what they did.
The Gamma armor was powerful and the minor minions meant very little to the battle hardened team that the current Mechanical Maniacs had become. After the battle for their minds the battle against some Sniper Joes seemed all too easy.
Next came the Gammas.
First they fought Multiman. Sheer numbers were no match against the ferocity of the Mechanical Maniacs in their new armor. The destroyed each new Multiman as it came without stopping until Multiman himself lay in a defeated mess.
Bitman and Voltman tried a combination of electrical attacks, but Spark Chan in her Gamma armor easily absorbed their power and drove it right back into them. Perhaps it would have been possible for them to re-absorb such an attack, however with their mind in such a controlled state they were unable to respond competently. Shadowman, with his Shadow blades, was able to short circuit them much in the way his Shadow blades short circuits Sparks and both Gammas were down.
Sharkman Gamma was no match for Snakeman and Expressman Gamma’s speed couldn’t keep up with the tricky Topman in his new armor. Top wondered if they could keep it after all this.
Doc Robot Gamma was mercilessly taken apart by Needlegal. She remembered every intrusion the deceptively dangerous Doc Robot did to her and she resented him for it. He almost cost her her identity, he manipulated her in vile ways and she hated him for it. She went in for a head on assault. Doc Robot shot out metal blades and they hit home, however Needle took the pain. She wanted revenge! Diving in at close rage she shot her high-powered Needle Cannon at the robot. It tore through steel and wires. Staggering back, Doc Robot prepared for another tactic. Gemini Laser, Needle’s weakness. Dodging the laser, Needle shot off her Needle mace from the top of her head. On the Gamma armor it was even heavier and more powerful than usual. It crushed Doc Robot’s right arm under it’s attack. Needle pressed her advantage and tore into the robot. In the end the armor was completely torn off to reveal the small, silvery robot underneath. It would be a long time before the thing would even think to reprogram another robot. But it was Artillery who got it even worse.
It seemed that the one who betrayed Wily was betrayed himself as this was a mere controlled puppet as well. Needle was disappointed. The rest of the team was surprised at her blood lust, however they weren’t there for Needle’s reprogramming. Geminiman also felt disappointment to see his rival reduced to this.
Artillery shot out missiles which were easily intercepted by Needlegal’s needles. No threats from this robot and no witty banter from the ‘Maniacs. It would be lost on this mindless drone and the ‘Maniacs were weary of fighting. All of them teamed up to bring Artillery down quickly.
It was quiet after that. Snakeman supposed that CJ had figured sending in more drones would be a waste. He was probably saving them for last.
The team arrived at the control room, ready to face their tormenters.
“Hey, you traitor!” called the confident Topman through the door, “I hope you knew we’re not gonna go easy on you after all this!”
“Surrender,” demanded Geminiman.
It was then that the floor dropped out from under them.
The ‘Maniacs were in a large room. The training room. The training room was directly underneath the control center. There stood the Renegades along with Bizarro. And behind them were the rest of the Gammas.
“Looks like you’re outnumbered, sports!” said Gizmo, the old Geminiman.
“No escape this time,” said Anton, the old Needleman.
If you want, you can become our slaves again,” said the once-Snakeman Jacob.
"Nnnnnnnnnhhhhhh!" grunted personality-less Hardman in agreement.
The ‘Maniacs stood in silence.
“Alright, I think it’s time this game ended, wouldn’t you say, Bizarro?”