By Gauntlet (Shadowman)
“Bizarro?” asked CJ with puzzlement, “Bizarro? Hey, shouldn’t you be talking to me? The real leader of the Mechs?”
Shadowman shook his head.
“I’m sorry,” Needle interrupted, “but it’s painfully clear that Bizarro is the one pulling all the strings here.”
“Bizarro is as bright as a doorknob!” laughed Titanium, “You guys know that. You ought to be more worried about Magnet the Mighty!”
Titanium shot out his Magnet missiles to emphasize his point. Using his superior Gamma Armor, Magnetman changed his own polarity to shoot Titanium’s missiles across the room.
“Or Spark the stupendous!” piped in Sean, the original Sparkman as he shot spark of electricity along the ground at his doppelganger Spark Chan. Spark Chan was ready to absorb the charge as she had with Bit and Volt man Gamma, however these sparks were at an opposite polarity than she had guess. She shrieked in pain as the energy tore through her systems.
“Or maybe the highly powered weapons of destruction behind us,” laughed Anton. The rest if the Gammas shot into action.
Waveman Gamma fired highly concentrated bursts of water at Spark Chan. The liquid caused a short in her systems and the frail robot inside the bulky Gamma armor grunted in pain. However water could be her friend and she shot a giant spark at her adversary sending him sprawling onto the floor.
Hardman contended with the Gamma enhanced Crorq, which was piloted by a mind-controlled Wily.
I wonder what they hoped to get by controlling Wily while he’s piloting that thing. Not like they can’t pilot him without the doc.
Crorq had been modified to be more powerful than ever before, but so had Hardman. Taking several powerful bullets to the chest, Hardman took a direct assault to the giant robot monstrosity. Crorq may be big and powerful, but at such close range Hardman’s Hard Knuckles tore though it’s metal hull, destroying the hinge of it’s right leg. Without that to balance it the super computer fell to the ground. Hardman broke the glass of it’s cockpit and gently knocked Wily out.
Hardman was feeling very gratified until the mindless renegade Hardman dropped right on top of him.
The Magnetmen were battling it out. Both using electromagnetic fields against each other their palms were clamped down, one on top of the other, in an unlockable struggle.
“You can’t beat me,” said Magnet through clenched teeth, “I’m better technology. With the Transmetal armor and the Gamma armor to boot, you’re outclassed!”
“Outclassed?” sneered Titanium, “we’ll see who can outclass Magnet the Mighty!” Magnetman wondered at these words until he felt several sharp points of pain on his back.
Blademan’s blades.
His own electromagnetic force pulled them in even harder than they could have went unaided!
And Titanium, the former Magnetman, began to sing.
Magnet the Mighty,
He is good in a fight-y
Always got a master plan!
He’s good when shit hits the fan!
Never pick a fight with him!
Victory is gar-un-teeeeeeed!
Magnet, the real Magnet, gritted his teeth. He just had an excellent idea. But those stabbing blades made it hard to think!
When you’re Magnet,
Magnet the Miiiiiiiii-ght
The real Magnet switched his polarity to the opposite of what it had been. A look of shock spread over Titanium’s face as he was flung back, right across the room. He hit the metal wall at the far end of the room hard and fell to the floor far below. He did not get up.
Magnet was also flung. Right into Blademan Gamma, who was standing directly behind him. Dazed, but glad, Magnet had defeated the renegade ….. but he still had an unfazed Blademan Gamma to deal with.
Snakeman faced off against Jacob, the first Snakeman. They had met many times. Snake figured he could take him. Diving out of the ground for a surprise attack, Snake was stunned when Jacob grabbed him by the wrist and flung him to the floor.
“I’ve got some years on you, Newbie,” said Jacob ruefully.
“Newbie?” asked Snakeman with some offence, “Now that’s just mean. Just because Shadow was too nice to kick you off earlier doesn’t make you better than me!”
Jacob’s face darkened as he kicked Snakeman hard. Snakeman shot out search snakes to distract the renegade ‘Maniacs and sprinted towards him from the side.
That was the plan, at least. But an ill-placed oil slick made him, slip and gave Jacob enough time to leap onto his target.
“Thanks, Oilman! Glad we’re on the same side for once,” said Jacob gladly as Oilman Gamma stared passively at the struggle.
“Damn it, Jacob! Fight fair!”
“Fair?” laughed the renegade ,”aren’t you led by Shadowman?” This was followed by even more insufferable laughter. Of course Jacob was right.
Using a sneaky stunt of his own Snake used the oil to slip free of Jacob’s hold and slid across the floor. Jacob jumped after him. While in the air, unable to dodge, Snakeman fired several arm cannon shots at his doppelganger.
But things weren’t going well. Despite his power advantage Jacob was just as sneaky and agile as he was. Neither were getting a significant amount of damage to the other!
This could go on all day!
Geminiman was in similar trouble. Somehow Gizmo had disabled his ability to split into two! However, Gizmo was without any modifications and could only split into two people, which Geminiman could handle. Both didn’t use their lasers because of the amount of friends and allies in the room. They were more likely to hit a friend than a foe! The result was a hand-to-hand combat situation in which neither had a real advantage.
Until some search snakes took out one of Gizmo’s clones!
“What?” asked Gemini turning in the direction of the attack.
Snakeman was running swiftly into the battle. Behind him Gemini could see Jacob’s look of surprise and frustration seeing his doppelganger run from the battle.
“Get bored?” asked Gemini.
“Just looked like you couldn’t handle this guy on yer own!” joked the serpentine robot. Gemini snorted a small laugh.
“Don’t think this’ll help you!” yelled out Gizmo while firing a Gemini Laser at close range at Snakeman! Surprised, Snakeman was hit hard and fell to the ground.
Geminiman was too distracted to see the former Snakeman come up from behind him and nail him with his Search Snakes.
Gizmo formed another clone, which went and held Geminiman’s arms in a lock on the ground. Snakeman was winded and was easy prey for Gizmo to get him into a hold as well.
“Time for some fun,” chuckled the ruthless Jacob. Gizmo grinned in response.
The Needle fight was well avoided by all members of both teams. Neither used a strategy or fancy moves or any aid. It was a battle of brute force.
Needles showered the room. The floor was littered with them and bits of wire, metal, and mechanical fluids. Needlegal was panting heavily. While it was true that Anton was technologically inferior she had used the same reckless strategy against both Artilleryman and Doc Robot.
I was spent before the fight even begun!
Anton laughed as he saw his female replacement drop to her knees.
“Wasted already, eh? Well, that’s alright. Nothing to be ashamed of! I’m the original Needleman! I’m the guy Wily used to take over the world! You? You’re just Shadowman’s sister! Some stupid replacement. You weren’t used for anything before and you’re not used by anyone now!” The words cut Needlegal deeply and caused the opposite of the intended effect.
Instead of being discouraged, she fought back harder!
Needlegal ran straight for Anton, while using her arms as shields against the barrage of enemy needle attacks.
“Buster, if I’m going down …. I’m taking you with me!”
Topman was frustrated. He took the fight to the most powerful enemy Bizarro Shadowman because his Top Spin was the creature’s weakness. However he forgot that it had adapted to the attack long ago and was in a battle of hyper-top spins against Shadowman’s imperfect duplicate.
Topman couldn’t see it, but he felt sure Bizarro was smirking at him. He beat him at this before.
Well that was before, buddy boy!
Using new motors in his heels Topman spun even faster at the point of impact between both him and the spinning ninja-duplicate. The impact sent a surprised Bizarro flying across the floor. Topman stopped, satisfied. He beat Bizarro at his own game.
But then … why was Bizarro smiling?
Bizarro was laughing wholeheartedly. It had been a very long time since he had felt so alive! Here was his purpose! No thinking! No doubts! His masters had told him what to do and he felt great joy in doing what he did best. Mindless following!
Topman didn’t understand any of this, but his pause gave Oilman Gamma enough time to land a hard tackle on the junior robot.
Meanwhile, Shadowman was pummeled by CJ’s Top Spin.
“Looks like it’s usurper versus the rightful leader of the Mechs!’ shouted CJ. Shadowman turned into a log for the next attack. It was useful, managing to avoid another painful Top Spin attack, but CJ nailed him with a giant top the minute he popped out of it.
“No cheating your way out of this time! No going “Super Sayan” or pulling a stupid gizmo outta your ass! Just me …. Kicking your ass!”
This was followed by another painful Top Spin.
Shadowman grunted. He dodjed as many of CJ’s attacks as he could, but when it came right down to it he couldn’t land signifigant damage to the disgruntled ex-leader of his team while CJ had all the advantage over him. It was only his Gamma and Transmetal armor that saved him from instant oblivion.
CJ loomed over the ninja leader.
“Any last words?”
Shadowman coughed.
“Yeah a few of them…. Where to begin?”
Shadowman used this opportunity to throw a smoke bomb to the floor. CJ, prepared for this, spun into it headlong. Unfortunately, something leaped out before contact could be made.
Something big.
Shadowman was atop his trademark frog. Flanking him were small green frog-like robots. CJ cursed.
“I always have a trick up my sleeve!” laughed the ninja. CJ spun ahead after him.
The frog let loose with a fierce fire attack that hurt the former Topman. Hurt but didn’t stop. In his Top Spin he was unstoppable and CJ spun into the frog! It shared the same weakness as its master and it was thrown to its side. Shadowman lost his seat and lay on the ground.
Now he wasn’t going to waste any time. CJ was going to kill Shadowman right there. He spun into the helpless ninjas when ….
He passed right through him.
“Twas a hologram,” said a snarky from somewhere above. CJ cursed again.
“I think it’s time we end this game,” said Shadow with a smile. Gemini had a smile of his own. He was beat up and tired, but it was finally time. Shadow had contacted him through the team’s radio which was stored in their helmets. The fight had caught him by surprise, but it had lasted long enough. It looked like the system was vulnerable.
It was time to end this farce.
“If you say so.”
Gemini unleashed all of the demonic power Xelloss had given them at that moment on the unsuspecting network that made up the control system. It was all interconnected and now massive amount of destructive energy flowed through it all.
Every one there, save the ‘Maniacs themselves naturally, screamed in pain and red streams of magical energy seeped out of every joint.
Crorq Gamma, even unconscious and on it’s side spammed out of control. Waveman Gamma crashed into Blademan Gamma as their armors were ripped to shreds by the demonic energy. Even the Technodrome was affected. Energy arced across controls and the lights dimmed and struggled to stay alight.
Even the renegade ‘Maniacs were affected. Personality-less Hardman’s eyes glazed as his companions screamed around him. CJ’s frustrated expression had left his face to be replaced by screams of agony. Tears streamed down Gizmo’s check as the magical energy tore through all of their minds.
In the end only Bizarro Shadowman was left conscious. He seemed to be struggling to breath. He was clutching at his head and mumbling pathetically.
“It was the cables, Bizarro,” explained Snakeman. “We recognized them after we started to talk. They were Borg cables. And the multitude of voices? After taking a closer listen we could hear CJ and the rest screaming along with Wily, his special forces, and the ‘Sinister Six.’”
Bizarro was silently rocking back and forth on his haunches.
“We sent my demonic power through your Network, Bizarro. All the control you had over everyone and all the systems is gone. You’re alone.”
“Alone again,” said Bizarro quietly.
“Our friends never betrayed us,” said Shadowman, “You were controlling them. You used their memories and whatever memories you have from me to create this Technodrome facsimile. But … why, Bizarro? You were never really evil. You never even wanted to control the world before. You were more set on pleasing any mentor you could find more than actually taking part in battles. Why do this to us? Why try to kill us all and set us against each other? Why did you do it!?”
In the end Shadowman was becoming furious with this twisted copy of himself. It had made his life Hell and all it could do now was rock back and forth on its haunches! What was its reasoning? Why did it do the things it did? Where was the God damn sense?
“Because ...” answered the creature in a surprisingly clear voice, “I am alone again. Always alone.” Gone was the backwards speak from Bizarro’s voice. He has no croak or rasp in his voice now, only sadness.
“You had your team. You had your friends. You had the looks. And my friends use me. Doppler, Doc Robot …. even those colorful ninjas. So I made people like me. Made them appreciate me the only way I know how. And I tried to get back at all of you for being so perfect.”
The ‘Maniacs were stunned silent.
“And now it’s over isn’t it? All me friends are gone. And I’m alone again”
Spark reached out to the creature, which now no longer seemed so evil or threatening.
“I don’t like being this smart. It hurts too much.”
A horrified expression swept over Shadowman’s face as realization crept in.
There was an audible clank from within Bizarro’s head. His eyes seemed to dull. His face went slack for a moment.
“Me not ready to stay awake now,” said Bizarro sleepily. “Me think me will stay awake for short time.”
Bizarro shut himself down.
And that was the end of the crisis.