By Gauntlet (Shadowman)
Snakeman pieced the rest together after the team had talked about the events for a while.
Bizarro was upgraded somehow into an intelligent Transformer once. When he was defeated he reverted back to his old, stupid self. It was one of the teams more exciting adventures. In fact they had saved the universe then.
However, it looked like that was all an act. How could you simply revert someone back just by beating them senseless? Bizarro stayed smart and plotted against them out of jealousy and sadness. During the battles Bizarro had let his stupid personality dominate, but under it all he remained intelligent and calculating. Shadowman couldn’t help but understand the anger Bizarro had felt. Even if he was the opposite of Shadowman, he had become a lot like him in many ways.
But in his anger he manipulated those he considered friends. He hurt people, violated others and turned away from every person who would actually help him if he had only asked. He turned his anger out on the world and, after he failed, he broke himself and then turned himself off.
Shadowman could understand his anger, but his actions? Those Shadowman could never comprehend.
The Sinister Six limped away. Again. Taking Wily’s rescue squad with them. None of the ‘Maniacs noticed until it was too late. Torchman was noticeably absent from the fight. What happened to that guy? Who knows. Who cares? He wasn’t a real threat anyway.
The Technodrome was still intact and could make for a good fortress. Perhaps as a plan B in case the Ark got destroyed again.
A day later their friends woke up in the Ark’s repair bay.
“Geez ….” Said CJ, “you sure know how to give a guy a wallop.”
“Sorry, man. Had to stop Bizarro from taking over the world,” said Geminiman.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” said CJ rubbing his head.
“It was so weird! We could see what we ere doing, but … it was like a dream. Even now I can only remember bits and pieces!” said Jacob.
The manipulated former members of the Mechanical Maniacs got to their feet and took a few uncertain steps. They were stiff from being out for so long. The ‘Maniacs helped their counterparts get their bearings and led them to a nearby table. There were a few seats there, enough for all the former members of the team.
“Well, it was really something,” said Snakeman, “But you were the villains this time so maybe it’s best you don’t get any ideas!”
The former members of the team laughed at this.
“Come on?” said CJ, “who wants to take over the world? That’s so cliché!”
Wily was returned to Monsteropolis prison where he is serving ten consecutive life sentences. All doubt the prison will hold him for much longer. Wily himself has filed several complaints about the robot guard’s attitudes. Unknown to him those complaints have been compiled and published in the Monsteropolis Monitor, the local paper. The city had themselves a hearty laugh at Wily’s expense.
Artilleryman was returned to the robot prison where he was deactivated and placed with the rest of the Evil Eight. Likely never to see the light of day again.
Doc Robot, Expressman and Multiman got away. They were sent to the robot prison, but a Multiman copy had rescued them soon after their capture. The ‘Maniacs didn’t care. Megaman could handle those fools.
The former Mechanical Maniacs team members resumed their lives from where Bizarro had taken them. CJ was currently an accountant, if that can be believed!
The Mechanical Maniacs destroyed their Gamma armor. No use for the unpleasant memories. Bizarro was sealed away in a remote location known only to members of the team. When will he awake? Will he awake at all? Nobody can say.
Sheer hatred had allowed Torchman to overcome Bizarro’s hold on him. How dare that copy of his hated enemy think he could control the mighty Torchman. How dare he!? Torchman hated being somebody’s pawn! He hated it more than he hated the Mechanical Maniacs.
He had laid at the sidelines of the battle between his enemies. He hoped they would destroy each other. No such luck. No matter, it was fun to see them beat each other up! He watched and, when they were distracted, he rescued his ungrateful comrades.
Again his grand schemes were thwarted by someone else’s incompetence. Were it not for Bizarro’s hapless scheme to take over the world, Torchman would have won the day! He was right there beside an unsuspecting Shadowman! Those imbeciles!
And now his team was recovering in their rooms.
Still, the day was not a total loss. He had a powerful new armor in the deal. With this the Mechanical Maniacs would be doomed.
But first his thirst would be doomed! He felt as if he hadn’t had a bite to eat in years!
Torchman opened up his energy storage device, his fridge and was surprised to find a small device had been activated. From it emitted the irritating voice of Shadowman.
“Love the décor! Junkyard chick is very in nowadays!”
This was followed by a powerful explosion fueled by the “Sinister Six’s” own energy reserves!
Most of the base was rubble. And their Gamma armor was now destroyed.
“Wait to go, dumbass!” yelled Blademan from under a thick sheet of solid steel.
“You’re a piece of work, Torch. A real piece of work,” muttered Bitman from underneath large chunks of ceiling.
Torchman couldn’t make out what Crorq said, but he was sure it was something equally insulting.
They would pay. One day, oh yes. They would all pay.