By Gauntlet (Shadowman)
Monsteropolis was in peril.
“We love you Wily.”
All over the citizens were chanting their mindless drone.
“We love you Wily.”
The chant echoed from inside the office buildings. From the school years. From the butcher. From the baker. From the candlestick maker!
“We love you Wily.”
It warmed Doc Robot’s heart.
“God, that ranting’s driving me nuts!” yelled the feet-footed Expressman. “Can’t you get them to pipe down?”
“We love you Wily.”
Doc Robot turned to his companion, “What’s wrong with rooting for Master?”
“Nothing if you don’t like listening to a broken friggin’ record all day.”
Doc Robot shrugged. “Master will like,” said the robot happily.
Multiman grumbled. He agreed with Expressman, but knew it was useless to argue with the simple minded Doc Robot.
“Of course Master will like … Master is a big egotist with a skull fetish!” retorted a voice from the side.
Stepping out from behind a door were the Mechanical Maniacs. Snakeman grinned under his faceplate at his own joke.
“You!” shouted the metallic Wily look-alike.
“I hoped to see you punks again,” said Expressman through gritted teeth (or that would be gritted if he even had teeth).
“Hah! It’ll be fun to pummel all of you!”
“Well, well, well, I honestly didn’t think we’d meet again,” said an amused Shadowman. These threats were so tiring.
"Well, I guess things turned out all right.” laughed Snakeman, with his buster ready, "It's time to ttech ‘em a lesson!
“Unit Needlegal identified!” said the huge Barrageman.
“Miss me?”
“Unit Barrageman remembers out previous battle. Tactical maneuvers have been made to compensate for previous strategy!”
Needlegal smiled in anticipation, "And it looks like we learned something too!"
Both sets of robots faced each other in the empty streets of Monsteropolis with the vacant eyes of mesmerized civilians looking on.
“We love you Wily.”
"So," said Topman with a smirk, "replace us, brainwash us, or leave us for dead, it doesn't matter! We are ..... The Mechanical Maniacs!"
Multiman scoffed.
The ‘Maniacs smiled.
And then attacked.