By Gauntlet (Shadowman)
Once, over one million years ago, an alien ship crash landed on Earth. This ship stayed dormant for eons until its inhabitants were awoken. These inhabitants were the Transformers. In one adventure, the Mechanical Maniacs somehow found themselves fighting the Decepticon leader Galvatron. How did eight humble robot masters manage to make the powerful leader of the Decepticons into an enemy? How could they even fight someone who wasn't even a Megaman character? Nobody really knows. In fact, there's a huge percentage of the population that believes that the Mechanical Maniacs could never actually meet Galvatron at all and that Shadowman just lied about it.
Nevertheless, the battle was one of their hardest fought and the Mechanical Maniacs won and saved the Earth ... and the Autobots as well. In gratitude they gave them the Ark, which they haven't used in quite some time.
In comparison to humans the ship is huge. It was embedded in a dormant volcano so most of it is buried under rock and soil with only large thrusters peeking out. The entire ship is a golden color, tarnished and battered from the rough landing millions of years ago. Truly amazing, it houses alien technology; the Mechanical Maniacs have chosen to use this highly advanced alien vessel ... to watch television.
"Oh, you gotta be kidding me!" shouted Magnetman in disgust. "Look at this!"
The television played out a scene the entire team was familiar with. "Nah. I think you did a pretty good job of telling these losers how much of a loser they are. I mean, I doubt I could add much more to this. Except maybe pointing out that Shadowman types like a two year old. Like ... with brain damage or something. I hope he learns how to spell if he wants to go on making that shitty looking website he has. Otherwise, people are just gonna make their own, better Megaman three team. In fact ... I think I just may do that myself." At that point Magnetman shut the television off in disgust.
Geminiman was furious, "Those lousy execs! They showed it anyway!" He kicked something that either may have been an important piece of equipment or some trash that was lying on the ground across the room. "We gotta go there and kill them!"
Needlegal sighed. She didn't like this any more than anyone else, but Geminiman was overreacting. Again.
"I think those judges made some valid points. I mean they saw my talent, right?" Hardman was puffed full of pride. He enjoyed hanging this over everyone's head. For at least a little while.
Topman sagged down, deeply disturbed. "Oh, God. What if you're right?? Oh, man. What am I gonna do?? I mean ... I really do look pretty stupid with this top on my head."
"There, there, tops. You don't look stupid at all," Needlegal said, trying to console her easily shaken friend.
Spark-Chan was right behind her. "Yeah, Hun! Cheer up! It coulda been worse!"
"Indeed! Quite right, Miss Spark-Chan!" said a voice from the doorway.
No. It couldn't be him. It ... it . . It was.
"After all, you could be Mister Shadowman over here! Just think of what he must be feeling right now! Why those judges saw all of his faults, and he has much more than any of you! 'Slacker ninja' indeed! "Xelloss laughed at his own joke and disappeared yet again. He does that.
Xelloss. He didn't belong here. He wasn't from Megaman. He wasn't a friend. He wasn't even helpful. He was just there. Nobody wanted him to be there. Nobody knows why he shows up. He just does.
"I'm going to my room to brood!" shouted Topman, running to his room. Needlegal, Spark-Chan and the rest of the team followed.
Damn that Xelloss! Of all the Mechanical Maniacs, Shadowman hated Xelloss most of all, but couldn't do anything to stop him from showing up.
Although he appears to be a tall man dressed in a brown cape with a tan colored shirt and purple hair and eyes, Xelloss is actually a powerful monster working under Zelas Matellium. Xelloss. In a fair fight he could destroy the Mechanical Maniacs with ease. So, he'll do whatever he wanted without fear of reprisal.
I don't even understand how he's even here!
"It's all right, Tops! Don't feel bad just because Xelloss is a big meanie," Needlegal said through Topman's door. She couldn't actually get in the room since Topman locked himself in.
"Rats," Geminiman sighed, "what are we gonna do about this?? If he's in the crawlspace it'll be hours until we can pry him out!"
"I blame Xelloss. We should plan revenge!" Shadowman intoned in a booming voice.
"Revenge won't get Tops outta the crawlspace, Star-head!" said Snakeman sharply.
"I don't see you coming up with any bright ideas, Raj!"
"Raj?? Raj!? It's Raijin! Rai! With an i!
"Guys!" Magnetman interjected, "Chill out! We're all just feelin' a bit stressed because of that whole "Hero Idol" thing. No need to take it out on each other."
Snakeman and Shadowman took deep breaths and calmed down. Truth was things weren't right lately. Not for a long time.
Shadowman stalked off to take a walk outside. It was cold and dark outside the
Maybe it was time to go. The Sinister Six disbanded shortly after Iceman's death at the hands of Red and since it's been so quiet it doesn't look like we'll be needed.
It was right after that thought that Shadowman had the wind knocked right out of him. He didn't see the attacker coming! Careless. Shadowman didn't know where the opponent was so he threw down a smoke bomb to level the playing field. If I can't see you, it seems right that you shouldn't see me either! But the attacker didn't seem to mind the smoke at all as he landed on Shadowman with amazing force.
Stunned, Shadowman didn't have time to respond to the massive electrical attack the attacker gave him at close range. Shadowman shouted a curse loudly as pain arced through his body. But it wasn't over just yet. The tricky ninja still had a trick or two up his sleeve. Using ninja magic, Shadowman seemed to slide into the ground. The plan was to reappear directly behind his attacker so he could chuck a Shadowblade. Apparently this trick was as useful as the smokebomb since the attacker spun around to deliver a spinning kick sending Shadowman reeling to the ground. All strength seemed to leave the Mechanical Maniacs' leader as he lay on the ground, defeated.