By Gauntlet (Shadowman)
Alright, so this is a fan made chapter that takes place after chapter 15. It doesn't fit into continuity of the actual story and the entire thing was finished before this was sent to me .... but I'm complimented so I'll post it up! So enjoy the fanmade chapter of the Unnamed.
Not to far away, laid a girl dressed in a white, but stained, labcoat. Her green sweater was also stained, as well was her black jeans. She had her protective goggles lifte up over her forhead so she could use her bioniclars to spy on the robots.Fanlourau lowered her bioniclars. That fight had been quick, but it had scared her so much she nearly wet herself, as for Eyeless, he had dug himself underneath the scattered peices of mechanoids that Gemini had blasted apart earlier.
"Xelloss... I know he is behind this... Those monsters must be stopped, and all I need is some allies to aid me... And Mechanical Maniacs is known to have him around, so it was a good idea to sneak near their base and wait..." she tought.
She had the information, the skill and the equipment to do it, all she lacked was voulenteers.
Of what she had seen now, she wouldnt lack thoose much longer. Two of the Mechanical Maniacs needed to be repaired. She could snuck in her "upgrade" along while repairing them.
It would be easy, after all, she was a freelance Technician. Who also had a knack for creating new species by add and remove different genes in eggs.
Eyeless was a fine result of that.
But back to buisness. The dragonslaying monster would pay. All the monsters would pay. But first things first, she needed to convince the others that she could help the two fallen ones.
She looked at Eyeless. Maybe he could distract the the two still active ones... or could he?
In worst case, she would be forced to use Quatre... She was a dangerous specimen who had easy to go berserk, but it could not be helped. She needed to be quick. Supreme Limitbreaking Endurance Enhanced Protagonist System, shortened down to S.L.E.E.P.S. was only a chip to the naked eye, however, when inplanted into a machine, it would create miracles. The met she had experimented on had been so strong, that not even EMP had worked on it. However, the timelimit had been 12 hours. For a robotmaster, it would be less. Maybe eight or six hours... if even that.
She only had three of these chips for now, so she had to be careful about using them. She had choosed the Mechanical Maniacs because they was the team with the most experience with Xelloss. She hoped this would work, if it didnt... Then all who ever had fought the monsters would have fought in vain. This was it, no turning back. Now or never.
She whispered instructions to the kortifax, who whimpered in response. "Go, or taste the whip!" she said, and as it tought about it, it nodded and dug away.
Snakeman was busy thinking about what to do next, so he didnt notice the ground moving a little behind him as Eyeless digged forward.
All of a sudden, something bursted out from the ground behind him and nailed its claws on his shoulders. Snake, panicstricken, turned around to see who it was, but since Eyeless was on his back, he could only see a brown tail. He turned around again and again, but still could only see the tail. He flunged up his arm in an attempt to grab whatever it was on his back, but it bit his left hand.
"But Im made of metal? What is this thing!?" he wondered, even more nervously.
The strange...thing... jumped off his back and jumped around his legs making a wierd noises.
"Gwrrrryou! Gyink!" it said as it hopped right into his torso and knocked him over. As snake finaly was able to grab it, he noticed something strange. It was... biological. A being made of flesh and blood and not a robot. How could a biological creature not only be strong enough to bite him without hurt itself and then knock him over? . In each side of its mouth there was a huge tusk and right after its head, there was an arm on each side. But the rest of the body looked like a worm with fur, but its muzzle was white and hairless. It was about one meter long and two decimeter wide and muscular. "Who... and more importantly, what, are you?" he asked it as if he expected it to answer.
"Gssssssriss" he heard behind himself. As he looked up, a large red serpentlike creature stood raised above him. It had four arms, all ending with a huge scythe. It struck after him, but he jumped away and avoided getting hit. Its scythe cleaved the metal leftovers like it was paper. It was the size of a van while standing up like a cobra and when it went down on its belly and crawled with its legs, tearing up whatever they hit, it was as long as a bus.
"Wh-what the heck is these creatures!" Snake shouted out, still holding the first, smaller creature in his arms. Its head was triangular, but it fleaked its over and underlip bakwards so a circular mouth was visible. Armed with three rows of teeth all around the mouth and a long extendible tounge with another set of similar circle of theeth strethed after him.
Snake tried to turn and run, but the smaller creature squeezed away from his grip and slithered up over his helmet, causing him to fall.
Snakeman grabbed the ground with one hand, and tried to get rid of the smaller creature with the other, when he heard a large whack and a thud. Topman had throwed a top spin at the larger combatcreature so it had fallenover, but it rised up again, anew opening its mouth.
"Gssssrisss" it said.
Meanwhile, Fanlourau ran as fast as her sneakers allowed her to. She had to be fast, she didnt knew how long Eyeless and Quatre could distract he two robotmasters. She hoped it wouldnt be to long. "Please hold out a little longer babies, just a little longer..." she had entered their headquarters. This far, the plan had worked. She systematicly searched the base until she reached the repair chambers. She saw the two robots lie there, helpless and calm. She slowly sneaked towards them with great stealth, as if she was worried to wake them up. She held her breath for a moment, as she looked at Gauntlet, Shadowman. She carefuly touched him. He didnt awake. She continued to stroke him gently and smiled. She had never dreamed of being able to do this. Before she knew what she was doing, she kissed him. Then she started her work. She opened his breasthatch and looked for his central CPU. As she found it, she inserted the S.L.E.E.P.S chip in it and closed the hatch again. Then she walked around him and reattached his lost arm, and maked sure it wouldnt fall off again. Then she headed towards Gemini... She looked at him and smiled. She opened his breasthatch, inserted the chip and closed the hatch again. Then she turned towards Gauntlet again. He was badly damaged, so she started to repair and switch out the worst damaged parts of him. She couldnt do much, but it did speed up his recovery.