The Business of War

DANCE PARTY at Castle Wily

Bass grumbled as he marched through the stone hallways of Wily Castle. While his last mission had been a success, he still couldn't get Classi-Cal out of his mind. The prototype seemed to be nothing but weak and useless! It aggravated him to no end that Wily continued to send her out on missions.


Bass was so caught up in his own thoughts that he almost didn't notice the sound of music growing louder as he approached the main dining hall. "What in the world...?" said the black and gold robot as loud bass notes reverberated off the castles walls. He quickly rounded the corner, only to come face to face with a huge gathering of Robot Masters and Wilybots drinking, dancing, and having a good time. It was surreal.


Bass stumbled through the scene in a daze. Suddenly he found Quick Man hanging off him, clearly inebriated. "FISH BOY! YOU CAME! Everyone says, they says, 'oh, he won't come, he's too much've a stick-in-the-mud', but yew showed them, eh? Lemme git ya a drink. HEY! WAITRESS!"


Bass shoved the drunken robot off his shoulder, and began his irritated interrogation. "What the hell is going on here?!"


"Don' you know, man? We won, like, friggin' HONG KONG! And Cairo! We own 'em, man! An', an', I says to Wily, you know what we need, we need, like, we need some sorta celebration, cuz all we usually do is lose, an' it'd be positive rein... ren... it'd be good for us, y'know?" Starnik attempted to explain. "An th' ol coot agreed! Can you believe it? We got the Mets hooked up to some, like, chariots on the second floor for some drag racing, an' the Sniper Joes are runnin' the music an' drinks..."


Bass's clenched his fist with rage. "What the...! You bozos do something right for once, and you decide to hold a party?! You should ALWAYS be competent! Where is Wily?! I'm putting a stop to this right now!"


Starnik latched on to the black robot's arm like a lamprey, pulling him closer and throwing his arm around him. "Aww, man, don' be a buzzkill like that. I know, yer jus' upset cuz you din’ have anyone to come with, right? But, hey, I'll let you in on a lil' secret, there's this total hottie with green hair over by th' pool, an' I think if you play your cards right, ya might just have a shot with 'er-"


"GRAUUUUUGH!" shouted Bass, throwing Quick off him. The Wilybot shoved his way past Sonicgirl, making his way to Wily’s control room. He’d put an end to this frivolity! He just had to find Dr. Wily!


Starnik merely looked over to the quiet Gladiators member, and held up his drink. “Hey there girl! Did I ever tell you about th’ time I beat Mesmerman?”




Wily looked at the World Map in his room. Hong Kong and Cairo had fallen to him. Several of the missions he sent the other teams on had been successful so far. He could feel it, a turning of the tide to his favor. With Mega Man gone, and that fool Cutman weakening and distracting the RPD, he was on his way… this was his chance to finally rule the world! And with the chaos and danger General Cutman presented, people would willingly pledge their allegiance to his empire. It couldn’t have worked out any more perfectly even if he had planned it.


Soon…Soon… thought Wily as he pressed his hand on the map. Soon my dreams of conquest will be realized…


"Yes, yes, you made that big floating pile of weird shit retreat...that's a plus." The four Armored Assassins leaned their bodies on the wall. With Plantman drinking a can on orange juice. "That girl shattered one Special Force Unit's core chip whole. All by herself."


"Hopefully, we can keep on going till the SA is off the face of this planet, and the RPD is crippled like it never was before..." Windman conjured a small tornado in his hand, looking at the spiral pattern. "I'll be liaising the Interpol to let off Wily on his 'problems' the very least it's what we can do."


"Our next deal's in Lisbon...heard we have a roast boar." Flameman cackled as he looked through sheets of data regarding their next mission.


"While you're at it, heard he's big enough for target practice..." Yamatoman laughed along with Flameman, the two looked at Hyper Storm H's data picture once more, and kept laughing.


"Though anything will probably bounce off his not underestimate the biggest hulk since Frostman." Plantman looked at he rest of the Wily Faction Robots. "Not even Golemman can handle Hyper Storm H..."


"He's nowhere near Colossus...or Juggernaut...or even Blob." Windman clapped the latest issue of X-men together. "Besides, he needs to beat me first!"


"Anyone can beat you, fumble!" Plantman smirked, tackling the comic issue out of Windman's hands, the paperback book dropping into Flameman's hand.


He didn't like the idea at first. A psychotic genocidal robot with an army was on the loose, the US government had made it totally mandatory for robots to have kill switches, large groups of robots had been fighting this against this and were now actively hunted, former friends had become enemies, and most importantly, the world was on the brink of annihilation. Not to mention it was all about WILY succeeding, something which he really didn't want to happen in the long term.


But after thinking about it, Flashman simple said two words to himself: F*** it.


He was pretty sloshed now, having sampled a few drinks. Under normal circumstances, he would have avoided alcohol all together... something about it being taboo within his mind, though he didn't know why that was; it just always has been. But given the stress of the War, well, he got curious. At least he felt good for the moment.


Unbalanced, he staggered over to the closest robot master, Ringman, and leaned on his shoulder. "Hey buddy! How's it hanging?" The red Cossack bot didn't feel very talky, and instead prompted to move toward the other side of the room. "Eh, who needs yeah!"


Woodman walked up to the blue and yellow robot, Coke in hand. Despite his now enormous fingers he was able to open it with ease, allowing him access to the drink inside. He took a sip and looked down at the drunken robot. "Hey Cyros. Funny, I didn't take you as a drinker."


A small blech came from his mouth. "First time for everything, you know." He stared at the bottle in his hand and seemed to stare into space. "Never would have touched the stuff in my old body..."


Shouts of "you don't have a damn past!" came from somewhere in the room. Airman, no doubt. Ignoring the shouts, the two robots hung out in the middle of the room and Cyros continued.


"Ah, that fan doesn't know what he's talking 'bout..." Flash took a swig of his drink, cringing afterwards from the taste. "And you know who else sucks? Bass."


"It's pronounced 'Base', you know."


"No, it's Bass, yunno, because... he's an ass!" At this point, Cyros found his way to a chair and sat down, the bottle dropping out of his hand and rolling onto the floor. "Ugh... I think I know why I never touched this stuff before..."


"Try not to throw up, man," pleaded Woodman. "I'll go see if we have something for your stomach, or something."


"Yeah... you do that."


With those words, Woodman walked off, leaving Cyros in his seat by his lonesome. For a few moments his was silent. Then softly, he began to speak in a sad sing-song voice.


"It's the end of the world as we know it... and I feel fine..."


Iga went off to find a trash can for Cyros; he knew too well how weak a stomach the poor guy had. Ever since the infamous "Hot Wing Incident of 20XX". He knew he shouldn't have let Ben spice them.


"Let's see here, trash can... trash can..." He was on the search. "There we are!" Iga tried to pick it up, but noticed it was just a little too full...


"Naoshi!? What are you doing in the trash can?" He picked him up with ease out of the can only using two fingers.


"Iga! I'm a Mettool! Let me back in!" He wriggled out of Wood's grip and climbed back into the can.


"I'm sorry man, but Cyros' stomach condition is more important than playing games right now. Remember the hot wings?"


"Oh man! I smelled like bile and barbecue sauce for a week! Here, take it."


"Simple enough." Iga chuckled while he was walking away with the little garbage receptacle. "Now let's get this back to Cyro- oh hell..."


What a sight. Only vomit could have that color mixture of orangeish-brownish-yellowish-green. He helped Cyros sit straight up in the chair and gave him the can.


"WHIZ!" Iga bellowed. His voice carrying all the way to the other side of the room. The Quickman doppleganger Mr. Whiz came speeding to the source of the call.


"What is it Wo- OH HOLY HELL!"


"Yeah, pretty bad, isn't it?" Iga replied.


"Hot wings?"




"Well that's a new one." Whiz quickly got a mop and bucket and started cleaning the mess.


Iga sat down next to his shaky friend and decided to try and help him get his mind off the stomach pain. "So, uh, we never have really talked a lot, have we?"


"No, I guess we haven't." Cyros plainly answered. "Oh, I've kinda been thinking, and I wanted to ask you something."


"Really? Shoot."


"...How do you manage to get those Cokes open? It's been wracking my brain like you wouldn't believe."


"Haha! That's a good question. You ever wonder what this head stem is for?" Iga pointed to the branchlike appendage on the side of his head.


"Don't tell me..."


"Yup. It makes a wonderful bottle opener. I think I should call those Guinness Book guys when this war is over. I can get 67 in one minute, you know."


"Well, I guess you found some use for it. Hahaha...haha...*RETCH*...Guh...thanks for the bucket."


"Yeah, don't mention it."


A party? She didn't feel up to such a silly thing. Not at this time. Not with war ravaging the entire globe, and her latest encounter with GeminiMan. There was a small patched injury on her side and some cracks in her armor... but she was managing.


Who was she to rain on their parade? Spark sat quietly nearby a display of exotic plants and a fountain, to which many robots had endulged themself to swim in.


"Spark-Chan?" a soft voice called to her. It was so faint and brushed off her shoulder like that of her daughter's tiny spider whisper. With her eyes low... she turned her head.


"Oh, I thought you were still asleep Benny." she said to the young boy.


"How can anyone sleep?" he pointed out. All the playing around, the music, and the craziness of the scene made it impossible for anyone to relax.


Spark let out a sigh and placed her hand on his shoulder.


"I'm really sorry Benny, perhaps you can stay in my room instead. It's rather quiet there." Or atleast that's what she was hoping for.


Benny only smiled and placed his hand onto the one on his shoulder. He was happy to see Spark was safe and they could be reunited in a happier atmosphere. Smiling back she stood up and took his hand... going to walk him back up stairs.


"'Ey! 'Ey you!" QuickMan stammered out. It was surprising what these 'specialized' E Drinks could do to a robot's system. He caught up to the two in a flash of red light.


"Hey there hun, look... take a load off and I'll speak to you later tonight. Alright?" Spark dully replied to him. It caused him to become a bit more aware of the situation.


"You alright Spark?" Quick worriedly inquired. It only caused her to smile more, more to hide the deep pain inside of her mechanics. He could read her like a book... even if 'slightly' intoxicated. His eyes unable to help but glance at her small limp and patched side.


"Don't worry. I just want to go lie down. Benny will be with me as well."


"Lucky kid." He laughed, though the electric bot wasn't up for the amusement. Something pretty bad must have happened to her aside from physical injury.


"Why do we fight?"


Spark-Chan sat herself at the edge of the large bed, gently tucking little Benny into it's warm blankets. It was a question she wished she didn't have to always ask herself.


"Why do we fight?" She repeated, the boy nodding as she checked his arm's bandages, "Because... we need to. Otherwise we'll--" She hesitated, "... otherwise we'll...die."


Benny swallowed hard, but refrained from letting tears grow in his eyes. He was becoming very strong, and Spark admired his bravery. She brushed some of his loose bangs from his face. The music and shouting from the mess hall and lower rooms was but white noise in her elegant room.


"Has the doctor been good to you?" Spark asked, getting a smile in return.


"Yes, he showed me his lab and told me alot of neat things." The fact a human was behind this place made him more at ease. He first was intimidated by the robots over running this place. It made her happy that Wily was being nice for the moment towards Benny. But it probably was only for her.


"You're safer here than anywhere Benny. I won't ever let anything happen." Spark finished, fixing any creases she saw in the blankets. Benny could stay in her room as long as he liked. Besides... it was just too big and lonely for just herself.


Soon Benny grew tired, the sweet robot's presence was enough to allow him to be tired. She felt her insides twist with a tingle of sadness that her daughter wasn't put to bed properly every night like this. Though Benny softened the pain of her empty heart... nothing would ever replace her true daughter.


There was no point to mope about when Wily's forces were boosting morale with this party. Yes... it was like the end of the world was approaching, but if there was any reason to be happy... then why force it aside if it may be the last time? She'd join the festivities... at the very least watch. Maybe seeing everyone else coping with pain in this way... she could learn to gather their strengths.


Her daughter was with General CutMan, Shoryu chose her path.


Her old boss and longtime friend was killed in a mission, Ben went out like a hero.


Her dear friend, the Twin Terror, was somehow captured by SA. She'd save Lennon.


She'd find the rest of the Mechanical Maniacs, and regroup with her family. Then of course...




He went missing before everything. Was CutMan involved in this?


Bass continued to grumble as he stomped towards Wily’s throne room. Numerous robot masters had distracted him throughout the day, diverting and off-putting him from his main goal, but now he was finally at the main hall. Bass knocked on the large wooden doors that separated the room from the rest of the castle. A Joe briefly popped his head outside his guard position, and then began unlocking the massive gate.


“Jaaaane! Stop this crazy thiiiing~!” shouted Saturn, barreling down the cobblestone pathway in a chariot being tugged by mets. Bass could do nothing but look in horror as the Stardroid ran him over, tiny met feet pummeling him into the ground. Bass lay on the soil pulverized, twitching in a field of ‘specialized’ E-Cans that had fallen out of the chariot’s back.


“Tsk tsk tsk.” Said Wily, opening the door to find the jet-black robot in such a sorry position. “I should have known not to let Quick Man throw that silly celebration. Look at you! You’ve been carousing so much, it will take a week to fix you!”


“Man, Bass, you really need to learn some self-restraint! I mean, you’re supposed to be an example to the other Wilybots!” scolded Starnik, grinning all the same at Bass’s predicament. When the “merriment” of the evenings activities had finally left him, he realized where the jet-black robot was heading to cancel the festivities. Starnik raced across Wily castle to reach the doctor first, but now he saw that it was unnecessary.


Bass could do nothing but glare back at the scarlet speedster as his remains shook with rage. I’ll get him back, if it’s the last thing I do…!


Cyros stumbled down the stairs into the Wily Castle’s garage. Initially he had been against the idea of taking one of Wily’s flying saucers out for a spin, but as the evening, and the drinks, had piled on, it began to sound more and more like a good plan. He flicked on the light. “Now, where did Wily keep the keys-“


Flash Man paused. Down in the basement were hundreds of mets, lying in neat uniform rows. Metal Man was sitting in the middle of them, holding one up and painting it with almost pinpoint precision. Despite the appearance of Cyros, the robot master seemed to continue his work unabated, completely ignoring anyone or anything unrelated to his self-appointed task.


Cyros stared at the scene, then at the E-drink in his hand. He slowly backed up the stairs and locked the door behind him.


“Maybe… I should lay off these for a little bit…”


Starnik was still all smiles walking back to his room. That had been fun. He was looking forward to whatever life threw at him in the next mission. There couldn’t be any harder than fighting Mesmerman, after all!


Starnik’s smile faded as he saw Spark-chan come into view. The former Mech had a very serious look on her face.


“Starnik, we need to talk.” Said the orange robot master. “About… Gemini Man…”



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