The Business of War

Senator Keigle's War Journal

"Wake up, my friend."


"I suppose that's as much of a greeting as someone in your condition is capable of."

"What...what happened?"

"Oh, you don't remember?"

"I...I don't remember anything..."

"Well, I suppose that's for the best. You would need the room, for what he wants you to do."

"What? Who?"

"Who indeed? That's going to be the number one question for you from now on...


"What? Why? What are you-"

"Ah, I see he is complete."


Wait, I remember now. I am...

"Perhaps if you allowed me ...


"You think he will help?"


I will make them.

"How gracious of you, master."


We'll keep it between you and me, alright? He is giving you to me, after all.

Belongs to me...


"Keigle! Ya still with us?"

Lee Keigle was suddenly aware he had been staring at the bottom of his glass for some time. It seemed he was doing that a lot lately, ever since the War started. Nothing like evil robots rampaging the streets across the world to give someone nightmares, but his didn't seem to let up even when he was awake.

Keigle sighed and looked to his shoulder. Richard Malcolms was sitting on the barstool next to his, holding an empty glass and looking frustrated and exhausted. A quick glance around the rest of the VIP room confirmed that it was getting late, and many of his fellow lawmakers and other officials had left for the night. It was a popular time to be drowning their sorrows, but the patrons of this bar still had responsibilities that weighed on them at all times, especially now.

"Sorry 'bout that." Keigle mumbled. "Guess you're heading off."

"Eh. One more." Malcolms gestured to the bartender. "So what's on yer mind now? Ya look like ya killed a man."

"Huh?" He took note of his reflection in the mirror behind the bar. He was wearing a heavy downcast expression. His pallid jowls seemed to melt off his face. His eyes expressed a hollow fear that cried out for a hidden shame. Keigle watched the face in the mirror with nervous fascination, as he felt somehow disconnected from it. Next to him, the slightly thinner, younger, but still as unattractively decrepit as anyone else in Washington Board Chairman Malcolms wore a different kind of tortured mask. He too looked as if the weight of the world was threatening to crush him, but he faced it bitterly and angrily. All the colour that had escaped from Keigle's skin seemed to flow into his, the alcohol and frustration combining to give him a slightly flushed glow. He wavered and twitched every now and then in his stool, contrasting with Keigle's own stone-like hunched posture. The large Senator wasn't sure how they could have been drinking together for the last few hours and yet he didn't feel half as drunk as Malcolms looked.

"I said...ya look like ya killed a man." Malcolms repeated, not sure if Keigle heard him the first time, even though it was rather quiet in the bar at that moment.

"Uh...hrm...maybe I did..."

"Nooo, no no! Don' gimme that. Y'oughta be proud, old man. Yer Shutdown Code's the best thing that ever happened to this world. And that...Mega Man doesn' count as a 'man', nor does it count in any way as 'killing'."

"Ah. Yes, certainly." Keigle placated his acquaintance. They certainly shared the same view of robotics, though Keigle was being bothered by something else. "It's just that...I've been letting my imagination get carried away lately. Maybe I just haven't been getting enough sleep. I'm starting to dream everywhere I go."

"Oh, you'll get over it." Malcolms muttered, not interested in listening to someone describe their nightmares. He tried to change the subject. "Look, I know this Shutdown Act isn't being enforced as much as it should. That's just this War nonsense. If it weren't for those Scissor jackasses marching around, wreaking havoc, every metalhead in the world would be chipped up and ready ta go already. Besides, we've gotten our fair share of victories already. We've reeled in some new recruits, and the code is keeping them in line."

Keigle shook his head solemnly. "Hm. There haven't been many actual Shutdowns since Megaman though. Well, there were quite a few in those battles involving the Cossack's Comrades..."

Malcolms frowned. "Hey! We're still fine-tuning the security. Yer proposal didn' give us much ta work with in practice, remember. The mass-shutdown problem has already been taken care of. The control pads 're more than jus' DNA-reactive now. There's no way a metalhead can get anywhere near hacking the new versions. 'Course, if the RPD can't properly defend their Watchers, then maybe they deserve ta get shut down by the enemy."

"I heard they used a dead man's hands as gloves..." Keigle recalled cryptically. It drew a wince from the bartender a few feet away.

"Exactly why we can't take any chances with those monsters."

"Yes. Hard to see how Dr.Light can still endorse them when they do such hideous things."

Malcolms snickered. "Speakin' of Light, didja hear the RPD got a call from his other 'son' the other day? I think it's lovely that Protoman was about to sell out his own 'father' to the people that killed his own 'brother'! Bots an' their supposed humanity, eh?"

Keigle let out an amused grunt in response. "Hmph. Well, that Protoman is a complex guy, not to mention elusive. He would have thought there was a way to exploit the RPD at no loss to himself. Besides, even if we did catch him, I doubt he actually had recent contact with Light."

"Oh really?" Malcolms was intrigued. "How d'ya figure?"

"Protoman likes to keep to himself." Keigle explained. "He doesn't even see his own family all that much. He keeps tabs on them, watches from the shadows, and helps them when they're in danger, or at least he tries to. He's often too late to make much of a difference. In fact, when Light was kidnapped—by a Protoman impersonator no less, it took until Megaman finally tracked down the impostor for him to catch up. That red fool is probably tracking down Light himself right now."

"Geez, how'd ya get to be such an expert on Protoman?" Malcolms scoffed.

Keigle opened his mouth, about to give a straightforward, obvious answer, but it didn't come to him. How did he know that about Protoman? It seemed like common knowledge, but it occurred to him he had barely heard anything about Protoman until recently.

Keigle got up, drawing a questioning look from his colleague. "Just have to use the rest room." He explained before walking towards the hallway in the back.


Once in the bathroom, Keigle looked around to make sure he was alone, then proceeded to lean over the sink, staring intently at his face in the mirror again. Why did it still look so alien? What face was he expecting? There was an incessant buzzing in the back of him mind that was growing steadily louder. What was that sound? There was something eerily familiar about it.

No, it wasn't a sound, it was several sounds, all on top of one another.


out the trash I’ve saved the biggest piece for last you know I don't remember anything well I suppose that's for the best you would need the room

Keigle ran the water in the sink and began splashing his face, rubbing the cool moisture into his eyes. It didn't make him feel any better, he didn't even expect it too, but what else could he do? He was a captive audience for whatever madness was being forced upon him. It was more than just these noises right now. He found it hard to concentrate on any one thing as his thoughts darted from one thing to the next without warning. One moment he wanted to go home and get a good night's rest, the next he wanted nothing more than to forgo sleep and haunt the night. Was he despairing for the loss of his sanity, or finding it hysterical? It took all his mental effort to keep his own mind from wandering.

done anything to hurt hurts too much them I swear to whatever higher power power of a god might hold sway here that you’ll what ah I see he is complete not the word I would use

The nightmares, the sounds, it all began with the War. No, they began a bit before it, but he wasn't as concerned back then. It was like this ever since he came up with the Shutdown Code, or was it even before that? He definitely didn't have to deal with these strange thoughts before that. He had such an easy life; wealthy family with a history in politics, excellent grades in school, law degree with a minor in mechanical engineering, never the most popular kid due to his weight problem, but quickly respected in the professional world for his innovative solutions, and if anything, he was sane.

you think he will help my friends so they appreciate me as much as you want him to I believe I will give him to you he needs you stupid enough to show trouble of

So why now? Why did his head feel like it was going to explode? Why was he having so many bizarre thoughts, recalling non-existant memories, hearing voices, of all things? Was it really guilt over the Shutdown Act? How? He had never felt anything for robots, and even if something was just eating away at his conscience, why was the effect so terrifyingly unnatural? He was a lawyer for nineteen years and a politician for eleven, he had done plenty of things for his career that could weigh heavily on the soul of a more scrupulous man, so why would this one act cause such anguish and calamity? It was an invitable step forward in robotic relations, and arguably right. He didn't have to try hard to tell himself that.

always over put you all down shut up not alive you will not be save them from my must say it is adorable keep it between you and me belongs to me Keigle ya still

He became more and more frightened as the cacophonous, unintelligible chatter in his mind grew ever louder, but nothing unnerved him more than the one voice that eventually rose above the din so he could hear it.

How are you doing, my friend? The shrill whisper was soft yet somehow spoke clearer than any of the other screams and cries.

"Who are you? I...I know that voice." Keigle's face snapped up from the sink to look in the mirror. For a second he could swear there was a hideous skull in place of his face before the water dripped down and revealed his original visage, yet oddly fixed in a wide-eyed, toothy grin.

I should hope so. You do belong to me, after all.

"What's going on? Leave me alone!" he was stumbling back from the sink now, still watching his unnaturally grinning face in the mirror. The world seemed to go grey.

You're not handling things as well as I expected you to. Aren't you supposed to be a genius of sorts? Hm? Professor?

What was the voice talking about? He was never a professor of any kind. Sure he had a wait, he called himself by that title once as a joke. When was that? Was it when he was still in college? He was very smart too. Or was he stupid? No, he only pretended to be stupid sometimes to make people like him. Or did he? That didn't even make sense.

There you go, you seem to have trouble keeping one memory separate from another. That's not good for you. It must be very confusing.

Keigle gaped in horror when he saw his grinning reflection seem to lean forward out of the mirror and move over him. At this point he was sure he was going to suffer another heart attack. The last time something frightened him so much he was in the hospital for a week. However in spite of his age and condition, he remained concious and subject to this terrible vision.

What confuses me is that I could swear I got rid of all those unnecessary memories for you, but they seem to come back on their own. What a bother. Well a good spring cleaning every now and then could always help.

Keigle shivered and whimpered. He could now feel an invisible hand patting his bald head.

After all, we certainly can't have you breaking down like this in public, can we? If everyone knew the truth about you, then this War would be over much too quickly, and nobody wants that.

"Wha-wha-what do you-"

Wake up, my friend

Keigle found himself staring back at his own reflection. The sink was running. How long had he been there? The water was steaming. Figuring his hands were clean enough, he turned off the faucet and looked back at his reflection once more. Tie was straight, combover as decent as it could get, fly was up, apparently he was ready to go.

At that moment Malcolms walked in and made a beeline for the urinal "Keigle. Ya still in here? Geez, thought ya went home."

Had he really been in there for a long time? Keigle wondered. He remembered coming into the bathroom, relieving himself, and then washing his hands. He must have been staring at himself in the mirror lost in thought for a few minutes. He sighed when he realized this, things like that had been happening more and more since the War began.

"I think I will go home Rick. I'll see you around."

"Aren't ya gonna wait for me? My driver's giving you a ride." Malcolms called back from the urinal as Keigle started to head out.

"That's alright. I think I'll walk."

"Geez, you're pretty fit after a night of drinkin', old timer."

Good point. He was feeling pretty well for someone who had a heart attack just a couple of years ago. For a second he thought he had another one just recently, but with his memory failing him, he eventually wrote it off to déjà vu. All he cared about was that for now, despite the War, things were going well for him, and he felt at peace.


and it makes sense no sense where they are spring cleaning still not alive always ohhh professor because I can make go down stop it shut up

Keigle rubbed his head feverishly as he stewed in his seat in the gallery at the United Nations, waiting for the session to begin. It was still about half an hour to go and the chamber was mostly empty. With the ravages of the War rapidly approaching their backyard, some of the invited politicians and ambassadors were too afraid to even step outside much less come to work though. Keigle knew he had to be there though. Keeping busy was the only thing keeping him sane any more.

The jumbled voices had returned with a vengeance. At first he thought he was hearing them for the first time, but as time went on he started to remember things he shouldn't have. This frightening feeling was so familiar and new at the same time. He seemed to recall the experience went away as soon as it came each time, but it was so much worse now. What did it mean?

"Mr.Keigle! How splendid to see you again!"

Keigle nearly jumped out of his skin when he looked up to see the marred visage of the cheerful man greeting him. He had a split-second flashback to a skull-like face he had once seen in a mirror but he quickly forced it out of his mind. The face before him was certainly human, but the scars and bruises decorating it made it difficult to look at. Despite the man's barely-healed wounds and uncomfortable-looking neck brace, he seemed to be in the highest of spirits.

Keigle collected himself, hoping the real conversation would help drown out the invisible crowd. "Ahem, yes, you too, Mister...that is to say...I'm sorry, are you all right? I mean, what happ-...Sorry, I'm not sure I..." Keigle stammered trying to find the right thing to say. It was harder to concentrate than he thought.

The man chuckled as he sat down beside him. "That's all right, I don't blame you for not recognizing me like this. I'm Hugo Jorgunsson, the Senator from Norway that worked with you on the Shutdown Act."

"Ah yes, Mr.Jorgunsson. You're looking are you doing-er feeling?" Keigle responded, still uneased by the combination of inner voices and his associate's appearance.

"Hmph, it was one of those damn Robots, naturally. One of the ones on 'our side' no less! Attacked me with no provocation! At least robots like that have the code, so you can bet she got what was coming to her!" Hugo rasped, growing noticably less upbeat as he recalled the painful incident.

"Oh, well, I hope you're feeling, what brings you here, exactly?"

"Ah, they've invited me and some of the other international Shutdown pushers to the session so we can discuss what to do about this sudden 'rebellion'. What about you, I hear the Senators around here have been dropping like flies lately."

"Er, that's not quite how it's been. It's just hard for some to concentrate on economic and interior issues when the Scissor Army is so close. A meeting like this is really only for those most concerned with the War..."

Hugo was becoming more fervent. "Well, nothing is more important than getting these metalheads in line! I say if there are robots going berserk in our own territories we should just shut them all down and be done with it!"

Keigle sighed. "It's not that simple. Many of the affected robots are the RPD's own forces. If we just shut them all down then we'll be left more vulnerable than ever. As long as they're out of control they're still attacking the enemy forces as well. We need to figure out how to bring them to their senses without killing them."

"Killing?! Unbelievable! I never thought you of all people would talk about those soulless things like they're alive! I admired you because I thought we were of like mind!"

Keigle wasn't sure what "like" his mind was of any more. Too many conflicting memories flooded his thoughts even now. "I'm j-just saying...we...the RPD...We need the robots on our side fight the ones that aren't. The Shutdown principle only works for...s-mall-scale rebellions. What's happening now...too massive..."

Jorgunsson chuckled, "Heh, like the 'Shutdown principle' was ever supposed to 'work' in their favor."

"W-what!? What does that mean?!" Keigle could feel his chest tightening.

Hugo looked puzzled. "What? You know I hate relying on robots. I'm just saying we need to find a way to fight for ourselves again!"

Keigle was confused. "So...what does that have to do with the Shutdown principle...not working?"

"Huh? I never said anything about that, you did!"

"You said...wait, what did you say?"

"Are you all right Lee? You look like you could make them all see the truth inscribed in blood on the wall."


"I said you look like you could use a rest! Go lie down before you have a heart attack!"

"Ah? But you...I thought...bah! I'm fine!" It was partially true. Despite the feeling in his chest, he knew he was perfectly healthy. There were so many times in the past few days when he felt a heart attack coming on and it never did. It was as if he was invincible. If only his state of mind were so sturdy.

Hugo was looking worried now though, as if he wasn't the one whose face was recently rearranged. "Are you sure? You don't look well at all."

misery than that voice belongs to me wake up my friend what my brother should have trust me cannot see me am not the real

"You're muttering, Lee...What was that?"

ally you called you am not correct dead man's hands they’re all dead I arranged for my friends

"Just go away! Get away from me! Leave me alone!"

Keigle didn't even realize he shouted out loud. He looked up in a moment of fleeting clarity to see Jorgunsson backing away from him nervously. Other delegates nearby were staring at him awkwardly. He was less concerned about that than he was about the discordant chorus in his head that didn't make any sense.

Because somehow, it was starting to make sense.

All the words that passed through his memory too fleeting to be considered or understood, but one central theme rose above it all, and it frightened him.


not the real who are impostor cannot be for what you dead death angry pain

"No! Stop it!" Keigle whispered to himself as the session went underway. Many of the seats nearby him were vacant. The other representatives were increasingly unnerved by his behaviour and changed their seats comfortably far away from the old man muttering to himself with voiceless shouting. Someone had already called security to take him away, but with robots affected by Wily's virus rioting not far outside the building, the security forces had their hands full. For now the delegates would have to settle for doing their best to ignore the scene and listen to the speaker.

Keigle was woefully aware of the spectacle he was making of himself, but that was only one miniscule notion flooded under a wave of conflicting feelings. He hated what was happening to him while also being excited by the experience. He could hear the voices urging him to kill; deplorable and horrifying yet liberating and enticing.

He wanted to be saved from this, but how? Somehow, he knew - was it a memory? Or a dream? So unclear...He knew that he relied on someone to save him. Who was supposed to save him? Where were they? They should have saved him days ago. It had gotten so much worse...than the last times...why did he remember them all of a sudden?

belongs to me biggest piece too much them give him to you he needs you you do belong to me after all a good spring cleaning every now and then could always we certainly can't have you breaking down like this in public can we if everyone knew the truth about you then this war would be over much too quickly and nobody wants that

"I don't care about any of that any more! Just stop doing this to me! Leave me alone! Fix it!" Keigle continued to whisper much too loudly.

Oh? Sorry to have been neglecting you, my boy. I've been a little busy myself. You understand. A single, clear voice rose above the crowd once again.

"Who are you?" Keigle burst out, no longer whispering upon hearing the voice that brought him fear above all others. He drew some more stares throughout the room. "Why are you doing this to me?"

I keep telling you, but you keep forgetting, naturally. I'm not doing anything to you. You're doing it to yourself. You just can't let your outdated memories disappear, you have to keep dredging them back up like you're summoning another power. Of course there's a reason you only use one of those at a time. If only the same applied to your mind, but that's just a flaw in the design, I suppose.

"I don't care, I don't care! Just stop it! Fix me!"

I'm afraid that wouldn't do any good now.

"What are you talking about? You said it youself, you need me to keep the War going!"

"Mr.Keigle!?" Someone a few rows down shouted. A murmur had spread among the other representatives as any attempts to put him out of mind were finally shot. To Keigle, the clamoring voices mixed right in with the ones in his head.

It won't make any difference. Your Shutdown Code is a lie and any minute now my esteemed rival will make sure the whole world knows it. You've also forgotten that he's sunk his claws into you as well. It's his memories that I added to the late Senator Keigle's in you to get that Shutdown Act drafted.

What did this mean? Keigle remembered clearly coming up with the design for the Shutdown Code on his own. He derived it from his long-standing distrust of robots, his Minor in Engineering, his father's betrayal...the chip in his head...the secret from his home dimension...No! This didn't make any sense! He was born in New York...or was it Skull Castle? No, he grew up with a weight energy imbalance...a speech impediment...What was going on!?

Are you even still listening to me? Why do I bother? I'm telling you that while you belong to me, you also belong to him now. He's modified your body, as if it wasn't messed up enough to begin with. While he was in there, he added some things like he does to so many of his 'loyal' followers. I could wipe your mind right now, and the minds of everyone in this room if I really had to. But with just a touch of a button he can override any control I have over you and turn you into HIS puppet. The only thing stopping him is the Shutdown Code secret, and at this very moment he's marching into Monsteropolis to blow that secret himself. Any moment now you'll be of no use to either of us...

Keigle was breaking down on the floor at this point. "Uh-uh-um-a-a-am I g-g-going t-to d-d-...?"

Heh heh. Like I said, it won't make any difference now. There's nothing I can do to stop him, even if I wanted to. Hopefully I can keep him from going the extra step, but if I make my suggestions too obvious he'll see right through me. As for you, I think I'm just going to sit back and watch.


Besides, if you go completely nuts, maybe not even he will be able to control you. Better neither of us than that, I say! Heeeh heh heh heh hehhh...

The high-pitched voice faded away and the multi-faceted chorus returned to full volume.

go go to hell WHY diiid you so much mmmmore misery THAN well it ssshhhure aint bo-peep they waaaant that gold GOLD take care ofofof xellllooowenttohellhugginghoohhahahaheeheehh count count ah ha ha hakukukuku sha kukuku ohhh goood why this to meeeghhooflrmljuhklblahblahrglegagaggagabbagabbahe

"Wake up, my friend."


"I suppose that's as much of a greeting as someone in your condition is capable of."

"What...what happened?"

"Oh, you don't remember?"

"I...I don't remember anything..."

"Well, I suppose that's for the best. You would need the room, for what he wants you to do."

"What? Who?"

"Who indeed? That's going to be the number one question for you from now on. You can adapt though, it's what you do, it's why he brought you back."

"Back?...Wait...I remember...there was an explosion..."

"Don't try rack your brain too hard on it, you'll forget it all in a moment."

"What? Why? What are you-"

"Ah, I see he is complete."

"Not the word I would use, master."

"Who's there?"

"Well, make your abilities useful so he can do likewise. I want my acquaintances to know it's never over."

Wait, I remember now. I am...

"Perhaps if you allowed me to play with them directly...I could cause so much more misery than a mere inciteful drama."

I am not...

"All in due time. Your power still needs to develop as well."

But I am, I live to serve...

"You think he will help?" they appreciate me...

"As much as you want him to. I believe I will give him to you. He needs you to be used effectively anyway."

I will make them.

"How gracious of you, master."

I'll be useful and make others like me.

"Oh by the way, I do notice when you attempt to use your powers on me. I must say it is adorable. Though I am afraid it will take more energy than is in your capacity to challenge the power of a god."

Like me...

"I will keep that in mind, master."

All in due time, right?

Woah, getting a few thoughts mixed up. I'll have to work on that.

Have to work on it...

We'll keep it between you and me, alright? He is giving you to me, after all.

Belongs to me...

"Keigle! Ya still with us?"

Richard Malcoms, board chairman, Keigle's long-standing friend. The tormented man only saw his face for a split second upon looking up, an expression of absolute horror sprung on upon it, and then the face was no more. Vaporized in a flash of light, the headless corpse began to collapse to the ground, smoke emanating from the empty shoulders. The other people in the room now wore the same expression as Malcoms did in that final instant. They began to scream and run for the door, but the man that thought he was Lee Keigle could not allow them to escape. he had to make more fall like the body that just hit the floor. It was the only way he could conceive of to make the voices silencing all the voices in the world. It only made sense.

He held out his hand at the nearest politician. Only it wasn't a hand, it was some kind of red oblong cylinder with a bolted metal ring around it. The opening at the tip smouldered with the same mist that rose from his old friend's body. With seemingly no conscious thought, another flash of light occurred and the man he had pointed to was down with a massive burnign hole in his back. Keigle looked at the red destructive arm like a long-lost friend. It seemed so familiar and perfect. As he reminisced on the scarlet buster, his memories as Lee Keigle drifted away and sank into the ocean of consciousness that drowned his thoughts. Within seconds, the voice of the proud, rotund, human-advocating politician had mixed in with the mass of strangers that continued to cry out constantly in his mind. Now he was no more one than the other, all of them and yet none of them. Who was he, really?

"Maybe I'm...Protoman!" As of coming to this realization, he felt he body change again. He was smaller, faster, cooler. The world in front of him was tinted darker. Kicking his boots underneath himself he burst forward in a flash of speed. He instinctively held his shield in front of himself as he rammed through more fleeing politicians. Skidding to a halt he began to fire wildly at the humans around him. His shots were larger, more powerful, but he could feel the gun overheating so quickly.

"No, too hot! I'm Bubbleman!" He felt another change, now he felt heavier and slower. His peripheral vision was reduced and the lights reflected off a glass visor inches in front of his eyes. His breathing was laboured through the aparatus attached to his mouth. Nonetheless, he continued to fire indiscriminatley at the people around him. Bubbles exploding and crushing the terrified people.

Wanting to be lighter again, he shifted to a very fast and agile form. He ran from one corner of the massive chamber to the other in less than a second, launching bladed boomerangs from his arm. He bounced from one end of the room to the other, barely able to keep up with himself. Then he wanted to slow down so he became large once again and landed with a thundering crash on the ground near the doorways, launching his rocket-powered fists at the poor helpless souls, breaking them into bloody pieces.

"Yes! Yes! I remember now! My name is...Lee! No, Blues! No, Snake! No...Docman! Yes! I think!"

No, of course he was Docman, who else had the ability to use so many different powers? But since when could he change his appearance? Oh yes, Hakushaku. And Mesmerman, givng him the memories of the people he needed to properly emulate. He was responsible after all. He would have to die for making him this way, all of them that way...But that would have to wait. Still all the voices cried out, and still the people left in the chamber screamed as he gunned them all down with one weapon after the next. He would never win the silence he craved now, but he could at least give the voices what they wanted.

to death murder the kill very destroy all dead killed them all heart attack why oh no to the death kill dead...



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