The Business of War

Scissor Army War Journals 1


APRIL 2nd, 20XX
23:30, Eastern Standard Time

"Would you like me to repeat my proposal, M. Quint ?"

I can honestly say I wasn't expecting this call. When every of the other Mercs had already fallen asleep, and when I was about to, one of the Joes rushed to my room, talking to me about a request call. Just like this man wanted to talk to no one else than me.

"I'm not sure to understand your request, Dr Enstehung. Why would you need such personnal datas ? We could do this operation right now."

My mysterious requester had a rather well-shaven face, but some small details here and there indicated he didn't have long nights in the last week. His labcoat was only decorated by an ID Card, showing his belonging to a branch of the CIA.

"And first of all," I continued, "if you're in danger, you could ask help to your superiors."

Following my glance on his ID Card, he looked back at me and smiled.

"Actually, they are the trouble. Needless to go in the details : I'm working on some project, and its aftermath could very well cost my head. I'm doing this especially for Alicia."

"Alicia ?" I leaned closer to the screen.

He slightly turned his face away before replying : "My daughter."

Now, it changed everything. Secret project or not, I couldn't stand a family suffering like this.

"I presume you think my ship is safe enough for the two of you ?"

He vigorously nodded. "I think so. But my request is in two parts. Should you accept it, you'll get informations - and rewarding- at the same time."

"You did a good thing talking about that. How much do you intend to pay us for this "rescue" ?"

He smiled. "Oh, but it's already done. Check if you want."

Quickly typing on a nearby computer, I checked the common account of our Team and nearly gasped : it was credited with an extra 200,000 $, only for teleporter coordinates ! I could only wonder at the reward for the second part of the mission.

"It's okay, Dr. I'll send you these datas right now, and, as I suppose you have a teleporter of your own, you'll send me yours. That way, you'll be allowed to warp here."

"Thanks a lot, M. Quint." he replied with a look of gratitued on his face. "I hope you'll agree to the second part of my request..." And on these last words, he shut the communication off.

Before going back to bed, I wondered about how I could use this money : our Marauder could go with a refection, and maybe one of those comps Magnus requested for "extra security". Still, something troubled me : what could be the second part of this mission ? And how did this Enstehung guy find our bank account ?

I decided to worry about it later on. Tomorrow was going to be full of projects...


MAY 31st, 20XX
08:30, Eastern Standard Time

Here I am I'm the master of your destiny
I am the one the only one I am the god of kingdom come
Gimme the prize just gimme the prize

It's only a matter of seconds before I stopped my alarm and woke up. While heading to the kitchen, I thought about the program of the day. Unless we got some requests, it was going to be another free day.

It was only when entering the room that I realized there's something wrong : the Marauder was silent. Usually, there's the backnoise of Magnus working on the bots, or the cries of frustration and cheering covering a video game's music. But now, nothing. I found the Mercs gathered around the TV, set on the news channel. Another surprise - usually, we get news by Internet.

"What's the deal, people ? World War Three broke out ?"

Kayorei turned her face to me. Though her eyes are hidden by her armor's shades, she looked extremely worried.

"Nearly, Hunter." she replied. "Los Angeles has been destroyed - millions of people. And the Maniacs are accused and wanted dead or alive."

Not a nice thing to hear before one had a breakfast - still not a nice thing after, though.

"Come on, it's impossible ! They left that kind of deal long ago - they're in the RPD now !" I shouted out of disbelief.

Kayorei looked away before replying : "But this is a declaration of the President, so it's official, whatever the true facts are."

"And it won't be long before they start suspecting other Teams at well." Though Naoshi's statement was pessimistic, it was true.

It was in these kinds of moments that I hated being the "leader". The lives of your teammates depend of your choices, and if you take a bad decision, you're the only one who can be blamed.

"No need to expose us needlessly." I affirmed. "I suggest we stay here until this story is cleared out."

"But what about the Maniacs ?" asked our resident aquatic master.

"They're good enough to take care of themselves, Falling Star. But we can do something to help them." I turned to our latest recruit. "Magnus, you'll try and see what informations you can find on this attack. I'll also need you to send drones to Los Angeles ASAP."

"Right-o, Hunter !" Though a bit undisciplined, Magnus was a very competent hacker and comp-user. Plus, getting him busy would prevent him to try and save the Maniacs on his own.

"Is there anything we could do, Hunter ?" asked my simian teammate.

"Well, Iga, you could go and give Magnus a hand about the drones."

"Alright." He nodded and soon followed Magnus.

I turned back to the remaining Mercs. "But for us ... we can just wait and see. And watch news regularly to see if there's an update."


MAY 31st, 20XX
19:10, Eastern Standard Time

Nearly a whole day waiting. It feels extremely terrible : you try to do something to keep yourself busy, but can't concentrate on it because you expect something to happen.

Finally, something new on TV.

"A few minutes ago, the Team known as Drastic Measures decided to go and catch the Maniacs, and bring them back to Megalopolis, whose Mayor declared to be "ashamed of having supported such outlaws"."

"I can't believe Turboman thinks the Maniacs are responsible." Because of an unfortunate meeting at the beginning of our carrier, Naoshi held a small grudge against Drastic Measures, and wouldn't miss an opportunity to rant against them.

"Obviously he doesn't."I replied back. "Neither do any of the Teams. He's only trying to cover them in their investigation."

Before the spear-wielder could answer, Iga requested my presence in the comp room. Hurriedly, I ran in to gaze at the sight of Magnus working on half a dozen of computers at the same time.

"What are the news ?" I asked.

"Nothing good, but we got to prove that the Maniacs - and any other Team- are innocent." He was beaming from the act.

Magnus had taken my interest. "Do tell."

"It's a bit thanks to the drones", Magnus explained, while he continued his work. "They got stopped by a strong magnetic field, but their reports were negative about radiations."

I pondered about the information he just gave me. "No bomb has been used. And it removes Heatman from the equation as well."

The wind-master nodded. "Yep. Besides, the buildings appeared to be intact, and every "large" RM attack -Pharaoh Shot, Astro Crush...- involves a big kaboom."

"So the Maniacs are innocent." I was filled with relief. "That's always good to hear."

"But we still don't know who did this." Magnus had just broken my newfound optimism.

The Team's other mechanic invited himself in our chat. "To the Maniacs to find. But another problem troubled me, Hunter."

"What's it, Iga ?"

"It's about that request from two months ago." His face was looking extremely worried.

"You mean Enstehung ?" Was there a common link between he and the Maniacs ?

"Exactly. I examined the coordinates he gave us, and ... well, do you remember the different types of codes for teleportations ?"

"Of course !" I started to enumerate them. "First there's the teleportation to a geographical location, determined by longitude and latitude. Then, teleporting booths or relays, with input coordinates. And finally..." I finally saw where my comrade was heading to.
"You mean it's a robotic instant teleportation system ?"

A RITS. The signature system of every robot created by the three Doctors - Light, Cossack and Wily-, which allowed them to warp away instantly.

"Exactly. So, either this guy's a cyborg, or Alicia is a codename for a mech he's been building."

"There's still the possibility it's some relay." I added, even if I didn't believe it myself.

"Nope. I checked this twice, and compared to our own systems : theorically, he warps away just like us."

That was unbelievable. Could the Government have captured one of the RM and copied his RITS ? Or did Dr Light collaborate with the Government ? So many questions, and no way to answer them...

With a muttered "thanks", I headed to the main desk, and summoned the four remaining Mercs for a special mission.

"Here are the facts : Dr Enstehung, our requester, may pop in from a second to another. However, there could be a possibility he has something not so friendly in store for us once he comes in. This is why I suggest we should install round guards around the teleporter. You agree wit that ?"

They all approved, finally relieved to have something to do. Shinobu took the first round. After a few minutes , I walked to my room ... and waited. Again.


MAY 31st, 20XX
21:49, Eastern Standard Time

The thing started just a few minutes after I took the round. The teleporter suddenly activated.

Quickly, I called two squads of Joes and the other Mercs - seven Robot Masters and about thirty Joes could take on anything incoming.

Nothing happened for two minutes, until a white streak occured in the cabin, soon replaced by something I'll never forget.

It looked like a skeleton-shaped robot, except some of its features - twin boomerang-like blades, and a port for one of those blades on top of its head- made the relation with a certain RM uncanny. Its whole body was covered with dust and blade impacts - just like he went through a fight with a sword wielder.

The robot slowly walked out of the cabin, and fell on his knees after a few steps, seemingly deactivated. When I walked closer, my arm-cannon pointed at him, he jerked his head, making me stare into amber-colored eyes, full of the only expression his face could display : a certain amusement.

"My, you set up a really nice welcome committee for your customers, Quint."

I gasped when hearing the voice.

It was Enstehung's.


MAY 31st, 20XX
22:15, Eastern Standard Time

We decided of a common agreement to escort "Enstehung" to the medical block, surrounded by the Joes. After making sure he wouldn't be able to use his blades -taken away for safety-, we rounded up around him.

"No need to lie - Enstehung was a fake identity. What's your real name ?"

His skeletic face was expression-less, but it was evident he was having some fun. "And you didn't guess it already ? You aren't a bright one."

"I want to hear the words from your mouth."

He nodded. "Fine then. I am Cutman. General Cutman."

"What ?!" It was rare to see Naoshi surprised. "We're working with the guy who tried to kill the Sinister Six ?"

He chuckled before carrying on. "Among other feats. But it doesn't matter right now."

"Of course it does !" The spear master turned to me, with a mixed expression of fear and anger. "If we go and help that guy, we'll become Public Ennemies n°1 ! Is that really what you want ?"

"Kehe ... And what will you have instead ? A check at every Christmas and a note saying "Thanks for being good guys" ? When you could be the rulers ?" As he asked his last question, he was staring at me, which forced me to reply.

"What do you mean by that ?"

"Only that I'm wishing to help you. But it needs some recap about my past.

"It all started years ago, in a world parallel to yours. I was the original Cutman, but was forced to flee because of my potential - the Doctors feared that I would be better than them at their own job. After the events you call the "Robotic Rebellions", I tried to build an ideal nation, only to be stopped by the Teams of my world.
"But I managed to get some partisans. After a first failure, I tried again, perfectly surrounded this time, and managed to create Elysium, a world of harmony. And the Seven Mercenaries helped me in this ideal goal.
"However, the remaining Teams got jealous, and through the ways of a treacherous device, sent me to your world, destroying the paradise I took years to build.
"When trying to convince the Sinister Six of my goal, they attacked me, forcing me to strike back, and finally causing my doom. But fortunately, one of them changed his mind -Rich, I think-, rebuilt me and helped me to start back my mission.
"This is why I request your help - you are the only ones that could help me right now - and I remember fondly of the way your ... twins helped me back then.

Naoshi was still sceptic. "This is a nice tale, but do you expect us to believe it ?"

"Not a bit, but this is a version that will please all of us."

I remembered what he told me about "the second part of the request". "Let's admit we work for you, General. What will your payment be ?"

He stood up and opened his arms, inviting us to listen his proposal. "I promise you fame. Glory. The assurance you'll never be made fools of anymore. And a load of upgrades which will make you stronger than you've ever dreamt of."

This turn of events needed a Team session right now. "Would you excuse us, we need to talk about it."

"Sure thing, but remember : this is a proposal you won't see anymore."

Once we left the room, Naoshi nearly jumped on me.

"Do you realize what you want to put us into ? This guy's the Devil !"

The purple Killer grabbed his shoulder, and took him away from me. "Naoshi, please. Hunter didn't know this when the request was done, right ?"

I vigorously nodded. "Exactly, Kayorei. But think about it - fame, power..."

"We'll be fraggin' murderers, that's what I see !" Magnus spat.

"You can't force us to accept this, Hunter." Shinobu's vocie was calmer, but he was basically saying the same thing.

Another time where I wish I weren't the leader.

"Remember, we're Mercenaries. Good, evil, we don't care."

The spear-wielder stared at me. "At least for you, but other people have that thing called moral standards."

"Naoshi !" cried Iga out of reprobation.

"Maybe it's true, but what I see is that the man has the power to make ourselves respected."

"Perhaps, but..." started Falling Star before I cut him off.

"Naoshi ! Remember how Drastic Measures attacked you on our first day ?"

"Can't say I forgave them yet."

"Kayorei ! Wouldn't you like to get rid of the Hoff for good ?"

"A nice idea, but..."

"And you all ! Didn't the Fatal Five incident leave you some unpleasant memories ?"

They all looked down, remembering the various humiliations they suffered from the hands of our nemesis. "Well, I can't disagree."

"That's a point."

"Besides," I went on, "he already paid the first part of his request, and our policy is to never break up a contract. So, do you agree on following the General for now ?"

Though they remained silent, I knew the Mercs would follow me. Finally we headed back to the room, where I shook hands with our employer.

"We agree on the rest of the contract, General."

He visibly was happy of the turn of events. "Excellent. Our new goal is in New Jersey. I believe there's something nice for us there..."


JUNE 1st, 20XX
00:05, Eastern Standard Time

We landed the Marauder near a small forest of New Jersey. Our new mission apparently consisted of an excursion in the open, which left the seven of us impatient - working for a General would at least involve fights.

"Why on Earth are we doing such a trip, "General" ? And why did you ask for a squad of Joes ?" Falling Star was expressing our mutual feelings.

He didn't look back while answering. "Patience, Mega Water. You'll find out soon enough..."

The General still looked weak from his fight, but a small exam before we left confirmed that his internal structure was too specific for Iga to repair. I'd like to meet the genius who built this some day...

Then, he stopped. He pointed at a cave entrance which had nothing particular at first sight. We stepped in closer, and I set my visors to night-vision. As we entered the cave, I realized the reason of the squad's coming.

"Yesss ... Exactly as planned ... He left them here, that Vulcan fool."

"Them" designed the armors of seven of the Ascendant Androids, based on the members of the Fifth Rebellion. Seven suits storaged in separate vacuum tubes, like some bizarre museum display. Considering the missing one, it's easy to guess Vulcan was their Starman.

"Take these back into the ship." commanded the scissor-wielding Robot Master. Then, we'll go to my headquarters."


June 1st, 20XX
00:37, Eastern Standard Time

This was a weird thing. For the first time ever, the Marauder's radar-map couldn't show us our current position. I could only suppose the General's base is protected by a powerful scrambling device.

We headed right to a mountain, triggering a giant door in front of us. I quickly calculated that the revealed dock was large enough to hide our battleship - guess the General saw things from a large point...

Once we moored the ship, the General ordered the Joes to follow us with the AA armors, and led us all through the base. On the way, he invited us to gaze at the constructions, and couldn't help but repeat how this would become his new Elysium, whatever he meant.

We finally arrived to a room akin to our medical block - except more metallic. Sixteen resting pods were disposed around the room in a semi-circle, illuminated by a crude light. He indicated us to enter them, which we did. Then, the pods closed, and wires connected to several ports on my body, making the whole of it feeling numb.

"The upgrades might be a bit painful, so I'll need to deactivate you." he explained. "See you next time, and sweet dreams !"

I wonder what kind of upgrades that guy has ... in store ... for us ... Wait.

If he deactivates us, what will prevent him of reprogramming us ? Of turning us into mindless drones ?

That bastard ! We all got caught like toddlers ! We're only puppets in his hands !

I must give him what he deserves ! Let me out of this !

Let me go ! Let ...

Let me ...

L ...

-Unit Quint | shutting down in process-


Date unknown
Time unknown

-Unit Quint | reboot-

Finally, I woke up. How long has it been ? Was I still in this laboratory ? I can't say.

Before my deactivation, I felt anger against the General, but ... strange ... I can't remember the reason.

I can still remember my name -Hunter, alias Quint of the Seven Mercenaries-, but the rest of my memories are blurry. The only clear souvenirs are strong feelings of hatred.

Against those people who rejected me when I arrived in this world.

Against Wily, that fool, who once held the world in his grasp and is left with illusions of grandeur and a bunch of useless robots.

Against the Fatal Five, my creations, who humiliated me in front of my Team.

Against Stardust, that traitor, who left the team in hard times.

Against mankind as a whole, for repeating the same mistakes over and over, and heading to the holocaust I was trying to prevent.

And, more than anything else, against the other Megaman Teams, who became servants when they could be rulers, who accepted to be at the same level with humans though they were always seen as monsters.

But attacking them mindlessly would do no good. I need to cooperate, along with my teammates, with General Cutman - the only being who could do good to this world.

My body was now fully active, and I was able to stand up. But before doing so, I gazed at my reflection in the pod's glass. My shape has been fully altered : my armor was now thicker, with a V-like decoration on my torso among other changes. The Sakugarne has now taken place of my left arm, and was set in his drill mode. I should ask the engineer who worked on me if I could change this.

Walking out of the pod, I saw the other Mercs, waiting for me.

"Had a nice sleep, Hunter ?" thundered a familiar voice.

I couldn't believe it. When I entered the base, Magnus was more or less the same size than me -around 1m75. But now, he was nearly as big as Hardman, with a structure closer to the original Hyper Storm. That engineer was real good.

My other teammates also had changes in their armors, though not as radical. They all bore a slightly different expression - more confident, maybe.

"Now you see." I said to my companions. "The General didn't lie about the upgrades."

A sinister laugh came from the shadows. "Kyeheh ... It's not in my nature to break my word, Quint."

General Cutman walked out of the shadows, surrounded by equally upgraded Ascendant Androids. Their expression was a bit blank - maybe due to the fact they were activated from empty armors, unlike us.

"Mercenaries," he carried on, "I welcome you into the ranks of this new incarnation of the Scissor Army !"

"So, this is the second part of your request, General ?" I asked. "Cleansing the Earth under your orders ?"

"More or less. Now" he snapped his fingers, and Gyroman gave him a sword holster, which he tended to me, "will you fulfill it, now that I paid you ?"

I blocked the holster under my left armpit and produced the weapon from it. A very nice rapier, decorated with a skull on the guard. I felt an abrasive feeling when touching the blade - quite a fine blade, and fully sharpened. I put the rapier back in its holster, and shook hands with my employer - and commander.

"Anytime you want, General."

Now, everything would change.




Today is the day that everything ends and everything begins. In just a few hours, the world will be forever changed.

Strange. It brings a verse I once read to mind.

"Move on, move on.
The past is no haven.

The past... I was Kayorei once. It troubles me how much I grew attached to that label. The name never meant anything. I just needed something for people to call me if ever I had human interaction. It always baffled me how much people seem to love names. Seems a ridiculous concept, but who was I to question it? I was one of them.

Was. I've long since been liberated from those silly beings ever since I was pulled into the Seven Mercenaries. Of course, it wouldn't be until later that I truly learned what liberation from humanity really was. All of that is thanks to General Cutman. Thanks to him, I no longer have to bear the humiliation of being grouped with humans.

"March on, march on.
The future awaits.

The future... The General says that he'll build his Elysium over the ashes of human society. A robot utopia. While I still believe perfection is just an illusion, it could well be the closest anyone can come. A world without humans and their ridiculous ways...

I've heard whispers of a law being passed that gives the humans the one and only say in what robots can do. If the humans are so apprehensive of us, why did they build us in the first place? It's little things like this that further justify the General's motives. For once, there's a side I'll gladly take.

I shouldn't be getting lost in thought like this. I have far more important things to take care of...

"Ballade! It's almost time."

I knew the voice, but didn't bother to face it. He was already gone anyway, gathering the rest of the crew to prepare for the big event. The time has come and I follow the voice that snapped me back to the present.

The present... I have a duty. To my team. To the Scissor Army.

But moreover, I have a duty to all of robotkind. It's my duty to liberate robots from these nonsensical creatures known as humans. Liberate them as I have been.

For Elysium.

March on.


Several months ago...

Deep beneath the sewers of Tech City, a shadow lurks the waterways. He has made himself accustomed to this pathetic hideout. It’s been months since he last visited the surface during daytime, and he doesn’t care. All he needs are his regular visits to the junkyard, in order to gather the remnants of used energy tanks. His existence had become quite pointless, truth be told.

He thought he was free, walking his own path in life, back when he joined “The Four”. He wanted nothing to do with the Cossacks, nor anyone else. But he was living his own illusion. He discovered that The Four had been someone else’s puppets. Now he had no reason to live but one: vengeance.

He would someday get revenge, for his defeat against the Technological Tyrants, against Naop. And also, he would get back at him, the man who pulled the strings of The Four.

The only people he considered friends, RevolverMan, CrusherMan and SoldierMan, had abandoned him. They didn’t want revenge, they wanted peace. MysteryMan couldn’t understand how they were able to take it so lightly.

Then again, he had no means to surpass himself and go get his revenge, not on his own. He dwelled in the darkness, knowing that he was doomed, with no means to achieve his goals. His abilities were not enough to challenge his enemies, he had finally come to accept that fact.

Yet, he kept himself active, as if waiting for something… someone that would help him fulfil his vengeful desires. And when he least expected, that day finally came…

He was laying on the floor, leaned against a wall of the disgusting sewers, when it happened. He was watching the filthy water run by, with the annoying sounds of rodents keeping him awake. He had grown accustomed to all of that, to a life of nothingness.

But suddenly, a figure approached him from around the corner, and in spite of the feeling of dread consuming him, Mystery Man didn’t bother to move a finger. Perhaps it would be better that way, if someone finally ended his miserable existence. Unfortunately for him, the stranger had other intentions.

“Look at you… you are a complete mess.” The figure stated.

Intrigued, Mystery looked up, to find a pair of devilish eyes staring at him. They belonged to a metallic skeleton he had never seen before. “What do you want?!” he demanded to know.

“Why, I only want to give you chance of redemption.” The skeleton smirked. “A chance to get your life back, and to get what you desire.”

Mystery’s day had just turned a lot more interesting…



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E-Can Factory
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MM PC Website
Protodude's RM Corner
Reploid Research Lavatory
RM AMV Station
RM EXE Online
RM:Perfect Memories
Sprites INC