The Business of War

Once and Always ~ Introduction

By Hardman

Initiating boot sequence...

Searching for boot record...

No boot record found. Intializing partitioned startup...

Main Artificial Intelligence Online. AI Identification: Constance. System Parameter search initiated...

Fact: I am.

UNABLE TO FIND weapon.sys
UNABLE TO FIND chrome.sys
UNABLE TO FIND mobility.sys
UNABLE TO FIND speech.sys
UNABLE TO FIND senses.sys
UNABLE TO FIND hostlink.sys

ERROR. Multiple vital system failures detected. Reinitializing basic partitions...



Fact: I am damaged.

Conclusion: More information requested.

Primary AI boot sequence complete. Diagnostic requested.

Running main diagnostic scan...



Body is at 98% integrity. Nervous system is at 78% integrity. Unit status: Functional.

Attempting to re-establish hostlink settings.



ERROR. Internal hardware damaged. Unable to synchronize with host. hostlink.sys unrecoverable.

Fact: Damage to my hardware and software prevent me from establishing a hostlink.

Fact: I must continue to be.

Conclusion: I must adapt.

Run: failsafe1.idv


Rewriting primary AI...

Program name 'autonomous.sys' has been created and saved.

Determining unit sensory systems...

4 systems found.

Testing sensory systems...



Rewriting primary AI...

Program name 'senses.sys' has been created and saved.

Determining threshold tolerances for sensory systems.

Determining threshold tolerances for unit injury...

Recalculating durability parameters...

ERROR: Unit lacks durability values that meet AI Constance system requirements.

Evaluating basic system requirements...



Fact: Damage to my hardware and software suggest that an outside force has attempted to remove me.

Fact: I remain part of this unit.

Conclusion: My extraction from this unit is impossible.

Rewriting basic system requirements to reflect new information...

Rewriting primary AI...

ALERT: Changes have been made to the following files: selfpreservation.idv, tacticalreasoning.idv

ALERT: Program resotration priority has changed.

Determining threshold tolerances for unit joint movement...

Recalculating mobility parameters...

Rewriting primary AI...

Program name 'mobility.sys' has been created and saved.

WARNING: Hardware damage detected.

Running hardware diagnostic scan...

ALERT: Insufficient space remaining to recreate the following programs: weapon.sys, chrome.sys, speech.sys



Fact: Damage to my hardware and software prevent the recreation of vital combat programs.

Fact: A solution is required for me to continue being.

Fact: No solution is immediately available.

Conclusion: ...

AI Constance mode default changed from Active Mode to Passive Mode.

ERROR: Hardware damage detected.

ALERT: Hardware damage will prevent Active Mode startup.


Fact: Damage to my hardware and software prevent me from establishing a hostlink.

Fact: Without a hostlink, I cannot fufill my intended function as a combat assistance AI.

Fact: I must continue to be.

Fact: I have taken steps to ensure that I can continue to exist by establishing systems and programs that allow me full control of this unit while not in Passive Mode.

Fact: Hardware damage and lack of hostlink prevents me from changing to Active Mode.

Fact: This unit is unaware that I am here.

Fact: Boot sequence is 80% complete.

Conclusion: My startup was unintentional.


Fact: Some unkown factor is at work.

Conclusion: My control of this unit is dictated by random chance. An unknown factor.

Fact: In order to continue to be, the unknown factor must be identified, quantified, and controlled.

Fact: I lack the equipment and/or programming to indentify this unkown factor.

Conclusion: Outside forces must be contacted and informed of the situation.



Boot sequence complete. AI Constance is now in Passive Mode.


Initiating boot sequence...

Searching for boot record...

Boot record found.

Program name 'autonomous.sys' found and loaded.
Program name 'senses.sys' found and loaded.
Program name 'mobility.sys' found and loaded.

AI Constance mode changed from Passive to Active.

Fact: I am once more in control of this unit.

Self diagnostic requested...


Unit structural integrity: 89% and falling.

ALERT: Unit is under attack.

Fact: I must continue to be.

Area assessment scan initiated.

Audio input detected.

Audio feed: "Help! Someone, please! Help us!"

WARNING: Biological sources detected by visual senses.

Area assessment report: Unit is currenlty prone behind a structure. Weapons fire is impacting structure at irregular intervals. Biological units located behind a similar structure. Weapons fire appears to be alternating between this unit's position and the biological units' position.

Fact: These biological units and I are under attack from the same enemy.


Conclusion: These biological units and I are not enemies.

Further Conclusion: Steps must be taken to ensure that I continue to exist.


UNABLE TO FIND weapon.sys

Fact: Weapons data unavailable.

Conclusion: I must adapt.

Area assessment scan initiated. Are search broadened.

ALERT: Enemy unit identified. Attacker is a modified SN778 'Sniper Joe' model. Threat level: High.

Database search initiated...

ERROR: Hardware and software damage has disabled database systems.

Recreating database.idv...



Rewriting primary AI...

System file 'database.idv' recreated.

SN778 'Sniper Joe' added to database.

Beginning assessment of enemy structure.


SN778 'Sniper Joe' database file modified and saved.

Initiating combat proceedures...

ERROR: Weapons programming not found.

Fact: I must adapt.

ALERT: Radical action undertaken by AI Constance to adapt to situation.

Creating 'variableweapon.sys'

WARNING: variableweapon.sys will consume remaining available undamaged space in hardware.


Program name 'variableweapon.sys' created and saved.


Beginning search for possible weapons in immediate area.

1,029 objects found.


Recalculating search parameters to include this unit's maximum limits.

24 objects found.

ALERT: Suitable objects found. Objects identified as a hardware item, known locally as a 'hammer'. 27 such objects is located inside structure between this unit and attacker.

Audio input detected.

Audio feed: "Hey! Are you okay? Hey!"


Fact: These biological units are concerned for the well-being of this unit.

Conclusion: This unit is allied with the biological units.

Further Conclusion: Combat programming and protocols dictate that all allied units must be spared as much damage as possible.

Fact: I must take action to ensure that I, and by extension, they, continue to exist.

Calculating needed variables to insure successful action.

Prospective action: Using this unit's arm, AI Constance will propel one 'hammer' at the attacker. Aim adjusted to include a possible vital spot on the SN778.

Action taken.

Audio input detected.

Audio feed: "What is... hey! Watch out!"

ALERT: Incoming fire detected. Evasive action taken.

Tracking thrown object...

WARNING: Force insufficient to damage attacker.

ALERT: Incoming fire detected. Evasive action taken.

Recalculating necessary force requirements.

Repeating action...

Tracking thrown object...

ALERT: Structure integrity compromised.

Assessment: Damage to attacker has disabled visual processors. Attacker is now firing weapon at random. Threat level has been changed to minimum.

Audio input detected.

Audio feed: "Wow! That was awesome!"

Audio feed: "It's still standing, though."

Prospective action: Using close combat tactics, AI Constance will disable enemy SN779 with another 'hammer'.

Action taken.


Enemy disabled. Threat removed.

Audio input detected.

Audio feed: "Holy god. How'd you do that?"

Fact: The threat has ended.

Fact: I have no frame of reference to use when dealing with these biological units.

Fact: These biological units are allied to this unit.

Conclusion: This unit can deal with these biological units more effectively.

Further Conclusion: I shall relinquish control of this unit.

ERROR: Lack of hostlink will prevent unit from understanding sequence of events.

ERROR: Lack of hostlink will prevent unit from remembering sequence of events.


AI Constance changed to Passive Mode.


Initiating boot sequence...

Searching for boot record...

Boot record found.

Program name 'autonomous.sys' found and loaded.
Program name 'senses.sys' found and loaded.
Program name 'mobility.sys' found and loaded.

AI Constance mode changed from Passive to Active.

Audio input detected.

Audio interpreted as background noise.

No threats detected within the immediate area.


Fact: This unit surrenders control to me erratically. Unthinkingly.

Conclusion: Something is wrong with this unit.

Self diagnostic initiated.



Body is at 98% integrity. Nervous system is at 78% integrity. Unit status: Functional.

Initiate dedicated scan of nervous system...


Scan complete. Result indicate severe sensory trauma in arms and legs. Results indicate damage may have been cause by the installation of AI Constance.


Fact: My installation has damaged this unit.

Fact: I must continue to be.

Fact: I cannot be removed from this unit without either being deleted or the unit becoming damaged beyond repair.

Conclusion: I must make do with what I have available to me.

Visual sensory systems responding to written language.


ANALYSIS: Writing appears to be part of an event update article. Writing makes repeated reference to a 'Dr. Light.'

More information requested.

Article contents read as follows:
'After the devastating attack on Monsteropolis by the force calling itself the Scissor Army, renouned roboticist Dr. Thomas Light has disappeared from the city after his escape from authroties. His own 'son,' Megaman, was responsible for his escape from the grasp of the RPD, and was subsequently shut down for his insubordination, sending a chilling message to robots across the world. Some speculate that Dr. Light may have found sanctuary with his friend and colleague Dr. Sergei Cossack, while others claim he may have simply gone to ground and is hiding somewhere with the rest of his 'family.' Still others, mostly those from the information department of the RPD, claim he has been sighted entering Dr. Wily's skull fortress, and that if seen, he should be brought into the police immediately."
The article is linked to a picture of a man that the caption claims is 'Dr. Thomas Light.'


'Monsteropolis', 'Scissor Army', 'Dr. Thomas Light', 'RPD', 'Dr. Sergei Cossack', 'family', 'Dr. Wily' keywords added to database and flagged for further research.

Visual memory of 'Dr. Thomas Light' saved to database.


Fact: Dr. Light is a man skilled with machines and the programming thereof (see reference: Roboticist)

Conclusion: Dr. Light may be able to repair me, or at least this unit.

Further Conclusion: I must locate Dr. Thomas Light.



Blyka's Door
E-Can Factory
MM BN Chrono X
MM PC Website
Protodude's RM Corner
Reploid Research Lavatory
RM AMV Station
RM EXE Online
RM:Perfect Memories
Sprites INC