The Business of War

Zodiac Renual

Renard sighed as he sat down in the newly-repaired control room on the Great Zodiac. The repairs were finished to both ships, but they would have to wait a little while before they could get any fuel so they could get off the ground. Hyper Storm walked into the room, then glanced at his friend. "What's the matter?"

"Three of my teammates are dead, and I'm still kinda out of it." Mars replied. "Sora was reap'd by Wraithman, Pluto got blown up TWICE, and Zig was obliterated by that damn anti-robot group and their Anti-robot weapon things."

"Oh, yeah...." sighed the behemoth merc. "I wish i could help, but being in the 'nuke-'em-all' squad for a few months pretty much murdered our credibility."

The red stardroid looked up at the porcine merc. "True enough, but at least you guys helped fix our ships."

The remaining Mercs and Gladiators entered, crowding room.

"So, what'll you guys do till you can get fuel?" Hunter asked.

"Hopefully lay low.." Susan mumbled to herself.

Jupiter shrugged. "We'll keep an eye on Shift so he doesn't try to pull a Wily till we can leave, then i guess it's back to random adventures in space."

"What about the three slots on your team?" Enker asked. The room was quiet for a moment, then Saturn snapped his fingers.

"Well, while we're here, why don't we look for some new members?"

Renard smiled. "Keep the aplication forms limited to Mercury and Pluto. I know a guy who'd make a great addition as Neptune."

Hyper Storm snickered. "I won't be surprised if it turns out to be who I think it could be."

"Anyone else here feel out of the loop?" Mako asked. Several others nodded.

"Oh well, seeing as how we're done, anyone up for all-you-can-eat Asian Food? My treat." Magnus offered.

"There's a Asian resturaunt that's still in one piece?"

"But of course! I made damn sure to find one." Mars replied, then the two teams headed out to get some grub.



Blyka's Door
E-Can Factory
MM BN Chrono X
MM PC Website
Protodude's RM Corner
Reploid Research Lavatory
RM AMV Station
RM EXE Online
RM:Perfect Memories
Sprites INC