Series 9 - The Road Less Traveled

Quint: Let's say ... let's say you came to a fork in the road. Which way would you turn?

Magnetman: What does this have to do with anything?

Quint: It has everything to do with everything!

Magnetman: Ugh.

Quint: I'm trying to explain the concept of alternate timelines to you.

Magnetman: Right.

Quint: Every decision you make creates an alternate timeline.

Magnetman: So if I decided to change my socks there'd be a timeline where I did and one in which I did not? Or three, where I change it another where I change into something else and one where I don't change it at all?

Quint: Something like that ...

Magnetman: Well, I suppose we'd have to be in a timeline where I wore socks in the first place.

Quint: Ugh. Think of it like this. Time is like a road. No, wait. That's stupid. Time is more like a river. Yes, that's better. You float along this river like a leaf in one direction (generally speaking). But there are forks and bends in the river. What would happen if you do down one part of the river and not the other? Would it loop back? Would it be drastically different? And if you could do it all over again, would you?

High above the skies of Monsteropolis, Princess gleefully flies around. Several stolen ice cream cones are in her hands.

Princess: AH HAH HAH HAH HAH! Why didn't I think about it before? Stealing candy from babies! Of course!

Trio: (Shouting from the Ivory Tower's top floor balcony) GET DOWN FROM THERE!

Princess: Ex-CUSE-me?

Trio: We have a certain dignity to maintain.

Princess: That sounds like the kind of nonsense Tar would spew.

Trio: The Lion Man is not wrong. We have a war council to conduct!

Princess: ... Bite my cute, tasty ass, Trio. Princess: *humph* You're no fun.


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