“The Tomorrow Warriors, Part 1”

By Ben...

Narrator: What do we really know of the X-Force? Are they heroes, villains, or something more? Their own purpose in life is an enigma, until a god named “Nth” whisked them away...

July 7, 2001...9:34 AM... Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada...

(Alarms blares)

Ben: (Groans) I knew I shouldn’t have picked a random time for my alarm to go off... Oh and jeesh! It’s only 9:30! At least it beats Myron trying to wake me up. (Turns on the radio)...

(When Ben walks upstairs to the kitchen, he sees a note on the table...)

Ben: (Grumbles) “We left for Calgary... you can fend for yourself... and please empty the rabbit’s cage.” Ah typical, the one time they decide to go to the stampede they leave without me. To hell with them, this is my opportunity to make a run for it. (Runs downstairs and gets his “Runaway” gear)

AIM Chat Room “X-Force HQ”... July 12, 2001

Current Members:

BusterRodG (Gary Martin AKA Ice Man AKA Split Mushroom)
PyRoFoXiE (“Benjamin Ronning” AKA Pyro the Fox AKA Magma Dragoon)
Generic Rick (Rick “???” AKA Generic Rick AKA Web Spider)
ShadowBlade 4000 (Trevor “???” AKA Shadowblade AKA Jet Stingray)
VoltForte (Alon Lessel AKA Neo Forte AKA Frost Walrus)

VoltForte: So where’s Rob? He never misses a chat...

PyRoFoXiE: He’s in Calgary, and if I’m not mistaken the Stampede’s on...

Generic Rick: What stampede?

PyRoFoXiE: Dude! Didn’t I tell you? The Calgary Stampede is the most famous event in the whole freakin’ country (Well maybe after the CNE). My family ditched me to go to it today...

VoltForte: Holy Crap!

BusterRodG: Rough...

Flameman 043 has entered “X-Force HQ”

PyRoFoXiE: ARHG! Intruder Alert! Seal all decks!


BusterRodG: LOL!

ShadowBlade4000: ROTFLMAO!

Flameman 043: Dude you’re watching too much Star Trek...

Flameman 043: Uh so what’s happening?

BusterRodG: Big load of nothing, except Ben’s complaining how his parents are crapping him again.

PyRoFoXiE: (Slaps Gary) >=(

BusterRodG: Ouchies!

3:49 PM... Calgary, Alberta... Stampede Grounds...

Narrator: Rob and Andrew along with Rob’s best friend, Chris traverse the stampede grounds aimless as the air is filled with the music known as country and the smells of... uh... fresh air... But they come across an unexpected visitor to the stampede...

(Chris bumps into the stranger)

Chris: Hey watch it!

???: Why don’t you asshole?!

Rob: Myron!

Myron: Rob.

Chris: Uh, why do they look so bitter with each other.

Andrew: It’s a long story, uh... so Myron? Is Ben here?

Myron: No, we left that lazy asshole back home...

(Suddenly a cup full of Coke hits Myron and drenches him.)

Chris: (Puts his arms down) Who was that?

???: Ahem! Who were you calling an asshole?

Rob: (Looks behind him) Ben!

Ben: So Myron where’s mom? Aren’t you her little bitch?

Myron: I’ll show who’s a bitch... (Throttles Ben)

Ben: (Grabs Myron’s fist and arm then twists it) Myron, Myron, Myron you forget that I was punching out bullies while I was in kindergarten... (Twists it more). Now howl for me...

Myron: (Grunts) Heh. You really don’t have a clue, I know more about... (Ben twists more) ARGH!

(Ben releases his grip and pushes Myron aside)

Ben: Now go before I have to embarrass you some more...

Myron: (Groans as he staggers away)

Ben: Yeesh, I thought mom would’ve had him on a leash...

All: (Laugh)

Rob: Bitch... howl... leash. Holy Ben you have a way with words. So what brings you here?

Ben: Myron probably told you but I came here on a greyhound, I knew you would be here so...

Andrew: Here you are. (Notices Ben’s bag) That’s your “Runaway” bag, Ben are you...?

Ben: Yes, I am running away. I’m sick of living with them... (Looks at Chris) I don’t think I’ve met you.

Chris: We haven’t, but Rob’s told me a lot about you. (Shakes Ben hand) so why are you running away?

Rob: I think I should tell you Chris; Ben and Myron have a history of bitter rivalry from their early childhood (Of which I was a part of...) and since 97’ their rivalry has turned deadly. Like Ben said Myron is the self-absorbed momma’s-boy and Ben well there’s been a widening rift between his family and him since then. He’s told us many times that he’d run away...

Ben: ...and I wasted a good coke on him.

(Three orbs of light float above them one red, one green and one purple appear in the sky)

Andrew: Hey look! Those three balls are coming towards us! (The purple orb land in Andrew’s hands)

(The red orb lands in Ben’s hands)

(The green orb lands in Rob’s hands)

Rob: I have a...

(The three orbs shoot into the sky with their holders)

Chris: (!) I have to be dreaming... (Pinches himself) Uh no... maybe I’m going insane. I hope they have a straight jacket in my size...

(Elsewhere in the fringes of space, the trio of “X-Forcers” rushes towards a white orb)

Ben: This is too weird, maybe I drank one too many Dr. Pepper’s today...

Rob: It’s not the caffeine talking Ben... it’s real!

(Once inside the orb they find the other five members in it)

Gary: (Holds an orange orb)

Trevor: (Holds a gray orb)

Marc: (Holds a brown orb)

Alon: (Holds a blue orb)

Rick: (Holds a yellow orb)

Alon: Look who else came...

Ben: Who are you?

Alon: Don’t you recognize me? I’m Alon, remember me big frosty?

Ben: And you other guys?

Trevor: It’s me Trevor...

Andrew: But the bigger question is why are we here?

???: Quite simply, your world needs new champions...

Andrew: Who was that?

???: It’s me the god known as the “Nth”!

Ben: The “Nth”? But you’re just a fictional character I wrote in my epilouges.

Nth: Alas, although you’ve only imagined the existence of universes beyond your own, there is one where the X-Force exists. The glowing orbs in front you are their powers, truly untamed and unlimited, if you shall accept, it’s yours.

Gary: Wait a minute! If there are no mavericks in existence then why do we need these powers?

Nth: Right now their leader known as Sigma is going to address the United Nations as we speak...

United Nations HQ... New York City, New York...

(Sigma crashes into the main assembly)

Sigma: Human Delegates! I have an announcement to make...

(The Delegates clamor)

Sigma: I am robot, I am reploid and I’m here to proclaim that the reploid race is here to replace the human race.

UN Delegate #1: Absurd! This is our planet you have no right... (Gets vaporized with a plasma blast)

Sigma: Resistance is futile, humans! As we speak the reploid population planetwide is already at 1.4 billion and growing. Hand over the earth to us and you’ll be welcome to become our slaves and playthings. Resist and face utter annihilation.

Nth: Do you need further convincing?

Ben: You don’t even have to ask... (Grabs the orb) Armor up to...

(Ben transforms into...)

MAGMA DRAGOON! Flames of Compassion!

(Red energy consumes Ben and fires him straight back to Earth)

Nth: The decision is yours, whether you want to follow or whether you want to live a normal life.

Rob: He’s my friend, I can’t let him do this alone... (Grabs the orb)

Andrew: If Rob goes I’ll go... (Grabs his orb)

Armor up to...

(Rob and Andrew transform into...)

SLASH BEAST! Talons of Loyalty!

CYBER PEACOCK! Network of Hope!

(Both are consumed by the energies and sent back to Earth)

Gary: Well, it’s definitely an awkward moment...

Alon: Awkward? Try the twilight zone dude, seriously I think I’m dreaming...

Marc: Well there’s only one way to find out...

(Everyone grabs the Orbs)

Armor up to...

SPLIT MUSHROOM! Power of Cooperation!

FROST WALRUS! Blizzard of Determination!

WEB SPIDER! Web of Power!

JET STINGRAY! Wings of Knowledge!

STORM OWL! Storm of Fury!

(Everyone is consumed by the energies and is sent back to Earth)

Nth: Thus begins another legend good luck to all of you...

Meanwhile at UN Headquarters...

(Sigma blasts many delegates...)

Sigma: Squirm like the rodents you are humans! (Walks up to a delegate) Which country are you from?

UN Delegate: Uh... The Netherlands... please don’t hurt me...

Sigma: Tell me, have your governments united yet?

UN Delegate: No, we haven’t... (Cowers)

Sigma: Than which of your nations is the most powerful?

UN Delegate: (Cowers)...

Sigma: My patience is growing thin worm... WHAT IS YOUR MOST POWERFUL NATION! (Holds the delegate by the throat)

UN Delegate: Ack! (Cough) the United States...

Sigma: RARGH! All this wasted effort! I guess I’ll have to drag my ass to...

Ben: “Mr. Sigma Goes to Washington”? Jeez, Jimmy Stewart would be rolling in his grave if he heard that!

Sigma: (Turns around and throws the delegate) Who was that?

Ben: (Jumps from a hole in the ceiling) Don’t remember me baldy? Let me refresh your faulty memory chips. I am the one they call Ben Ronning, AKA Magma Dragoon.

Sigma: So you followed me to this pathetic, primitive universe (pulls out Z-Sabre) Not that it will matter (Jumps) Prepare to die Ben!

Ben: (Armor glows red as Ben rechannels his heat energy) HEAT WAVE!

Sigma: (Gets shot out of the building through another wall into Times Square)

Pedestrian 1: Holy Crap!

(Two orbs race towards sigma and reshape as Slash Beast and Cyber Peacock)

Rob: (Slices Sigma’s armor open) (Swipes at his back) You’re so vulnerable when you’re flying...

Andrew: SHIELD OF LIGHT! (Slams Sigma into the ground with a column of light) And so weak...

Sigma: I’ll show you who’s weak... (An orb shoots down and forms Alon around it)

Alon:  (Slams foot on Sigma) Really? Can to take the pressure of being a leader of a...

TWIP! (An electric web line snares Sigma)

Rick: Spins a web any size... (Throws Sigma into a fire hydrant)

Alon: Hey Peter Parker! Quit stealing my thunder!

Rick: Your thunder? You steal all the action!

Alon: Why I’m gonna...

Ben: (Lands) ENOUGH!

Everyone: (...)

Ben: I don’t want any of you arguing when we have a world to save. Now Rick; snag Sigma with another webline...

Rick: Uh... Yessir... (Snags Sigma with another webline and swings him)

Ben: Alon! Slam into that building!

Alon: (Punches Sigma straight into a building)

Rick: All right!

Alon: We did it...

Sigma: Don’t celebrate it just yet...

Alon: Shit...

Sigma: I’d destroy every last one of you, I don’t have the time to deal with any of you... (Flies off)

Ben: Come back here you... Andrew let's pursue him!

Andrew: Right. (Takes Ben in a light bubble and pursues Sigma)

(Three orbs materialize as Marc, Gary and Trevor)

Gary: (Starts to fall) Whoa...

Ben: (Catches Gary) Gotcha!

Gary: Heh thanks man, but where’s Sigma?

Ben: Somewhere, Trevor can you get a visual of him?

Trevor: (Zooms in) Oh yeah! He’s going to see lady liberty himself...

Ben: Well knock him off course!

Trevor: MANTA BLASTER! (Send two Hydrofoil Missiles towards Sigma)



(Both missiles miss)

Trevor: He’s too fast, I can’t get a lock on him...

Marc: Let me change his flight plans... (Flies beside Sigma) Welcome to Storm Owl Airlines we’ll being making a short stop on Liberty Island... (Blows Sigma onto Liberty Island)

Sigma: ARGH!

Gary 1: Oh no! It’s Colin Mocharie!

Gary 2: And he’s on a Rogane rampage!

Gary 3: Or was it a really bad bald joke!

Sigma: You dare to mock me? Which one is the real one?

(Clones disappear and Gary waves to Sigma on the head of the Statue of Liberty)

Gary: Ding Ding Ding! What’s behind door number three?

(Ben flies through the Statue of Liberty, and it collapses on Sigma)

Trevor: Ben! What are you doing? You just destroyed an American landmark!

Ben: and I am Canadian, cry me a river some other time... That won’t stop Sigma...

(Sigma blasts out of the rubble)

Gary: (Sarcasm) is there nothing that won’t stop him?

Marc: Not if I can help it...  (Flies above a fleeing Sigma) TRIAD TORNADO!

(Sigma becomes trapped in the massive vortex)

Sigma: ARGH!

Alon: (Descends from the sky) Guess who gave me a lift? REVERSE FUSION! (Freezes the tornadoes and impales Sigma in almost all spots)

Sigma: Must download... 110111... Upload core conciseness to nearby network... 1001101... 23%...67%...94%... Upload complete... Self-destruct sequence in 3 seconds...

Ben: (Tries to lift Alon) Oy, You need to...

(Sigma’s body explodes and Ben and Alon get thrown to the bottom of the river)

Gary: No Ben! Alon! Why aren’t we doing something?

Rob: Andrew, your light shield thingie can...

Andrew: Don’t sweat it... SHIELD OF LIGHT! (Lifts Ben and Alon with a light bubble)

(Both Alon and Ben are pulled out of the Hudson by Andrew’s Light Bubble)

Ben: (Glub)(Cough)(Cough) Jesus! I thought I was going to have to walk back home...

Alon: So what do we do now?

Elsewhere in the vastness of Cyberspace...

(Sigma drifts in his virus form)

Sigma: Blast it! The X-Force has defeated me, no they didn’t. I only know setbacks; they won’t stop me from wiping out humanity. I have connections...

(Vid Screens of every X and X-Force villain appear)

Vile: So Sigma you failed to overthrow this Earth’s nations...

Serges: We are not pleased...

Sigma: The has been a change of plans...

Dr. Doppler: What’s that?

Double: I’m in need of entertainment...

Sigma: Have you read your late-20th century history you dolts? In this “Information” Era, the humans of the late 20th and early 21st centuries were heavily dependent on the need to communicate. I can use that to our advantage, Dr. Doppler. Do you have the terraforming upgrade with you...?

Dr. Doppler: Yes but...

Sigma: I have little patience for your blather you old twit, download it into my memory. It is our first step in our bid to rule this planet. By redesigning it to our specifications...

Washington D.C. ...The White House... 14 hours later

Secretary: Mr. President! You know the recent terrorist attack on New York and the United Nations?

President Bush: (Yawns) Jeez, do you guys ever sleep?

Secretary: The terrorist attack sir?

President Bush: Oh okay, It’s all over the news, what’s wrong?

Secretary: I got the latest edition of the New York Times, and those terrorists?

President Bush: Yes?

Secretary: They claim to be “reploid heroes” here to protect us from “Mavericks”

President Bush: (Grabs the newspaper) Well I’ll be damned...

Secretary: Our NATO Allies agree we should get OSWALD involved in this.

President Bush: Do so, but we can’t be too procosisus tell them to keep close tabs on this “X-Force”. Anything else?

Secretary: You are to make an address to the nation at 1000 hours...

President Bush: Oy, what a day. First killer reploids, having to activate OSWALD next. What is this world coming to?

The following afternoon...

AIM Chat Room “X-Force HQ”... July 8, 2001

Current Members:

BusterRodG (Gary Martin AKA Ice Man AKA Split Mushroom)
PyRoFoXiE (“Benjamin Ronning” AKA Pyro the Fox AKA Magma Dragoon)
Generic Rick (Rick “???” AKA Generic Rick AKA Web Spider)
Tenguman007 (Marc “???” AKA Tengu Man AKA Storm Owl)
ShadowBlade 4000 (Trevor “???” AKA Shadowblade AKA Jet Stingray)
VoltForte (Alon Lessel AKA Neo Forte AKA Frost Walrus)
Zekkard (Rob/Andrew Robinson AKA Slash Beast and Cyber Peacock)
Gauntlet101010 (Name Unknown AKA Gauntlet AKA Shadow Man)
Duo 000 (Andon Whitehorn AKA Elec Man)

Gauntlet101010: So let me get this straight...

Gauntlet101010: Yesterday, you say that all of you were taken up to space then arrived in New York to kick the living shit out of Sigma?

BusterRodG: Yep that’s what happened strange eh? It makes me think that I may also transform to the Ice Man...

PyRoFoXiE: Don’t count on it eskimo

Generic Rick: I got hell from my parents when I just up and disappeared.

Zekkard: So where are you today Ben?

PyRoFoXiE: Where else? Sunny Hawaii! Damn those Technovices come in handy.

Duo 000: Sorry guys, so Ben and Gary. Dudes, you actually destroyed the statue of liberty?

BusterRodG: It was all Ben’s fault!

PyRoFoXiE: You were an accessory fungus.

BusterRodG: Whatever

BusterRodG: The question now is what do we do next?

Zekkard: What else is left to do?

Zekkard: Run around playing super hero!

Gauntlet101010: Kick ass! It’s not a bad idea actually, with Sigma popping up there’s bound to be more

VoltForte: I’m going to kick some Palestinian ass.

BusterRodG: Gauntlet? What’s happening?

Gauntlet101010: Look out the nearest window

(Everyone in his or her respective positions across the planet look in udder shock)

(The cities across the globe are changing in structure, from concrete and steel to cold, blue titanium)

Narrator: At that time Sigma was advancing all the availible technology, Cars, Houses and even video game systems were advancing to fit his terraforming needs...

EmperorSigma has entered “X-Force HQ”

PyRoFoXiE: Who invited this fartknocker in?

EmperorSigma: Now Ben is that anyway to talk to your reploid superior?

Duo 000: Dude, if this is Sigmah X this is not...

EmperorSigma: Bah! I know nothing of whom you speak of. I’m the one true Sigma who has come to make this world one exclusively for Reploids.

Duo 000: Dude this not your planet it’s the humans’ too.

PyRoFoXiE: Why don’t you just f--- off and get your own planet?

Zekkard: I heard the moon is nice this time of year...

BusterRodG: Ditto >=(

EmperorSigma: You are the one they call Andon Whitehorn, the Gutter Punk. Let me tell you one thing; people like you make me sick, thinking that humans can peacefully coexist.

Duo 000: It’s possible you’re just too arrogant to realize that.

EmperorSigma: You are the arrogant one assuming such a frivolous idea! And naïve, it’s “Darwinism” the strongest and most adaptable survive. I have little time to speak to weaklings like you; we shall meet some other time!

EmperorSigma has left “X-Force HQ”

Narrator: As Sigma left, the last remnants of the 20th-21st centuries where soon replaced by those of the late 22nd so what was left to do?

Gauntlet101010: Dude that was too close for comfort. But didn’t you kill Sigma in NYC?

PyRoFoXiE: Evidently not. His real form is a virus so he’s somewhere on this information superhighway.

VoltForte: And too hard to track.

Generic Rick: Dude it’s all over the news, the world has transformed completely.

Zekkard: Why would Sigma do that?

Duo 000: Sigma said “The strong and adaptable survive.” So it must have meant he transformed the world to one where he and his allies would have a direct advantage.

Gauntlet101010: But we have a front line a final defense.

PyRoFoXiE: And that is...?

Gauntlet101010: The X-Force, as much as I don’t like to say it, you’re humanity’s only defense so what do you say Ben?

PyRoFoXiE: Do you have your technovices guys?

BusterRodG: Yep

Zekkard: Yep, and Andrew too...

Generic Rick: Yeah

VoltForte: Hell yeah!

PyRoFoXiE: Where’s Marc and Trevor?

VoltForte: It’s looks like they’re idle...

PyRoFoXiE: (Sigh)

PyRoFoXiE: With Technovices in hand we are the X-Force...

BusterRodG: and Ice Man!

PyRoFoXiE: (Slaps Gary) >=(

BusterRodG: Hey watch the hair!

High Earth Orbit... Space Colony Roosevelt (OuterSpaceDefenseForce Headquarters)...

Narrator: Since the United States entered World War II they had a secret the Soviets never knew, with Britain and Canada as her only trusted allies they shared a secret. In early 1942, an emissary from 500 years into the future provided FDR with highly futuristic technology. Only condition was that it wouldn’t be used until World War III, since the cold war the US waited with that technology and used it to create many wonders...

The project’s name was known as OSWALD by NATO and was 42 levels above presidential clearance and only a few earthbound generals’ knew of its existence. George W. Bush current president of the United States only knows it as a “special” taskforce dedicated to eradicating threats like the new race of reploids.

Inside that one space colony is Colonel Sims, legally deceased on Earth and new head of OSDF sat in his big comfy chair, cocky that he’s going to do what many thought would be impossible for OSWALD to do... First order of business was to recover Dr. Yuji Naka (Famous creator of Sonic the Hedgehog and secret OSWALD scientist...

(Dr. Naka gets escorted by two Imperial-class guards into Sims office)

Sims: Welcome Doctor! Have a seat...

Naka: I’d rather sta... (Guard holds blaster rifle against Naka’s back)

Sims: That wasn’t a request Naka.

(Naka sits down)

Sims: You know when you started on “Weapon: Firefox”?

Naka: How could I? Those soviet...

Sims: Oh spare me, I investigated this case thoroughly since I took over this post two months ago... you took the weapon and disappeared. We’ve spent much time and energy to find you and “Ben”...

Naka: (Gasps) How did you know?

Sims: My predecessor and your supervisor told me your dirty little secret. He was a soft, weak fellow with a bleeding heart, (Lights cigar and puffs smoke in Naka’s face) there’s been too many of your kind running this joint and it’s time I gave this operation some balls.

Naka: You’re a monster...

Sims: With an undying love for protecting his nation, we got the word to move into full activity from our bosses in NATO. Meanwhile you should concentrate on picking up blondie who’s in the Hawaiian Islands, making like Franky Avalon. Playing Beach Blanket Bingo.

Naka: But...

Sims: (Grabs Naka by the throat) I’ve had enough of your protests, I will say this once and once only. You will bring Benjamin Ronning to this colony and reactivate “Weapon: Firefox”. And even if you think of turning against me even once, I’ll inject you with the immortality serum and torture you until the ice caps freeze over again.

Naka: (Chokes) Okay, I’ll do it but he’s...

Sims: ...only a weapon, like you designed him in 1983... Now get out of my sight and into your lab. There’s enough trouble down there with that damn X-Force and the reploid race (holds up a copy of the New York Times) we’ll show those buggers who’s boss.

To be Continued...