Realworlds: Book I

Chapter 1: Enter the Dragoon

It’s amazing how I hated my life. Yeah I had family, friends and many material items, but something was always missing. Maybe it was Action, Adventure and the whole kaput. My life was in for a major change and my world even if it were my Earth would be changed forever.

It was a breezy autumn morning around ten ‘o’ clock looking at the latest releases at our local Toys “R” Us with my best friend Rob, he was busy looking at the Gameboy releases seeing if he could find a copy of Pokemon Silver. Then Rob broke the silence with his complaining.

“I don’t see a copy anywhere” he moaned

I just grimaced and replied “Don’t worry, I have enough problems already”

With that four Bladers crashed through the glass into the foyer when one spotted me and separated me from Rob.

“What are those?!?” he yelled

“They are Bladers from Sonic Adventure” I said “but they aren’t real”

“Oh believe me juvenile” a voice called out “they are as real as me”

The figure revealed himself as Dr. Robotnik. Rob and I dropped our jaws in disbelief.

“Exactly” Rob mumbled.

“Silence” Dr. Robotnik wailed as he approached me. “If my estimates are correct, you are the one Cutman 003 said was Magma Dragoon. Aren’t you Patrick Benjamin Mains?”

“No, I’m Emil Castiline and I’m known as DeathBlader6728” I replied with extreme sarcasm…

“Nice try, But I got this off of AIM” he chuckled as he flashed my Grade 10 school ID.

“Damn” I growled “ I hate it when my dad is right”

“With any luck you won’t see your father or your friend.” Robotnik laughed “Ever”

“Fat chance” I cried “no… you won’t”

Then an Egg Keeper paralyzed me and I blacked out. Rob, eye with horror could only watch as Dr. Robotnik, his minions along with me in tow disappeared from sight.

“Pat?!? No!” he cried as he dropped on the floor weeping. “Come back…” 

I woke up encased in a glass dome bound by an energy barrier, then the big rotten Egg shown up to gloat in his prize. Obviously I was in the Metropolis Zone on Sonic’s Earth, no doubt about it.

“So you woke up…” he hummed

“What do you want with me.” I pleaded for an answer “I’m just an average teenager, there’s nothing so special about me.”

“You are Magma Dragoon” He yelled triumphantly

“I still don’t get it.” I said, “Where do I fit in your plans?”

“If you must know, I invented multi-dimensional transportation a little while ago.” He replied “I traversed two era’s where robots fought for their independence and I captured some designs of some robots called Robot Masters and Mavericks. When I traveled to your Earth I found that humans were playing the roles of these Robot Masters and I decided to use you as subjects for my next scheme.”

“Why do you need me?” I said getting more irritated.

“Alas, I couldn’t replicate the technology perfectly” he said, showing his hand to some Magma Dragoon drones, “So I need humans to make them perfect, you are to be the first of many!”

“If you hurt Gary, Jason or any of them I swear on my life I’ll….” I screamed

“You are in no position to make threats to me,” he yelled as he pressed the button that changed my fate forever…

Then a bright green filled the dome. I closed my eyes in horror, as I felt warm, touching skin turn into a cold, unfeeling titanium exterior. My body was stretching like rubber as my clothes were tearing apart. I screamed in terror as I grew until… it stopped.

I opened my eyes and looked… I was now metal, I felt the tip of my face it was like a triangular snout, and I also felt a strange sense of liberation as Dr. Robotnik approached me…

“Perfect, now you’ll serve me.” He chuckled again, to be replaced with mad laughter…

I coldly starred at him and smashed the glass dome. “No I won’t” I said as I grabbed his neck…

“I knew there had to be some flaws in the programming, accursed human brain” he croaked

I held him up to my eye level, “Let’s get this straight, You leave me alone and I’ll spare your life.” I growled.

“Don’t count on it.” He spat

With that I threw him into a pile of crates, and ran for the exit. His defenses were waiting to take me out. Two laser cannons on the walls fired at me but when I shut my eyes and just felt… nothing. My body was taking the blast as if a pillow was hitting me in the gut and what was more surprised to notice that I felt no pain. I stared coldly at them and saw two cursors on my visor and lifted my hands and shot twin fire blasts, destroying the cannons.

The reinforcements didn’t take long to arrive but I felt a certain surge of knowledge and leaped gracefully in the air and came down slashing and kicking the imcoming waves or Badniks. During this massive battle of the heart of the Metropolis Zone, Eggman recovered and brooded over the situtation at hand.

“Hmmmmm,” He grumbled, “I need a force of robots to take this rouge down.”

He plopped himself on a chair and typed up the file revealing the Sinister Six Webpage.

“That’s it!” He yelled and clenched his fist, “I’ll get the Sinister Six!”

Meanwhile I was reaching the city limits, cold and mentally exhausted. I feel to my knees and noticed I couldn’t cry… I looked back at the city, got back up onto my feet and raised my hand in an angry rage. 

“I’ll get you for ruining my life Eggman!” I swore “And for that I’ll will kill you”

Then I ran off into the woods to find the only person that could help me, Sonic the Hedgehog.


Chapter 2: Big Red and Blue Blur Meet

The inferno in my steel heart was blazing as I was running through Station Square the hub of all of Sonic’s Adventures. I knew one thing only, it was going to be extremely hard to convince him that I was the real deal. Machines, especially robots had a bad rap in these parts.

As I approached the Central Train Station, near Twinkle Park. The Blue Blur overcame me, Sonic has arrived. He stopped. He was exactly like I imagined stylish and confident, as hell was hot. I know that he wanted to fight. Without a word he leaped and tried to use his spin one me. The only option left was to defend myself, the flames engulfed a short radius of my body and the jets under my back fins screeched as I dashed forward.

Surprised by my swift attack Sonic dodged with a yelp as I turned and cooled off. Surely he wasn’t about to give up so he spun into my chest and knocked me down and run around to score another hit.

“This stops here and now” I thought and yelled “Enough!” as he stopped what impatiently…

“This is a first” he sneered “A robot who begs for mercy”

“I am not begging for mercy,” I explained “I am here for your help”

“HA!” he sneered again “This is a first, I bet this is one of Eggman’s tricks”

I looked at my right leg; a tattered piece of clothing still lay on it. I reached into the pocket and pulled out a picture of cousin and me roughousing. I looked at then looked back at Sonic.

“No! I am the real deal I know about Eggman’s latest scheme!” I pleaded “ I am not even from this planet, I come from an alternate Earth, Eggman is now roboticizing humans.”

I handed the picture to Sonic, he looked at it once then at me. We looked at each other for some time, I knew he saw the goofy teenager under that metallic skin. I only hoped he would believe that.

“What ?!?, Eggman’s getting desperate” Sonic Jumped “We need to go to Tails’ Workshop, he might be able to help you”

He ran to Station Square Central station with me in fresh pursuit.

During the train ride Sonic and I stared at each other quietly. I never thought that even he had emotions for those in my situation but then he smiled to ask.

“You look like and interesting guy, What’s you’re name?”
“Where do you come from?”
“Place called Lethbridge”
“Have any friends to hang out with?”
“I was hanging out with my friend Rob when I was kidnapped”

“Kidnapped? What were you doing?” Sonic asked

“I was checking out Dreamcast….” I started

“What’s a Dreamcast?” he interrupted

“I’ll tell you later.” I continued, “With my friend Rob when Eggman kidnapped me, and turned me into this.”

“I’m sure Tails can help you” Sonic said trying to comfort me. “We’ll help you restore your life to what it was.”

I never thought one of my heroes would ever do this, but he was kind and caring under the cool and blue fur coat of his. Then the train stopped and we headed for Tails workshop were He was waiting on the steps for his hero and best friend.

“Sonic” he called “I have something I want to…. YIKES!”

“Hey little buddy” Sonic called back “Don’t be afraid he needs our help!”

I paused as some part of my gut instinct told me where to go…

“SONIC” I yelled, “I have a feeling we should go there”

Then I pointed to Red Mountain….

“Red Mountain?” Tails asked, “Why does he need to go there?”

“I don’t know” Sonic replied, “But, something tells me we best go there too.”

With that we as a trio started on our journey to Red Mountain. Meanwhile on our world in Eastern Canada. Jason is preparing for another night online. Then when his buddy list shown up, he noticed something was wrong.

“Gary and Andon aren’t online, I wonder why” he asked himself

“They are with me and you’ll be coming with me also.” A voice in the shadows crawled out.

“What?” Jason shuttered “Who’s there?”

“You are coming with he” as the voice revealed himself “Jason Howell”

“Eggman?” Jason said with udder shock “You’re not real! Where’s Gary and Andon?”

Eggman pointed outside where Jason saw five other people imprisoned by the Egg Keepers, while Jason wasn’t looking Eggman signaled one of the Egg Keepers to capture Jason.

“You make me….” Said Jason as the Egg Keepers paralyzing beam froze him.

“With all the members in my collection,” he chuckled “The Sinister Six will live, and work for me”

That simple chuckle evolved into mad laughter as Eggman faded away. A bolt of lighting rained from the sky as one by one the other members disappeared.


Chapter 3: Dragoon Through the Looking Glass

7:18 PM Mountain Standard Time

Rob has had a long day. He’s spent three long hours being questioned over and over again. He stills remembers how his friend was taken without warning and heaven knows where he is right now. Now he’s spent fifteen minutes of them reviewing the security tape that they received from Toy “R” Us. At first they laughed at the fact that a fictional character took his friend away. Then the two police officers came back in and told him

“We saw the tape,” the first officer said “You were right, this is a very unusual case.”

“We have no more questions,” the second said, “You can go home now”

The officers led Rob down the Hallway into the foyer where he saw Pat’s (who will be referred to Ben now) family was waiting for more news. His mother and father were crying and comforting each other while his sister Laurel, was alone crying, since his parents haven’t arrived yet he sat down beside her.

“Do you think he’s alright?” She asked

This caught Rob off guard, but he did his best to reassure her that he was okay.

“Pat?” Rob replied, “He can take on anything.”

Then the reception clerk hung up the phone and called “Mr. and Mrs. Mains?”

“That’s us” Mr. Mains replied.

“I have some news for you” the clerk said.

During the brief time they spent with her, Mrs. Mains burst onto tears and they approached Rob and Laurel.

“There’s no way to put this but,” Mr. Mains sniffled “They found Patrick’s body and he’s dead…”

At this moment Rob’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson came and also learned of the sad news…

“…and we’re going to confirm the body” Mrs. Mains cried. With that they left. Rob got up without a single tear and declared.

“I refuse to accept the fact that Pat’s dead!” He yelled.

“I know you you’re sad but…” Mr. Robinson explained “Let’s go home. There’s nothing more we can do. Let’s go home now.”

Meanwhile Ben, Sonic and Tails have reached Red Mountain and approached an abandoned laboratory complex.

“This place was abandoned recently…” Tails explaining the locked doors.

“Why is that?” Ben asked

“I believe seismic activity forced them to evacuate, All the equipment must still be there.” Tails explained again.

“But there wasn’t any when I visited this place not to long ago.” Sonic said

“Maybe not but…” Ben said with a white-hot and narrow flame, “I intend to explore this place”

With that Ben wielded a hole with the metal doors and disappeared…

“I believe we should follow him” Sonic said.

“Alrighty” Tails said as they too entered the building.

When Rob reached his home he quickly went to his room and pulled out a picture of them together at the Canadian Scout Jamboree, and cried.

“Why did you have to leave me? It’s not fair you died, it’s not...”

He stuffed his head in the pillows and wept some more when his mother came to his bedside.

“Sometimes these things happen Robert.” She sighed “But, At least he’s at rest somewhere better than here. You’ve had a rough day you could use a shower.”

“k mom” he sniffled and when to the bathroom.

While investigating Ben walked into the Restrooms and saw Rob through the mirror.

“Rob?” he asked in amazement…

Rob perked his head as he was undressing, but ignored it and jumped into the shower…


Rob perked his head.

“Who’s there?”

“It’s me.”


“I no longer Pat, I’m Ben”

“But you’re dead.”

“Far from it.”

“Then where are you?”

“Over here”

Rob went to get his towel.

“Cute butt” Ben chuckled…

“Hey” he turned around as he wrapped it around himself  “What the?!?”

With that Rob saw Ben again, as the Dragoon through the looking glass. Both looked at each other.

“It’s great to see you Rob” Ben cried

“You too”


Chapter 4: Sinister Six Reunite

To Rob’s shock, Ben was alive and well. Only different, he only recognized him because he saw Ben play Mega Man X4. What was hardly believable to him was that Ben was on the other side of the mirror.

“How did you get in the mirror?” Rob asked

“I don’t know how” Ben replied as he reached out into the mirror. Then he grabbed Rob by the arm and pulled him into Ben’s adopted home. “But you’re coming for the ride…”

“Ben?” Sonic called through the corridors, “Where are you?”

“Over here!” Ben called back,  “I have a friend you should meet...”

“Who’s that?” Rob asked as Sonic entered the restrooms. “Sonic? Is this real?!”

“In the flesh” Sonic replied, “And who might you be”

“Sonic, this is Rob” Ben introduced. “Rob, well you know him”

“Ok, I’m not getting this” Rob said scratching his head, “First you are alive, then I meet Sonic is this dream? And I’m only wearing a towel.”

“I can take care of that.” Sonic snapped as he raced outside and returned for a fresh pile of clothes. “Amy gave these but they were to big for me. I think they’ll fit you.”

“Okie,” Rob said, “Would you mind?”

Ben nudged Sonic as both of them left to let Rob change. When Rob came out both Sonic and Ben approached him and asked.

“What is this death business?” Ben asked

“How did you get here?” Asked Sonic

“Ben, they found your body in the river bottom. Your family thinks you’re dead”  Rob explained.

“WHAT?!?” Ben yelled, “I’m going to really kill that Eggman.”

“Easy, big fella” Sonic said as he tried to restrain Ben, “How did you get here, as I asked before?”

“I dunno,” Rob replied “ I was pulled through that mirror and ta da! I’m here.”

“Hmmm…” Sonic hummed scratching his chin “Maybe Tails can explain this.”

Meanwhile in the lab Tails was tinkering with the equipment which strangely enough measured any seismic activity. He made his way to some x-ray machine and scanning equipment and saw weird emissions coming from the corridors where Sonic, Ben and Rob walked in.

“Hey Tails” Ben called as Tails turned around.

“Ben!” Tail ran to him and pointed to the scanning equipment “I think I can find a way to de-roboticize you, I just need to run some tests.”

“No problem Tails.”  Ben replied, “Anything to disprove of my death.”

Meanwhile in the bowels of the Metropolis Zone, Gary wakes up to find himself entrapped in the glass dome. He looked both ways and saw that everyone else was captured. He soon focused his attention on Eggman who was typing in data on the console directly in front of him. Soon one by one the other members of the Sinister Six regained conciseness.

“My aching head” Jason complained as where became aware of his new surroundings, “Where am I, who are all of you?”

“Who are you ?” everyone shouted at each other.

Robotnik sighed “That’s the problem with chatting online… You never know who you’re talking to.”

Jason focused his attention on Robotnik. “You !”

This captured the attention of the other members who demanded to know what happened to them.

“Dr. Robotnik” Scott growled, “Or shall I say Eggman?”

“Robotnik’s fine, but now to business.” Robotnik stood up, “I require of all of you to capture a failed experiment of mine.”

“Why should we bother to listen Eggman?” Gary interrupted in disbelief

Robotnik ignored the comment and refocused on his presentation as he shown a hologram of Magma Dragoon  “This was an earlier experiment as I tried to make a newer breed of robot, but he’s very hard to control. When I first activated him he lashed out at me and escaped.”


“What do want us to do?” Tim asked, as if he really believed him.

“I thought you’d never ask” Robotnik snickered “He’s very dangerous and I fear if action isn’t taken he’ll destroy Station Square, and millions of live will be lost. I need the Internet’s premier team to bring him in so I can reprogram him.”

Robotnik smiled as he walked up towards Tim.

“And you don’t want people to die, so what do you say Tim?”

“Something’s not right.” Gary mumbled “The story he told does make sense, but what if MD is who I think it is. I’ll need to investigate further.”

“Can you change us back?” Tim asked.

“Oh yes!” Robotnik laughed, “You’ll be able to resume your normal happy life once this is all over.”

“I know you’re lying Eggman.” Gary once more mumbled, “I’ll prove it to my comrades.”

Tim and the rest of the Sinister Six including Gary nodded their heads in agreement. Robotnik pressed the button and said to them.

“I have another engagement but all your abilities in the “Epilogues” will work. Adieu”

Then he left the room and the Sinister Six walked out.

“Awesome!” Jason cheered, “Now I am the real Cut Man.”

“Don’t get too excited Jason” Tim replied “We have work to do.”

“I think I’ll stay here,” Gary said “I have some business I need to attend to”

“Very well, Gary” Time said as he put up his fist and yelled. “Sinister Six ! Reunite !”

With a blind flash of light the Sinister Six disappeared leaving Gary alone. He plopped himself on the seat near the console.

“I’ll find all your secrets Eggman and I’ll know what your plan really is” he snickered as he begun to read Robotnik’s files.


Chapter 5: Deal With the Devil

Tails ended the latest test he preformed on Ben and typed in the data. Sighes gave a feeling of bad news across the room. Before he could even speak and brilliant flash of light filled the room and blinded our heroes. The Sinister Six arrived, their leader Tim pointed to Ben and said:

“Magma Dragoon, we bid you surrender yourself to us or die”

Ben just sneered at them as he released another blinding flash then he and the Sinister Six disappeared.

“They’re gone where are they?” Tailed yelled expecting an answer from Rob,  “Who are they?”

“I don’t believe it” he replied, “Eggman’s gotten to the Sinister Six.”

Sonic slammed his fist on the console. “Eggman’s gone too far this time.” He clenched his fist, “This madness ends here.”

With that promise he zoomed towards Station Square at top speed. Leaving Tails and Rob behind in the lab. Rob turned to Tails.

“What do we do this time?” he asked

“Hmmm. It’s too dangerous for us to leave the vicinity.” Tails hummed, “I should also look into the scientists’ reports on the quakes.”

Rob sighed as they went to work looking at the reports.

Meanwhile Gary was in the Metropolis Zone working diligently looking for the elusive file that had all the answers. He tried feverishly to find it, but to no avail.

“Eggman didn’t bother to build a security feature, that makes my job easier,” he said to himself, “But I get no results when I tried “Magma Dragoon.” What’s the keyword I need…? AHA!”

Gary typed in “Patrick Mains” and found the information the tried so hard to look for. He sighed in relief, but after a few minutes of researching his smile turn into a frown. He got up and ordered the console to make a copy.

“This confirms my prior suspicions.” he said to himself yet again as he grabbed the CD-ROM copy,  “I have to tell Tim that’d we’d were played as fools. Sinister Six Reunite”

As he said those words he disappeared to come to his allies who were in Casniopolis. Casinopolis was of the three places that made Station Square the center of entertainment in the region. Today it’s a battleground where the patrons fled of the battling robots. Many of the décor and lights were destroyed from the dodged hits of the Sinister Six;  Ben wasn’t looking for a fight but was unable to convince the Sinister Six to stop fighting. What was also on his mind is how he teleported them there…

“Why don’t you just come quietly” Tim huffed as Ben dodged one of his punches.

Ben jumped into a clear area, or so he thought when Andon shot a Lighting Bolt at him. The blast sent Ben into some slot machines, his memory flashed with flashbacks as being pushed by bullies. The years of grief they caused him. Only now he had the power to push back, he looked into Andon’s eyes and squinted. Andon was ready to defend himself, but he was a pacifist and would only do so. But it wasn’t enough as Ben charged at him and threw punches and kicks at blazing speeds. Pummeled into darkness he fell to floor helplessly to the horrified eyes of his good friend Jason.

“Andon!” he screamed “NOOOO! Prepare for the beating of your life.”

Jason perked his head when he heard a sonic boom approached. Ben’s reinforcement arrived. The blue blur knocked Jason down, but before he had the opportunity to recover Sonic bounced off the wall and hit Jason in the head, rendering him unconscious.

“Thanks, Sonic.” I said

“No problem bud.” He smiled as Tim was charging both of them. They jumped and dodged his attack. Ben thre two fireballs at the ceiling and the wall collapsed on Tim. “But we have business to do.”

Sonic targeted Scott (Bomb Man) who threw some bombs at Sonic, he dodged them easily as Scott jumped out of Sonic’s way. However he was lucky, Sonic turned around and clocked Scott without any difficulty. Ben and IRA were busy engaging in a fistfight but when IRA leaped behind, Sonic spin dashed him and propelled IRA into the ceiling when Ben jumped and pummelled him into the floor. Gary arrived at the scene to see his friends failed to calm down Ben.

“Simmer down now!” he screamed as he shot a freezing burst the encased Ben in an ice sculpture in his image. Meanwhile the rest of the six recovered.

“Gary,” Andon asked, “Has MD been defeated?”

Gary helped Andon up to his feet. “I managed to cool him down.”

“Now we can report to Eggman” Tim said gleefully.

“I’m sorry Tim,” Gary said disappointed “But he tricked us into sedating MD, AKA Patrick Benjiman Mains.”

“What?” Jason asked in anger, “We did that for nothing.”

“I’m even more sorry to say we’re stuck these bodies,” Gary explained as he held out the CD, “This disc tells that the process is irreversable.”

Then Gary noticed the ice was melting and formed an Ice Shield to protect the Sinister Six and Sonic. Ben dropped to his knees.

“I have a splitting headache…” he whined and Time lifted him back onto his feet.

“Sorry for attacking you.” Tim apologized.

“Are you guys hurt?” Ben asked.

“Scratched, but not shaked.” Jason smiled as everyone turned to Sonic and Ben.

“What to do now is the question now.” Andon sighed.

“Let’s take them to the lab Ben.” Sonic whispered.

Ben nodded and let out a bright flash then the group disappeared off the battleground.

Meanwhile in the Metropolis Zone, Dr. Robotnik enters a dark room with a cloaked man.

“Don’t turn on that light…” the stranger whispered.

“Who’s there?” Robotnik asked beginning to get tense.

“That’s not of importance now” the stranger replied, “I have a proposition to make.”

“I’m listening” Robotnik said coming closer.

“I give you Station Square,” the stranger explained “If you build me an army.”

“I’ll do it.” Robotnik agreed “But who are you?”

“That’s of no importance now.” The stranger scowled. “We will meet in this room. Tomorrow to discuss further details.” He let his hand out. With that Robotnik shook his hand, signing a deal with a devil.


Chapter 6: When all is Lost

Within’ seconds of arriving at the lab the Sinister Six widened their eyes in amazement as Ben and Sonic lead them into the room where Tails and Rob finished their research.

“Ben!” Tails turned around, “We found how Rob came out that mirror.”

“Mirror?” Gary asked, “So there is a way home?”

“Quiet,” Ben snapped, “We’ll show you when Tails is finished explaining this. Continue.”

“Thank you, As we recently discovered that mupltiple universes do in fact exist,” Tails explained, “When Eggman travelled from your world to ours, he created a a fully stable “window” between both worlds.”

“So where is it?” Tim asked.

“In the rest rooms.” Ben replied, “So if you have to go, do it now.”

“Oh…ha ha ha” Gary snapped as Ben slapped him. “Ouchies”

Ben and Rob led the Sinister Six to the restrooms where they saw an unexpected visitor. Rob’s brother Andrew was washing his hands, when he perked his head up and nearly jumped back. He noticed that Rob was in the Mirror along with Ben and the Six.

“Rob?” he asked, “Why are you in the mirror?”

Rob along with Ben walked out, Rob explained.

“This is Pat, Only that he’s changed a little bit.”

“Actually,” Ben corrected Rob, “I’m now Ben. Pat died with that cloned body.”

Andrew was still confused he scratched his head and lead them both into the living room.

“Hey was about us?!?” Gary cried

“Oh just walk out.” Ben sighed

After a few minutes, Ben and Rob explained what happened outside…

“So that’s our story.” Rob finished “Uh, what day is it?”

“Monday.” Andrew replied

“What?!?” Rob yelled, “I was there for only like an hour.”

“Obviously, time goes at a different pace there.” Jason said.

“So what do we do now?” IRA asked, looking to Ben and Rob thinking they had all the answers.

“We could check out this CD” Gary replied.

“I know where we can check it out.” Ben smiled as he led the group to WCHS (Winston Churchill High School), where they rested on the lawn. When the bell rang Rob looked at his watch.


“Lunch time.” He said, “Perfect.”

“Lunch, I would enjoy it.” Ben sighed, “If I could taste it.”

“Pity.” Scott said

“I bet you’d really miss that.” Gary snapped

“SHUT UP GARY!” Everyone yelled.

When the entered the building a secretary noticed Ben and grabbed the nearest phone.

“911, what is the emergency?”    An operator answered

“I found some suspicious looking individuals…” she replied

“Do they look dangerous?”


“Okay, I’ll send some officers your way.” With that the operator hung up.

Meanwhile in the library, Gary popped in the CD into the disc drive and openned the files. The group was making a crowd. Rob left the group to some business and said he’d be back. After a while Rik Jeese one of the teachers went to investegate, he arrived just in time to see the video of Ben being roboticized. He looked into the now-robotic Ben’s eyes. Dr. Robotnik let Ben keep the color of his eyes when he blinked Rik took a seat.

“I don’t believe this” Rik said in disbelief “They said you were dead and…”

Before Rik could finish four police officers entered the library and told the group they were under arrest.

“They can’t do this.” Andon screamed, ready to stun the cops.

Tim gave Andon a stare that forced Andon to stand down and surrender. The cops approached and handcuffed the Six. When they came to handcuff Ben, he resisted as if by instinct. He swiped at an officer knocking him to a wall and grabbed the other by the neck and slammed him into the floor killing him. The two remaining officers pulled out their guns.

“Stand down,” One called, “or we’ll shoot.”

Ben smiled as he said, “I dare you.”

The officers aimed at his abodomen and shot. They were shocked to find the bullets couldn’t pentrate his armor. Using the moment to his advantage he bolted out the door with the female officer in close pursuit, however Ben was faster than her and powered up his flame dash as soon as he reached the last door. Rob took a look at the ensuing chaos that gripped the halls. He ran to see what happened, in the library the two cops that Ben injured, one was dead and the other had his spine cracked. The six were also gone as was Ben He walked out the door Ben dashed out of and uttered these words.

“Little do they know, they released a monster.”

He left for home, wondering how Ben was capable of doing such a thing.


Chapter 7: Rage Against the Machine

One hour after Ben’s run from WCHS…

Detective Baker walked into an investegation wher his partner Brown along with a psychologist, Dr. Shaker and a biologist Dr. Green were reviewing the video on the CD they confiscated from Gary. They were at they part where Ben was roboticized.

“I believe the shock of the process could have damaged his brain, causing his to lose his sanity.” Explained Dr. Shaker.

“I disagree,” Dr. Green argued, “Since his design is part animal, he was acting on instinct.”

Knowing the argument could last for a long time Baker interupted by stating what they know about him…

“Let’s look at it this way,” he explained, “He has human intellegence, animal instinct and robotic strength.”

“So any attack on him would be to dangerous.” Brown continued. “Need a closer look Baker?”

Brown clicked on the image, magnifying it. Cross-referenced the face with the latest homocide cases and…

“I don’t believe it,” Baker scratched his chin, “we recovers his dead body barely two days ago. I think I want to interogate the prisoners.”

Meanwhile, Rob’s looking at that old photo again. He had been disrayed during the last hour’s events