"Specters of the Past"

By Ben

12:09 Hawaiian Time… October 17, 2001… Honolulu, Hawaii… Near Ben’s residence…

Narrator: Out to get groceries for Ben’s pad Rob and Rick have both their arms full of bags…

Rick: So Rob, how long have you known Ben? Did anything like this happen?

Rob: Not that I remember anyway, when I try to remember my own childhood, it’s like I’m coming across this big wall that I can’t get over.

Rick: That’s weird, so have I. I wonder what that part of being a kid was like, but I can only remember so little.

Rob: I guess that’s the mystery of life…

(Both walk in to see Gary in a panic)

Gary: Ohmygodohmygodohmygod…

Rob: Gary! Settle down what happened?

Gary: It’s Ben when I went to take a leak he was in his bed but when I returned he was gone…

(Elsewhere in the rafters and foxy figure climbs)

Ben: (Gives an evil chuckle) Heh heh heh, this should be a good prank…

Rob: So when was this?

Gary: I don’t know, about a minute ago.

Rob: So he couldn’t have gotten far…

(Phone rings)

Rick: I’ll get it… (Picks it up) Hello…

Myron: Richard, is Ben there?

Rick: (Looks at Rob and Gary)

(Both make gestures to make something up)

Rick: Uh… He’s sleeping right now… what do you want?

Myron: It’s about our mother’s diary, I was wondering if Ben had it. I need it for a project…

Rick: I don’t know of…

(Ben drops from the rafters and lands on Rick’s head)

Rick: ARGH! What is this little furball doing on my head?!?

Myron: Furball? (Sigh) I swear Benjamin is a bad influence on them…

(Rick drops the phone and runs across the room)

(Rob picks it back up)

Rob: Uh… Myron?

Myron: Rob?

Rob: I’ll tell you when we find it good-bye… Don’t call us we’ll call you…

Myron: But… (Rob hangs up) Jeez can’t I get a break?

Back in Hawaii…

(Rick trips on the couch and Ben bounce onto the cushion)

Rick: (Wheezing) What are you trying to do man? Kill me?

Ben: Moi? No I just wanted to have fun… being so foxy and all…

Gary: (Bowled over laughing)

Ben: See that at least one of us appreciates my sense of humor.

Rob: It doesn’t matter… today we’re having the breakfast of champions… Captain Crunch… (Hands everyone a bowl)

Ben: (Munch)(munch) What was that call about?

Rick: It was something about your mom’s old dairy…

Ben: But… (Munch) that old (Munch) thing disappeared about seven years ago. I think we were in Chicago when that happened…

Rob: So why is Myron looking for it?

Ben: (Shrugs) Beats me, he’s just a weirdo.

Gary: Rob… what’s on now?

Rob: I don’t know… (Flips on the remote) (Finds Pokemon on…)

Rick: ARGH! Change it quick! HURRY!

Rob: (Changes it) You live here Ben what is good to watch at this (looks where Ben was supposed to be sitting, but he isn’t there) Where did he go?

Gary: (Looks) Holy…

Rick: (Looks) What the?

Rob: He’s gone, I don’t see how… Andrew… Come in Andrew…

Meanwhile in the newly terraformed “X-Force Valley” in Antarctica…

Andrew: Beautiful isn’t it?

Alon: I can hardly believe you created a perfect environment for X-Force City, how did you…

Andrew: …know what specifications to use? Easy, As Cyber Peacock I have the abilities to store infinite amounts of data, perform trillions of complex calculations in a nanosecond and invent newer and more effective methods on anything you could name…

Alon: Can you tell me how a woman thinks?

Andrew: No, not even god knows that… (Insignia flashes)… Andrew here…

Rob: Andrew, what took you so long to respond?

Andrew: It’s not me, it’s the mountains surrounding this valley. And the time bubble we’ve surrounded it with. So what’s up with Ben?

Rob: Uh… how did you know that? Er… Hold that thought. Ben… he disappeared.

Andrew: Repeat?

Rob: The Fox is gone, we were eating cereal and watching TV and then he vanished. Put out an APB on him, he can’t lose him again this time.

Andrew: Don’t worry about it, if he’s lost we’ll find him. Whenever construction of X-Force City HQ is finished…

Rob: And how long will that be?

Andrew: About three days outside our time bubble…

Rob: (Groans)

July ???, 1994… Chicago, Illinois

Narrator: Why did we go over seven years into past? Quite simply, that’s where Ben is now laying unconscious near the Sears Tower…

(Various people watch Ben get up)

Ben: Ugh… I feel so wasted…

Kid: Hey look it’s Tails…

Ben: Uh what?

Kid: Well aren’t you?

Ben: Uh… no. Where am I?

Kid: Haven’t you noticed? You’re in Chicago man!

Ben: What?

Kid: You know, the “Windy City”?

Ben: When?

Kid: July 14, 1994.

Ben: What?!? I thought it’s October 17, 2001!

Kid: Dude are you sure you don’t need a doctor or something?

Ben: Never mind… Technovice! Armor up to…

(Ben transforms into…)

MAGMA DRAGOON! Flames of Compassion!

Kid: Cool; now you’re a Power Ranger!

Ben: You’ll find out in 1997… (Flies upward to the top of the Sears Tower) Holy Crap if it’s that date then I’m… right… here…

(Flies towards the observation deck)

Kid 2: Look mommy!

Mother 1: Oh my god!

(As people look in awe, Young Ben looks in the spyglasses intently.)

Young Myron: Hey Ben, you’re missing this awesome thing. A flying robot!

Young Ben: Come on, you know there’s no such thing as a flying robot.

Young Myron: This coming from a kid who turns into a… (Gasps)

Young Ben: Why is everyone… staring… at… me… (Looks behind himself and finds the older Ben waving at him) ARGH! (Falls backward)

Ben: (Snickers)((Heh, I’ll never forget what I thought about that as I long as I lived.))

Narrator: As Ben followed the Younger Ben. The then-10 year old always looked behind suspecting he would see the Dragoon, paranoid because that robot waved at him. When the family stopped at the Shedd Aquarium, Ben in a rather spiteful mood decided to have a little fun at the Oceanarium…

Ben’s Mom: Look at the Dolphins…

Trainer: And now our trainers will…

Kid: (Sees Ben fly out of the pool) Look mommy a red dolphin!

Trainer: What? That’s not a…


Trainer: …dolphin. Larry, what was that thing?

Trainer 2: I don’t know, but it preparing to surface again…

Ben: (Jumps out of the pool in front of Young Ben) Boo…


Ben: (Snickers and jumps back into the pool)

Young Ben: I swear he’s following me…

Young Myron: Oh quit being so paranoid.

Young Ben: Huh?

Young Myron: Oh, he’s not following you.

Young Ben: I swear he is…

Undefined Time… October 21, 2001… Outside X-Force Valley…

Rob: Brrrrr… when will you open up X-Force City I’m already my ass off!

Alon: Actually, I like it. Nice cold and windy…

Gary: Ditto. This Antarctic cold is all I need…

Rob: (Shivers) That’s easy for you two to say. You both like the cold, this kitty doesn’t.

Andrew: Just in… 5…4…3…2…1…now. (Deactivates the Time Bubble) (Teleports the Quartet into X-Force City)

Alon, Gary and Rob: Wow…

Rob: When did you get this finished?

Andrew: Just now, The Time Bubble made a few days was like about a couple of years or so. Thus I could finish construction over the past week, Now we’re ready to move here…

Gary: Move here? But I live in…

Andrew: Dallas, I know what that’s the wonder of this place. You could live here and using your Technovices and our teleporters could allow us to go to work school or anything you could imagine… Besides I’m pretty sure Ben will be a permanent resident here… whenever he comes back…

Alon: Yeah, I heard Ben dude disappeared, what happened?

Rob: (Sigh) It’s a long story…

Andrew: But I found something interesting about him, from my geneticist friend in Japan. To my lab!

So in Andrew’s Lab…

(Multiple screens reveal various strands of DNA and more data.)

Gary: Uh, I don’t get it…

Alon: What is it that you’re trying to tell us? I have little time for this…

Andrew: (Points to one) This is Ben’s genetic structure as a human, (Points to another) this is his as a fox… what is the difference?

Alon, Gary and Rob: (…)

Andrew: They’re both the same but he has two types of DNA strands that become active when triggered by periods of heightened stress and emotional trauma. Not to mention it’s more twisted than your average broad on a soap opera…

Gary: Huh?

Andrew: Ever heard of the Incredible Hulk. It works on the same principle…

Alon, Gary and Rob: Oh…

Andrew: But lately his body is undergoing a war on what to be; whether it is human or fox. Lately, I’ve noticed that the mostly dormant fox side is coming into activity at full force.

Rob: So?

Andrew: So is Ben the guy we thought he was or someone else?

Gary: Jeez, Andrew what are you talking about? He’s the guy we met online and became friends with…

Andrew: But is Cheryl Mains really his mother?

Rob: Of course she is, she even has his birth certificate. Andrew, I don’t know where your going at…

Andrew: (Brings out a photo album) Well, look at his photos from seven years ago, where does this blonde-haired, blue-eyed boy fit in with these brown-haired, green-eyed people…

Rob: (Snatches it and looks in it) Where did you get this?

Andrew: From Myron, why?

Rob: He was asking for his Mom’s dairy, which disappeared seven years ago… (Eye widen) HOLY CRAP! (Drops the album on the table)

Gary: Whoa, Rob it looks like seen a ghost.

Alon: (Looks at it) Cripes! Look! Gary! Andrew! It’s Ben and Rob…?

(Both look at a photo with the Elder Ben and Rob posing with Ben’s family (in their reploid forms) at Ontario Place in Toronto)

Gary: (Eyes widen) Whoa!

Andrew: How can that be?

Rob: Wait, Ben disappeared today and lucky number of the day is 7 which means Ben is in the year 1994. He probably met his younger self; traveled to the same places his family went and was given his mother’s diary… by his sister…

Gary: (?) How did you know that?

Rob: I just remembered he told me that seven years ago, but the younger Ben gave his mother’s diary to Ben… Don’t you guys remember how weird your childhood’s were?

Andrew: (…) Never mind, we have missions to complete…

Rob: What? Where are Rick, Marc and Trevor?

Andrew: I sent them on a mission…* No need to concern yourselves they’ll be back in about 37 hours.

(* Where indeed? Check out the epilouge Mission to Mobius)

Rob: Gary and I are in command when Ben’s not around and you don’t…

Andrew: While you were tending to the mystery of Ben’s “Excellent Adventure”, you left me in charge.

Gary: (Looks at Rob) It’s true Rob…

Rob: Whatever, we have to move our stuff over… (Sigh)

July 14, 1994… Chicago Illinois…

Narrator: Young Ben’s family ran into rather nasty weather with torrential rains complete with lightning and thunder, but following them for the older Ben was nothing short of unbearable. To sneak onto the subway without being noticed, he had to transform to his fox form. He couldn’t explain why he wasn’t changing back to human but the enhanced agility and extraordinary abilities, he followed them onto this bus. He was cold and wet, these times remind him when he had a loving mother and did he really screw that all up four years ago?

Ben: Ugh… I’m so cold, I don’t even know why I’m playing sentry with my family especially in 1994, heck I don’t know why I’m here…

(The Bus stops and Young Ben’s family gets off)

(Lightning flashes, followed by thunder)

Ben: (Jumps onto the roof of the neighboring building) Wait. I remember what’s happening… (Watches the family cross the street)

(A white flash surrounds the area with a blinding light)

(Young Ben turns into the fox known as Pyro, lying unconscious in a puddle)

Ben: I don’t remember that happening… WHAT IS HAPPENING?

Person 1: Look at that kid…

Person 2: What happened to him?

Ben’s Mom: (Screams) Hurry Bill, Julian’s house is over there! Take Ben and HURRY!

Narrator: So Ben follows the family to Cousin Julian’s house, he keeps dry under a tree and waits quietly until Julian’s van exits the garage and follows them to Uncle Talbert’s house. There, Ben waits again waiting for an enterance into the house, quickly he runs into the basement where the children were put to sleep. Quietly he transforms into Magma Dragoon in the dark of night…

Ben: Good, they’re asleep. (Looks at Young Ben who’s still a fox) I was a fox? In 1994 I wonder why I can’t remember that… (Walks upstairs)

(Unknown to Ben his “sister” Young Laurel saw him)

Young Laurel: Holy smokes… Myron… wake up… wake up…

(Young Myron doesn’t respond)

(Meanwhile upstairs Ben searches through his “parents” room and finds his mother’s dairy)

Ben: (Whispers to himself and walks into the living room) I wonder what’s in that… uh oh… (Notices his sister and realizes she’s about to scream.)

(Before she could scream Ben clamps her mouth shut)

Young Laurel: (Muffled screams)

Ben: Please don’t scream, I’m your brother Ben, seven years later. I know that three years ago your friend Jess moved to St. Albert, my favorite cap right now is my Montreal Canadiens hat… do you want anything else?

Young Laurel: (Shakes head)

Ben: If I let you go, will you not scream and let me explain myself?

Young Laurel: (Nods head)

Ben: (Releases her)

Young Laurel: If your Olda’ Ben then why are you here?

Ben: I don’t know, and don’t ask why I’m like this you don’t need to know.

Young Laurel: What happens in uh… (Counts the years) 2001?

Ben: Life’s a journey Laurel, you’ll find that out later… (Senses someone coming to the door) Laurel?

Young Laurel: Yes?

Ben: There’s a bad man coming, you go back downstairs…

Young Laurel: Why?

Ben: Just do as I say… (Opens the door) Violen… How nice that you can join us… Say hello to my fist!

Violen: Huh?

(Ben sucker punches Violen into the streets)

Violen: How did you know it was I?

Ben: I could smell your rancid stench, why did you come here?

Violen: The other X-Hunters and I came to assassinate your younger self but it looks like I’ll have to settle for you… (Slams Ben with the mace)

Ben: ARGH! (Pulls out his sword) En grade! Coward…

Violen: Would a coward be to do this…? (Swipes his mace at Ben)

(Ben dodges the swipe but it hits a tree and it teeters over him)

Ben: Uh oh… (Quickly swipes at the tree several times and the thing becomes kindling) (Laughs)

Violen: Impossible! Where did you acquire such a weapon?

Ben: From Crane Industries, Mighty Joe Young. It’s a special blade that was designed by laser to cut through… (Gets slammed into the street by the mace)

Violen: I don’t care how it cuts, I just want you dead! (Swings the Mace for another hit)

(Ben slices the Mace off its chain and the thing rolls harmlessly up the street.)

(Meanwhile Young Laurel tries to wake Myron)

Young Laurel: Myron! Wake up!

(No response)

Young Laurel: (Growls) (Runs back upstairs)


Violen: (Tackles Ben) You don’t have a chance junior, I’m strong enough to crush your very own exoskeleton!

Ben: (Drops his sword and falls to the ground) Ugh… (Gets up) FIREBALL!

(Violen dodges and charges at Ben)

Ben: (Gets pinned by Violen and tries to grab his sword, his fingers barely can reach it)

Violen: I don’t need a weapon to take you out. When I finish with you I’ll ACK…

(Ben sent the sword through Violen)

Ben: Why do you want to kill my younger self or me?

Violen: ARGH… It’s our mission…

Ben: You, Serges and Agile, the X-Hunters

Violen: (Groans) Correct, without you the X-Force would never exist. We have to destroy the one responsible…

Ben: Well you know you can’t win Violen. If you succeeded I wouldn’t be here now, that’s so much like you too arrogant to see the fatal flaw in your plan.

(The sword glows white; Violen screams)

Ben: Like it? I call it my Lavafire Blade, it stores my thermal energy and I can use it with explosive results…

Violen: (Groans)

Ben: (Eyes glow) NOVA BURST!

(Violen gets vaporized in a white flash)


(Ben lies there, in human form bruised and bleeding and with his backpack and clothes…)

Young Laurel: (Runs) BEN! Are you all right?

Ben: (Takes out the first aid kit) Ugh… nothing I couldn’t… (cough)(cough) …fix.

(Ben opens his hands and finds blood on them)

Ben: ((Oh crap! I’m coughing blood, ARGH! My body feels like it’s ripping itself apart, damn this all! I don’t know why I’m here… Why am I here, to protect my younger…?))

Young Laurel: Ben?

Ben: I’ll be all right, for now… when are you leaving?

Young Laurel: Um… tomorrow. Why?

Ben: Good, the other X-Hunters will probably come for you tomorrow…

Young Laurel: X-Hunters?

Ben: It’s a long story, (Looks towards the family van) Good… it’s not damaged… (Grabs for something in his backpack and attaches it under the bumper) …then I be able to keep tabs on you.

Young Laurel: Ben? Where are you going?

Ben: Away, I can’t stay too close to you. I’ll be up the road and be there when I’m needed…

Young Laurel: Ben, take this (holds out the Mother’s Diary)

Ben: (…) Thank you, I see you later… (Walks away)

00:01 MST… October 22, 2001… X-Force City, Antarctica…

Narrator: Rob working exhaustively thinking up a way to get to Ben in 1994, Andrew (in one of those times you have to wake up for some odd reason) walks up on him…

Andrew: (Yawns) Rob… what are you doing up at this dreadfully late hour?

Rob: Finding a way to get to Ben.

Andrew: But you have no means of going to 1994…

Rob: Look if you could send Rick, Trevor and Marc to Mobius how hard can it be to send me back through time.

Andrew: Actually when I come to think of it, I have been working on a prototype for a time machine… But there’s a catch…

Rob: Yeah?

Andrew: I’m missing a component that in theory would make the jump through time possible…

Rob: …and?

Andrew: It’s in one of Piedmont Sigma Technologies Lab in London…

(The alert sounds)

Rob: What was that?

Andrew: My friend, Tai* in Japan…

(* Heh heh heh, shameless plug… (Giggles))


Andrew: Damn… Technovice Armor Up to…

CYBER PEACOCK! Network of Hope!

(Andrew and Tai have a conversation in Japanese)

(“[]” Translated from Japanese)

Andrew: [Okay, I understand] (Comm Link deactivated) Oy…

Rob: What?

Andrew: It’s the mutation, it’s kicking into overdrive…

Rob: So how long will it be? Damn it…

Andrew: I don’t know, I’d have to say at least 24 hours…

Rob: Oh great, prepare to see Big Ben Andrew, we’re going to the British Isles.

Next Up: “I’m Beast, Slash Beast.”