Part 1: Shocking Transformations

Narrator: Megalopolis 20XX, the Sinister Six are yet again engaged in mortal combat with the weirdest of a foes... Sailor T...

Andon: This doesn't make sense I thought there was no such thing as Sailor Scouts...

Jason: Just shut up for once and fight... (throws his cutter blade)

Sailor T: You foos in the name of the T, I'll vanquish you...

Gary: Ha, you're nothing but an ugly, hairy ape in an ill-fitting dress...

Sailor T: You dare insult the T!!!

Gary: One last thing... when last time when did you last take a shower... I can smell you from two blocks away...

IRA: Uh... Gary.... SHUT UP !

(Sailor T brings out a baseball bat)

IRA: Oh my god he has a....

Six: BAT !!!!! (run like the wind)


(The lightning bolt knocks Gary into an alley)

Tim: Whoa... that was a doozy... uh... where is Scott?

Andon: Funny I don't recall Scott-dude ever coming to battle, he said he was baking cupcakes...

Jason: Could he have picked an even worse time?

(Scott skips by)

Scott: Helllllllooooooo....

Six: SHUT UP !!!!

Scott: Well we have a bunch of cranky-pots...(Skips up to Sailor T) Hellooooooo....

Sailor T: What do you want foo...

Scott:  I brought some cupcakes... want one?

Sailor T: Well if you shut up after this.... (takes a bite) Hmmm.... What did you put in it?

Scott: Well because we ran out of vinilla I used this (takes out a bottle)

Sailor T: WHA?!? TURBO LAX!!! Where's the nearest.... (runs away)

Andon: Way to go Scott dude, you chased off Sailor T...

Scott: I did? Do you want a cupcake?

Andon: Uh... no thanks.

Tim: Did anyone where Gary went?

Jason: He was knocked into that alley... but I don't know where he...

Gary: (groans)

Tim: (removes the debris) Don't worry buddy we'll...

Six: (Gasp)

Gary: What?

IRA: Uh... you're... you're...

Jason: (Hands Gary a mirror from a dumpster)

(Gary sees Split Mushrooms face)

Gary: (Screams) NOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!

Narrator: Meanwhile on Nth's Space Station...


Mysterious Villain 1: Hurry!  Take those cyro tubes before that old man wakes up...

Mysterious Villain 2: (shoves the tubes into the teleporter) That's the last of them...

Mysterious Villain 1: We've finished our job, let's go! (jumps in the teleporter)

Mysterious Villain 2: (follows)

Nth: (groan) Where did those hooligans go off?!? I recognise one of them... I'll send my finest creation after them...(presses a button)

Cyro Tube: (hisses and unveils a fox like Tails)

Fox: (groans) I have such a big...Uh Nth? Where is the X-Force?

Nth: Pyro....your friends have been taken... by one of  these creeps... (holds a holographic image of the Sinister Six's nemesis's)

Pyrofoxie: Grrrrrrr.... I bet they are in leagues with Double, HE SHALL PAY FOR THE DEATH OF THE X-FORCE....

Nth: But you must....

Pyrofoxie: (jumps through the teleporter)

Nth: (sigh) Too late... (sighs again) And I'm so lonely it's only me and my Goldfish....

Goldfish: (Goes belly up)


Several hours later at Sinister Six HQ....


Gary: ((Maybe I should stay as Split, Tim seems to go over the edge when any of us get “sick”))  HEY! My pillow needs fluffing...

Jason: Don't push your luck fungus...

Scott: (Comes up the stairs with bowl and tray) Sorry Tim, but I couldn't any chicken soup so I used...

Tim: Mushroom Soup?!?

Gary: MUSHROOM SOUP?!? (throws the bowl on Scott's face) Who do you think I am?!? Hannibal Lecter?!?

Guantlet: Speaking of crazy doctors...

IRA: It's Gauntlet !!!

Gary: Did you bring us presents?!?

Six and Guantlet:...

Andon: Or did you bring any insight into Gary's apparent mutation...

Gauntlet: Indeed I did Andon, any of you guys hear of Captain Marvel?

Jason: Nope...

Tim: Nuh-uh...

IRA: Who's he...

Scott: The Big Red Cheese?

Gauntlet: Whoa! Scott you actually got one...

Scott: No I'm gonna... (lets out a big fart)

Gary: (Laughs like a lunatic)


Gauntlet: As I was trying to say that every time a kid named Billy Bastion says the magic word, an enchanted thunderbolt strikes him he becomes Earth's Mightiest Mortal...

Jason: And your point being...

Gauntlet: Sailor T's Magical thunderbolt must have triggered some metamorphosis that transformed him into Split Mushroom...

Scott: Huh?

Andon: Sailor T's Lightning bolts changed Gary into the fungus he is Scott....

Scott: Oh can I eat him?

IRA:  Can we do it flambé?



Tim: Well it's the truth. So how do we change Gary back to his eskimo self?

Gauntlet: What did Gomer Pyle always say?

Gary: Shazam? (Lightning bolt hits Gary)


Gary: (Transformed back to his normal self) Whoa...

Gauntlet:  I see my job here is done... just call me when you need more  help, good bye kids.... (waves to them)

Tim: Uh.... Guantlet? Who are you waving at?

Gauntlet: Um... No one... (smoke bombs the living room and dashes out the window)

(Smoke clears)

Jason: (gasp) he disappeared...

Andon: Not so Jason dude.

Jason: Wha?

Andon: You see that open window? Gauntlet jumped out it and ran in the wrong direction...

Gauntlet: (in the background)... Damn....gotta... get... home... before...others...steal...the ...spotlight....

Six: *0.o

Jonathan: (jumps in) Hey kids! Today I gonna help Gary...


Jonathan: I missed the fireworks didn't I?

Andon: Afraid so my long armed friend...

Gary: Maybe so, but you're in time for the pyrotechnics. Scott do you have another big one coming up.

Scott: Oh yeah...(gurgles)

Gary: (flicks a lighter outside Scott ‘s butt)

Scott: (let's out his biggest one yet)

(Large flame engulfs the living room)

Jonathan and Gary: (Laugh like raving lunatics)

Tim: Great! Now I have two laughing idiots...

Andon: (taps Tim's shoulder) Don't look now but you have five...

Scott, IRA, Jason: (roll on the floor laughing)

Tim: (sigh) sometimes I don't understand them...

Narrator: With the ultimate cheese cut, we go to Super Chaos Lair under Nuclear City refining his next plan to wipe out the Sinister Six...

Super Chaos: Curse those Sinister Six, Now I am the laughing stock of the whole villains society, even Double, speaking of whom never bother call me lately...

Jar Jar Binks: How Wude....

Super Chaos: Who asked you franchise killer? Now clean the floors slave!

Jar Jar Binks: Uh... messa do as told suh (scrubs the floors)

Super Chaos: (sigh) Why didn't I choose the ewok?!?

(Pyrofoxie crashes in)

Pyrofoxie: You were fooling around with my mother...

Super Chaos: I swear I never knew she was 16.... No wait a minute... who are you...

Pyrofoxie: Where is the X-Force?

Super Chaos: Wha?

Pyrofoxie: Where is the X-FORCE!!!

Super Chaos: I don't know! I never seen them since that “Ultimate Weapon” mess...

Pyrofoxie: You better run...

Super Chaos: And why is that?

Pyrofoxie: (burns Jar Jar Binks into a pile of ash)

Super Chaos: Whoo....Uh oh.... (runs)

Pyrofoxie: (Chases him)

Narrator: Hey you said you'd need me only twice today!!!

Director: Shut up, we're paying you more for this narrative and the next...

Narrator: Aw, fine. Hours later back at S6 HQ after a long nights rest...

IRA: (burp) Let me in! (blech) I promise I won't get drunk and flash the neighbors again...

Jonathan: Fine, fine I'm getting up...

Narrator: Hey you aren't a member! What are you doing here?!?

Jonathan: I didn't feel like walking back to the circus so I crashed here for the night.... Like the robe?

Narrator: Why actually yes... a waitaminute I'm not supposed to talk to you.... Just open the  door!

Tim: (yawn) Has IRA sobered down yet?

Jonathan: How should  I know?

IRA: (belch)(cries) Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee...

Tim: (Opens the door) I think you learned your lesson... back in here...

IRA: (groan) I have such a hangover...

Jonathan: You should have, you were so drunk you streaked around the neighbourhood....

Tim: I never know how we'll live that one down...

Gary: Can a guy have his beauty sleep?!?

Jonathan: Then you would have to sleep for well... ETERNITY!

Gary: That's it Bozo, I'm going to lay the smackdown on you...


Andon: Whoa! What's that?!?

Jason: (runs down the stairs) Whoo-hoo ! Clownfight...

Scott: Where?

Jason: Gary's fighting Jonathan downstairs...

Gary: (hits Jonathan in the face with a pie)

Jonathan: Hmmmm... Coconut Crème, let me wash it down for you (sprays Gary with seltzer)

Andon: (runs down the stairs ) Whoa! Stop it guys , violence even comedic violence isn't the answer...

Scott: Uh then why do you fight Super Chaos after every other epilouge...

Andon: Because he is the bad guy meaning we can maim him or kill him in order to save lives...blah blah blah...

(hours pass)

Andon: So what I'm trying to say is violence among ourselves is wrong.

Six and Jonathan: Zzzzzzzzzzz....

Andon: (sigh) You can't win them all... (pulls out a glass of pink lemonade)


Tim: (Opens door) Hello?

Mrs. Fisher: Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi

Trash Can: (makes funny noises)

Tim: Sorry I can't lend you $20 to pay off your gambling debts...(slams door)


Tim: Mrs. Fisher I thought I told you...

Super Chaos: Six! We need you to help us...

Tim: Super Chaos!

Andon: Whoa! Scorpion!

Jason: Dr. Wily and Bass?

Scott: Even stinky ol' City Garage...

City Garage: I resent that remark...

Gary: (gasp) Even...

Six: George Lucas?!?

George: This fox came into my office and told me he was going to kill me for creating Jar Jar Binks... Jar Jar Binks is cool...

Andon: I'm sorry to tell you Mr. Lucas... Public opinion says otherwise...

Tim:  (shoves Andon out of the way) Let me handle this... What are all of you doing here...

Dr. Wily: We were all chased by some fox...

Bass: One that looked like he came out of Sonic Adventure...

Super Chaos: He came and killed my slave Jar Jar... wait that's a good thing... now I can buy the Ewok... whoo-hoo! (runs into the sunrise)

Scorpion: Anyhow he threatened to kill all of us and we need your help...

Tim: Why should we help you?

Andon: Isn't it a part of being a hero Tim? They say hate the sin and love the sinner.

Jason: Are you crazy?!? We're talking about Megaland's most wanted even Captain N won't go near these guys!!!

Andon: Wouldn't it be worth it to prove that we're better men than they are?

Tim: Alright you all can...

(Super Chaos goes flying through the living room window)

Gary: Holy Hannah! Who did that...

Bass: Oh crap it's him...

Tim: Who?

Pyrofoxie: Me... Get out of my way Sinister Six... Justice will be done.

Andon: On who?

Scott: (Cowers)

Jonathan: I remembered I left a cake in the oven... (runs away)

Gary: coward...

Pyrofoxie: One of your enemies has taken the X-Force, help me find him or die...

To be continued...