Lecture 1: Drivers ED

stop pointing your mouse at me!
GAH! You found my classroom, now I gotta teach you. I'm such a lazy robot master...*pit*. Well students, I'm Spring Man your instructor for this course, and I'm here to teach you Drivers Ed. Now, this isn't your ordinary Drivers class, nope nope. It's a class that talks about that hit Mega Man game Battle and Chase. So what do the Sinister Six have to do with it? I'm glad you asked. Two of them star in the game! And here's a HINT incase Dr. Light askes you in the Quiz question section. Tim (Guts Man) and Gary (Ice Man) love to race!! Now, to talk more briefly about the game.
stop pointing your mouse at me!

Guts Man in the Wild Arms
Well, to introduce you to the game, Battle and Chase is a japanese racing game mostly found in Japan. This game can be imported in English but it's a devistating task to accomplish. For those of you Americans and Candians who happen to own the game, you should feel lucky, because it's an extremely rare game. Anyways, the game is in 32-bit platform and can be played on the PSX consule. There are about 10 racers with certain surprises that await, and even the Yellow Devil makes an appearance. And it's rummored that Duo is even a secret racer.
On the subject of racers, the drivers for the game include Mega Man, Proto Man, Roll, Bass, Guts Man, Ice Man, Quick Man, Shadow Man, Napalm Man, and Me (Spring Man). Each Character having a special attack. Like I can dive my spring fists out from each side of my car. The game is pretty much a run from Super Mario Kart, but with more unique features. Some of which include A Two Player match mode, and a Grand Prix. (Thanks for the info Soe!)(Thanks to Auto for the Car pictures!!)
Ice Man in his Cool Mobile

Check out my wheels
In Battle and Chase, you race each character seperatly in the Grand Prix mode. Once you beat them, you can take a part of their car. The Tires, Wing or engine. Keep racing the character until you get all 3 parts, then you can take their cars body. The Cool thing is, you can customize your car and you could have a car with Ice Man's car body, Guts Man's tires, Napalm Man's wing, and Spring Man's engine, the number or combinations is limitless! Each part has different abilities too.
For more info visit this site Gamefaqs.com. They have lots of good info for you to browse through. (Thanks for the info Megamanxtreme!)

Thanks to Hons for the amazing pic!  Do not take it!
Check it out folks. It's me Spring Man touring you around the garage. I hope you don't get to dizzy!

stop pointing your mouse at me!
Well, I hope you learned something in here. I know...I'm a lousy teacher, but more info will be here soon so you can pass Dr. Light's nutso quizzes. Personally, I failed my first Driving test...and look at me now, I'm a full blown racer! Whoooohooo. Well, you can leave now.
stop pointing your mouse at me!

The Drivers Ed Project

The Drivers Ed Project hasn't been started yet. The custom mug shots of Elec Man, Fire Man, Bomb Man, and Cut Man kinda gives you a hint of the project. But I'll let you know on further developments.

Cut Man
Cut Man
Guts Man
Guts Man
Ice Man
Ice Man
Bomb Man
Bomb Man
Fire Man
Fire Man
Elec Man
Elec Man
Select your Driver

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