Sinister Six: The story

Meet the team that became a legend

Brilliant scientist Dr. Thomas Xavior Light is known for his spectacular Human-like robots. Adaptly named Humanoids. He conceived the construction of fully-operational human-like experimental robots to perform specific everyday duties. Dr. Light and his assistant Dr. Albert Wily encouraged with their very first human robot---MEGA MAN--- proceeded to develop six additional Humanoid robots including Roll a housekeeping robot, all programed to perform prescribed rituals.
Dr. Light
Cut Man The first humaniod robot constructed is Cut Man. Designed to function as a lumberjack. Powerful saw-toothed scissor-like instrument protrudes from his head, capable of gnawing through giant forest timbers.

Guts Man
Second humanoid built armed with incredible strength. Guts Man is used as a bulldozing robot capble of lifting and transporting huge boulders. Guts Man is mainly used as a construction robot and his powers include even lifting entire houses!
Impervious to chilling and dangerous sub-zero temperatures, Ice Man is capable of performing human-like tasks even under extreme climatic conditions that is to lethal for humans to navigate. Ice Man is also armed with his Ice Slasher beam for self-defense.
Ice Man
A real blaster as a heavy duty laborer who uses intensely powerful explosives to clear lands for Dr. Light's construction projects. Bomb Man is hyper active and is always willing to blow things away.
Bomb Man
Fire Man
A waste disposal humanoid robot, Fire Man melts and molds metals with his flame throwing torch on top his head. Also armed with two flame arm cannons capable of the same technique.
Elec Man
The youngest humanoid made by Dr. Light, Elec Man is his electrifying creation planned for conducting electrical operations and even supervising nuclear power plants and other electric industries.
But, with the exception of Mega Man and Roll, all of Dr. Light's near-human robot experimentation went awry. Assistant Dr. Wily turned Disloyal, re-programming the good Humanoids, now bent on destroying opposition so Dr. Wily could control the world and it's resources.
Dr. Wily
Resisting re-programming, Mega Man is chosen and rebuilt to be the defender of the world and its inhabitants. Mega Man dares to single-handedly penetrate the six empires of Monsterpolis, thus eliminating the Six and to bring Dr. Wily to justice.
Mega Man
After defeating the nearly industructable six and bringing Wily to Justice, Mega Man returns home to Dr. Light and prepairs for future battles with Dr. Wily. Consult the Mega Man Trilogy. So what happens to the six humanoids constructed by Light? They soon disappear going their seperate ways and become unheard of for several years.
Proto Man
Later, the six formed their own alliance lead by the devious Dr. Wily, Then thus getting their real names. Tim (Guts Man), Jason (Cut Man), Gary (Ice Man), IRA (Fire Man), Scott (Bomb Man), and Edward (Elec Man). Wily's new team soon stuck fear in all the world as the most Lethal criminals ever seen. The six rampaged countless cities and countries and seized control and chased out the leaders. They seemed unstoppable. Dr. Light knowing Mega Man wouldn't stand a chance taking on the onslaught at once, so he devised a plan

Dr. Light has thought of a beam that would "brain-wash" The humanoids, but only to a certain degree. They would still have all the memories of the past, but they wouldn't know which side to form. Then Mega Man would convince them they were on the good side. It worked partically as each of the six took the brainwash differently. Eventually the six became neither good or bad. But as outcasts they saved the world from many constant threats and thus our legend began a new.

Civilization relies on your skill and courage-confident that you, The Sinister Six, will stand tall in the end!

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