Capcom vs. SNK cards
The Walkthrough
Virus Gallery
Classic to EXE Checklist
BN5 Modification Cards
MM Name Origins
Secret Page?
Which Navi Would You Be?

Breaking Through the Barrier
Part 2

By RaijinK, Zero4564, Professor Fandango, SaiyanXtreme, TPFSeraph, Sanityisoverrated, Dark Illusion 9, Enigmatic Digital, Jay Esthar, Iceman 005, Forte EXE, The Life Virus, The Rabid Chicken and Nova Man EXE

Lee is seen walking back from some random store which will be kept a secret due to his embarassment. As usual the first thing he heads for when he makes it home is his faithful computer. Whipping out what seemed to be a pet program shaped like a small D-Arc (Ask and ill show ya a D ARC). Quickly the Arc was connected to the computer, and low and behold, Colouredman Appeared in a bright flash on the screen.

Colour: "You moron, we were supposed to be logged in ages ago to help the others!!"

Lee: "I Don't see why your complaining , you seem to do nothing but eat and sleep, with the occasional Prank or two"

Colour: *grumbles quietly, turning to face the path ahead of him* "So what exactly am I supposed to do now?"

Lee: "Quit your whining, Seraph told me they were storming some stupid base, and they happened to run across this guy named Dream Virus. I think it's a stupid name for a virus, but hell your name is Colouredman heheh"

Colour: *Reaches up, his face right smack dab in the monitor screen* I DIDN'T ASK FOR THIS was supposed to be Clownman EXE but some bastard must've translated wrong or something, anyway What do I do now?"

Lee: "Well Sharkman was battling mets, Replay was trying to break in with some silly box, and Stoneman is umm...well he's moving, not very fast either. I Say since Im no where near this base, we go in, Infect a computer or two, and help out by giving orders for the guards to garrison in one spot. We'll say something like "Oh no! Enemy Tanks To the rear of the base" blah blah, you go into the main computer, play around as much as you like, and just screw up most of the defenses. Sound like Fun?"

Colour: "So Basically we became hackers for the group? works for me ^_^! What were you doing earlier today anyway that slowed us down?"

**Dominic and Sky make it into the bunker unnoticed**

Sky: You think Fritz will be alright?

Dominic: You still thinking about him? It's time to move on.

Sky: Well, We did split into two groups, and we were the group with the smaller number of people, and now that number is really small...

Dominic: Don't worry, fewer people is just more efficient, it makes me wonder why there's over a dozen people in our organization, half of them don't even live near the home base.

Sky: We're a worldwide organization.

Dominic: Yeah, I guess you could say that, anyway, we're in luck, there's an intercom over there used for transmitting orders, we can log in through it, let's go.


Phil: So how's our favourite fish doing?

Trent: I dunno, not even I can keep track of him well once he phases through the infrastructure, he went for the the laser generators, so something should be happening soon...

*suddenly, the harmless trip lasers become severely intensified and shoot in random directions, leaving burn marks in the wall. Phil, Ryan and Trent duck for cover.*

Ryan: How does that even happen?!?

*after the laser onslaught, the generators fizzle out and clear a path.*

Phil: Sweet, our favourite fish came through! Let's go...hey, where'd Ed go?

Ed: Right here.

*Surprised, the other three spin around with their tasers at the ready, this shocks Ed who gets his guns ready, the guns shock the other three again who fall backwards from the shock, the shock sends Ed into a shock of laughter. Once everyone is done being shocked, Ryan asks the obvious question...*

Ryan: How the hell did you get all those military issue guns?

Ed: I think I ran into the "special" platoon, there was no threat at all, I just outsmarted them.

Ryan: YOU!?! ...Outsmarted?!?

Ed: >:( Yeah! What's so surprising about that?!

Ryan: (keeping his eyes on the guns) Uh...nothing...anyway, I just got a new burst of confidence.

Ed: Well if that inspires you, just wait until you see this! *runs down the newly opened corridor, and when he comes to the first intersection in the hallway, he quickly takes two semi-automatics in each hand, points them in opposite directions down the left and right branches of the corridor, and fires them for a full thirty seconds.*

Ryan, Trent and Phil: o_O, O_O, O_o

Ed: Aw, the coast is clear, such a shame, well come on guys, maybe there'll be some guards hiding around the next corner!

Ryan, Trent and Phil: ô_Ô, Ô_Ô, Ô_ô

Trent: You know I never really have figured out what the hell we're doin... what are we tryin to get again?
Ed: Sorry my bad
*Trent looks at wall and a smiley face is drawn with bullet holes*

**The Dream Virus continues his escape**

Dream: I don't think I can stress enough how nothing now could possibly go wrong...*a small rock flies into the back of his head* ow! damnit! the hell? *looks behind him and sees a swarm of flying brick hurling straight at him* O_O....mommy...

Wily: What? Yes? I'm here, what did you want? *Wily sees a cloud of dust obscure the vision on his PET screen while several hitting noises can be heard* What was that?

Dream: ugh...I...I just got stoned...

Wily: What have I told you about those nasty habits!

Dream: X_X.............

Scuzzy chuckled in the corner watching Wily scream at his dream virus.

Scuzzy: You know He could use some help, let Jet.EXE jack in.

Scuzzy revealed his PET, on screen was his Navi Jet.EXE, a navi with long blue hair tied into a pony tail, A silver and gold jumpsuit, the standard bootsand cut off gloves

Jet: Yeah this should be easy.

Wily: Fine go ahead, just stop them from destroyingmy precious virus

Scuzzy: *pushed back a dread lock from in front of his face* "Jet.EXE Transmit!"

Jet: *unleashed a double ended energy saber* "Doing the weed again DV?"

*At an unknown digital location*

Number: Fritz? Replay? FANDANGO!? Where the hell are you!? We've got big trouble, the scanners are picking up and unexpected signal, it lokks like- oh bugger it, I'll bet he's down the pub.......

*In an unknown Torture Room*

Interrogator: Vell vell, zat vasn't so bad, vas it? hand.......
Interrogator: Hohohohohoo! I'll bet yoor juzt eetching to tell me vhere your friends are!
Fritz: gh.........NEVER! OW!
Interrogator: Alright boyz, eet's time for ze--EQUALIZER!
Fritz:....equa....liser?...I....don't like the sound of.........THAT.......
**Interrogator brandishes some hedge clippers**
Interrogator: Mit zee equalizer, ve vill cut ovv pieces ov deine digitz und try to make zem ov eqvil length.

Fritz: fingers are already of equal length...

Interrogator: Zat ees vat zee virst cut ees for.

**Fritz begins to sweat profusely while the interrogator struggles to open the heavy shears**

Interrogator: Zee shears, zey are ruzty, nein? *several more minutes of struggling* Oh! Zer ees zee problem, zee lock iz on, vai do zey have zeez sings in zee virst place? *Flips open lock, continues to struggle to open the rusty shears, the tension is so thick you could cut it with those very shears...if th interrogator could manage to open them that is.*

Voice from the other side of the door: Hey, this room looks important, what say we shoot whatever's inside?

**before anyone can even grasp the irony, the door is shot down by a barrage of bullets, every guard in the room is shot down in a bloody mess, fortunately for Fandango, the Interrogator was standing directly between him and the bullets and all he absorbed from the assault was the interrogator's spraying blood.**

Fritz: STOP SHOOTING!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ed: Fandango? What the hell are you doing here?

Trent: Haw! You got captured! And sprayed with blood!

Fritz: They tortured me to find out where the rest of you were, I guess if they knew THIS is what would happen to them once they found you...but look what they did to my HAND!

Ryan:......uh...they painted your nails...

Fritz: And the colour is hideous!!

Trent: Hold on, Ed trades his shoe for a bunch of guns, and the best torture they have is to paint a captive's nails? What kind of an army is this anyway?

Ryan: Maybe they didn't need to be real officers because the shield was fool proof.

Phil: That explanation is just simple enough to satisfy me! Let's get going.

Fritz: Uh...after you untie me, right?

**the other four come back into the room**

Phil: right, sorry...

**Meanwhile, Stoneman continue's to swarm in pixelated form towards his destination, completely ignoring the Virus he plowed over**

**Meanwhile, Jet donates a recovery chip and a repair chip to Dream so he can walk again, rejuvenated, the WWW group moves in to intercept their rivals**

**Meanwhile, Fireman and Elecman Jack on to the intercom system and spot a passage to the armoury controls, as well as all the met soldiers, cannons and firewalls set up to guard it**

Fritz: YOU BLOODY IDIOTS! Can't you see I had them exaclt where I wanted them? And these fractured carpels don't agree with me and I'm sure I could've used that 'EQUALISER' effectively if I'd have found out what it was-

Ed: Um, the shears?

Fritz: You're not looking betond your own nose, are you? A pair of shears is harly anything to gasp about! I don't know how you lot manage to scrape through due to blind luck and encountering only the inbred guards, but there's a lot more to this than you think! In fact, I'm going back!

Phil: You can't! There's bound to be guards all over the place oy now, didn't you hear that alarm?
Fritz: Yes, I was well aware of the alarm, but I'd rather take my chances with them than try to escape with you blundering idiots because I know that your luck is just about to run out!

*At this, Fritz stroms off in the opposite direction*

Trent: That was cold....
Ryan: Let him go, we don't need him anyway. If he's got a death wish, I'm not going to be the one to stand in his way...

Sky: what if some security comes in while our 'navi's' are in their system?
Dominic: I dunno. *looks around* here put this on.
*Dominic throws sky a standard issue security uniform.*
Sky: hmmm, do you have it in a size 3?
Dominic: ...

Ryan: I thought you went with Dominic and sky?
Replay: I decided against it.
*Flashes back to dominic in a leather mini skirt*
Replay: *shudders*
Phil: well were off to the main control center. Hopefully we'll be able to take over from there.
Ed: wait... I hear footsteps! *cocks gun* I'll be back. ^_^
Ryan: Ed wait!
*Ed leaves in the direction where the sound is coming from.*
Ryan: ...

-In the Digital world- *pun intendid*
Fire: why were we jacked in here?
Sky's pet Elec, dork: I'm not sure why. *note: I forgot what pet Sky has*
Dominic: geeze... don't you guys no anything?! you where jacked in because.... Because.... Ummm. *looks at sky*
Sky: Because we need to shut off the power to the weapons vault.
Dominic: yea... what he said.
Fire: *shrugs*
Elec: I guess I'll lead.

Speaker: "The plane is slightly behind schedule, we should be arriving in approximately 10 minutes. Remember to remove all luggage from the overhead compartments prior to disembarking."

Sanity: Dammit. I'm already running late... Typical, they never have any adventures in Australia... I have to fly to whichever stupid location they are in... gah.

Speaker: "Remember to finish your drinks before disembarking..."

Sanity: Yeah, yeah yeah... Luckily StonemanEXE can travel the entire webnet while I'm still sitting here... Stoneman! What are you doing?

StoneEXE: Huh? Sorry I must have fallen asleep while I was chasing that dream virus...

Sanity: What?! Look, you've probably gone right past him... I knew I should have got one of those ActionManEXE navis...

StoneEXE: Sorry. I won't get lazy again! Here I go-
(smashes through a passing helpfile, and heads back to the castle mainframe)

Speaker: "Remember to remove all clothing prior to disembarking from the aircraft..."

Sanity: ...

**Meanwhile deep in the depths of the castle**

Dr Auschwitz the 2nd: Aha! I have finally finished my greatest invention! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!

Guard: What is it, Dr?

Dr Auschwitz the 2nd: The most powerful... (removes his monocle and wipes it) most devious... EVERLASTING GOBSTOPPER!!! HAHA!!! Now I'd better start work on that secret weapon that Wily wanted...

Scuzzy: Jet I didn't send you in there for a vacation you know

Jet: Yea yea, I'm aware.

Scuzzy: Then why are you just hanging around?

Jet: It would help if I knew where to go.

Scuzzy rolled his eyes and went to take a look at the security system

Scuzzy: It seems the security net is being hacked, It would be in Wily's best interest for you to investigate before they get a chance to destroy the weapons bay.

Jet: Wily, Wily, Wily. All I hear is Wily. What about MY best interest. This is a partnership and a relationship WE have to work at *near tears* I don't think I can go on this way.

Scuzzy gets angry and pounds the PET's screen "Get moving Jet"

Jet: Yeesh I'm on my way, whatever happened to please...
Jet heads down a few links towards the security net

*Fandango pounds down the corridor back towards the interrogation room. He stalks around the side wall and peeks into the room. It's filled with guards who are all wearing glasses so are very intelligent, and very good shots*

Fandango: Crap. !!!

*Every guard in the room turns to the doorway to see the flash of a white coat darting away and decide that it's something to investigate*

Ed: What's that noise?
Ryan: Back so soon?
Fandango: I'm doing this for your own good......

*Fandango quickly grabs Ryan, Ed and Phil as best he can with only two arms and runs, while pushing everyone, down the nearest corridor*

Phil: You know, we have to stop meeting like this.......
Fandango: Better than meeting six feet under....
Phil: er....what's that supposed to mean?


Fandango: Any more questions?

**While WWW and Stoneman head in to encounter eachother, and the big group fleas from the guards, and Lee comes in to help through remote access, and DI's character does something somewhere, Fire and Elec head towards the weapon database to gain control of it.**

Elec: Gain control of it? I thought we were going to destroy it.

Fire: Why would we want to do that? Controlling these weapons was the whole point of this journey.

Elec: But you just said-

Fire: I must have been confused, but I know what I'm doing now.

Elec: Right, you were going to fight that big Netgaurd standing right in front of us.

*Fire notices the large, sword wielding, military officer navi that jacked in between them and the central mainframe for the armoury*

Colonel EXE: Hellow, yow would not happen to by voyruses troying to endangah the lives of millions with the weapons ay'm guarding, would yow?

Fire:.......uh....could you repeat that?

Elec: He sounds like Fandango.

Fire: Fandango doesn't sound that bad.

Colonel: Excuse maye? Ay do belayve yow ar offending my honah. *removes his huge gauntlet and slaps Fire with it*

Fire: OW! That glove is really heavy!

Colonel:(brandishing his blade) Ay chahlenge yow to a duel to the death!

Fire: Them's fighting words!

Colonel:....Ay do belayve that was the point.

Fire: Oh, well then bring it on biz-natch!

*as the two start fighting, Elec has already snuck past Colonel's blockade and begins hacking into the database.*

-In the bunker-
Sky: this uniform... it reaks!
Dominic: your telling me! it smells like Phil's breath!

-Phil's location-
Phil: AAACHOOO! Someone must be talking about me.

-back at the bunker-
*Guard walks in*
Guard: HEY! you two!
Dominic & Sky: who us?
Guard: yes you two. Come with me, theres intruders in the proximity.
Dominic: *looking at sky* ummm, ok.
Sky: do you have any extra firearms on you?
Guard: *throws the two 2 pistols* Come on lets go.

-meanwhile ed....-
Ed: now where did I hear those footsteps?!
*Three guards come out of a bunker*
Ed: hee hee hee! ^_^

-Fandango's location-
Fandango: *runs in to a room* Quick lock the door!
Ryan: I would... if you could let go of us.
Fandango: no time. *uses ryan's head to close the door*
*Just as the door closes, a swarm or armed guards turn the corner.*
Phil: oh great. now where trapped until the guards search this room.

*Ed hears something and looks up at the ceiling*
Ed: A net link? On the ceiling?
*Sky comes around corner in a army suit*
Sky: Hey Ed, I hear some gunfire and came to check...
*Ed points to a blood puddle around the corner*
Ed: They didn't last long.
Sky: Ah.
Ed: Do you see that lthing up there on the ceiling?
Sky: Hmm....looks like some kind jack?
Ed: Ya, used to jack into the net.
Sky: Why is it on the ceiling?
Ed: I think it might be a WWW link.
Sky: ...which would explain why it's so secret.
Ed: Exactly...I bet once we get our pets inside we'll be able to access something secret, being a secret location and all.
Sky: How long did it take you to get to that wonderful conclusion?
Ed: =P
Sky: Well, Elecman is trying to decode the nuclear warhead lock.
Ed: Hmm....Bombman has been charging up his net batteries. He should be ready to go by now.

Bomb: Ed, I found a WWW link!
Ed: I think we did, too.
Bomb: it up really high?
Ed: Ohh, boy. We found the same one.
Bomb: AH!
Ed: What is it!?
Bomb: Aura virus!
Ed: What kind?
Bomb: Water
Ed: I think I have an idea...try to dodge their attacks for now.
Bomb: Hurry!

Sky: Lemme guess, you want Elecman's help?
Ed: know how tough those aura viruses are, and Elecman's type easily takes out water.
Sky: I know...

Sky: Elec, where are you?
Elec: I've got the nuclear warhead lock 96% decoded. I just need one minute. What do you want?
Sky: Bombman is in a jam.
Elec: ...I'll decode this, send you the coordinates, and then I can help him.
Sky: Just hurry...

**In the armoury net**

Elec: hey bud, can you handle things on your own for a bit?

*Colonel slashes madly at Fire while Fire tries to maintain distance to fire his weapons*

Fire: You know, there were originally 3 of us...

Elec: Yeah, but the other group is having a lot of problems.

*Colonel succeeds in chopping off one of Fire's cannons*

Fire: O_O OW! DAMN YOU! I needed that, I really did.

Elec: Er...I guess we're having our fair share of problems too...

Fire: Don't worry about me...I just aim better with one cannon...yeah, you just made me more dangerous you stupid frog.*Blasts him with Fire towers*

Colonel: Agh! Ay'm naught French you bloomin'...

Elec: Fine, I'm off, here's a little going away present though. *Strikes Colonel with a thunderbolt, but he just absorbs it with his sword and electrifies the floor*

Fire: *Zap* Ow! thanks....

Elec:..oops, so he's not vulnerable to electricity, I guess it's a good thing you faught him instead then, heh...

Fire: If he's elec elemental, a few good wood attack will work well... Dominic! Gimme some chips!

**Meanwhile, Dominic is searching for the intruders with another pack of gurads**

Guard: Did your pants just ask for some chips private?

Dominic: My private pants ask for a lot of things.

Guard: uhhhh...riiight...

Dominic: uh...I'm going to look for those sexy intruders this way.

Guard: Ô_o...yes...splitting up would be a good idea, we'll go in pairs.

*Dominic and his partner head down a dark hall, Dominic simply uses his tazer once they're alone and takes his PET out of his pants*

Dominic: what did you want?

Fire: In case you haven't noticed, I'm in the middle of a dangerous battle here, I need some wood chips pronto.

Dominic: Heh, wood chips, let me just find the base's carpenter workshop.

Fire: DAMN YOU, BURN!! *uses his overheat program on the PET, burning Dominic's hands* Hurry before I lose another arm!

Dominic: ow! alright, gimme a sec. *downloads*

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